Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 130: Boom's basket (4)


Bai Ju rose from the ground, covered in iron armor, with black fire erupting from his eyes, and fought the wolf upside down. The beasts fled, but Bai Zhen threw the wolf away and fell on the huge rock, which was smashed into powder immediately. The wolf carried the white scorpion, picked it up and flew it up, causing him to fall into a deep valley.

Immediately afterwards, the white pot turned into black and white flames, forming a tornado, while the gray wolf exploded with a bang, transforming into starlight.

In the scene of an annular solar eclipse, the ring of light formed by the sun erupts tens of thousands of prominences in an instant, spreading its powerful power to the earth of the world, and the stars reunite in the sky, showing a reachable human form.

He is condescending, his figure overlaps with the solar eclipse, a pair of wolf eyes emerge from behind, facing the re-gathered white 罴, his palms are separated, the left palm is under, the right palm is upper, punching, embracing the circle, leading the powerful force of the solar eclipse , Boom towards Bai Zhen!

Bai Wei opened his arms and roared bloody, and the black and white colors on his body instantly turned into chaotic gray. A turbid powerful force erupted from the mouth!

"Canada!" Chi Xiaoduo roared.

The two energies collided, forming a powerful shock wave, which knocked down the entire mountain in an instant. The sky shook, and all the beasts fled.

"They have to be stopped!" Xiang Cheng said in his voice.

"No! No!" Chi Xiaoduo tremblingly said, "Wait a little longer! Maybe we can win!"

Chi Xiaoduo instantly figured out Koda's arrangement, this is his real arrangement! Kodak is so smart! Bai Ru uses the power of chaos that combines yin and yang, and Koda also uses the power of chaos!

One black and one white, Tai Chi is called Yin and Yang.

And the sun rises and the moon sets, the sun and the moon are also yin and yang!

Koda summons a pack of wolves to look at the moon, and at noon, he uses the technique of eating the sun of the dog to fight against the white bear, using the chaos created by the overlapping of the sun and the moon!

Two chaotic forces destroyed the entire forest, gray mist rose up, and a white figure was galloping across the ground.

"Fengli!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

"You can't do this." Feng Li's voice said: "You can't bear the power of chaos, you will die."

Koda could no longer hear the sound of the pineapple, his whole body turned into a gray piece in the flames of the eclipse, exuding a lingering mist.

"Leave it to me." Feng Li whispered: "You have done too much for me, I will die without regret..."

A strong light shot into the battlefield between Canglang and Baiji, and then a strange monster rushed into the battle group. Feng Li used the power of illusion to the extreme, and the nine tails stretched gently in the air, and the fox tails were endless. The ground is spread out, hunting for fur, showing mountains, rivers and land.

The nine-tailed celestial fox turned her head charmingly, with indifference and sadness in her eyes, then opened her mouth, and spat out the inner alchemy that had been cultivated for thousands of years with all her strength.

The counterattack of the power of chaos was intercepted in an instant, and the inner alchemy suddenly sucked away all the power, and then burst into a dazzling light, the recoil hit the white 罴, and the white 罴 flew backwards and fell into the deep valley!

Koda escaped from this uncontrollable force, regained his sanity in an instant, and shouted: "Fengli!"

The inner alchemy flashed in the air, and at the moment when it was about to be shattered, Koda rushed down, grabbed the stone, and tightly wrapped his arms around it.

However, the power of chaos was too powerful, pouring into Da Ke's body, causing him to burst into dazzling brilliance.

There was a loud bang, and Da Ke stood in the vast wilderness. The flames burned the ground. He looked around in a daze.

The mountains collapsed, burying the distant holy land in falling rocks.

"Feng Li? Feng Li!" Da Ke shouted.

He spread his hands, but the inner alchemy of Fengli was no longer in his hands, he jumped up the hillside with a puzzled face, and looked into the distance.

The holy land fell completely, and the dying cry of the nine-tailed sky fox could be heard from a distance, and Koda transformed into a gray wolf, chasing after the fleeing monster army.

The herd of beasts trampled on each other, and an exorcist rushed from behind. A little silver-white fox was bitten on the neck by another black fox.

Among thousands of troops, the two foxes were still fighting, the black fox had the upper hand, held the white fox under its paws, opened its mouth and howled, sucking the innate demonic power of the white fox, the white fox struggled wildly, but the other long disappeared, and his whole body twitched.

Just when the black fox was about to devour all the demon power of the white fox, with a roar, the wolf rushed from the side, slapped the black fox away with one claw, picked up the white fox, turned around and ran away.

The torrent of birds and beasts flooded the plain, and the wolf stepped into the air and disappeared into the sky.

Beside the stream, the wolf put the white fox in the water. The white fox coughed loudly and drank some water.

The wolf stared at the white fox, and after a while, turned his head to look around, as if he was trying hard to distinguish whether it was an illusion or reality.

The white fox looked into the water and saw the reflection of the wolf in the water. Suddenly he was a little scared and didn't dare to look back.

"Can you understand what I say?" Canglang asked in a deep voice.

The white fox didn't understand, turned around and ran away, eyeing the wolf warily.

"Damn, what is this place?" Canglang asked with a puzzled face, "Is this your dream?"

The white fox ran away, and the gray wolf chased after it, shouting: "Wait! Don't run around! You stubborn fox!"

"Canda!" Chi Xiaoduo's voice sounded in Canglang's ears, and he shouted: "The power of chaos is out of control, and it is changing the cause and effect of Fengli! You have to stop immediately!"

"I don't know how to stop!" the wolf roared, "I don't even know what happened!"

"Find him!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted anxiously: "This is not a dream! You need to find Feng Li! Let him control this power!"

The green dragon hovered over Bifeng Gorge, emitting a blue light from its whole body, covering the area inside the canyon. Chi Xiaoduo shouted anxiously to the bottom.

The seal is very fragile, and the chaotic power released by Bai Zhen and Koda is almost uncontrollable, and may collapse at any time.

The wolf chased after the white fox in the direction where the white fox left.

In the chaotic area, time seems to be going backwards, and all causes and effects have changed, and strange five-color light appears inside.

"Can you stand it?!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

Qinglong didn't even have time to answer, and sprinkled the light powder round and round to maintain the dragon power barrier.

The wolf was running in the causal world, and suddenly found that the surroundings had changed.

It was a big road, and the end of the road led to the ancient city. The wolf couldn't recognize what it was, looked around, and trotted towards the city.

At the gate of the city, the common people almost came out of the city, holding wooden sticks and stones, chasing and beating a man in ragged clothes. The pupils of the wolf shrank into a line in an instant, and he could see the figure of the man clearly.

That's Fengli!

Feng Li had a fox's head, his cloak was ripped off by humans, and he fled out of the city in embarrassment. Under the siege of humans, he brazenly turned into a fox, let out an angry roar, and wanted to rush forward to take revenge.

And hundreds of guards rushed out of the city, shooting arrows one after another.


The wolf roared, rushed forward, grabbed the fox, turned around and fled, the arrows came after him like a rainstorm, the fox struggled, but was bitten by the wolf, unable to escape.

After fleeing for nearly five miles, the wolf let the fox down.

"What are you doing!" the wolf growled at it.

With a hiss, the fox rushed forward and bit the wolf's paw. The wolf screamed in pain and kept shaking its paw, but the fox turned and ran away.

"Wait!" the wolf roared, "Don't run away! Listen to me!"

The wolf chased after him, the surrounding scenery changed, and a small town appeared. The wolf stopped abruptly, hid in the alley, transformed into a human, and looked around.

Inside the alley is a courtyard, and in the courtyard sits a masked boy reading a book at a stone table.

"Hello." Keda's voice came down from the courtyard wall.

The teenager was startled.

"Remember me?" Koda asked.

The boy was wearing a cloak, covering his face, only his eyes were exposed, and there was a little hair around the eyes.

Da Ke waved and said, "Come here."

"Who are you?" said the boy.

"Who are you?" Koda said, "Do you still remember your name?"

Koda showed an unruly smile at the young man, and made a "catch" movement. The young man heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You are that wolf demon."

"You remember me?" Da Ke was a little surprised.

"Of course I remember." The boy replied, "Seven hundred years ago, the day I was born, you saved my life."

Da Ke was very surprised, and the boy said, "Three hundred years ago, outside Luoyang City, you did me a favor, and you became a human being too? What kind of wolf are you? What's your name? Come in."

Koda swaggered into the courtyard.

"Is this the effect of the power of chaos?" Koda looked around, a little confused.

"What did you say?" the boy asked.

"It's nothing." Koda said, "My name is Gergentoru Lekota."

"Gergentoru Leda." The boy said, "It's a very special name."

"From outside the Great Wall." Having learned the previous lesson, Koda dared not act recklessly with Feng Li, lest the cunning and suspicious fox would run away again—it was too wary.

The boy looked Dada up and down, and said, "Shall you drink tea?"

Da Keda looked at him, and the young man went to pour tea for him and said, "My name is Feng Li."

"Self-proclaimed." The young man said, "The homeless Li."

Ke Ke said: "The seal is intact, and the shadow is inseparable."

Feng Li laughed, and said: "We are very destined. In such a big world, we actually met three times in seven hundred years. How did you find me?"

Da Keda was about to speak, when there were conversations and bells outside the courtyard, Feng Li's expression changed immediately, the sky was stormy, and countless talismans crossed the wall, spun at high speed, and shot towards the courtyard.

"Go!" Da Ke grabbed Feng Li's hand.

"Monster!" The Taoist's voice said, "Where do you want to escape?!"

For a moment, the flying swords were like rain, and the sky and the earth were filled with golden light. Koda transformed into a wolf and shouted, "Run away!"

Surprise appeared in Feng Li's eyes, and he exited the back door of the courtyard. Canglang turned his head and said, "Run!"

Immediately afterwards, the wolf overturned the courtyard wall and rushed towards the door.

"Aren't you alright?!" Chi Xiaoduo said in his voice.

The wolf overturned the Taoist priest, threw down many houses along the way, and roared, "I'm being chased! Stop making noise!"

Xiang Cheng's voice said loudly: "Bai Zhen has come out! Hurry up!"

The wolf roared: "I want to hurry up! How fast!"

Chi Xiaoduo said: "I saw it growing its tail! Fengli's power is awakening! It can control chaos! Let his nine tails grow, and he might wake up! What did you do just now? Why does he have so many tails?" A tail?!"

Bai Wei dragged his injured body, limped, and walked towards the center of the altar. Da Ke hugged Feng Li's body and knelt on the ground. The two of them were like sculptures.

Behind Feng Li, six huge tails appeared, and when Bai Ji approached it, the seventh tail appeared.

Bai Zhen raised his paw, intending to kill Feng Li and Koda together.

"I understand..." Canglang shouted, "This is Fengli's unwillingness to change the past! It's his desire to change the past! Wait for me! I can protect him!"

The wolf escaped from the city, time flew by, the surroundings darkened, the sky and the earth began to shake, Koda turned his head suddenly, and found himself on a boat.

"Feng Li?" Koda pushed open the cabin door.

On the bed, under the quilt, a figure was panting, bullying.

Da Da uncovered the quilt, Feng Li was completely naked, his body was fair, and he still had the head of a fox, so he was startled.

"Gegento is like Leda?!" Feng Li couldn't believe it: "How did you come up? Impossible! This is the Indian Ocean!"

Koda swallowed, and said, "Do you want to put on your clothes first?"

"Take me away." Feng Li said: "No matter where you go... take me away! My demon power has been sealed!"

Footsteps could be heard outside, Kodak made a shush gesture and rushed to the door.

A Westerner pushed open the cabin door and came in. Kodak casually grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall a few times. The Westerner fell unconscious immediately and fell to the ground.

"Tell you to take off my wife's clothes." Da Ke said, "You still want to cuckold me?"

Da Da, who was 1.9 meters tall, picked up the 1.8-meter Westerner in his hand, threw it back and forth, and finally kneaded it into a ball and stuffed it under the table.

Feng Li: "..."

With the sound of water, Feng Li was wrapped in a sheet, sitting on the side of the boat, and Kada carefully lowered the lifeboat.

Da Ke was rowing the boat, and the other end of the boat was carrying Feng Li. The moonlight shone on the calm sea, and the boat swayed away from the big boat.

"What did you just say?" Feng Li said.

"Ah?" Da Ke looked at Feng Li stupidly.

Feng Li looked at Da Ke quietly.

The surrounding environment began to change, the sun rose, and the force of karma moved mountains and filled the sea, Koda knew that they were leaving again.

"I have to go," Koda said.

"Don't go!" Feng Li said immediately.

Reachable: "..."

Feng Li said: "You... where are you going?"

Feng Li covered his face with a sheet, exposed his eyes, and looked at Da Keda.

"Hey." Koda said, "What are you doing?"

Da Keda stretched out his hand, tore off the cloth covering Feng Li's face, and turned into a wolf's head himself, grinning at him.

Feng Li: "..."

Feng Li was taken aback, and then both of them burst out laughing.

"Can I kiss you?" Koda asked.

Feng Li didn't answer, so Koda moved closer, his wolf nose rubbed against Feng Li's face, and finally licked him.

"Stop making trouble!" Feng Li said.

"I'm leaving." Koda said, "See you in the next reincarnation."

"What?" Feng Li asked blankly.

When the ship docked, it could turn into a sky full of stars and disappear.

"How many tails are left?!" Koda shouted.

"One!" Chi Xiaoduo's voice came from the sky.

Koda ran to the shore, the sky and the earth rotated, and a vast amount of white snow fell from the sky.

In front of him was an endless snow-capped mountain, and a boy in a black windbreaker was walking in the snow.

The wolf followed suit, walking behind the young man.

"Are you finally willing to show up?" The boy didn't look back.

The wolf snorted, but didn't answer.

"You bastard!" Feng Li's voice said, "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?!"

Canglang was stunned, Feng Li turned around, Canglang turned into a human, and immediately retreated, Feng Li rushed forward, Da Ke was about to open his arms to hug him, but was punched by Feng Li.

"Hey!" Koda roared angrily, "I'm going to be angry! Did I do so much for you in exchange for a punch?!"

"What kind of wolf are you?!" Feng Li said, "Why do you keep appearing by my side?"

Da Da suddenly gave Feng Li a snowball, and then ran away hahaha.

Feng Li's face was covered with snow, and he spat out the snow powder.

Koda took off Fengli's hood again, and unexpectedly discovered that he had a human face.

"Yo." Da Ke said, "You got the demon power back?"

Feng Li's eyes were red, and he stared at Koda with hatred.

Da Ke put his hands in his pockets, it was snowing heavily, and he was still wearing a shirt and shorts, shivering from the cold.

Feng Li said: "Let's explain the cause and effect clearly today, do you know that I have been looking for you all these years."

"Have you fallen in love with an Indian chief?" said Kodak.

"How do you know?" Feng Li said alertly.

Koda thought for a while and said, "If I pursue you, will you agree?"

"I still have a lot of work to do." Feng Li replied, "I don't want to chat with you any longer."

"Wait." Da Ke said, "I'm so cold, icy and snowy, you left me here alone, are you trying to murder your husband?"

"You..." Feng Li finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted: "Where have you been all these years! Can't you be more serious?"

"It's so cold." Koda just said, "It's so cold..."

Suddenly, Koda grabbed Feng Li again, Feng Li was caught off guard, and was pulled into his arms by Koda, then Koda lowered his head and kissed him.

Da Ke thought to himself: I finally got the kiss, I've been thinking about it for a long time.

Feng Li: "..."

The next second, Feng Li's ninth tail appeared, and he stretched out his hand to cover Koda's left face.

He opened his eyes in Koda's arms, the inner alchemy shone with light, absorbed all the power of chaos, and returned to his chest.

In just a second, Feng Li pushed Keda away, turned around and leaped out, transforming into a huge nine-tailed sky fox, with dark eyes on the left and sunshine on the right, and slammed into the white bear that was clawing at him with one claw. Press down to the ground.

The nine-tailed celestial fox raised its head to the sky and let out a roar, the power of chaos suddenly gathered, rolled into a vortex, and drew towards its body, then it lowered its head, and spewed raging flames towards the white bear under its claws.

Bai Zhen roared in pain, the eyes of the nine-tailed celestial fox erupted with flames, imprisoned by the raging flames, Bai 罴 soared into the air, struggling hard, and was suppressed into the deep valley with the strength of the nine-tailed celestial fox.

"Let's sleep in it for another thousand years!" Feng Li's voice roared.

The solar eclipse shoots out strong light, gathers into a ring, and presses against the white rice. The white rice is thrown into the deep valley, and the first solar eclipse seal falls down!

The second seal of the beast king showed the mark of the nine-tailed fox, and it pressed down on Bai Zhen with the altar!

Immediately after the third seal, the ground fissure in Bifeng Gorge closed again with a loud bang, the green dragon flew in circles, a mouthful of dragon flames went straight along the crack in the ground, the rock melted, and Xiang Cheng regained his human form, forming seals with both hands, and shouted: "Seal !"

Fudo Mingwang slapped the sky and the earth, and pressed the seal on the mountain.

The pandas cheered together, and lifted the unconscious Kodak into the sky, throwing it three times. Chi Xiaoduo rushed forward and said, "No, no! Stop it!" The pandas scattered, Koda fell to the ground, woke up immediately, hugged the back of his head and screamed.

"Who did it!" Da Da roared wildly.

The pandas all hid immediately.

"Are you okay?" Chi Xiaoduo asked worriedly.

Da Ke waved his hands and sat on the ground, finally regaining his senses.

The nine-tailed celestial fox stood on the edge of the cliff, quietly watching the Bifeng Gorge at dusk.

The wolf limped, came from behind, and sat behind it.

"Hey, Feng Li." Canglang said, "Is the past in the chaos the cause and effect of your obsession with change?"

Nine-tailed Sky Fox did not answer.

The wolf said: "When you needed me most, I didn't exist in this world yet, and I couldn't accompany you. I'm sorry."

The nine-tailed sky fox was silent.

"Sometimes I always feel that life can start all over again." Canglang said again: "My biggest regret is that I didn't meet you at your most difficult time."

"Fengli?" The wolf raised its paw and tried to touch the tail of the nine-tailed sky fox.

The nine-tailed sky fox turned around suddenly, ran fast, and disappeared.

The wolf looked melancholy and looked at the direction in which it disappeared.

Second night, Holy Land:

Chi Xiaoduo was lying among a group of pandas, chatting in the temple. Even if the pandas didn't speak, they just snorted, Chi Xiaoduo thought it was funny, and rubbed them hahaha.

"This place is so boring!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Fortunately, there are you."

The pandas said together that they were not bored or bored, it was much more spacious than in the zoo.

Feng Li passed by, and the pandas asked him flatteringly if he ate bamboo.

Feng Li said politely: "No, thank you."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Are you looking for Dada?"

Feng Li looked at Chi Xiaoduo, Chi Xiaoduo waved to him, Feng Li came over and sat down, the two of them lay among a group of pandas, looking at the starry sky.

"Did you fall in love with Koda a long time ago?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"How did you see that?" Feng Li said.

"Because you always like his circle of friends." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Feng Li: "..."

"You misunderstood." Feng Li said: "Like... it's just reciprocity."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "If you don't like a person very much, you won't like him every time. Occasionally, you will miss a few. Only when you care about a person will you always pay attention to the content of his circle of friends. Miss every like."

Feng Li: "I..."

Chi Xiaoduo said mysteriously: "The King of Ghosts told me something."

"He also told me." Feng Li said: "It can be seen from this that the ghost king must not let the ghost king know any secrets, otherwise the news will spread like wildfire soon."

Chi Xiaoduo laughed hahaha.

"This is a technical problem." Chi Xiaoduo shook his head and said, the pillow on the panda's belly was so soft, it was so comfortable.

Animal Zone:

Da Da was still wearing his overalls, suspenders, shirtless, and a welder's mask, welding a letter box for Feng Li's house.

The summer night breeze blows, the fireflies fly away, the gate of the garden is pushed open by a hand, and Feng Li walks in.

Koda took off the welder's mask, threw it aside, tried the door of the mailbox a few times, and said, "In this way, you can receive the letter. Although there are a lot of emails now, I guess many monsters will still write you love letters."

"No one has ever written a love letter to me." Feng Li replied.

"There will be." Da Ke said, "I've heard Lang Quan say that you are his male god."

Feng Li walked in, but Kada walked out. The two were separated by a railing. Kada tested the railing for stability, heaved a sigh of relief, and said in a celebratory voice, "It's finished!"

Feng Li: "Thank you."

Koda smiled at him and said, "You're welcome, I'm leaving, I wish you happiness."


When Da Ke turned around, Feng Li stopped him.

A panda ran over secretly holding Chi Xiaoduo's mobile phone, hid behind the bushes, stretched out its paws, carefully flicked the phone screen a few times, and looked up at Chi Xiaoduo.

The music starts.

A fine frenzy almost lover.

"your fiips ay skin."

Feng Li: "..."

Reachable: "..."

Feng Li: "What is this?"

Da Keda didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and replied: "This is the bgm that Xiaoduo gave me back, and he knows me best."

Feng Li looked at Da Ke quietly.

"Aren't you going to wait for the unveiling of the Wan Yao Temple?" Feng Li asked.

"No." Koda said, "My mission has been completed."

“I never want to see you unhappy…”

"I thought you want the same for me."

"Ge Gento Ru Leda." Feng Li said suddenly.

"Feng Li." Da Ke said, "Needless to say, I know why you don't want to be with me."

"In those days, when you needed me the most, I couldn't be by your side. The past you suffered alone. Until today, you have lived happily and no longer need a person to accompany you."

"goodbye my almost lover—"

"goodbye my hopeless dream—"

Koda turned his head and took a look at Feng Li.

Feng Li seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it.

Kodak said, "Goodbye."

Feng Li's gaze was complicated as he watched Koda leave.

"I'm trying not to think about you."

"'t you just let me be"

Da Keda packed his things, Chi Xiaoduo poked his head out from behind the garden and glanced out, the panda respectfully took the phone back to him.

"Go quickly." Chi Xiaoduo whispered.

Feng Li stood in the garden, his eyes were red.

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Hurry up and chase after him!"

Chi Xiaoduo dragged Feng Li's hand, trying to drag him over, but Kada shouted from under the temple: "Xiao Duo!"

Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to run over by himself to stabilize Da Keda.

Koda put on a T-shirt, yelled a few times under the wall, and threw a pile of bamboo from above.

The panda poked its head out and said to Koda, "Do you want to eat?"

"Get out of here!" Koda was really annoyed by these first-class state-protected animals who sold their cuteness for a living, especially after being beaten all over the ground by a giant panda monster, which made him not want to talk to the panda at all.


Chi Xiaoduo poked his head out from the platform on the top of the temple.

"Where's Xiang Cheng?" Da Ke asked, "Go drink with him!"

Chi Xiaoduo replied: "He picked up Qiqi and Jiaoxian by car!"

Da Ke said, "Then come down and drink with me!"

"I don't drink!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Can I ask two pandas to accompany you to drink?"

Koda said: "No! What was that song just now? Pass me one!"

Chi Xiaoduo hummed, Koda thought about it, and said, "If you don't drink, what do you want to do?"

Chi Xiaoduo said, "I want to play."

Koda said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the playground."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "Wait a minute, Xiang Cheng hasn't come back yet. Are you going to Happy Valley?"

Da Keda said, "Let's go, don't care about Xiang Cheng! Do you still love me or not? If you love me, follow me! I'll buy a ticket."

Chi Xiaoduo turned over his phone and said, "We'll go when Xiang Cheng comes back."

Koda could only say, "Then I'll go first."

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to hold Koda back, but Koda didn't want to stay in the Holy Land at all, so Chi Xiaoduo had to go to rescue the soldiers. When Koda left the Holy Land, the dead ghost king stood at the exit and played with the remote control plane.

"Go back?" Ghost King asked.

"Let's go." Koda raised his hand, the dead ghost king and Koda high-five, goodbye.

"Do you want to turn you into a zombie, a death knight?" asked the dead ghost king.

"No need." Koda replied.

"Don't you want to live forever?" Ghost King asked again.

Da Ke said: "If you want to be a death knight, you have to have this qualification. Say hello to King Kun and Eagle King for me, and see you again."

The dead ghost king said: "Young boy."

Da Ke was so angry that he wanted to fight with the dead ghost king, but the ghost king ignored him and continued to play with his remote control plane, avoiding Da Da with the remote control stick, and ran away.

Ke Ke went out of the Holy Land, drove to Chengdu, found a hotel to live in, called Chen Zhen to come for a drink, everyone said that he was not free, but Ke Da was so angry that no one could call the broken-hearted person, so he finally had to call Xuan He Zhi.

"Xuan Hezhi, come and have a drink with me." Da Ke said, "I'll treat you to a drink."

Xuan He Zhi said: "Xiang Daxian told me not to accompany you, but give me two thousand yuan, and I will go if you give me three thousand."

Da Da said angrily: "What does he mean! I'll give you four thousand, come here!"

Xuan He Zhi said: "Wait a minute, I'll ask Xiang Daxian again, maybe you will have to give me six thousand later..."

Ke Da said: "Xuan He Zhi, you wait for me when you return to Beijing."

"Don't hang up!" Xuan Hezhi said: "Four thousand is four thousand... Cheng—"

Da Da just hung up the phone when Chi Xiaoduo called.

"Didn't you take me to the playground?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Don't drink!"

Koda said, "Okay, come here."

"See you at the playground later." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Later?!" Da Ke said, "Go to the playground in the middle of the night! You are playing Die Xian!"

Chi Xiaoduo said: "It's only 8:30, Xiang Cheng went to a few places in the afternoon, and now he has bought the playground! He plans to let us all have fun!"

Da Da: "Let me tell you, Chi Xiaoduo, if you dare to bring a panda, I won't be with you."

"The car is downstairs at the hotel." Xiang Cheng's voice came from the phone, saying, "Come here, everyone is here, let's drink with you."

Koda laughed and said, "I knew you..."

Koda got up, put on his coat, and went out.

It was dark inside the playground. You can look around, fly over the gate, and land in the central square.

In an instant, all the lights in the playground were lit up, colorful, like an illusion. The fountain is colorful and flashes with dreamlike colors.

Feng Li was wearing a black vest, with jet-black hair, hanging down on his forehead, blocking his left eyebrow.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Feng Li bowed slightly restrained and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not good at expressing..."

Da Ke walked forward, Feng Li seemed very disturbed.

Chi Xiaoduo and a group of pandas cheered on Feng Li.

"Are you hot?" Da Ke said, "I wear so many clothes in summer."

Feng Li laughed, Da Ke hooked his fingers on his suit vest, unbuttoned the outer buttons for him, and put the vest on his hands.

Then, Koda unbuttoned the first button of Fengli's shirt collar. When he unbuttoned it, he lowered his head and looked into Fengli's eyes, and Fengli's eyelashes moved slightly.

Da Ke stretched out his hand and put his arms around Feng Li's waist, Feng Li's breathing seemed to have stopped, so Da Da lowered his head, put the bridge of his nose against Feng Li's nose, and covered his lips.

"Hurry up..." Chi Xiaoduo gestured.

The pandas lighted the fireworks fuzes, and the fireworks flew all over the sky, illuminating the starry sky in the summer night.

Da Ke put his arms around Feng Li, neither of them raised their heads, they focused on kissing under the fireworks.

The fireworks ignited the sky, like flowers blooming from the veins of the sky, only for a moment, but with eternal power, frozen in endless time.

—Booming Basket·End—

"Hey!" Xuan Hezhi said, "Is it over? Is it over? Finally it's my turn!"

At the restaurant next to the carousel, Chen Zhen, Qi Wei, Jiaoxian, Chen Lang, and Xuan Hezhi all arrived.

Xiang Cheng said, "Let's go, both of them."

Chen Zhen said with a smile: "Finally found true love, come on! Let's toast to the love that can be attained!"

Xuan Hezhi said: "Cheers, cheers, this is too wasteful, setting off so many fireworks."

"Where are they?" Chi Xiaoduo was still looking around.

Qi Wei smiled and said, "Here, look."

Da Ke put his arms around Feng Li and sat behind the fountain, the two of them only had their backs.

Xuan Hezhi said: "Can we play now? Let's go! Let's start playing!"

So the pandas were liberated together with Xuan Hezhi. The pandas rode the merry-go-round, turning around with cheers.

Sitting on the pirate ship, Xuan Hezhi laughed and said, "I've wanted to come for a long time!" Then he said to the panda next door, "You should be worth a lot of money!"

The pandas looked at Xuan Hezhi blankly.

"Xiaoduo!" Xuan Hezhi said to Chi Xiaoduo, "Can you give me one of your pandas?"

Chi Xiaoduo said: "If I find out that they are missing a hair, just wait!"

—Wan Yao Dian·Internet serial part·Temporary end—

Thank you for your company during the serialization of this book. The update progress of the extra volume "The Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters" will release the more popular Qi Wei, Chen Zhen, and the above three parts for the time being. The online serial part will be here first. After one month to half a year, the rest will be posted online at once.

Xiang Cheng's and Xuan He Zhi's chapters will be attached in the personal diary.

In addition to the five members of the special operations team, there are a total of five stories, and the rest are co-operators Cao Bin, Lang Dog, and Zhou Wanyuan, who each have one story, plus one story for all members.

So whether you buy the book or not, you can watch the episode, but it will be slower.

But there is no way to edit some of the deleted content in the article, because Jinjiang is very strict in review, so it cannot be posted on the Internet.

Personal Diary will be available for pre-sale before the end of this month. For details, please follow my Weibo@飞天夜翔, there will be book news Finally, once again, thank you very much for your support and tolerance for this book, see you in the next book La-3-mua!