Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 137: Happy days will come (3)


In the evening, it started to rain outside. Holding an umbrella, Chi Xiaoduo went into the restaurant that Wang Renxuan chose and often came to eat, and stood on the escalator with a depressed expression on his face.

The restaurant serves Cantonese cuisine, so Chi Xiaoduo went in and sent him a wechat message saying that the other party was still on the way, so let Chi Xiaoduo sit first.

Chi Xiaoduo found a vacant seat and sat down while swiping his phone. After waiting for half an hour, he suddenly felt a strange feeling and raised his head, as if a silent signal had suddenly come to his life.

A man in a black suit jacket and jeans came in from the main entrance of the restaurant and looked around.

Chi Xiaoduo laughed and raised his hand. The man just took a look and walked towards him.

Half of his body was drenched by the rain, he took off his coat and hung it on the chair to dry. Under the half-wet white shirt, the graceful and distinct muscle contour lines were looming, his complexion was a healthy bronze color, his eyebrows were deep, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his hair was very thick. Short, slender, strong and good-looking fingers.

"Xiang Cheng." He said with a smile.

Chi Xiaoduo: "My name is Chi Xiaoduo."

At that moment, there was a faint light under the table, the moonstone anklet lit up, and the warm blue light flowed like water ripples.

"Sorry." Xiang Cheng said, "I've been waiting for a long time, the road is stuck in traffic."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "It's not easy to park here. The place my boss chose... It's not me who replied to you this afternoon."

Xiang Cheng laughed and said, "If you can't afford a car, you should take the subway next time. Your boss peeped at your phone?"

"Yeah." Chi Xiaoduo's face was already red to the ears. At that moment, he seemed to have lost all memories of the past strangely, as if the person sitting in front of him was such a destined person, and the past was no longer important. And the present moment is the source that gives him all the strong, alive feeling.

The two were silent for a while, and Xiang Cheng said, "What do you want to eat? Order?"

"Oh yes." Chi Xiaoduo said, "How about... Pepper Sunflower Chicken?"

"Abalone?" Xiang Cheng said, "Any order."

"It's too expensive." Chi Xiaoduo said, "And the taste is mediocre."

Chi Xiaoduo ordered some cheap and affordable ones, and drank tea with Xiang Cheng, feeling embarrassed to look up at him.

In fact, this person is not very handsome, the main reason is that the facial features look good together, and he is very masculine. Compared with the British-style fresh meat I saw last time, Xiang Cheng's complexion is a bit darker, and his facial features are rough and not refined, but Chi Xiaoduo likes this very much, and thinks Xiang Cheng is very calm and reliable, yes A boy who is handsome enough to make people feel at ease.

"What do you do?" Xiang Cheng thought for a long time and found a topic.

"Drawing." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Designer, what about you?"

Xiang Cheng replied: "I work in a logistics company, a blue-collar worker."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, and after a moment of silence, Xiang Cheng said, "Is the boss trying to trick you on purpose?"

"No." Chi Xiaoduo said with a smile, "The boss is my good friend. Seeing that I can't find...a partner, he is always worried about me."

"That's good." Xiang Cheng said, "I was shocked when I saw the wrong tone in the afternoon."

The two had a tacit understanding, looked at each other, and both laughed. When the food was served, they exchanged a few more pleasantries, checked each other's accounts, and learned about each other's situation. After finishing, Chi Xiaoduo suddenly felt that the food at this restaurant was delicious. Xiang Cheng also used serving chopsticks to pick up food for him, saying: "It's been a busy day, eat more."

"Eat more too." Chi Xiaoduo ladled him soup.

After eating, Chi Xiaoduo wanted to pay the bill, but Xiang Cheng had already taken the bill and said, "Next time you come, unless you don't want to eat with me again, you can buy it this time."

Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to ask Xiang Cheng to pay the bill. He ate more than 400 yuan for a meal, which is a bit expensive for a person who works in a logistics company.

After dinner, Xiang Cheng sent Chi Xiaoduo to take the subway, still chatting and laughing, Xiang Cheng said: "When I first came to Guangzhou, I couldn't understand Cantonese, it was like a bird singing."

"What now?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Xiang Cheng: "It's okay, I can understand a little bit, but I can't speak very well."

Chi Xiaoduo taught Xiang Cheng to speak Cantonese on the subway, Xiang Cheng spoke very strangely, the two talked for a while, and then laughed.

"I'm getting out of the car." Chi Xiaoduo said to Xiang Cheng.

"Yeah." Xiang Cheng said, "I'll see you next time, I'll contact you on WeChat."

When Chi Xiaoduo got off the subway and got on the escalator, he couldn't help but look down until the train drove away with a smile on his face. When he walked out of the subway station, it was raining outside, he ran into the rain with a "yo ha", stepping on the water. The rain that was flying all over the sky, like the most beautiful notes in the world, accompanied him all the way home.

After taking a shower, I came out, and the mobile phone on the table was on, and it was a message from "Green Tea Chivas Regal", which was an hour ago.

[Are you there? Suddenly remembered that it was still raining outside, so I bought an umbrella and sent it to you, and waited for me at the subway entrance.][still there? I'm at the subway station.]

[Already went back? Then I'll go back, take a shower at home, don't catch a cold.][I'm home now.]

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly grabbed his phone and replied to his message, saying that he was sorry, but he ran back and didn't see it. Xiang Cheng also guessed, and said good night to him, and there was no more news.

Chi Xiaoduo hugged the quilt at night, rolled around, recalled every word they said when they met today, turned on the phone again, re-read the wechat they sent each other, and read the content of Wang Ren's message Delete it, and lie alone and be silly.

In the middle of the night, he fell asleep in countless sweet dreams, and under the quilt, the moonstone shone with a faint blue light.

The next day, Xiang Cheng said that he had to do something and had a dinner appointment, so he couldn't come to see Chi Xiaoduo. Chi Xiaoduo said it didn't matter, anyway, there was nothing to do after the picture was finished, so he chatted with Xiang Cheng on his mobile phone.

Xiang Cheng: [I want to buy a house, but there are no houses in my thirties. The housing prices in Guangzhou are too expensive. ] Chi Xiaoduo: [It can be mortgaged.]

Xiang Cheng: [Did you buy the house yourself?]

Chi Xiaoduo: [I'm also renting, I was a little tempted before, but I think the mortgage is also quite annoying, mainly because of the pressure of life.]Xiang Cheng sent a photo to Chi Xiaoduo, which shows rows of shelves in a warehouse supermarket. Warehouse and logistics staff are unloading goods, stacking snacks on the cart and pushing them away. Chocolates are piled up like a mountain.

[What to eat? Do these like to eat?]

Xiang Cheng posted a bunch of pictures one after another, all of which were snacks near his work.

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly answered him: [It will be discovered.]

Xiang Cheng: [Don't take it, I'll buy it from the supermarket and get a discount.]

Chi Xiaoduo didn't have anything to eat, so he said no, and chatted for a while, when it was time to get off work, Xiang Cheng left.

Chi Xiaoduo was eating out alone, and suddenly remembered Xiang Cheng, swiped through WeChat a few times, and the news from Xiang Cheng came again.

Xiang Cheng: [Have you eaten yet?]

Xiang Cheng sent a picture of eating with friends outside, and Chi Xiaoduo also sent him a photo of himself eating. Xiang Cheng knew that he was eating, so he didn't bother him.

On this day, Chi Xiaoduo began to feel that he had fallen in love, and the previous daze was swept away, but what followed was a more indescribable loneliness. The feeling was so clear, just like getting a little money when he was a child , I went to buy a bottle of soda, I drank it quickly, and I wanted to continue to drink it afterwards, but I couldn't help but think about it. The more I taste it, the more I want to drink it, but I can't drink it.

His ears have become very sensitive, and he always pays attention to the movement of the mobile phone. Even if there is no "ding dong" or vibration, he still has to pick it up and swipe it.

"Chi Xiaoduo, you are enough!"

The girlfriends who ate together said: "Can you be more ambitious!"

"Okay." Chi Xiaoduo put down his phone and said, "I won't play anymore."

"It's not a question of whether to play or not! How can you reply in seconds!" said the best friend, "It's too honest!"

Chi Xiaoduo: "Why don't you reply in seconds?"

The best friend said: "Just pretend that you have a life of your own besides being in a relationship, okay! Look at the messages my husband sends me, and I never reply in seconds."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"But we haven't fallen in love yet." Chi Xiaoduo said, "He hasn't confessed to me yet."

"That's why you have to be more reserved!" Said the best friend.

"Okay." Chi Xiaoduo replied, then glanced at his phone, Xiang Cheng sent a message and asked: [Did you eat?]Chi Xiaoduo replied immediately: [I'm eating, are you coming?]

Girlfriend: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "I will remember next time."

Xiang Cheng also said: [It's peak season, it will take one and a half hours to come here, you eat first, don't wait for me, have a snack later.]Chi Xiaoduo immediately replied: [Eat first too, don't starve.]The best friend beat Chi Xiaoduo violently, even though she was pregnant, Chi Xiaoduo didn't dare to fight back.

Xiang Cheng didn't come over until very late, when her girlfriend's husband picked her up. He looked very busy and a little tired, and rubbed the center of his brows with his fingers.

"This is for you." Chi Xiaoduo handed him a box of patches bought in Japan to relieve muscle pain, and said, "You can use it when your muscles are stretched."

"I also brought you something." Xiang Cheng said, "I drove the company car today and will take you home later."

Chi Xiaoduo really wanted to stay with Xiang Cheng for a while, even if he didn't say anything, just sitting like this, eating snacks, and looking at each other, he felt very at ease and a kind of enjoyment, but every once in a while, Xiang Cheng would Take a look at the table.

"Busy?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Go first if you have something to do."

Xiang Cheng was looking at his watch, and replied: "No, I was wondering how much time I can be with you today."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"It's strange to say." Xiang Cheng said with a smile, "Every time I see you, I don't feel tired anymore. Even if I don't talk, I feel very comfortable sitting face to face and looking at each other."

Chi Xiaoduo blushed and asked, "Are you tired from work?"

"It's okay." Xiang Cheng said, "I should come here earlier today so that we can have dinner together."

"It's okay." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes." Xiang Cheng said, "Tomorrow I'll skip work early, so I don't need to be stuck on the road."

"There are forty minutes left in our meeting today." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I have to go back to bed before eleven o'clock."

Xiang Cheng laughed and said, "Let's just concentrate, I can't help it, just like eating a delicious ice cream, I can't help thinking how much is left."

"It would be great if I could have another one, right." Chi Xiaoduo joked.

"Yeah." With a smile on the corner of Xiang Cheng's mouth, he looked into Chi Xiaoduo's eyes and said happily, "It's a pity that there are many things, either without money or time, so you can't always eat all you want."

In the dark coffee shop, Xiang Cheng crossed his feet, his leather shoes and Chi Xiaoduo's sneakers touched lightly, and the moonstone anklets of both of them lit up blue.

"My grandma said." Chi Xiaoduo said earnestly, "The more good things are, the less you can be insatiable and get too much. If you only feel a little bit, you will relish it from time to time, use your feelings and memories to experience it... taste."

"Is this the same in love?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Chi Xiaoduo thought, are we dating? But you didn't tell me you want to fall in love, did you

He didn't answer the question, his mind wandered a little bit, and it went blank.

The dessert shop was about to close, so Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo came out, got into a pickup truck, let Chi Xiaoduo sit in the co-driver, and sent him home. When he got home, Xiang Cheng went to the back of the car, moved two boxes of juice drinks, and said, "I bought them for you."

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to help, but Xiang Cheng signaled that he didn't need it, and asked him to go up and open the door first, and brought him into his house.

"Come in and sit down." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"No." Xiang Cheng stood at the door and said, "Go to bed early."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Then..."

"Good night." Xiang Cheng lowered his head and kissed Chi Xiaoduo's side face.

Chi Xiaoduo's face was flushed instantly, his face was so hot that even he could feel it, his heartbeat soared to 180 in an instant, his mind was blank, Xiang Cheng's face was also red, he ran away quickly, and shouted in the corridor: "I'll pick you up for dinner tomorrow night!"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo was completely lost in thought, but Xiang Cheng hurried away.

His smell, his warmth, seemed to remain at the door and never left.

Chi Xiaoduo turned around and threw himself on the sofa, grabbed the pillow, screamed "Ahhh", his eyes kept circling, completely lost.

After a full hour, Chi Xiaoduo struggled to get up and closed the door.

After Xiang Cheng went back, he sent a message to Chi Xiaoduo: [I'm home, good night.]Ah, he said "good night", good night, good night - Chi Xiaoduo felt that this night was extremely wonderful for a moment, "good night" was separated, one was "night" and the other was "anne", as if through this short greeting , and got a glimpse of the wonderful autumn night, the charming "night" and the caring "an"!

Good night! A warm boo! Good night! Life is no longer lonely! Good night! The starry sky and the universe, the great wisdom of existence!

Chi Xiaoduo smiled in this great wisdom and fell asleep.

"Are you sick?" Wang Ren said.

"You're the only one who is sick." Chi Xiaoduo replied bluntly.

Wang Ren: "Draw a stairwell for half a day, and go home to rest if you are sick."

Chi Xiaoduo said solemnly: "You fire me, and return my certificate by the way."

The sky is big and the earth is big, Chi Xiaoduo's first-class certificate is the biggest, so Wang Ren has no choice but to keep silent, Chi Xiaoduo's head is still bursting with pink bubbles, facing the autumn leaves outside the window, immersed in his love with Xiang Cheng.

"Yo, are you in a relationship?" My best friend asked.

Chi Xiaoduo put away his smirk and waved his hand.

In the coffee shop, my best friend tortured Chi Xiaoduo and shouted, "Why did you find a porter!"

"What a porter!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "He has eight thousand a month!"

Girlfriend: "..."

"What about your one hundred and twenty one for choosing a mate?" My best friend said.

Chi Xiaoduo was so embarrassed that he had already forgotten all about the 121, so he had no choice but to say, "Anyway, I just like it."

"Yo, are you in love?"

Her best friend's husband is not free today, Qi Wei came here specially to pick up her best friend for a prenatal checkup, Chi Xiaoduo got in the car, and said seriously, "I haven't written my horoscope yet."

Qi Wei wanted to ask, but Chi Xiaoduo remained silent, so Qi Wei could only say: "Come out some time, and treat your family to dinner?"

Chi Xiaoduo felt that Qi Wei and Xiang Cheng belonged to two different circles. After thinking about it, he said, "Let me ask him, he may be a little busy."

Qi Wei said to Chi Xiaoduo: "Recently, I want to start a new company, and I want to ask for help."

Judging by Qi Wei's appearance, he probably wanted to help introduce some reliable jobs to Xiang Cheng. It happened that Xiang Cheng himself said last time that logistics was too tiring and he wanted to change jobs. However, they haven't officially fallen in love yet, and Chi Xiaoduo wonders if Xiang Cheng will have crooked self-esteem. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to be more cautious.

"Your friends are all rich." Sure enough, Xiang Cheng mentioned it when they met this time.

"It's okay." Chi Xiaoduo just mentioned Qi Wei's matter a little bit, wanting to test Xiang Cheng's willingness to work in Qi Wei's company, and said a little, "It's only tens of millions of dollars. That's all."

"'That's it'." Xiang Cheng laughed.

Chi Xiaoduo laughed hahaha, today Xiang Cheng is in good spirits, slept at home all day on weekends, went out for a date after cleaning up, walked slowly outside the park with Chi Xiaoduo, basking in the autumn and winter sun, warm Complacent.

"Did you quarrel with the supervisor recently?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Noisy." Xiang Cheng replied, "It's noisy every day, I don't want to do it anymore, and the supervisor makes things difficult for me all the time."

Xiang Cheng works as a deputy supervisor. He is often bullied by the supervisor who takes money and does not work, and makes him run up and down, and is often sued by the supervisor at the leader.

"Do you like your current job?" Xiang Cheng asked suddenly.

"It's okay." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I have to eat. I'm still a little tired. I often work overtime. It was okay before the 25th, but now it's getting worse."

"Do you think it's appropriate for me to resign?" Xiang Cheng asked Chi Xiaoduo again.

Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng sat on a bench in the park, and he began to analyze the pros and cons for Xiang Cheng. According to his idea, he planned a little bit, and felt that Xiang Cheng's work in this company, even if he was in the middle or high-level, would be two people. In case there is not much way out for a month, it is better to change jobs.

But what is it suitable for? Xiang Cheng wants skills but no skills, education but no education. He has never studied again after graduating from junior high school. people look down on.

Chi Xiaoduo knew that Xiang Cheng must be a little sensitive in his heart, and he would resist every word and deed of others, but he was used to the society and would not speak out easily.

"I just graduated from junior high school." Xiang Cheng said, "No matter what job I'm looking for, the salary is not high. I saw a few job offers recently, and the supervisor position requires a postgraduate degree. I knew I should study hard."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "Actually, I think that after working for a period of time, it is generally not necessary to submit a resume to find a job."

Xiang Cheng said, "But I don't have any contacts either."

They quietly looked at the children flying kites on the lawn, and Chi Xiaoduo vaguely felt that if there were no such dreamlike things, his and Xiang Cheng's life might be like this. The outside world and the inside world are like two sides of a mirror , reflecting their ideals and reality.

"When I saw you in the coffee shop that day." Xiang Cheng said, "I guess you must be doing well."

"It's not very good." Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's not a part-time job."

"Huh?" Xiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "Scholars have both culture and social status. They are different from foreigners like me. After struggling for so many years in such a big city, I always feel that there is no such thing in Guangzhou. A place."

"I want to go back." Xiang Cheng pressed the cigarette butt into the trash can beside the bench, and said leisurely, "The house in my hometown was demolished again, and it's gone."

In the other world, Xiang Cheng is a great hero who saves the world, full of unconstrained encounters and magnificent adventures.

In the watch world, he is still sitting in this park, an ordinary rural man with a junior high school education, who is worried about work and life.

"This is life." Chi Xiaoduo said to himself.

"What?" Xiang Cheng didn't understand.

Chi Xiaoduo laughed, stood up and said, "I like you like this, let's go."

"Where are you going?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"I'm going to buy vegetables and cook at your house?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Wait." Xiang Cheng said, "I have something to tell you..."

Xiang Cheng stood up, Chi Xiaoduo looked at him seriously, trying to comfort him, but Xiang Cheng took out a wrapped box from his bag and gave it to him.

"For you." Xiang Cheng said.

The box was wrapped in gift paper, and Chi Xiaoduo said in a daze, "For... me? What day is today?"

"No." Xiang Cheng smiled, "It's just... well, I bought it for you."

"Thank you." Chi Xiaoduo smiled, wanted to put the box away, but noticed that Xiang Cheng seemed to be expecting him to open it, so after thinking for a while, he carefully opened the wrapping paper, and inside was a pair of h's.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"It's too expensive." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng smiled, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "Okay, thank you."

Xiang Cheng said: "It feels like you don't lack anything, even if you want to buy a gift, you don't know what to give."

"No way." Chi Xiaoduo smiled, "I like it very much."

Chi Xiaoduo put on the watch, thinking that such a pair of watches would cost Xiang Cheng a month's salary, considering his current salary, he was indeed very considerate.

"The other one is wearing the right hand?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"This is mine." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo came to his senses and put it on for Xiang Cheng. Xiang Cheng pressed it a few times. There was a heart rate monitor and GPS positioning. After setting it up for Chi Xiaoduo, Chao Chi Xiaoduo turned on the watch and said, "You You can see where I am from your phone."

Chi Xiaoduo laughed, and Xiang Cheng said, "Your heart beats fast."

"A little bit." Chi Xiaoduo said with embarrassment, his face a little hot, "Then can you also know my location?"

"Yeah." Xiang Cheng said, "There is a 'lover app', which the clerk taught me to set up. If you don't like it, I will cancel it."

"No no." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I... can accept it."

In this way, Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo can see each other's heart rate, sleep and location on their respective watches.

"I can..." Xiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "May I make a request?"

Chi Xiaoduo was puzzled: "Huh?"

"I..." Xiang Cheng was a little nervous.

Beep beep beep—the watch I just put on started to alarm.

Xiang Cheng's heartbeat soared instantly, and Chi Xiaoduo understood immediately! He wants to confess! Do you want to confess? come! Say it!

They just stood there facing each other.

Dididi—heart rate warning continued, Xiang Cheng blushed and turned off the heart rate warning.

"You..." Xiang Cheng said, "Your conditions are really...very..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"I'm not worthy of you." Xiang Cheng said, "This request may be a little too much."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo's watch also started to alarm, his breath was short of breath, standing under the autumn sun, the whole world was filled with omnipresent golden sunlight, the moonstone anklets of the two of them instantly lit up, giving off a gorgeous blue light, one by one A dog ran over and barked at them.

"Go away!" Xiang Cheng frowned.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"You... don't say that." Chi Xiaoduo said, "You are very good, you are tall, handsome, and warm."

"I have no money, no education, and I don't do well." Xiang Cheng said a little depressed.

Chi Xiaoduo laughed and said, "But you work very hard. As long as you work hard, life will be fine."

Xiang Cheng hesitated to speak, when a gust of wind blew by, making the leaves rattle, and the yellow leaves flew past them.

"I don't think you will..." Xiang Cheng said, "What kind of person do you like?"

"I..." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I don't know either. In fact, I've heard a saying that there is nothing to love."

Xiang Cheng: "?"

"That's right." Chi Xiaoduo thought for a while and said, "I like some... traits that I don't have. For example, technical workers like me like those who graduated from junior high school but never went to college, like to do physical work, and like simplicity. Point, sports, like... like you."

"Have you found it?" Xiang Cheng said.

"Not yet." Chi Xiaoduo replied.

"I like you, can you think about me?" Xiang Cheng finally made up his mind and said it.

"Okay." Chi Xiaoduo replied without thinking.

At dusk, the moonstone gently bloomed light, and suddenly bloomed from the ankles of the two people, spreading out a wave of blue light covering the ground, and the edge of the wave was shining with white light, spreading rapidly from the park.

On the day when the earth and the earth converge, the bright moon rises in the east and the sun sets in the west. The romantic light of the moonstone covers the city, mountains and rivers like a carpet, and sprinkles endlessly to the horizon.

Time seemed to stand still. In front of the two of them, there was a blue light, and the blue light flew up like powder, and the whole world sang for it.

Xiang Cheng was so nervous that he stretched out his hand towards Chi Xiaoduo. Chi Xiaoduo put his hand in his palm, and Xiang Cheng held his hand. When their hands were holding each other, The surroundings seem to have returned to their original state. The setting sun gradually fell silent on the horizon, leaving behind a crimson sunset glow.

The noisy traffic came back again, and Xiang Cheng suggested, "Go to eat?"

Chi Xiaoduo's face turned red, and he followed Xiang Cheng, his palms sweating from tension, a little uncomfortable, but he was too embarrassed to let go.

Outside the park, someone looked at them curiously, and when they reached the bus stop, Xiang Cheng let go of his hands.

Chi Xiaoduo saw that Xiang Cheng was laughing all the time, and suddenly felt it was funny too. The two faced each other, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha..." Chi Xiaoduo said, "You...what are you laughing at?"

Xiang Cheng was embarrassed, but also found it funny, turned his head away, and couldn't help staring at Chi Xiaoduo, and said, "I... don't know, what are you laughing at?"

Chi Xiaoduo shook his head, saying it was nothing.

The bus came, and the two of them squeezed into the car and squeezed close together in front of the car door. Xiang Cheng was only wearing a thin white shirt, and Chi Xiaoduo pressed against Xiang Cheng's strong muscles under the shirt, feeling his scorching heat. Body temperature and pounding heartbeat.

"Where are we going for dinner?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Xiang Cheng signaled that he would arrange it, and the two squeezed together for five or six stops in the small space, and arrived outside a community. Xiang Cheng went into the supermarket and pushed the cart, and Chi Xiaoduo bought his favorite dishes to cook at home, and then entered the community. Then I went back to Xiang Cheng's home.

Xiang Cheng's home is tidy and the furniture is very simple. There are a lot of Taiwanese street stall martial arts from the 1980s and 1990s on the bookshelves, such as "Tianxie Jiaozhu" and "Wu Ba Tian Xia", and occasionally I can find a few books of Jin Yong Huang Yiwen Ryan.

Chi Xiaoduo stood in front of the bookshelf and asked, "Do you like Gu Long?"

"Gu Long's book doesn't look cool enough." Xiang Cheng said while cooking in the kitchen, "The protagonists are too powerful, they are not grounded, and I don't like it."

That's right, Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself, you are an older man who likes to read YY martial arts novels, and fantasizes about becoming a hero. But I also like the stand talk, fantasizing about the domineering president falling in love with me or something.

Xiang Cheng's speed is very fast, and meals can be eaten in an hour. He set up a table on the balcony, lit candles, put two glass wine glasses, poured fruit juice for Chi Xiaoduo, and ate dinner while watching the night view.

"Stay at my house tonight?" Xiang Cheng lowered his head to peel Chi Xiaoduo's shrimp and asked.

Chi Xiaoduo's heart rate monitor started to alarm again.

"I... I'm not ready yet." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng laughed and said, "I thought that if you move here, you can save the rent on your side."

"It took three months at a time." Chi Xiaoduo replied, "It's the end of the month."

"Well, let's finish the stay first." Xiang Cheng said.