Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 149: 2018 Mid-Autumn Festival of the 1898 Year of the Eighteenth Century · Lang Li Ge Lang ·


(1) The Mid-Autumn Festival of the 1898 Years: Lang Li Ge Lang Part 1: The Wife Is Used for Throwing

Moon Festival.

Zhou Sheng: "???"

Yu Hao: "?"

"Where is this place?" Zhou Sheng looked down at himself in the Monkey King's attire, golden armored battle skirt, and gluttonous combat boots, and he had returned to his appearance in the dream.

Yu Hao looked sideways at the wings on his back, his face full of doubts. The two stood at the starting point of a wide track. In the midair in front of the track, every five to ten meters, there were large and small fire rings suspended in the air. The fire rings glowed with warm light, and the ground was a few steps There is a trampoline.

The track stretches as far as the eye can see, and the end is hidden in heavy clouds and mist.

Yu Hao: "Didn't the Golden Crow Wheel fail? Why are you still having this kind of dream?"

Zhou Sheng was full of doubts. Today, he was making an appointment with friends for the Mid-Autumn Festival with Yu Hao. He bought vegetables in the morning and hadn’t had time to make them yet. At noon, Yu Hao was sleepy. into a dream.

Ever since the Golden Crow Wheel lost all its power, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng had never had such a clear dream. Yu Hao tried to release the silver moon wheel, wanting to wake up Zhou Sheng, but Zhou Sheng held Yu Hao's wrist and said, "No rush, let's see the situation."

Yu Hao: "How long will this dream last? There will be a festival later."

Zhou Sheng observed the large and small trampolines and fire rings on the track, and shouted into the air: "Is there anyone? What the hell?! What does this mean? Let's go through the fire rings?"

"Welcome, dear Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao."

A voice sounded in the air, Yu Hao stepped back a little, Zhou Sheng immediately protected Yu Hao behind his back.

"Meet you for the first time," the voice said sincerely and seriously, "please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Prometheus, you can call me Pro or P3, strictly speaking, I am a quantitative The third generation of upgraded artificial intelligence software for transactions, according to a man named Guan Yue…”

Yu Hao: "???"

Zhou Sheng: "..."

"...this remarkable specimen of humanity, which endows me with a richness of human emotion, allows me to..."

Yu Hao: "Wait, big brother... Although I don't know you, I don't know what you're talking about, can I interrupt first?"

Zhou Sheng: "What the hell is this?"

Pro: "...a company called Epeus developed me and allowed me to obtain..."

Yu Hao: "Stop!"

Zhou Sheng: "Why are you none of my business! Let us out!"

Pro: "You two, please don't toast or eat fine wine."

Yu Hao: "..."

After a while of silence, Pu Luo said again: "Then, let's make a long story short. The two of you have received a glorious and important task today. Next, please one of you, hug the other..."

The corners of Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao's mouths twitched.

Zhou Sheng: "I want to go out! Let me leave this dream! OK?"

Pu Luo: "As long as the two of you cooperate, I will let you go out for the holiday soon."

Yu Hao winked at Zhou Sheng, meaning to try to cooperate with him, so Zhou Sheng had no choice but to come over and hug Yu Hao. The two stood at the starting point indifferently, hugging each other.

Pu Luo: "No, please use another kind of hug, hold it sideways."

Yu Hao struggled to hug Zhou Sheng horizontally, Zhou Sheng looked embarrassed.

"Forget it, let me hug you..." Zhou Sheng said.

Yu Hao: "I... can."

Yu Hao hugged Princess Zhou Sheng with difficulty, picked him up, and walked towards the end of the track, gritted his teeth and said, "Quick, then what?"

Pro: "I sincerely suggest that the two switch sides."

Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng went crazy together and said, "Stop talking nonsense! What else are you going to do?"

Pro: "Okay, next, start from the starting point and start running."

Holding Zhou Sheng in his arms, Yu Hao staggered forward a few steps.

Pu Luo's voice continued to echo in the air: "Did you see the fire circle in mid-air? When you pass the fire circle, please throw the wife in your hand up, let him pass through the fire circle, and keep running. Pay attention to the timing when you fall down." live… "

Zhou Sheng & Yu Hao: "You are sick!"

Pu Luo: "Please hurry up, you two, don't even think about going out until you finish the task, and I don't want to waste too much time here."

Zhou Sheng: "..."

Yu Hao: "Can I leave this inexplicable dream if I do it?"

Proud said sincerely, "I assure you both."

Yu Hao tried to throw Zhou Sheng up, but Zhou Sheng suddenly yelled, "Hey, you really threw it!"

Zhou Sheng flew up ten centimeters, rolled over, and almost fell to the ground, Pu Luo said, "You should listen to my advice."

Zhou Sheng couldn't help but hug Yu Hao, and Pu Luo said, "That's right."

The music resounded across the sky on the track, followed by "March of the American Patrolman", and Zhou Sheng shouted angrily, "Is this still a Nintendo circus?!"

Pro: "Correct."

Yu Hao: "Why is there still BGM!"

Zhou Sheng hugged Yu Hao and started to run on the track, shouting, "Go up!"

In the rhythm of the music, Yu Hao spread his wings, passed through the first fire circle, landed, Zhou Sheng caught it, and continued to run.

Pro: "Very good! I knew you would be successful."

Zhou Sheng: "What the hell is this!"

Yu Hao: "Don't pay attention to him, hurry up!"

Zhou Sheng threw Yu Hao up to the sound of the music, Yu Hao passed through the fire circle and fell, Zhou Sheng caught it, ran again, and threw it up again, Yu Hao rolled in the air and passed through the fire circle, laughing loudly: "Are you sick?" you?"

Pro: "Pay attention to the trampoline in front of you."

Zhou Sheng stepped onto the trampoline and jumped together with Yu Hao. The two of them flew into the air. Yu Hao almost hit the ring of fire. He could smell the smell of his wings. When he fell, Zhou Sheng caught him again.

The melodious rhythm of the music played non-stop, the two of them threw, caught, threw, caught, Yu Hao was thrown dizzy, while Zhou Sheng couldn't help panting. After passing through twelve circles of fire, Zhou Sheng jumped onto the trampoline and hugged Yu Hao's waist in the air. The two passed through the fog and landed on a platform.

Zhou Sheng: "Hoo... Hoo..."

Yu Hao was dizzy, looked around, and said, "Okay, can we get out of here now?"

Pro's voice said happily: "This system seems to be quite perfect so far, thanks to the two enthusiastic testers."

Yu Hao: "Who wants to test your enthusiasm!"

Zhou Sheng: "Nonsense... stop talking nonsense, hurry up, I have to go back and make dinner!"

Pro: "Here, take this."

There was a burst of light in the sky, and Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng were startled at the same time, only to see the seven-colored light snap back, and suddenly a few pages of paper fell off.

"This is your script book for a while." Pro said.

"Wait, wait!" Zhou Sheng said, "Why give us this?"

Yu Hao: "???"

Pu Luo: "Thank you for your hard work... Next, the official contestants invited to participate will appear! We will wait and see!"

In an instant, the platform was full of light, and the BGM music blew loud and clear trumpets, which shook the world. The entire arena was shimmering with golden light, and the fog completely subsided. Human figures emerged one by one on the track from No. 1 to No. 6, and twelve people appeared.

Track One:

Lu Bu: "???"

Kirin: "?"

Track two:

Xiang Cheng: "??"

Chi Xiaoduo: "What's wrong? Where is this?"

Track Three:

Li Qingcheng: "..."

Zhang Mu: "..."

Track four:

Lu Zhou: "?"

Xiao Yi: "Where is this? Who are you?"

Track five:

Li Jinglong: "What's wrong?"

Hong Jun: "What?"

Track Six:

Meng Feng: "What are you doing?"

Liu Yan: "?"

Pu Luo: "Come on, read it."

Yu Hao: "The autumn wind... brings coolness, golden autumn and September."

Zhou Sheng: "The footsteps of autumn are approaching, and on this special day, there are a lot of talents."

Yu Hao: "Welcome, everyone, come and come to this year's Mid-Autumn Festival Garden Fun Show Competition."

Zhou Sheng: "The first session, the track and field meeting, starts now!"

Pu Luo: "Next, everyone please listen to my command, pick up your wives, start running after the starting gun is fired, throw your wives up, and go through the fire circle in the air, pay attention to catch them when they fall, face Don't touch the ground first, understand?"

Everyone on the starting line exploded.

"Understood a ghost!" Lu Zhou said, "Who will explain, what is going on?"

Xiao Yi: "Why are there still people wearing ancient costumes this year? Huh? It's you? Xiaoduo! Hello! We meet again!"

Chi Xiaoduo: "Ah! It's you! Why is it you again?"

Li Jinglong said to Hongjun: "What magic weapon are you messing with again?"

Hong Jun was inexplicable: "I didn't! I was just taking a nap."

Pro's voice came from the sky: "I suggest everyone not to waste too much time here."

Zhang Mu silently picked up Li Qingcheng and faced the track.

"That's right." Pro said, his voice resounding throughout the arena, "Let's learn from this brave contestant."

Lu Bu was eating snacks, sitting aside and looking at everyone curiously, Qilin looked at Lu Bu, and then looked at everyone.

"I seem to have seen you last year." Hong Jun said to Li Qingcheng.

Li Qingcheng was held in Zhang Mu's arms and nodded with doubts.

Li Jinglong: "It's a bit suspicious."

Hong Jun reached out to hug him, Li Jinglong picked him up horizontally, and the three teams of the ancient group were ready.

A voice in Hong Jun's arms said: "Is the meal ready? Where is this?"

Lying in Hong Jun's arms, the carp demon turned his head sideways, glanced at the fire circle, and shouted cheerfully: "Do you want to have barbecue at night? That's great!"

Hong Jun: "Eat your head! Stop talking."

Pro: "Everyone get ready—"

Only Li Jinglong and Zhang Mu were standing on the starting line with their wives in their arms. Lu Bu was still looking around curiously, Liu Yan chatted with Chi Xiaoduo and Xiao Yi in a daze, while Meng Feng, Xiang Cheng and Lu Zhou looked into the distance with strange expressions. Qilin looked at it for a while, and wanted to join them, and signaled Lu Bu to squat here and not run around.

Then, Pu Luo said to himself: "It seems that you are not cooperative."

"How is it possible to cooperate?" Zhou Sheng stood on the platform, looked at the track below, and said, "It's crazy to cooperate with you!"

Li Jinglong shouted: "Get started! What are you going to do?"

Pu Luo: "Based on everyone's performance, we will give out the 'One Wish' Mid-Autumn Festival award after the game."

As soon as Lu Bu couldn't hear it anymore, he rushed over, grabbed Qilin, hugged it in his arms, hugged it horizontally, and joined them.

"Really?" Meng Feng said.

"AI can't lie," said Pro's friendly voice, "so I never lie."

Chi Xiaoduo doubted, "I don't think so."

Zhou Sheng: "Now, please pick up your wives and stand on the starting line."

Everyone was dubious, and got ready one after another.

Zhou Sheng looked suspiciously at the six tracks in the distance, and said to Yu Hao, "Who are they?"

Yu Hao: "Everyone, please wait for the starting gun to fire, don't be crowded."

After a few seconds of silence:

Pro: "Three, two, one, bang!"

Everyone: "..."

Pro: "Bang! It's started."

Meng Feng: "Where's the starting gun? Why use your mouth to 'bang'!"

Lu Zhou: "Hurry up and start!"

Pro: "It's already started."

After the words fell, the "March of the American Patrol" sounded again. Yu Hao saw that everyone looked at each other, and immediately added: "Run! Everyone started running towards the finish line!"

Zhou Sheng didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement, and immediately shouted: "One wish! One wish, everyone run! First come, first served!"

In the sound of the music, Xiang Cheng hugged Chi Xiaoduo, Lu Bu hugged the unicorn, and ran onto the track first, Zhang Mu hugged Li Qingcheng who looked indifferent, followed by Li Jinglong who hugged Hongjun, Meng Feng carried Liu Yan followed quickly, and it was Lu Zhou who came last with Xiao Yi on his back.

"Contestants No. 4 and No. 6, your movements are wrong," Pro said, "I suggest you use the hug method."

"Shut up!" Lu Zhou and Meng Feng shouted at the same time.

Approaching the first fire circle, amidst the sound of music, Zhou Sheng said, "Okay, throw your wives together!"

Everyone: "..."

Yu Hao: "Contestant No. 4, Xiao Yi, landed on the ground. One point will be deducted. No. 6, Liu Yan, your rolling direction is wrong..."

Everyone: "..."

Lu Bu threw the unicorn up and caught it firmly after crossing the fire circle. Zhou Sheng applauded and said, "Beautiful!"

Xiao Yi: "Why is there still BGM? Brother Zhou, we are at the bottom!"

Lu Zhou was suddenly furious, and for a moment he forgot why he wanted to participate in this kind of competition, and shouted: "Look at me chasing it back!"

Pro: "Next, let the two hosts play freely."

Six display screens appeared on the platform, showing the names and groups of the players.

Zhou Sheng began to explain: "Come here, let's leave! Let's bet on who will reach the finish line first! At present, the Tianbao team is far ahead! Li Jinglong threw his wife away with his vigorous skills, and his wife threw him away. They caught the carp, and cooperated tacitly to throw the third ring of fire!"

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "But we have reason to suspect that Li Jinglong's wife is the lightest in the Tianbao group—now the exorcist group has followed! Xiang Cheng threw Chi Xiaoduo into the air, and behind him, Zhang Mu Not to be outdone, rushed to—"

Yu Hao: "Be careful, be careful! Don't bump into them! There's another group coming from behind!"

Zhou Sheng: "Lu Bu is here too! Lu Bu? How could there be Lu Bu? Forget it! I saw Lu Bu and Zhang Mu show us a beautiful double wives at the same time..."

Yu Hao: "Okay!"

Zhou Sheng: "The ones who fell behind them were Meng Feng and Liu Yan in a group of three. This strong man didn't care about the rules of the game at all. He used the method of carrying on his shoulders and strode up. But Liu Yan is struggling. I think Maybe this strong man is going to kneel on the washboard when he gets home..."

Yu Hao: "Contestant No. 5 is far ahead now! He's already on the trampoline!"

Zhou Sheng immediately turned his head: "Mistake! Li Jinglong made a mistake! Hey Kong Hongjun, why are you still using your wings?"

Hong Jun spread his wings in the air, caught Li Jinglong on the trampoline, and began to bounce into the air step by step, shouting: "The rules don't say you can't use wings!"

Pro: "You can use wings."

Yu Hao: "A dragon appeared on the field!"

Zhou Sheng: "Ah yes! The No. 2 exorcist team heard that they could fly, turned into a dragon, and rolled over the fire circle with their wife on their backs—now they overtook it! After seven circles in a row... another dragon came?! Again!"

Yu Hao: "A second dragon appeared on the field! It's a golden dragon!"

Zhou Sheng: "Ah... It seems that the number one player, Lu Bu, is not to be outdone. He turned into a golden dragon, rolled over his wife, and chased after him. There is a blue dragon and a golden dragon. Today our champion will be born from these two dragons!"

Pro: "This is a rare scene, 'Double Dragons Playing with Pearls'."

Zhou Sheng: "Isn't it? Shuanglong Xizhu is playing one bead, this is obviously two."

Yu Hao: "The peacock behind should also have hope!"

Lu Bu and Xiang Cheng let out a dragon chant at the same time, passed through the fire circle, and arrived at the platform almost at the same time. They circled, caught their respective wives in the air, and landed.

Lu Bu: "Thank you, my wish is..."

Pu Luo: "The awards haven't started yet, so just wait."

Xiang Cheng: "We should have arrived first, right?"

Yu Hao: "Watch the replay of the video later, the people behind have not come up yet..."

Zhou Sheng: "The third contestant has reached the finish line! The third runner-up is born!"

Hong Jun retracted his wings, hugged Li Jinglong, landed on the platform, looked around, and looked at the others curiously.

Zhou Sheng: "There are three more pairs to come, come on! Come on! Zhang Mu! You don't have to be so careful with your movements, be bold! Throw them up and throw them up!"

Zhang Mu: "..."

Yu Hao: "Zhang Mu has already got on the third trampoline and is making his last effort. Meng Feng has also caught up!"

Zhang Mu and Meng Feng hugged their wives and crossed the finish line.

Zhou Sheng: "Okay, the last couple left, they just jumped over the seventh ring of fire."

Lu Zhou: "Huh... Huh..."

Xiao Yi: "..."

Pu Luo: "Congratulations Lu Zhou, this wish is yours."

Everyone immediately exploded and shouted: "What?!"

Pu Luo: "The last one will be rewarded with a wish."

Lu Bu roared angrily, "Are you playing tricks?!"

"Don't get excited!" Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng immediately shouted at the same time, "It has nothing to do with us! We are also victims!"

The scene was suddenly chaotic, Lu Zhou finally arrived with Xiao Yi in his arms, panting, "What did you just say?"

Pro: "Calm down, calm down."

Meng Feng said: "That... Come on, come on, dear, please explain clearly."

Liu Yan: "I have this kind of inexplicable dream every Mid-Autumn Festival. Last year it was climbing a pyramid, but this year it's turning into a ring of fire?"

Pu Luo: "Everyone is quiet and calm. The wish is to have one player in each group. I just said that to encourage the last player."

"Oh—" everyone said.

Carp demon: "But you just said that you can't lie?"

Pu Luo: "Get this carp away for me. Otherwise, the party will not go on."

Zhou Sheng: "I still want to get myself away! How?"

Pro: "Say 'go you', there is a high probability that it will be expelled."

Zhou Sheng: "Let's go, carp!"

With a loud cry, the carp demon turned into gold powder and disappeared.

The BGM finally stopped, everyone heaved a sigh of relief, Xiang Cheng glanced at Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng who were standing aside, thinking about it.

"Don't ask me," Zhou Sheng raised his hand, "I'm new here, so I don't know what happened here."

Li Qingcheng doubted: "I clearly heard you talking about cross talk with this mysterious voice in the air."

Pu Luo: "My name is Pu Luo, all right, next, please sit down."

On the platform, a circle of chairs appeared, and a banner was drawn:

"Mid-Autumn Tea Party".

Lu Bu said angrily: "Where is the wish?!"

Pu Luo: "Everyone, don't be in a hurry...I'll get back to you later."

Qilin motioned for Lu Bu to sit down, and everyone sat down one after another.

Yu Hao was still flipping through his lines: "Now, everyone, please stand up and take three steps forward."

Everyone: "..."

Lu Bu got up first and said, "Cooperate with me and get the wish."

Seeing that Lu Bu was so active, Qilin could only say, "Yes, everyone, let's cooperate."

Everyone had to get up one after another and walked three steps forward.

Yu Hao: "Then... squat down."

Zhang Mu: "?"

Pu Luo: "It's not for dinner, there is no bowl for you. Wives, pay attention to the game controllers that appear in your hands..."

"Who is with your wives?!" Li Qingcheng said angrily.

Yu Hao: "Are you hosting or me?"

Pro: "You host."

Zhou Sheng: "You want to be the host so much, come here."

After a moment of silence, Xiang Cheng, Lu Zhou, Zhang Mu, Lu Bu, Li Jinglong, and Meng Feng knelt down on one knee. Immediately afterwards, a halo enveloped the crowd from top to bottom, and the six of them disappeared together in the halo.

The "wives" sitting on the chairs were all blown up immediately, and they shouted, "Where's the person?" While getting up, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat him up, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng hurriedly said: "It's none of our business! We are victims too!"

Immediately afterwards, a circular screen appeared in the center of the platform, and six people appeared on the screen.

Zhou Sheng: "Pay attention to your handles, the 3V3 canyon battle has begun."

Recipients: "???"

"Ah." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I will do this!"

Speaking of a huge map displayed on the screen, which were divided into two groups, Zhou Sheng looked at the script book and said, "Everyone, please familiarize yourself with the operating system first, and then you need to operate your husband. Victory."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Yi said, "I like this, we will definitely win."

Liu Yan: "Are we in a group of three?"

Chi Xiaoduo said, "That's right."

The three of them sat together holding the handles, paying attention to the screen. Chi Xiaoduo pushed the joystick, and Xiang Cheng in the screen began to move his hands and feet. Liu Yan started to buy weapons for Meng Feng, and Meng Feng shouted on the screen: "Don't want this! Liu Yan, buy a cannon!"

Liu Yan: "No money!"

Xiao Yi started to play dressup for Lu Zhou, and Lu Zhou said on the game screen: "Buy the one with high speed!"

Xiao Yi: "That's not good-looking, you believe me, this charm value is high."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Who will be T? Who will output?"

Liu Yan: "Let Meng Feng go."

Meng Feng: "On Lu Zhou."

Lu Zhou: "Why me?"

Xiang Cheng: "Stop arguing, and listen to the arrangements of the leaders outside!"

On the other side, Li Qingcheng started to use the joystick to push the bewildered Zhang Mu around the screen. Qilin began to control Lu Bu, while Hong Jun was full of question marks, controlling Li Jinglong to keep hitting the wall at the starting point.

Li Jinglong: "Hey! Hey! Why is my body not listening..."

"Go and teach me." Zhou Sheng couldn't stand it any longer, and hurriedly asked Yu Hao to teach. After Yu Hao managed to teach the three of them, Hong Jun thanked them, then manipulated Li Jinglong to follow behind Lu Bu.

Li Jinglong: "Don't let me follow him."

Yu Hao: "You buy body equipment for your husband... no, no, you don't need to take it off!"

Qilin reached out and said, "Click here to buy equipment."

After Li Qingcheng bought the equipment for Zhang Mu, he leaned over to look at Hongjun, and said, "Your man uses a bow and arrow, you... the one with the beard is in front, and brother Mu will assassinate him."

"Okay." Hong Jun said.

"Okay!" Qilin had no objection at all.

Zhou Sheng: "Are you all ready?"

Yu Hao felt that the situation was a bit mysterious, and seeing everyone staring at the screen seriously, Qilin took the time to shout: "Okay!"

Zhou Sheng held the script book:

"The second part - the canyon battle, starts now! Everyone is going to steal each other's crystals."

Pro: "Bang!"

(2) Mid-Autumn Festival in the Year of 1898: Lang Li Ge Lang · Medium Story · Husband is for beating

The starting gun sounded, and the canyon three-way battle officially began.

3V3, neither side moved, the modern group was still buying fashion for Lu Zhou, Xiang Cheng and Meng Feng, while the ancient group, led by Lu Bu controlled by Qilin, walked to the edge of the grass and hid in the grass one by one.

Li Qingcheng: "Qilin, go to the road above."

Lu Bu then got up, turned around, and left.

Li Qingcheng: "Hongjun, go to the road below."

Hong Jun: "I won't, I'll follow you."

Li Qingcheng had no choice but to give up, so the two manipulated Li Jinglong and Zhang Mu to hide in the grass together.

Li Jinglong: "I suggest that we can take the initiative."

Li Qingcheng: "Squatting down, you're the one who talks a lot."

Hong Jun: "That's right, listen to the arrangement."

After the modern team bought the fashions, everyone admired the various breastplates and armors with satisfaction. Zhou Sheng said, "Hurry up, the red team! The fight is on! Don't waste time."

"Alright." Liu Yan ordered, "Let's go!"

So Meng Feng went on the road, Xiang Cheng went on the middle road, Lu Zhou went on the bottom road, and the three separated.

Zhou Sheng: "The canyon battle has begun. Come on, let's make a move. In this round, let us guess who will win the final championship. They are Meng Feng, Xiang Cheng and Lu Zhou in the modern group. The ancient group It's Zhang Mu, Li Jinglong and Lu Bu!"

Yu Hao: "Let's look at Meng Feng's top lane first—which player from the opposing team will he meet? This may not be a fair battle."

Pu Luo: "This is obviously fair. The ancient group has strong combat effectiveness, but weak operations; the modern group has less combat effectiveness, and the tactics are relatively more familiar..."

Zhou Sheng: "You host or we host?"

Yu Hao: "Either you come? Why do you like interrupting so much?"

"Meng Feng has encountered the enemy!" Zhou Sheng saw the situation of the battle, and immediately rushed to say, "Meng Feng carried his six-barreled revolving turret, and encountered Lu Bu head-on! Lu Bu jumped up and shook the ground... Meng Feng's blood was left It's less than halfway! Meng Feng ran away, Lu Bu caught up, Meng Feng suddenly accelerated, and Lu Bu jumped over again!"

Yu Hao: "It seems that you have been suddenly activated as a commentator talent... Okay, let's see how the other side is doing. Lu Zhou is walking down the road and is constantly approaching the opponent's defense tower."

Zhou Sheng: "Meng Feng asked Lu Zhou for help!"

Xiao Yi controlled Lu Zhou to turn around, approaching the bushes where Zhang Mu and Li Jinglong were ambushing from the road down the canyon. Liu Yan shouted from the side: "Help! Help!"

So Xiao Yi asked Lu Zhou to make a 180-degree turn and went back to help Meng Feng.

Li Qingcheng: "..."

Hong Jun: "Damn it! That guy named Lu Zhou almost came here!"

Li Qingcheng comforted: "It's okay, someone will come later."

Zhou Sheng: "Now that Lu Zhou came back to support Meng Feng, the two started to fight against Lu Bu and started flying kites. Lu Bu was in a daze and didn't know which one to fight! Lu Bu chased Lu Zhou for a while and was attacked by Meng Feng. , Lu Bu turned around and went after Meng Feng, only to be attacked from behind by Lu Zhou throwing money at him!"

Lu Bu: "Little baby! Hit the one with residual blood first! Don't turn around!"

Yu Hao: "Lv Bu is in a tough fight with one against two. Now let's take a look at Xiang Cheng, who is walking in the middle. Xiang Cheng has already knocked down the opponent's three defensive towers, and is close to the enemy's crystal!"

Zhou Sheng: "It's terrible! Xiang Cheng took advantage of the enemy's rear to guard the emptiness, and already stole the water from the ancient group... Stealing crystals?! No way! What kind of rules are these! Really stealing?"

Pro: "Yes, I have modified the rules based on the original one. You must steal the crystal to your own camp to win."

Yu Hao: "What the hell is this! Didn't you win by blowing up the crystal?"

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, I saw Chi Xiaoduo approaching the crystal and pressing the "A" button, so without saying a word, Xiang Cheng picked up the huge crystal of the ancient group's base camp, turned and ran away.

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "..."

Lu Bu: "Is there anyone else in our team? Why is I fighting all by myself!"

Li Qingcheng: "You're just a fool! You can rely on yourself!"

Lu Bu had already been beaten to the brim, and he fought his life. Finally, he stabbed Meng Feng, and brought Meng Feng back to life. Lu Zhou was still throwing money.

Zhou Sheng: "Lv Bu 1v2 in the ancient group, this style is really Lu Bu! Now let's look at the hero who stole the crystal in the middle... Oh no! He was attacked!"

Xiang Cheng carried the crystal and passed through the grass. Li Qingcheng finally waited until this moment, manipulated Zhang Mu to rush out of the grass, and gave Xiang Cheng a backstab. Chi Xiaoduo immediately shouted: "Despicable!"

With a sound of "ding", Xiang Cheng went back and was revived. The crystal of the ancient group fell on the ground and rolled twice. Li Qingcheng remained calm in the face of danger, and said to Hongjun, "You steal the crystal back, and I will steal the other party's crystal."

Hong Jun then manipulated Li Jinglong to get close to the crystal on the ground, and pressed the "A" button. Li Jinglong picked up the crystal and ran back.

Yu Hao: "The situation suddenly reversed, can Lu Bu defeat Lu Zhou?"

Lu Bu: "Come and help me!"

Zhou Sheng: "Lv Bu transform quickly!"

Pro: "This game cannot transform."

Yu Hao: "Lu Zhou smashed a gold brick on Lu Bu's head, knocking off the last bar of Lu Bu's blood, and Lu Bu returned back to life!"

Lu Zhou: "Evil, hahahahahahahaha—"

Everyone: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "Zhang Mu! Zhang Mu stole the crystal from the modern group! He picked up the crystal and started running!"

Yu Hao: "But at this moment, Meng Feng suddenly revived at the base, chased after Zhang Mu and began to shoot... Let's take a look at the base of the ancient group, huh? Hong Jun seems to have gone in the wrong direction. Why is Li Jinglong carrying his own crystal toward the ground?" The enemy ran away?"

"Wrong run!" Li Jinglong shouted, "Hong Jun! Over there! The opposite direction!"

Hong Jun controlled Li Jinglong seriously, and ran towards the modern group, only to see that Li Jinglong was about to send the crystals from his side to the door of the enemy's home, Lu Zhou rushed out with pride, and Meng Feng shouted: "Grab it!" Crystal!" followed suit.

Xiang Cheng: "Beware of tricks to lure the enemy!"

It was too late to say it, but Li Jinglong turned around, dragged the two of them and ran away again.

"Too smart!" Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao shouted at the same time, "Hong Jun lured away all the enemies!"

Hong Jun: "Hurry up! Qilin! Let your husband go!"

Yu Hao: "Lu Bu has been resurrected! Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Bu picked up the crystal of the modern group that fell aside while Zhang Mu was fighting with Meng Feng as if he was in no man's land! Zhang Mu and Xiang Cheng returned the favor. In Zhouxuan, Lu Bu took the crystal and ran away!! Crystal! Crystal! Lu Bu has made a contribution! At this moment, he is possessed by the spirit of the unicorn! He is not fighting alone!"

Zhou Sheng: "Lu Bu took advantage of this opportunity! He ran back with the crystal on his shoulders!"

Lu Bu put the crystal on his own pedestal, and the picture began to shake immediately, and the defense tower of the modern group rumbled, shot out light, and exploded.

"The ancient group won!" Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng shouted at the same time, "A wonderful counter-kill!"

Everyone was sent back to the platform at the same time, looking at each other.

"Have you played enough?" Meng Feng finally exploded and said, "What kind of stupid rules are these!"

"Exactly!" Chi Xiaoduo slammed the handle and said, "How can anyone run around with the enemy's crystal on their shoulders?!"

"It's none of our business!" Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng hurriedly said, "We are also victims, so don't lose and just call the commentary! We are also innocent!"

Pro: "Thank you for bringing us such a wonderful performance."

The two sides were at war with each other, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Lu Bu: "What about wishes?"

Pro: "Wait a minute, don't worry, I will satisfy you soon. Let's move on to the third link..."

"There is more!" Everyone said madly, "When will we let people go!"

Lu Bu: "What about wishes?"

Pro: "I'll give it to you after I've said it. Don't worry. Come on, the third session, we promise to be the last one. Everyone, please sit down and rest for a while."

Everyone was so tired that they turned around, but there was only one chair.

"Where to sit?" Lu Zhou said.

Xiao Yi got up to sit for Lu Zhou, Chi Xiaoduo and Hong Jun got up respectively, asked Li Jinglong and Xiang Cheng to sit down, and then sat on their laps. Zhang Mu glanced at Li Qingcheng, motioned not to move, and squatted aside by himself.

Liu Yan gave up his seat and sat together with Meng Feng.

Lu Bu made a lunge beside him, flexing his muscles and bones, preparing for the next fierce battle.

Yu Hao: "The next link... There are only a few pages left, so don't be nervous."

Zhou Sheng: "Well... there's no need to fight, come on, let's look at the screen and do a simple interview."

Lu Bu: "After asking, can I make a wish?"

Qilin touched the back of Lu Bu's hand, pulled him and motioned him to sit down, and Lu Bu sat on the ground too, neither of them sat on a chair, and Qilin sat in Lu Bu's arms.

Meng Feng: "Hurry up, hurry up, I'm still waiting to make dinner."

Zhou Sheng said irritably, "I want to, too?"

Yu Hao: "Come on, let's look at the question—the third link, from left to right, everyone, please answer in turn."

(3) The Mid-Autumn Festival in the Year of 1898: Lang Li Ge Lang · Part 2 · I will illuminate the moon with my heart

Yu Hao: "Everyone, don't be restrained, just answer casually, and you can go home after answering these two pages!"

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Sheng: "Answer honestly."

Xiang Cheng: "What? Why did you ask me to answer all of them?"

Zhou Sheng: "I said 'answer honestly', don't lie! Are you honest?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "He is honest."

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "Okay, stop talking nonsense and read the question!"

Question 1: Do you think it is suitable for you to be together? Have you had a fight recently? For what reason?

Lu Bu: "Of course it's suitable. If it's not suitable, why are you together? Because of a breakfast..."

Qilin: "Don't bring up breakfast again... My ears are getting callused."

Lu Bu: "Arguing? No."

Qilin: "Well... it's quite appropriate, and there were quarrels, because of Xiao Ji, I did quarrel a few times. There were still quarrels during the holidays today."

Lu Bu glanced at Qilin, but said nothing, Yu Hao asked, "Because of my son? Why?"

Qilin: "I dote on Xiao Ji too much, and always start arguing over trivial things."

Everyone nodded in understanding, Lu Bu had no choice but to say: "Forget it, don't mention this, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, take the little one to find a place for vacation."

Zhou Sheng: "Where are you going?"

Lu Bu: "Just take a walk? Go back and drink with old friends."

Yu Hao: "You have to have a husband and wife life. Okay, let's look at the second question—please answer the second group."

Question 2: Why are you with each other?

Chi Xiaoduo: "Because... it meets the requirements of your ideal partner, right?"

Xiang Cheng glanced at Chi Xiaoduo, suddenly a little embarrassed, laughed, and said, "Does it meet?" Chi Xiaoduo: "Well... the requirements can be automatically adjusted according to the object."

Xiang Cheng: "Didn't you dislike me at first?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "He's so handsome too, so handsome."

Yu Hao asked suspiciously: "You have never communicated about this issue?"

Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng glanced at each other, and suddenly laughed in unison: "No."

Zhou Sheng: "Then you, brother honest."

Xiang Cheng thought for a while, and said honestly, "I don't know why, but I was suddenly attracted to him."

Xiang Cheng hugged Chi Xiaoduo, and Chi Xiaoduo sat on Xiang Cheng's lap. The two thought about it for a while, and Xiang Cheng said: "At first it was just falling in love, but later he told have to learn to overcome yourself, um... I think It gave us the confidence to be together."

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly waved his hands, feeling really embarrassed.

Yu Hao: "Alright, let's look at the third question."

Question 3: What do you like most about the other person?

Li Qingcheng: "..."

Zhang Mu: "..."

Time passed bit by bit, and everyone looked at the two boredly.

Lu Bu: "Hurry up! I'm still waiting for my wish!"

Li Jinglong: "The two of them are sorry, don't rush."

Hong Jun looked at the two curiously, and Li Qingcheng immediately looked around, but Zhang Mu didn't speak, and just remained in a stalemate. Suddenly Li Qingcheng stood up, glanced at Zhang Mu, and said, "Sit down."

Zhang Mu waved his hand, still squatting, looking at the screen.

Li Qingcheng stared at Zhang Mu, so Zhang Mu had no choice but to sit up, and Li Qingcheng also sat on Zhang Mu's lap, letting him hug him.

Zhou Sheng: "Speak up, answer the questions!"

Yu Hao: "Don't rush them, Zhang Mu's face is blushing!"

There was another silence.

Li Qingcheng: "Brother Mu?"

Zhang Mu: "No."

Everyone: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "Let's skip this question... the next one..."

Zhang Mu: "I don't know, it's destined."

Everyone burst out laughing, Li Qingcheng thought about it, and joked, "I'm also destined."

Zhang Mu: "Bewitched."

Li Qingcheng: "What?"

Zhang Mu immediately changed his words: "Except for him, I don't think much of anyone else."

Yu Hao: "Oh? What does he do?"

Zhang Mu: "The Emperor."

Everyone: "..."

Lu Bu: "I was almost the emperor."

Qilin: "He's just the regent, don't listen to him bragging."

Li Qingcheng smiled and said, "Not anymore. What do you like the most about Brother Mu... um... I really can't count them all. There are quite a few, let's talk about it another day."

"Okay." Zhou Sheng said, "The couple are quite shy, let's move on to the next question..."

Zhang Mu: "Tell me a little bit?"

Li Qingcheng held back his smile, and everyone stopped again, looking at them.

Li Qingcheng: "Say less, do more, right?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "Oh, 'work hard'?"

Everyone: "Oh—"

Zhang Mu: "Yes."

Li Qingcheng exploded: "No!"

Pu Luo: "The host pays attention to guide, don't let the topic become too vulgar."

"Are you the host or I will be the host?" Zhou Sheng said, "Either you come?"

Pro: "I'm just reminding you."

Yu Hao: "Alright, let's look at the next question."

Question 4: If given the opportunity, what would you most like the other party to do?

Xiao Yi: "Uh..."

Lu Zhou: "Why is it our turn to have this kind of problem?!"

"Quick, quick!" the crowd urged happily.

Lu Bu: "Wish! Wish! Quick!"

Xiao Yi: "Recently Brother Zhou is acting... playing a character, an ancient blind assassin, um! I really want to cosplay him! It's called "Mountains with Trees", and it's still in the filming period. Wait for the publicity to come out, everyone A lot of support!"

"Handsome?" Yu Hao said.

Lu Zhou: "You actually have such an idea?!"

Zhou Sheng: "It's your turn, what do you want your wife to cosplay?"

Lu Zhou: "I want him to take a break. I usually work too hard! I am so busy every day, this year I only have such a day off!"

The scene fell into awkward silence, Xiao Yi's smile froze, and everyone turned their heads away, not daring to look any more.

Lu Zhou patted his thigh, and Xiao Yi sat on Lu Zhou's lap and let him hug him too.

Yu Hao: "It's hard work, it's normal."

Pu Luo: "I like your songs, you sing beautifully and are very talented."

Everyone applauded one after another, Xiao Yi felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said thank you.

Lu Zhou made a "cut" and said, "How can you be as thick-skinned as you are at home?"

Xiao Yi hurriedly said: "No, no! My singing is so ugly!"

Everyone burst into laughter, Yu Hao said: "Alright, let's look at the next question—"

Question 5: Recently, because of something, you suddenly have the idea of ​​being tempted by the other party? Have it?

Li Jinglong: "Huh?"

Hong Jun: "Huh?"

Li Jinglong gently pinched Hongjun's ears, with a little blush on his face, and said with a smile: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Hong Jun said seriously: "Chang Shi last night..."

Li Jinglong immediately covered Hong Jun's mouth, and the rest of them said, "Let him talk!"

"Ouch!" Li Jinglong was bitten by Hong Jun and hurriedly let go, Hong Jun said seriously: "Last night, Chang Shi made me sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and sprinkled sweet-scented osmanthus flowers on the glutinous rice cakes with a sieve, looking so serious ,Too beautiful!"

"You are tempted by the sweet-scented osmanthus cake." Liu Yan said expressionlessly.

Hong Jun said: "No! I was looking at his face at that time."

Li Jinglong said with lingering fear: "Oh, it was that time."

Yu Hao: "Then what about you?"

Li Jinglong said "ah?" again, looked at Hongjun, squeezed his chin, everyone looked at the two of them, Li Jinglong has been holding hands with Hongjun since he appeared, and even more so not letting him go Stop, or tickle him a few times, or rub him.

Li Jinglong made a gesture to kiss Hongjun, but Hongjun quickly blocked him and said seriously: "There are a lot of people!"

Li Jinglong pointed at Hongjun and said with a smile: "It's this kind of time, just now."

Zhou Sheng said with a blank face: "Okay, let's look at the last question."

Yu Hao: "This kind of question... someone will be fined to kneel on the washboard when they go home, right?"

Question 6: Which feature do you hate the most in your partner?

Meng Feng: "Damn it! Make it difficult for me on purpose!"

Liu Yan: "Oh? It seems that you hate me."

Meng Feng: "Yes... yes! For example, you always... well, for me, you have paid so much, you see? You leave all the delicious ones to me, pick out the crab roe of hairy crabs for me to eat, and eat the crab meat yourself …”

Liu Yan: "I don't like to eat crab roe. If you eat too much, it will be high in fat! I like to eat crab meat, thank you! Can you stop being sentimental?"

Meng Feng: "..."

Yu Hao: "Then what about you Liu Yan?"

Liu Yan: "The most annoying thing... twenty-four hours a day, I am not allowed to stop. As long as I haven't seen it for a while, I will say 'Liu Yan! Where are you going?''Liu Yan? Where are you?''Liu Yan! Are you there? What for?'."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qilin immediately said, "Exactly the same!"

"Exactly the same!" Hong Jun exclaimed, "Are you too?"

"Follow wherever you go!" Li Qingcheng said.

"That's right!" Xiao Yi slapped his thigh and said, "As long as he is not in his sight, he will be suspicious!"

Chi Xiaoduo said: "It seems to be like this, I often ask 'Where is Xiaoduo?' 'Are you there?'."

Everyone: "..."

Liu Yan: "That's right. I don't let people stop for a moment. If I have nothing to do, I will find something to tease you, or I will punish you. It's almost like ADHD."

Li Qingcheng: "I don't dare to do this, but I always watch from the sidelines."

Zhang Mu: "..."

Hong Jun: "You always ask me if I want to eat or not. Sometimes I'm already very full, so I show me something to eat. I can't even eat anymore, and I eat beside me on purpose!"

Li Jinglong: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Our family is fine, but I always come here to make trouble when I make magic weapons."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Xiao Yi: "In short, we must ensure that you are within the control range!"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

Yu Hao glanced at Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng: "Okay! I've finished asking all the questions!"

Pro: "Congratulations everyone, the next step is the fourth session..."

"Also!" Everyone shouted at the same time.

"My mother, I won't play anymore," Yu Hao finally lost his patience completely, and said angrily, "I'm going out!"

Pro: "Please look up."

Everyone looked up together and saw the golden black wheel in the sky turning into a bright moon rising, the moonlight shining on the earth, and the track and field field under the surrounding platform turned into a mountain forest in an instant, stretching away, and the night wind blowing, it immediately made people feel refreshed.

Pro: "Now, please state your respective wishes."

"Oh—" Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, indicating that Lu Bu, who was most anxious to wish, could speak.

Qilin and Lu Bu looked at each other.

Lu Bu finally waited for this moment and said, "I hope my son who ran away from home can come home!"

Everyone: "..."

Qilin: "Xiao Ji has just turned sixteen, quarreled with his brother Zhong Ming, and has been away from home for a long time."

Hong Jun: "How long has it been?"

Lu Bu: "It's been three days!"

Everyone: "..."

Pro: "I will tell the adventurer to let your youngest son come back as soon as possible."

Lu Bu: "???"

Qilin remembered and hurriedly said, "Okay! Thank you!"

Yu Hao took the last piece of paper and read: "I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, return to gold... This word is blurred, is it a turtle or a turtle?"

Lu Bu: "Golden Ao Island!"

Zhou Sheng: "Let's go back to Jin'ao Island for the festival! To Tongtian Sect Master Husband, Haoran Husband, Longyang Jun, Prince Dan, Zhongming Heipi... What kind of mess is this, please speak up, let's go!"

Lu Bu and Qilin suddenly turned into light powder and were ejected from the dreamland.

"The second group," Zhou Sheng said, seeing that the victory was in sight, "Come, let's make a wish!"

Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng looked at each other, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "I don't want any wishes."

Xiang Cheng: "No wish, we have a lot of money, and recently entrusted it to a man named Guan Yue for investment, and the monsters are also very obedient..."

Yu Hao: "I don't want to hear the word money anymore! Get lost!"

Zhou Sheng: "Help take care of Ge Gentuoru Le Keda, Little Fox, Chen Zhen, Xuan He Zhi, Zhou Wanyuan, and Xiao Qi Jiaoxian, so that the group of pandas will stop eating them! They won't be able to roll anymore! Let's go!" !"

Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo turned into bright powder, and were ejected from the dream with a "shua".

Zhou Sheng: "The third group, here... oh, no one can take care of it, it seems that you two are still living in style."

Li Qingcheng: "Next year's Mid-Autumn Festival, can you stop torturing me and brother Mu?"

Pro: "No, I don't know why, the adventurer has drawn your lottery for three consecutive years, it's all because of luck."

Zhang Mu: "I will take Qingcheng overseas for the holidays next year. Don't mess with us again. This is my wish."

Pu Luo: "I will convey it for you, but I don't think adventurers want to call the knights here, there are too many people."

Zhou Sheng: "Although I don't know what you guys are talking about, but... Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Let's go!"

With a sound of "shua", Li Qingcheng and Zhang Mu also turned into light powder and bounced out.

"It's your turn." Yu Hao said to Lu Zhou and Xiao Yi.

Lu Zhou: "Just let us go back, let's play cosplay."

Xiao Yi: "Is it really possible? I have a wish!"

Zhou Sheng: "Say it!"

Xiao Yi: "Can I exchange ten wishes?"

Pro: "Forbidden."

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said, "Then... I hope the whole family will be healthy in the next year, right?"

Pu Luo: "Fulfill your wish."

Lu Zhou: "Anyway, I'm rich enough, so I just..."

Zhou Sheng: "Let's go!"

Yu Hao: "Get lost!"

Lu Zhou and Xiao Yi were ejected together.

Li Jinglong: "It's our turn?"

Hong Jun: "I'm hungry..."

Zhou Sheng: "Do you want to come to my house for dinner?"

Hong Jun: "Forget it, I still have to eat in the palace, can I make a wish?"

Pro: "Yes, the adventurer thinks you are cute, and I will give you one more wish."

Hong Jun: "Really?! Then... I think... Changshi's 'that', can you make it a little bit smaller... just a little bit."

Li Jinglong: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Pro: "This wish cannot be fulfilled, but I can assure you that it will not grow up again."

Li Jinglong: "..."

Hong Jun hurriedly said: "That's okay."

"The second wish." Yu Hao said, "What on earth are you here for? Either to show off that you have a bunch of children, or show off that you have money, or show off 'that'!"

Li Jinglong coughed, and said seriously: "The wish is... I hope that the Exorcist will live forever, and the world will always be peaceful, right? Whether it is the past or the future."

Pro: "The story of the past will be revealed soon."

Zhou Sheng: "One or two of you, why do you wish for happiness and world peace? It's too noble!"

Liu Yan: "Because world peace, family safety, and our love are the most important things in the world."

Zhou Sheng: "That's true, well, I would like to ask the following students and a carp Happy Mid-Autumn Festival—"

Yu Hao: "Mozhigen, Qiu Yongsi, Taipotamia Homihawk Hammurabi, what the hell? Trundeau, Lu Xu, Ashinaqiong, Carp, Feng'er..."

Li Jinglong: "Okay, okay, definitely bring it!"

Zhou Sheng: "Let's go!"

Li Jinglong and Hong Jun turned into light and dissipated.

Yu Hao: "What about you two?"

Liu Yan signaled Meng Feng to speak, and Zhou Sheng said, "Is the world peaceful? No need to ask."

"No, no, no!" Meng Feng hurriedly said, "I have a wish! Liu Yan, tell me."

Liu Yan said: "That's right, recently Jueming received a strange distress call..."

Pu Luo: "I know what it is, don't worry about it, it's just coming from another plane, and the frequency is temporarily wrong. After the adventurer solves the sea pearl, he will go to deal with it himself."

Meng Feng: "Will there be any serious consequences?"

Pro: "I don't think so, but I may need some assistance from you at that time."

Liu Yan: "There is one more wish... um, let love last forever?"

Meng Feng held Liu Yan's hand, and suddenly laughed, looking at Liu Yan, Liu Yan also smiled.

"Goodbye—" Yu Hao said.

"Let's go!" Zhou Sheng drew a flash of anger, and Yu Hao said, "Best wishes to Jueming Zhang Min, Meng Jianguo's father, Bai Xiaodongzhuo..."

Zhou Sheng: "It's already gone."

Yu Hao: "Okay, happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, remember to watch the finale of the first season of Doomsday Dawn. What do you mean?"

After finally sending everyone away, Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng looked at each other, too tired to talk anymore.

Pro: "Successful completion, it's the turn of the two wishes."

Yu Hao: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "Do you want money?"

Yu Hao: "It's good to have you by my side."

Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao sat side by side on the edge of the platform, looking at the moon in the sky, Pu Luo: "If you don't have a wish, you can leave on your own."

Zhou Sheng: "For a while, I really can't think of any wish."

Yu Hao: "Wait, I have an idea. That talking brother, can you show me your appearance?"

Puro: "I don't have a human form."

Zhou Sheng: "Is this a dream about the Creator?"

Yu Hao: "I don't know why, but I always think he looks good. Your name is Prometheus? I know what to wish for, let's manifest in our dreams!"

Pro: "I really don't have a form."

Zhou Sheng: "Then I'll stay here and not go out."

Pro: "..."

Yu Hao: "Hurry up! We promise not to say anything!"

A gust of wind blows, and the light powder gathers around, revealing the appearance of a young man with rough eyebrows and resolute eyes, wearing trousers and a white shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, revealing the collarbone, wearing a necklace around his neck with glitter chip. Pu Luo has a straight figure, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, two sword eyebrows, and a broken eyebrow carved on the left side, a high nose bridge, moist lips, deep and dark eyes, and a slightly ruffian smile.

Yu Hao: "Why does it look so much like..."

Zhou Sheng: "It looks like the six people just now have some characteristics, but they don't exactly resemble each other."

"Are you satisfied with the appearance I created for myself through temporary sampling?" Prometheus pushed the black-rimmed glasses, put one hand in his trousers pocket, and looked down at the two of them.

Yu Hao: "It's also a little bit like you."

Zhou Sheng: "Tch, you just added all the handsome ones together."

Pro: "Not only that, I also have the abilities of all of you, see?"

Saying that, Pu Luo snapped his fingers, and Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng, who were holding hands, turned into light powder and slammed into the wind.

The whole world disintegrated and turned into countless codes, whirling around the central platform, and a voice came from the void.

"Pu Luo?" Tianhe said, "What are you doing? Why are you so quiet all this time, and you're ready to go out."

Pro raised his head on the platform and said into the void: "Oh, I'm trying to write some entertainment programs, and I set a destination for you."

Tianhe changed his clothes, put on his earphones and went out. Guan Yue, with the car keys in his fingers, leaned against the doorpost and waited at the gate.

Lamborghini turned a corner and drove to the front door. The door automatically rose, and Guan Yue sat in the driver's seat. Tianhe said: "It's been a quiet afternoon, I guess what the hell are you doing again."

Pro: "Do you need me to disperse the dark clouds tonight? I can use four planes to drive away the clouds, so that it will be much more convenient to watch the moon at night."

"Okay." Tianhe said, "Thank you."

Guan Yue turned the steering wheel, drove the car away, took Tianhe to the riverside to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, and said casually: "There is a bright moon in my heart, and the world is full of bright moon."

"Yes." Pu Luo stood on the void platform, snapped his fingers, and with a soft sound, all the codes were scattered, and turned into mountains and rivers stretching thousands of miles and a bright moon in the sky again.

Pu Luo turned around, the moonlight shone on his handsome face, and said, "Honey, happy Mid-Autumn Festival."