Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 17: Liwan


Xiang Cheng led Chi Xiaoduo on his bicycle, thought for a while, and said, "Qi Wei...he has a grudge against me. If you are in trouble, I will ask him to issue a unit certificate for me."

"Ah? It's okay, don't bother me." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Wang Ren is my very good friend, but I think Qi Qi treats you very well... what's your hatred?"

Xiang Cheng replied: "It's a matter of the previous generation."

Chi Xiaoduo immediately knew that he shouldn't ask any more questions, so he nodded.

China Plaza is the most crowded place, from the shopping mall on the second floor of the basement to the top floor, it is the most prosperous commercial area in Guangzhou. At night, it is even more brightly lit and crowded. The two went up to the third floor. Xiang Cheng compared the cards with the address in his hand, and saw that one of the stores was being renovated, and the outside was surrounded by cartoon tarpaulins.

Taking advantage of the people around him not paying attention, Xiang Cheng lifted the tarpaulin and sneaked in while Chi Xiaoduo was watching the wind outside.

After a while, Chi Xiaoduo lifted the curtain and saw half of Xiang Cheng hanging from the ceiling, and his upper body got into the air vent.

"Go." Xiang Cheng jumped down, holding a roll of white talisman paper in his hand.

The two left the garage and entered the subway.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Xiang Cheng stood and looked at the stop sign. From the martyr's cemetery to the park, he turned to Line 1 to Changshou Road. The crowd was crowded. Xiang Cheng protected Chi Xiaoduo in front of him, and carefully stuffed the scroll into his pocket , replied: "Don't be nervous, nothing happened."

"What's this for?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng whispered in his ear: "When the building is being built, some buildings will seal ghost charms in the cement to protect the safety of the construction process and the workers will not die accidentally."

Chi Xiaoduo didn't remember seeing them before, and asked, "Does every building have them?"

Xiang Cheng shook his head, and replied: "Some have it, some don't. Some Hong Kong developers, who believe in these, will seal a safe talisman, and will also seal a charm that blesses business prosperity and real estate sales. If there are monsters living nearby for a long time, the talisman will It will absorb the evil spirit."

"What kind of monster is this?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"The breath is very weak, it is a very ordinary monster." Xiang Cheng replied, "Let's go find it now, don't be afraid, ordinary monsters are no match for me."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, and the two got off at Changshou Road. After nine o'clock, there were very few people on Changshou West Road.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng: "?"

"Liwan Plaza." Chi Xiaoduo's hair stood on end.

"Liwan Plaza, um, what's the matter?" Xiang Cheng raised his head, and outside the first floor of the commercial center, a small white dot flickered slightly. It was Xiang Cheng's white phoenix.

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Will the monster hide here?"

"It's possible." Xiang Cheng said, "Are you afraid?"

Liwan Square is the scariest haunted area in Guangzhou legend. If Chi Xiaoduo came alone, he would definitely not go in if he was killed. Let alone night, he would definitely not come here even in the middle of the day.

"I'm not afraid." Chi Xiaoduo hid behind Xiang Cheng and looked towards the door. Xiang Cheng turned around and glanced at him. Chi Xiaoduo said tremblingly, "I'm really not afraid. Well, I'm actually only afraid of ghosts. Monsters are natural phenomena. Nothing to be afraid of."

Xiang Cheng said: "Either I go in and take a look, or you wait for me outside with a cup of coffee."

"That's the way to really be afraid!" Chi Xiaoduo huddled beside Xiang Cheng and said tremblingly, "What if you don't come out at ten o'clock and all the shops on the roadside are closed?"

Xiang Cheng laughed and said, "Follow me."

He was carrying a one-shoulder sports bag, let Chi Xiaoduo carry it cross-body, and said, "If you're afraid, just throw it out if you touch it."

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't laugh or cry, and followed Xiang Cheng in.

The Liwan Plaza was empty, many shops had already closed the iron gates and closed early, no one could be seen on the first floor, so the two got on the escalator.

"Has that store moved here?" Chi Xiaoduo looked around and asked carefully.

"Maybe." Xiang Cheng replied, "Maybe the main store is here. Do you know about Liwan Plaza?"

"I've heard of it before." Chi Xiaoduo was absent-minded, glanced at each other, and grabbed Xiang Cheng's sleeve. Xiang Cheng held his palm with his backhand. Like couples.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Are you still afraid?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Chi Xiaoduo replied, "Not afraid." While secretly adjusting the belt, he thought he was not afraid but it was hard... Damn, this action is too ambiguous, but it's so cool. Growing up so big, it was the first time that I intertwined with the man I liked. Sure enough, there is an impulse when holding hands.

Chi Xiaoduo changed the subject and asked, "I thought only people in Guangzhou knew about it, so it's already so famous?"

Xiang Cheng replied: "There is an internal publication in the Exorcism Committee, a monthly magazine called "Exorcism Work", which is used by various organizations to communicate with each other. One issue mentioned the Liwan Square incident."

Chi Xiaoduo's heart for gossip was immediately brought up, and he hurriedly asked, "What is the reason for the haunting?"

"Because of an evil thing."

Xiang Cheng replied.

The escalator stopped suddenly, and Chi Xiaoduo almost cried out, but Xiang Cheng led him up, and said as he walked, "I also read the monthly magazine, but I don't know the details. In order to make space, Sanxing nailed a dragon here, and drove that dragon into the ground veins, so that those who do business on the dragon can make a fortune."

Chi Xiaoduo opened his mouth slightly, and the two went up to the third floor, when a clerk from a crystal shop not far away closed the door and came out.

"The dragon's body." Xiang Cheng said, "From the place where we got on the subway before, it has spread to here, including the several pedestrian streets you often go to. The business is very prosperous, which is the effect of the ground veins. And the underground here is Longkou. .”

Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng looked towards the lobby together, the lobby was empty, with a quiet and eerie atmosphere, the lights on the top flickered and then went out, Chi Xiaoduo held Xiang Cheng's hand tightly. Chi Xiaoduo said: "Because of Longkou, is it haunted?"

"Longkou is the place with the heaviest hostility. The dragon was nailed for hundreds of years after his death, and his hostility lingered here, concentrated here." Xiang Cheng added, "I heard that when the foundation was being laid, there were excavated coffin?"

"That's right." Chi Xiaoduo clutched Xiang Cheng's sports bag tightly, and said with horror, "Old Guangzhou people often say, especially those who live around here, that eight coffins were dug out before, and they are just under the lobby. "

"That was hung on the dragon's teeth to suppress hostility." Xiang Cheng said, "The corpse inside was for the evil dragon to eat, and was later destroyed by construction workers. The evil dragon had nothing to eat, so it was natural to make trouble."

Chi Xiaoduo was very nervous, but when he was with Xiang Cheng, he didn't feel too scary. He said, "So I heard that eight people die here every year... Is it true?"

Xiang Cheng shook his head, Chi Xiaoduo said, "Is there any way to break it?"

"It's flattened, and a temple will be built on it." Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo walked quietly along the corridor on the third floor, saying, "Otherwise, we can only sell crystals and jade wares, which can ward off evil spirits."

With the sound of footsteps, Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo rushed to the safe exit and closed the door.

The footsteps were getting closer, and suddenly, all the lights on this floor went out. Chi Xiaoduo almost cried out, but Xiang Cheng waved his hand, motioning him to look out.

The two looked out through the transparent window on the exit door, and saw a security guard holding a flashlight and turning off the lights on this floor.

As soon as the lights were turned off, it was pitch black everywhere. Chi Xiaoduo started to get a little scared. Xiang Cheng turned on the light on his mobile phone, and the two of them went up to the fourth floor along the stationary escalator.

Chi Xiaoduo nervously pointed to the upper corner.

In the southeast corner of the fifth floor, there was a faint light in a shop, and a very subtle sound came from it. The two walked up quickly, and Chi Xiaoduo looked in along the iron gate.

It was a shop selling crystals. The counter in the shop was shaped like a door, with the opening facing the door, and there was a long counter on the left and right sides.

Crystals are placed in the glass counter, and behind the counter, there are red amulets of peace. On the counter is a statue of a god with a strange shape. monopoly.

There is a small TV hanging in the shop, and a black and white Cantonese feature film is playing in the TV, the sound is not loud, the inside is empty, there is no one there, the light from the TV shines on the faces of the two people, that The scene is really weird.

Xiang Cheng took a step back, Chi Xiaoduo followed his gaze and looked up, and landed on the bar on the top outside the store door, it was empty, Xiang Cheng took a few steps to the side, needless to say, Chi Xiaoduo also noticed up.

Dirty gossip mirrors hang in front of almost all the shops in the entire square, only this one does not.

Xiang Cheng took out the magic pestle and the demon-binding rope from Chi Xiaoduo's bag, stood by the door, and hid outside.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng motioned for him to call the door, and rest assured that he was here, Chi Xiaoduo nodded, adjusted the elastic band of the sports bag, and patted the door.

"Is anyone there?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

No one spoke inside, Chi Xiaoduo shook the iron gate again, Xiang Cheng made a shush gesture, indicating not to be too loud, so as not to alarm the security guards in the lobby.

"Is anyone there?" Chi Xiaoduo said again, "Boss, buy something!"

Xiang Cheng held his forehead with one hand, and Chi Xiaoduo felt that he was asking a little stupidly. Just as he was about to step back, he stretched out a hand behind the counter closest to him, then stretched out a head, and then stood up alone. , staring straight at him.

Chi Xiaoduo almost exploded, and it took a lot of effort to control himself from shouting, his scalp went numb.

It was a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, his eyes were red from staying up late.

"I'm buying... something." Chi Xiaoduo didn't know what to say, so he made up an excuse.

The young man stretched out his hand and pressed a button, the iron gate opened, and Chi Xiaoduo bowed and got in.

Outside, Xiang Cheng turned around and got out from the vent in the corridor, dismantled the iron gate leading to the outside of the building, and gently put it aside.

The sky was covered by dark clouds and the moon was covered by dark clouds, and the height of the sixth floor was under his feet. Xiang Cheng glanced down and saw Sigui flying towards him. He pulled out the rope that bound the demon, and put the end of the thread into Sigui's beak. Sigui was flying outside with the red rope in his mouth. After a circle, Xiang Cheng climbed out of the vent and carefully stepped on the drainpipe outside, which was very difficult to use.

He moved slowly along the water pipe to the back of the crystal shop, saw a small window, moved his finger, stretched his whole arm in through the small window, groped around, touched the cable of the TV, and pulled it out down.

Then he crawled back into the safe passage, and returned to the door covered in ashes.

Chi Xiaoduo pretended to look at the crystals on the counter, all of which were priced at tens of thousands.

"What's the use of these crystals?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

The clerk looked up, took a look at Chi Xiaoduo, then lowered his head, introduced him seriously, and took out a black crystal in a serious manner. Under the light of the faint blue ultraviolet light in the whole store, the atmosphere was very special. fear.

"This is for this purpose." The clerk took off a talisman bag from the wall behind and said, "The black crystal represents night, night, to ward off evil spirits for you, and you will easily get sick when you go to hospitals and nightclubs. Take it back and use it to Your own blood is nourished, it can help you get rid of diseases, and transfer it to other people, what do you do? What do you want to buy for it?"

The clerk's attitude was very gentle, dispelling a little nervousness, Chi Xiaoduo said: "Is there anyone who likes me?"

"Yes." The clerk replied, "This kind of powder crystal, do you want to pry the corner or fall in love? Does the person you like have a spouse?"

Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself that you, a monster, are too serious about doing business, and even asked people like this, and replied: "It should... no."

The clerk was obviously used to customers who hesitated, and replied: "This kind is hibiscus pink crystal with nine-tailed fox, also called fox eyes. If you are not sure whether the other party has a lover, you can bring this kind. Take you and yours together." Put the hair of the person you like in the bag, and put the crystal on it, and bring it with you every time you go out with the other person, and don't let the other person see it."

"This kind is Peach Blossom Fairy." The clerk said, "With starlight powder, it's for blind dates. Find a suitable partner. It's suitable for people you don't like. Let the peach blossom luck come quickly. This is ice seed powder, with snakes God, the other party cannot be someone who already has a lover."

Chi Xiaoduo wondered why Xiang Cheng didn't come in, and said casually, "Is there any sequelae?"

"What?" The clerk thought for a while, blinked tiredly, and said, "There are no sequelae. You have to leave your birth date and name, and the person you like, if any, to us. There are no other sequelae."

"Forget it." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I didn't bring enough money."

At this moment, Xiang Cheng walked in, the clerk's expression changed immediately, he stretched out his hand and clasped it down, Chi Xiaoduo was prepared, when the clerk's palm was buckled down, Chi Xiaoduo shrank suddenly, said Chi Xiaoduo Soon, he caught a glimpse of the clerk's hand turning into a furry hand when he slapped it down, smashing the glass counter to pieces with a snap.

"Ask your boss to come out." Xiang Cheng said, "Talk about something."

The clerk changed his face in an instant, that face turned into a monkey face, and yelled at Xiang Cheng, Chi Xiaoduo hid behind Xiang Cheng, Xiang Cheng flicked his hand, and shook the magic pestle away!

In an instant, the clerk fled towards the store, but Xiang Cheng was even faster. He stepped on the counter and kicked it to pieces. Under Chi Xiaoduo's gaze, he rushed into the TV! The program on the TV stopped in an instant, and it turned into a white light, which went out.

And Xiang Cheng followed, without looking sideways, threw out the subduing magic pestle, which was nailed to the TV, the TV screen sank, buzzing, the subduing magic pestle couldn't stop shaking, and golden light burst out around it.

A current flowed quickly along the data cable of the TV, passed through the wall, shot into the small room behind the store, and then flew out from the thread that was torn off by Xiang Cheng.

In an instant, Xiang Cheng pulled his hand back, and there was a piercing neighing from inside. The demon-binding rope that was lying in wait inside turned into a net, and it was pulled back heavily, binding the black smoke, and a rotten monster appeared. Following Chi Xiaoduo, he chased after him with a stride.

"Tell your boss to come out." Xiang Cheng pulled up two chairs, sat down with Chi Xiaoduo separately, lit a cigarette by himself, and said to the monkey monster.

The monkey monster's entire face was rotten, and it had two terribly big, butterfly-like ears. It roared angrily at them, showing its entire gums, which shocked Chi Xiaoduo greatly.

Xiang Cheng took out a stack of yellow talismans from Chi Xiaoduo's bag, and tapped three of them.

"I say!" The monkey demon suddenly covered his head with both hands, and then revealed a red eye from between his arms, and said ferociously, "After you finish speaking, let me go."

"You're dead." Xiang Cheng said, "Unlike ordinary demons, I can't let you go."

"I didn't, I didn't die—" the monkey demon said painfully.

"Okay, I'll let you go. Where's your boss?" Xiang Cheng took out his phone and said, "Give him his phone number."

"I don't know!" The Monkey Demon replied, "I've never seen it in human form! He doesn't have a human form!"

Xiang Cheng: "Where do you live?"

The monkey demon said: "I don't know! I don't know!"

Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo looked at each other, Chi Xiaoduo's heart was turned upside down, he couldn't even speak, he felt like he was sucked into a supernatural movie with extremely realistic special effects. Not so shocking yet. Now that I experience it personally, I can't help feeling nauseated and dizzy.

"When will you come to the store?" Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo was anxious, feeling very scared and pitiful for it, his face was rotten to the bone, and he didn't know what to do.

"Does it hurt?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

The monkey demon couldn't help panting, his eyes rolled around.

Chi Xiaoduo took out a bottle of mineral water from his bag and said, "Your face is festered."

Xiang Cheng gestured for him to wash it, so Chi Xiaoduo carefully poured mineral water on the monkey monster's face. The monkey monster raised its head and kept drinking water, obviously thirsty.

"When did you first meet the boss?" Xiang Cheng asked.

The monkey monster's throat twitched violently, and it took a full ten seconds to drink the water before it was able to catch its breath.

"Below." The monkey monster said awkwardly, "Night, Hei Hei."

Chi Xiaoduo was puzzled, turned his head to look at Xiang Cheng, and Xiang Cheng said, "Is the boss's smell the same as his? Look carefully to make sure."

Xiang Cheng put a hand on Chi Xiaoduo's shoulder. At that moment, Chi Xiaoduo felt something emanating from his body, because the monkey demon kept smelling towards the air, as if he was smelling his scent.

The monkey monster nodded.

Xiang Cheng replied, "Does your boss have a name?"

The monkey demon shook his head and pointed to the ground.

Chi Xiaoduo felt that the monkey demon was really miserable, his body was bruised, and he said, "Can you cure it?"

Xiang Cheng narrowed his eyes, shook his head, put away the rope that bound the demon, got up and said, "Let's go."

Chi Xiaoduo backed out and looked back at the Monkey Demon, who was sitting alone in the back of the crystal shop, wiping tears sadly.

"What's going on?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"It's not an ordinary monster." Xiang Cheng said, "It's been corrupted by demonic energy, and there's no way to cure it."

"What about the trauma? Can't you send it to the pet hospital for cleaning?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Maybe the trauma will get better."

Xiang Cheng said, "I'll ask the organization tomorrow."

"It says below, what does it mean?" Chi Xiaoduo said again, "Is it in the underground garage?"

"Maybe deeper." Xiang Cheng stopped.

In the round sky, the entire Liwan Plaza seemed to be spinning continuously in the long quiet night, and the ground below the lobby was like a dark abyss.

Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo avoided the security guard dozing off at the door, Xiang Cheng's smoke ring flew towards the camera, Chi Xiaoduo sneaked in from the window outside the security guard's room, and silently picked up the flashlight on the desk .

"I have to carry a lighting tool with me from now on." Xiang Cheng walked ahead with a flashlight, and walked underground with Chi Xiaoduo. When Sigui flew over, Xiang Cheng lifted Chi Xiaoduo's hood, and Sigui hid in Chi Xiaoduo's hood.

"Ah Huang, you protect Xiaoduo." Xiang Cheng said to Sigui in the hood.

Sigui sticks out the bird's head and looks around.

"Didn't you prepare lighting equipment when you went on missions at night?" Chi Xiaoduo asked curiously.

"Ah Huang would illuminate for me before." Xiang Cheng replied, "But it is easy to disturb the monsters. Last time the Mingguang Orb went to Chengdu, the monsters broke it."

"How many years have you been doing this?"

The two walked down the safe passage.

"Seven years old, I followed my father to learn how to collect demons." Xiang Cheng's voice said from the front, "It's been twenty-one years."

"Do you often run around?" Chi Xiaoduo asked again, "I thought everyone in this business was rich."

"I don't like doing things for the bosses." Xiang Cheng led the way and replied, "I feel uncomfortable dealing with rich people. In their eyes, it's only natural that he gives money and you do things. I don't like catching monsters as a deal. What's more, many people are rich and unkind."

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't understand Xiang Cheng's words. They went down to the basement level, and there was no way to go underground. Xiang Cheng opened the door, and the basement level glowed with a pale white light. A convenience store was still open, and the convenience store clerk was installing. goods.

"There is no way." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng walked into the convenience store, and the clerk looked back at Xiang Cheng.

"Buy a bag of red plums." Xiang Cheng said.

"No." The clerk replied, "It's on the shelf for you to see for yourself."

"Let's smoke something better." Chi Xiaoduo knew that Hongmei costs five yuan a pack, and said, "Take a pack of Marlboro."

The clerk came over to open the cash register, Chi Xiaoduo paid the bill, looked at Xiang Cheng, Xiang Cheng signaled him to rest assured that he was not a monster.

"How do I get here?" Xiang Cheng said.

"Go up." The clerk said, "The elevator over there is open."

Xiang Cheng said, "Is there a back door?"

The clerk replied, "Don't go."

Chi Xiaoduo looked to the side and saw a closed door.

"Where's your boss?" Xiang Cheng asked.

The clerk shrugged and said, "The boss has gone abroad. Our boss said that if you go through the back door, you will bear the consequences."

"Does anyone usually go through that door?" Xiang Cheng asked again.

"It's happened before, and I heard that customers who took things and didn't pay them all went through the back door." The clerk said.

Xiang Cheng took the cigarettes, and walked to the back door with Chi Xiaoduo, pushed the door open, and the flashlight showed it was a downward staircase.

"I suspect that clerk knows something." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"He's an ordinary person." Xiang Cheng said, "I probably don't know anything, but their boss must know."

"Except for people like me." Chi Xiaoduo asked, "Does anyone else know about supernatural beings?"

"There are quite a few more." Xiang Cheng said, "Some people usually come into contact with them, and those who can be hypnotized should try to hypnotize them as much as possible. Some people who are involved in too deep events and have too complicated backgrounds will occasionally think of a little bit, but they can't explain clearly, but Most of the time they don’t talk about it.”

At the end of the stairs, there was an empty concrete room. Xiang Cheng took a flashlight and looked around, but there was nothing. There was a hole in the middle of the room, and the two of them went to the hole and looked down to see the darkness.

At the end of the hole was a drop of black liquid.

"Lie on my back." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo was hanging on Xiang Cheng's back, and Xiang Cheng was agile and went down the bottom of the ladder.

There was a very long passage in the cave, and they were already on the third floor underground of Liwan Plaza. Xiang Cheng held Chi Xiaoduo's hand, and the two walked towards the end in the quiet and dark passage. Chi Xiaoduo started to get a little scared, and couldn't help but fantasize in his mind like the horror movie "Alien", when suddenly something jumped down on his head.

"Listen to the music and relax." Xiang Cheng said, "Are there any songs on my phone?"

Chi Xiaoduo laughed, took out Xiang Cheng's mobile phone, chose a song, put on the earphones by himself, and gave one to Xiang Cheng.

This time, Lady Gaga's "Bad Romace" was played, and the voice of the drake sounded "quack-la-la-la-la", as if echoing in a tunnel.

"Is the singer male or female?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Chi Xiaoduo: "Treat her as a girl."

Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo walked along the road, holding hands, Lady Gaga's rhythmic singing echoed in the tunnel, and both of them seemed to be shaking their heads automatically to the beat.

"ZhuaZhua, O-La La La..."

"What are you singing, I don't understand."

"Just as good as it sounds."

"It's okay." Xiang Cheng followed the melody, paused his head, and said, "It's suitable for listening to demons and exorcising them."

The two walked out of the tunnel and came to a stranger place. It was an irregularly shaped open room, half of which was a rough concrete room made of reinforced concrete, and the other half of which was a mess of mud walls, as if someone was building a basement here. Halfway through the construction, it ran away temporarily, leaving a half-concrete and half-natural space.

The open side is a slope, and it is supported by wooden piles all around.

Xiang Cheng took off his earphones and said, "This is where eight coffins are placed."

"What?" Chi Xiaoduo looked blank, and Xiang Cheng waved his hand, signaling him to stand in the middle and open his arms.

Xiang Cheng was still immersed in the melody and rhythm, shook off the subduing magic pestle, ran with a bow, drew a circle around Chi Xiaoduo, then leaned sideways, dragging the weapon around, Chi Xiaoduo looked down curiously, Xiang Cheng seemed to have drawn a magic circle on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Xiaoduo stood still, and Xiang Cheng raised his hand, facing Chi Xiaoduo, and pressed slightly.

With a buzzing sound, the traces painted on the ground glowed, and he felt something changed in Xiang Cheng. It seemed that a divine beast appeared on Xiang Cheng's body, and his eyes remained motionless, replacing Xiang Cheng's gaze at him. This sense of oppression made Chi Xiaoduo uncontrollably frightened, but in just a split second, a kind of power in him was forced to be released.

Chi Xiaoduo looked down at his hands, and a faint black smoke was emitted from his arms, drifting to the depths of the dirt passage.

"We're getting close to that monster." Xiang Cheng said, "Leave it to me, and then hide behind me."

"Is there any difference between a demon and a demon?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"It's far away." Xiang Cheng walked ahead, took Chi Xiaoduo's bag, and said, "A demon is a living thing, and a demon is a kind of resentment."

"Do demons have no form?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Xiang Cheng said: "Mostly the gathering of demons occurs naturally. It will gather into evil power. After this evil power is formed, it will radiate power. Select some suitable animals and plants to turn them into demons."

"A real demon will parasitize on the most powerful creature it can find." Xiang Cheng said.

"Then how do we kill it?" Chi Xiaoduo asked, "Will the demon be reincarnated after death?"

Xiang Cheng made a gesture of "dispelling" and explained: "Exorcism means to subdue it and use your own power to disperse it. It is to disperse, not drive away."

"Oh—" Chi Xiaoduo understood everything in a flash.

"So your real job is to exorcise demons." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Find the power to turn a demon into a demon, and then drive it away." Xiang Cheng said, "It is what an exorcist does to resolve disasters in the world. Collecting a demon is just a process, and the ultimate goal is to find the source of the demon."

"What is the reason for the magic?" Chi Xiaoduo felt that he had too many questions, but it didn't matter, he would be formatted anyway, so let's talk after satisfying his curiosity.

"Pain." Xiang Cheng said, "the pain of heaven and earth, the pain of living beings, and the pain of human beings."

"Will there be pain in the world?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng nodded and said, "I also have a lot of things I don't understand."

Chi Xiaoduo stepped on something, and the conversation stopped abruptly. The bottom of the shoe was sticky. When he lifted his foot to look, there was something like asphalt underneath. Xiang Cheng took a photo with his flashlight, leading to the end of the corridor.

The two came out of a hole and entered a huge tunnel, and there was still water surging in the tunnel.

"This is the underground drainage pipe of Guangzhou City." Chi Xiaoduo said, and the sound echoed in the tunnel.

The asphalt-like traces disappeared, and after walking through the tunnel, there were all intricate roads in front of them. The two stood for a while, Xiang Cheng looked up and saw black traces of solidified asphalt on the top of the tunnel.

"This way." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"You know?" Xiang Cheng said.

"I guess it's hiding in the confluence of the drainage pipes." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Look at the top of the cave. This monster... this monster shouldn't have ADHD. It climbs up and down. Maybe it's too big. It's a big hit."

"It makes sense." Xiang Cheng said, "ADHD, the analogy is very vivid. Do you know where there is empty space?"

"Of course." Chi Xiaoduo said, "My specialty is plumbing and drainage. Are you going to do the exorcism later?"

Xiang Cheng was thinking about it, and said, "We'll see."

Chi Xiaoduo led Xiang Cheng to drill around in the maze-like underground waterway. The smell became more and more stinky. At the end, Chi Xiaoduo almost fainted. Xiang Cheng covered Chi Xiaoduo's mouth with his left hand and quickened his pace. The two of them slammed on the brakes and stopped at the meeting point.

This is an empty space where the drainage from the entire city of Guangzhou gathers during heavy rains. A huge opening, one of the tunnel’s main pipes leads to the more distant Pearl River.

The inside is accompanied by a waterfall-like sound and stench, and there is even an ear-splitting roar, as if a magnificent machine is rumbling, and the inside emits green light.

Chi Xiaoduo held his breath, hugged Xiang Cheng, and looked down together.

It was a three-meter-tall monster, crawling on the bottom of the pit, facing the drainage main pipe, and couldn't stop breathing. After a while, it shook violently, emitting a stream of black mud. A green light body like a headlamp grows on its body, illuminating the huge pit.

"I'll go down and have a look." Xiang Cheng almost stuck to Chi Xiaoduo's ear, and said, "That's it, don't get close to it."

Chi Xiaoduo whispered, "I get close to it, will it notice?"

"It's possible." Xiang Cheng turned around and quietly climbed down a straight ladder.

The monster roared, and spewed out a stream of asphalt mud, which spilled all over the ground.

Chi Xiaoduo understood, it was coughing!

But how did such a big thing get in

The black stinky mud is carried out along with the dirty water, and may flow into the Pearl River channel.

Chi Xiaoduo gestured to Xiang Cheng, and Xiang Cheng expressed his reassurance. Halfway through the climb, the monster turned over and let out a painful roar. The sound was so loud that Chi Xiaoduo almost fell off, and hurriedly bowed and lay down at the entrance of the cave. .

Xiang Cheng gave a sudden pause and fixed his body.

At that second, he held on to the straight ladder in a leaning posture, forming an angle, and with that angle, the mobile phone in the sportswear pocket slowly slid out.

Chi Xiaoduo whispered anxiously: "Mobile phone!"

Between the monster's exhalation and inhalation, it seemed to be stuck in the mud, and there was a short silence.

The Iphone6plus slid out of Xiang Cheng's pocket with the headphone cable. Xiang Cheng held the ladder with his left hand, and quickly reached out with his right hand, grabbing the headphone cable tightly.

The earphone cable is connected to the Iphone, and the Iphone is suspended in the air, rotating slowly.

Chi Xiaoduo heaved a sigh of relief, and Xiang Cheng pulled the earphone cable upwards, and when he was about to let the phone fly back - Chi Xiaoduo almost cried out.

The earphone and the phone snapped apart.

The phone switched to public release mode within a second—Lady Gaga's loud voice echoed in the tunnel.

"Rara—aaaa, GaGa O LaLaLaLa—"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng: "..."