Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 144: woof woof


"Happy New Year!"

On the third day of New Year's Day, Chi Xiaoduo came back, put the sweater he bought abroad on Lang Quan's body, hugged Lang Quan, and asked, "Miss me?"

"Woo—" Lang Quan wagged his tail depressingly. After Chi Xiaoduo went away for many days, Lang Quan had to squat at the door of the house every day, waiting for his master to come back. Le-Wen-Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself that it was a crime, and he knew that he had brought Lang Dog with him.

"I've only been out for three days." Chi Xiaoduo said solemnly, "I will definitely take you with me next time, England is too cold, don't you like going to the beach?"

Lang Quan stuck out his tongue and lay beside Chi Xiaoduo. After thinking about it for a while, he stood up again and ran to find slippers for Chi Xiaoduo to wear.

"Father." Lang Quan came back in human form, scaring Chi Xiaoduo terribly.

"Don't suddenly become a human!" Chi Xiaoduo couldn't laugh or cry.

Lang Quan turned into a dog again, climbed onto the sofa, and wagged his tail at Chi Xiaoduo.

"What's the matter?" Chi Xiaoduo hugged Lang Quan, and Xiang Cheng went upstairs to take a bath, and Lang Quan came to lick Chi Xiaoduo's face, but was pushed away by Chi Xiaoduo, and looked at Chi Xiaoduo innocently.

Chi Xiaoduo: "???"

Lang Quan seemed to have something to say, Chi Xiaoduo said again: "You should become a human, what do you want to say?"

So Lang Dog turned into a human again, and the scene changed to: a handsome and tall man, lying in front of Chi Xiaoduo, almost touching Chi Xiaoduo's lips, said: "I want a hundred dollars..."

When Xiang Cheng went down the stairs, he happened to see this scene.

Three seconds later, Xiang Cheng chased after him with the subduing magic pestle, and the wolf dog ran away frantically with a "bark bark", fled to the garden, turned around and wagged his tail at Xiang Cheng.

At dinner, Chi Xiaoduo said: "You should let your son in."

"I'm not its father." Xiang Cheng said with a dark face, "No!"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Lang Dog is very innocent, eating dog food in the garden after dark. After dinner, Xiang Cheng held Chi Xiaoduo in his arms, watching TV on the sofa, and Lang Dog walked around outside the French windows in the garden, wanting to come in.

"Is it in heat?" Xiang Cheng said, "It's time to take it to breed."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "It asked me for a hundred dollars today."

Xiang Cheng asked, "What do you want to do?"

Lang Quan looked at the two of them expectantly from the floor-to-ceiling window, Chi Xiaoduo shrugged, and Xiang Cheng said: "Lang Quan is too big, it's not convenient to pounce on you all day long, just find a girlfriend or boyfriend for him. It's settled."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

The next day, Chi Xiaoduo gave him a hundred dollars, and Lang Dog hid the money under the floor, squatted on the sofa, and played with the ipad all day.

Chi Xiaoduo looked curiously and saw that Lang Quan was browsing pictures of dogs and pets on Weibo. After Chi Xiaoduo looked at it for a while, Lang Quan turned his head and pressed the home button with his paw.

"Do you want to fall in love?" Chi Xiaoduo asked Lang Quan.

Lang Dog's expression was a bit hesitant, he looked at Chi Xiaoduo, then looked down at the ipad, Chi Xiaoduo said, "Become a human."

Lang Quan turned around and motioned Chi Xiaoduo to look behind him. There was a three-day effective seal under Xiang Cheng on his back, and he was punished not to change into a human being.

Chi Xiaoduo was speechless.

"Mr. Lang seems to be a bit lazy lately." Huang Shan said politely from the side.

"Spring is coming." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I'll take it out for a walk."

Chi Xiaoduo led Lang Quan out, the weather in Guangzhou was very warm, the cold snap had just passed, Chi Xiaoduo asked Lang Quan on the way: "Do you want to fall in love?"

Lang Quan fell silent again, and Chi Xiaoduo asked, "Have you ever liked someone before?"

Lang Quan shook his tail, Chi Xiaoduo led him and walked towards the river, thinking that a dog's lifespan is only ten years, at most twenty years, if Lang Dog falls in love with another dog, he will be very sad at that time.

When passing through an intersection, Lang Dog dragged Chi Xiaoduo towards the side of the street, and Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help himself, and was led to run all the way.

"Wait!" Chi Xiaoduo burst into tears, and was dragged half a street by Lang Dog.

Lang Dog barked a few times outside the window of a pet shop, and the dogs inside kept barking one after another.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Do you like the dog inside?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Lang Quan wanted to go in, but Chi Xiaoduo thought it was over, he was probably in love.


"Hello." When Chi Xiaoduo entered the store, a Chihuahua stared at Lang Dog and barked at it, so Lang Dog barked at it too.

"Oh." A girl said with a smile, "You're here again." As she spoke, she stroked the dog's head, and the dog wagged its tail at her.

The husky lying in the corner immediately got up and started playing with the dog. A golden retriever, a husky, and a chow took turns lying on the dog's back, as if trying to get on it from behind, but the dog broke free. Chi Xiaoduo couldn't bear to look at her face, and the girl was also embarrassed.

"Is your dog?" the girl asked.

"Yes... yes." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I live in Xiangfu by the river..."

"I know." The girl smiled, "I recognized your Hermès leather collar. My name is Lin."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

This is a pet shop, which also doubles as a veterinarian and pet care. The girl and her brother opened this shop, from Hunan. The girl's name is Lin Ling, and the boss's name is Lin Zhan.

Lin Ling poured tea for Chi Xiaoduo, and the two chatted for a while. The animals in Chi Xiaoduo's house were all kinds of strange things, and there were a lot of pandas. Naturally, he loved pets very much. While chatting, Chi Xiaoduo was thinking about which dog was Lang Can a dog’s love object be bought back with money? Or if you want to ask Lang Dog for a wife, do you want to ask Lin Ling and her brother what they mean

Or ask Xiang Cheng to buy the entire pet store? Chi Xiaoduo didn't know how to speak yet, and was dazzled by Lang Quan.

It feels like every dog in this pet shop has an affair with a dog... Chi Xiaoduo has lost sight of it.

While talking, the boss Lin Zhan came back.

All the dogs in the entire pet store were silent.

Wow, so handsome. Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself, although he is not as temperamental as Xiang Cheng, he is still a tall and handsome guy. Lin Zhan is wearing a white shirt and black trousers, very clean, and smiles at Chi Xiaoduo.

"Yo." Lin Zhan patted Lang Dog's head and said, "Hermes is here again?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Lin Zhan exchanged a few words with Chi Xiaoduo, and Lang Quan immediately ignored all the dogs as non-existent and followed Lin Zhan around. Chi Xiaoduo suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"What?" Lin Zhan joked, "Do you want to take a bath again?"

Lang Dog nodded fiercely, ran to Chi Xiaoduo, and motioned for him to take out his wallet.

"How much... how much?" Chi Xiaoduo's mouth twitched.

"One hundred." Lin Zhan said, "The dog is a well-known dog and doesn't make trouble. I'll give you a 20% discount."

Chi Xiaoduo took out the money, Lin Ling changed the money, and chatted with him a few more times, Lang Quan lay on the ground and didn't move.

Lin Zhan held the rope and said, "Let's go and take a bath first."

Lang Quan lay on the ground wagging its tail, Lin Ling smiled and said, "It wants you to hug it."

Lin Zhan struggled to pick up the dog, and carried it in for cleaning and fur care. Chi Xiaoduo took a peek inside. When Lin Zhan bathed the dog, the dog couldn't stop licking his arm.

When Chi Xiaoduo was born, one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

It wasn't until six o'clock in the afternoon that Lin Zhan sent Chi Xiaoduo and the dog out and said goodbye with a smile. Chi Xiaoduo dragged Lang Dog home.

"You... like the owner of the pet shop?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Lang Quan glanced at Chi Xiaoduo, turned around and ran away, Chi Xiaoduo chased after him and blocked him in the corner, Lang Quan had no way to escape, so he lowered his head in shame.

that night.

Xiang Cheng: "Hahahahahahahahaha—"

Xiang Cheng burst out laughing so wildly that he couldn't even hold his chopsticks, so Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "Don't laugh!"

"Ahahaha..." Xiang Cheng said, "Are you kidding? Our dog fell in love with the owner of the pet shop next door??!!"


"Yes!" Chi Xiaoduo gritted his teeth, "What should I do!"

Xiang Cheng laughed so hard that he couldn't sit upright, he waved his hands and said, "Let me digest this amazing fact first..."

Lang Quan bowed his head aside and received 100,000 points of critical damage.

Xiang Cheng didn't take Lang Quan's love seriously at all, but Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help it at all. After thinking and thinking, the next day Lang Quan wanted to take a bath again, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "No."

Lang Quan could only stare out the window in a daze. After a while, Xiang Cheng came over with a dog leash, tied Lang Quan, and said, "Let's go, take you on a blind date."

"Is that all right?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng said, "Wrap me."

Xiang Cheng led the dog and went out for a walk with Chi Xiaoduo. With Xiang Cheng around, the dog didn't dare to jump. The two of them ran past the pet store in sportswear and stood at the door. The dog squatted obediently and listened. Xiang Cheng chatted with Lin Zhan.

Xiang Cheng said: "Boss, thank you for taking care of it when we are not at home."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Lin Zhan was sweeping the fallen leaves at the door, and said, "This dog is obedient."

Looking at Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo, Lin Zhan seemed to see the relationship between them. Xiang Cheng smiled and said, "I have a friend who wants to meet you. I don't know if you want to."

"What?" Lin Zhan said, "Male and female?"

"Male." Xiang Cheng replied, took out a note, wrote a phone number to Lin Zhan, and said, "If you're interested, give me a call. I'll introduce you. Let's go, goodbye!"

Xiang Cheng led the dog again, and ran away with Chi Xiaoduo.

Lin Zhan: "..."

"He won't accept it!" Panting, Chi Xiaoduo said on the side of the road.

Xiang Cheng bought a drink, turned around and said, "Is it better to be direct?"

Chi Xiaoduo asked: "What if people don't like men?"

Xiang Cheng said: "Of course you can't force it, but don't you think it's very possible for a man to open a pet shop with his sister. I asked Huang Shan to inquire about it yesterday, but he didn't fall in love either?"

After returning home at night, Xiang Cheng received a text message from Lin Zhan on his mobile phone, asking: [Do you have any photos? Sent to see?]Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng took a photo of Lang Quan eating with his mobile phone and sent it to him.

The other side said: [Your friend's photo.]

Chi Xiaoduo: "You..."

Xiang Cheng changed his words and said: [Wrong post, wait, I'll find the photo. ] "Hurry up!" Chi Xiaoduo asked Xiang Cheng to unseal Lang Quan, but Lang Quan was puzzled.

"Come over to the mirror." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Hold your phone, lift up your t-shirt to reveal your abs..."

Lang Dog: "???"

The two posed for Lang Quan, asked him to take a selfie, and then called the pandas out to edit the picture and beautify it a little bit. Lang Quan is still handsome when he is not guilty, with well-proportioned muscles and a slender figure, full of bloodhound blood Beauty, showing canine teeth when he smiles, with a faint evil spirit.

Lin Zhan received a text message and didn't reply for a long time. Before going to bed, he sent a text message and said: [Then please, where is the appointment? ] "Is this going to happen?" Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo turned to look at Lang Quan, Lang Quan was eating stew, his mouth was full of food, Chi Xiaoduo suddenly felt too deceitful.

The next day, Lang Quan was dressed in a suit and sunglasses, looking like a handsome and handsome man, standing at the door of the pet shop and looking inside.

The dogs barked together, Lin Zhan opened the door, startled.

"Bath..." Lang Quan said, "No, you... I am a friend of King Xiang."

Lin Zhan: "..."

"Please come in." Lin Zhan smiled, and Lang Quan's face immediately turned red.

Across the road, Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng watched Lang Quan push the door in, and Chi Xiaoduo asked nervously, "Can it work?"

Xiang Cheng said: "The next step is up to him, let's train slowly, it doesn't matter at midnight, just don't be found out as a dog, just walk around."

When the spring breeze blew, Xiang Cheng took Chi Xiaoduo and ran up the sports track by the river.

—Lang dog article · woof woof · end —