Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 19: Voodoo


"Are you injured? Who are you?" Chi Xiaoduo realized that this monster should not eat children, at least he doesn't have the strength to do so now.

The monster whined, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "I'll find a doctor for you, wait...wait for me."

The monster closed his eyes, Chi Xiaoduo wanted to go out along the road, but found that the tide was high, so he had to come back and sit beside the monster.

"Either I push you back into the sea, can you move?" Chi Xiaoduo was like a child with ADHD, unable to sit still, got up and pushed the monster hard again.

The monster made a strange sound, turned its head slightly, and blinked its eyes.

Chi Xiaoduo tried all the methods, but couldn't send the monster back into the sea smoothly, so he had to give up in the end, leaning on the monster and looking outside. It was a starless night, the sea breeze was blowing, and the night sky was dark and eerie.

"No, no, no... there won't be any monsters." Chi Xiaoduo was a little scared, and leaned against the monsters beside him.

The monster blinked, and Chi Xiaoduo remembered that it was a monster, but he couldn't help being afraid and hid behind the monster. The monster closed its eyes, the cave was dark, and Chi Xiaoduo became frightened again.

The monster seemed to sense it. Every time Chi Xiaoduo was afraid, the monster opened his eyes, so that there was at least light in the cave, which made Chi Xiaoduo a little more stable. Sitting like this, he couldn't fall asleep, so he began to study the monster.

Its body was rotten, and its scales peeled off, revealing the rotten, foul-smelling flesh and blood inside. There was still a section of propeller stuck at the spine of its tail, and its mouth was not fully closed, slowly dripping green blood outward.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo probed into its mouth and saw half of its tongue was blown off by something.

The monster's eyeballs turned and glanced down, and Chi Xiaoduo's uneasy expression was reflected in his pupils.

So hungry, and so cold... Chi Xiaoduo thought, can monsters eat.

Such a big monster, it doesn't matter if you eat a little bit, Chi Xiaoduo remembers that sashimi is also edible, just eat a little bit, just like he would occasionally gnaw the skin off his fingers, it shouldn't hurt.

Of course he dared not try casually.

The tide poured in, reaching Chi Xiaoduo's ankles.

"The water has entered." Chi Xiaoduo said to the monster, "Are you cold?"

The monster was still panting, but it had calmed down a bit, as if afraid of scaring Chi Xiaoduo, Chi Xiaoduo carefully climbed onto the monster's back to avoid the wet and cold tide. Holding the monster's head, slide down its back to play on the slide.

The monster's eyes turned, looked up, and followed Chi Xiaoduo's movements.

Chi Xiaoduo squatted on the monster's head, the sea water had already covered its tail, the slide could no longer be played, and it was easy to throw its head down into the sea water.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo hugged his knees and looked out from the little gap above the monster's head. It was raining outside, and on the sea, tangled lightning and lightning connected the sky and the sea.

"Will the sea water flood in?" Chi Xiaoduo asked the monster under him, "Will it drown us both?"

The monster made a difficult swallowing sound, its eyeballs looked up, the water level was getting higher and higher, and the tide was about to submerge the sea cave. Chi Xiaoduo lay on the monster's head in a prostration style, and blinked tiredly.

I don't know how long it took, a shock woke up Xiaochi Xiaoduo, the monster trembled under him, as if gathering strength, Chi Xiaoduo looked at it inexplicably, and then found in panic that the sea water had already overflowed the monster's body The whole body, its eyes are buried under the water, leaving a small black island above its head.

Chi Xiaoduo: "What should I do? Ah! You can swim away! Can you take me out?"

The monster took a deep breath of water, its abdominal cavity swelled, and spit out a series of bubbles under the water. It slowly opened its mouth, and the broken tongue burst out like a star, and then turned into countless tentacles glowing with blue light, waving around and extending towards overhead.

"what… "

The illusory blue light tentacles are like arms, entangled and reached out, wrapped Chi Xiaoduo, hugged him carefully, stretched out the sea cave, the rain swirled around the blue light, and the tentacles stretched out from the bottom of the water, hugging Chi Xiaoduo. Xiaoduo, leaning towards the end of the reef group, gently placed him on a big rock.

Chi Xiaoduo was drenched all over. Looking around, he realized that he was saved.

"Is anyone there!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted on the beach, and in the distance, a tall man approached.

"Is anyone there?!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted, "Take me home!"

The man showed his face, it was Xiang Cheng.

Chi Xiaoduo ran towards him, Xiang Cheng opened his arms, knelt down on one knee, and picked him up, Chi Xiaoduo didn't know why, but cried in his dream, he hugged Xiang Cheng's neck tightly and didn't let go , buried his face on the side of his neck.

"I'm here." Xiang Cheng said.

A flash of lightning flashed by, and the thunder sounded along the sea, like thousands of troops rushing forward.

In the dream, Chi Xiaoduo felt Xiang Cheng's scorching body temperature and the beating of his heart through the shirt. Xiang Cheng kissed his forehead, followed by his nose, then his lips...

Chi Xiaoduo woke up suddenly, and a thunder exploded outside, startling him.


Chi Xiaoduo jumped up from the bed, his face was flushed, his pajama pants were all wet with slippery liquid, he actually had a wet dream... It must be because he was too tired yesterday, and he was stimulated in the shower.

Guangzhou was hit by wind and rain, dark clouds covered the top like the end of the world, countless lightnings shot at buildings more than 300 meters high, and the situation on the top of the Pearl River Bridge was changing. At noon, it was as dark as a dark night. The Canton Tower was connected to the sky, attracting electric lights from all directions, and it became a spectacular spectacle amidst the thunderstorm.

The city was flooded with water, and all drainage pipes were fully opened to discharge the flood. The Pearl River swelled, and the torrent roared along the upper reaches, submerging the Pearl River Bridge in the strong wind.

Xiang Cheng ran after a van in the rain, splashing water flying all the way, whistled to the sky, and Sigui spread his wings and landed on his shoulder. The van opened the door, Xiang Cheng got into the car, closed the door, and the world was quiet.

The car was filled with smoke, Director Li, Director Lu, two killers, and an old woman were all crowded in the car. The driver in front was Qu Lao. Qi Wei turned his head from the co-pilot and said, "Thanks to you, The water monkey case is closed."

Xiang Cheng inserted the umbrella into the strap on the side of the bag, and Director Lu, who was puffing, handed over a Chinese stick.

"This is Xiao Luo and Xiao Wen." Director Li said, "The one behind is Wang Po."

Xiang Cheng turned around and bowed slightly to her. Director Lu said, "She lives next door to Chi Xiaoduo's old residence. Some time ago, she and the district elder took turns to keep an eye on her."

Xiang Cheng hurriedly said, "Thank you, Granny Wang."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Granny Wang replied, "It should be, Xiao Duo is a very good child."

"So you have been protecting Xiaoduo, how long?" Xiang Cheng asked Director Lu.

"From the time we found out to today." Mr. Ou said, driving a van and wearing sunglasses, "For three years, it was Wang Po and I at first, and the demon may have been afraid of the organization, so he didn't show up for a long time. Now that you are here, I will simply hand it over to you, and sure enough, I finally caught a big fish."

Xiang Cheng was a little uneasy, but didn't say anything.

Director Lu patted Xiang Cheng on the shoulder and said, "You did a good job, Xiao Xiang."

"I still don't understand." Xiang Cheng said, "Chi Xiaoduo has never remembered where he saw Chi Kiss. I don't know why Chi Kiss is following him."

"Don't ask too much about this." Director Lu said, "This guy has already caused us too much trouble. Now that we have found its whereabouts, we just need to encircle it and solve it as soon as possible."

"The client is still at home?" Mr. Ou glanced at Xiang Cheng in the rearview mirror.

"Yes." Xiang Cheng said, "Brother Kuang went to protect him. Unless Chi Kiss knows how to clone, it is impossible to hurt Xiaoduo again. But if I don't figure it out, I can't let it go. It's too risky, I shouldn't Leave the demon pestle on Chikiss."

"You will be able to ask it soon." Mr. Qu turned the steering wheel and turned out from the alley. There was a roadblock on the Pearl River Bridge, the police lights flashed, and the river flooded over the bridge, as if there was a huge beast It is making waves in the middle of the river.

Mr. Qu took out his ID and handed it over to the special police. The special police checked it was correct. Qi Wei pulled the stable handle on the top of the car door and asked loudly, "Is the venue cleared?!"

"The field has been cleared!" The special police shouted, "We withdrew! Leave it to you!"

The roadblocks were evacuated, the van backed up, turned around, and drove up the Pearl River Bridge. The wind and waves were dangerous, the world was dark, the sky was thunderous, and the undercurrent at the bottom of the river was turbulent. A huge wave hit, tilted the steel cable, and the van drove to the highest speed.

"Start." Director Li said.

In the speeding car, in the narrow space, everyone pulled over to dodge. Xiang Cheng sat in the center of the car, clasped his hands together, and made a movement.

A ray of light shot from the dark bottom of the river, straight to the sky—

The demon-subduing pestle inserted into Chiki's neck vibrated violently and emitted a dazzling white light. The beam of light moved rapidly across the river, crossed the bridge, and rushed to the lower reaches of the Pearl River.

The van shoveled onto the bridge railing, dragging a snow-white spray in the torrential rain, the door opened, and four exorcists rushed out.

There were bursts of thunder, and a bolt of lightning struck the unfinished building not far away, emitting bright lights that jumped.

Chi Xiaoduo raised his head and looked out the window, continuing to rub his underwear with his hands, and the pajama pants were soaked in the basin.

Outside the security booth in Chunsen Community, the rain washed away the blood on the ground. Kuang Desheng was half immersed in the mouth of the sewer well, with his head leaning against the flowerbed by the roadside, and his electric car was lying on the ground.

The police boots stepped into the community, and the mud was stuck in the puddle and scattered.

"Civilian police." The man's voice said, "Investigate something, two buildings six bars three."

The security guard opened the door and let the man in.

Chi Xiaoduo washed his pants frantically, thinking that it was a good thing he didn't sleep with Xiang Cheng, otherwise he would be so embarrassed. Amidst the sound of the music, he suddenly noticed something moving, turned off the music, and heard someone knocking on the door.

Chi Xiaoduo ran to the cat's eye with his butt naked, and saw Yang Xingjie standing outside the door, dripping wet.

"Xiao Duo!" Yang Xingjie said, "Are you at home?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "Wait a minute! I'm going to put on my pants!"

Yang Xingjie: "..."

When Yang Xingjie entered the house, the ground was wet with water, and a black shoe print was left on the door rug.

"Come in." Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "Didn't you bring an umbrella? Why did you come here?"

Yang Xingjie took off his coat and said, "I just finished a case, and it's nearby. Even if it rains heavily, I can't get a taxi. I happened to come here."

Chi Xiaoduo wiped his head with a towel, Yang Xingjie sat down and said, "Brother Wang asked me to come and see you. He thinks you have something to do recently... where is your roommate?"

"He..." Chi Xiaoduo paused and said, "He's on duty."

Chi Xiaoduo poured Yang Xingjie a cup of hot tea, Yang Xingjie smiled and said, "The location of your new home is very good, why don't you let me come over?"

Chi Xiaoduo was busy getting the hair dryer, Yang Xingjie unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a black blood hole in the side of his neck where the bone was visible. Chi Xiaoduo came over with a hair dryer, and Yang Xingjie lowered his handsome face to cover the wound on his throat.

The hair dryer was turned on, buzzing Yang Xingjie's short hair.

"Xiao Duo." Yang Xingjie said, "Do you remember me?"

"What?" Chi Xiaoduo asked after turning off the hair dryer.

"The last time I asked you, did you think about the result?" Yang Xingjie asked.

Chi Xiaoduo smiled, and turned on the hair dryer again. In the humming sound, his mood was very complicated. Yang Xingjie turned to look at him, as if expecting an answer.

On the Pearl River Bridge, thunder and lightning flashed, Qi Wei and two other young exorcists stepped on the wooden planks, braved the wind and waves, and rushed to the center of the river.

Xiang Cheng stood tall, standing on the top of a vertical pole, the thunderstorm on the zenith illuminated his rain-stained face, his hands seemed to control an invisible energy, following the waves rolling in the middle of the turbulent river Instead of moving.

Finally, Chi Kiss couldn't hold on any longer and let out the water with a roar.

A huge wave was set off, and a huge black monster flew across the sky, drawing an arc.

"Take it!" Xiang Cheng roared angrily.

The subduing magic pestle buzzed away from Chi Kiss's body, and flew towards the ground like a meteor. Xiang Cheng caught it, then held the stick in both hands, swept it obliquely, and raised it forward, shooting out a dazzling silver brilliance.

At the same time, Qi Wei shouted: "Golden light destroys demons!"

Three rotating golden light wheels shot out from the flat ground, presenting three halos, which locked the long body of the owl at the moment when it came out of the water and flew over the top of the bridge. Xiang Cheng controlled the Demon Subduing Pestle with both hands, and his whole body was bathed in silver-white brilliance. Sigui flew over, stopped at one end of the Demon Subduing Pestle, turned into a strong and dazzling light cluster, and then gathered at the end of the pestle, shot out laser light, and began to burn Kiss!

Chi Kiss roared and wailed, and the rotting body burst out with monstrous devilish energy, which floated towards the sky.

Waves of thunder and lightning came one after another, the sky seemed to be falling down, and a gust of wind swept the rain, blowing open the windows and doors.

"I'm sorry, Xingjie." Chi Xiaoduo turned off the hair dryer and said to Yang Xingjie, "I already have someone I like."

Chi Xiaoduo put away the hair dryer and said, "Do you want to take a shower?"

Chi Xiaoduo ran to the room and closed the window. Yang Xingjie's face began to rot, and he said, "Do you remember the one thing you promised me when you were seven years old?"

Chi Xiaoduo turned around, and Yang Xingjie appeared behind the door of the master bedroom.

Chi Xiaoduo's blood froze all over his body, and he let out a terrified cry.

Yang Xingjie exuded black air from head to toe, and the blood hole in his throat kept spreading, rotting, and spreading all over his body.

"" Chi Xiaoduo roared, "Help!"

Yang Xingjie stepped forward quickly, and Shi Gandang on the bedside table suddenly changed into the shape of an exorcism beast. Yang Xingjie was caught off guard and was thrown to the ground immediately. Chi Xiaoduo instinctively wanted to rush out the door, but the window behind him opened again with a clatter , the rain poured in, a gust of wind blew on his head, and then two black hands suddenly reached in and strangled Chi Xiaoduo's neck.

The room turned around in front of him, and then the dark sky appeared in front of his eyes. Chi Xiaoduo couldn't lift himself up, his upper body turned out of the window, and then fell headfirst.

Thousands of black water monkeys crawled outside the building, rolling towards Chi Xiaoduo like a sea tide, neighing piercingly, and chasing after him.

The black energy on Yang Xingjie's body exploded again, smashing Shi Gandang in the air with a bang, he stood up with his support against the wall, covered his cloudy left eye, the right eye emitted a faint green light, and laughed evilly.

On the top of the Pearl River Bridge, Xiang Cheng slid down along the steel cable, his hands still firmly holding the subduing magic pestle, the silver light had turned into a giant net, covering the body of Chi Kiss with disintegrated flesh and scales.

The three exorcists headed by Qi Wei pinched their fingers, the golden photovoltaic magic ring became tighter and tighter, and the black water gushed out everywhere, and they couldn't escape to the bottom of the river. Do your best to lock the kiss.

Chi Kiss raised his head, and with a roar, a wave comparable to a mountain was set off. Thousands of water droplets reflected an overwhelming torrent. At this moment, Xiang Cheng's pupils contracted, and his heartbeat missed half a beat.

"Chi Xiaoduo?!" Xiang Cheng suddenly turned his head.

"Trap it—" Director Lu shouted.

As soon as the light of Xiang Cheng's demon pestle flickered, Chi Kiss was waiting for this opportunity. He came out of the water again, turned over, and broke free from the demon-subduing golden ring and silver light net.

The surface of the river collapsed, and the Thunder and Heavenly Power could not resist it. The river water immediately poured onto the Pearl River Bridge, and the van accelerated suddenly, paddling the waves towards the end of the bridge.

Xiang Cheng pointed at the sky, Sigui turned into a silver light and shot into the distance.

The next moment, the wave wall rumbled in, and the four exorcists fled separately under the wave crest, and rushed to safety along the Pearl River Bridge at a speed of escape.

Xiang Cheng swooped, turned sideways, his feet arced in the air, and fell down the Pearl River. He fell from a height of nearly ten meters. In the river, the monstrous tremor disappeared in an instant, and Xiang Cheng drifted in the river, as if he was dormant, his whole body glowing with silver light.

Under the dark sky, Chi Xiaoduo's feet were hanging in the air, and was led by a group of water monkeys to jump in the building. Thunder and lightning flickered, and Chi Xiaoduo's consciousness began to blur. Wings, scattering light powder all over the sky, as if dragging a Milky Way.

The water monkey neighed wildly, and Chi Xiaoduo felt the restraint loosen around his neck.

"Sigui—" Chi Xiaoduo struggled desperately, shouted, then opened his eyes wide, and saw Xiang Cheng's eyes through Sigui.

Sigui disperses all the water monkeys, and finally, the monkey monster throws away Chi Xiaoduo, jumps up to the opposite building in fear, and Chi Xiaoduo falls in mid-air. Sigui flew over and caught Chi Xiaoduo in a circle. Just as he was about to ascend, a jet of black air shot over and hit Sigui.

Sigui shattered into light powder in the air, taking on the shape of a baby bird, and fell into the balcony of a resident, thrashing and struggling. At a height, the black air transformed into the shape of Yang Xingjie, laughing ferociously, holding Chi Xiaoduo's collar flew out from the 30-storey building.

In the lower reaches of the Pearl River, Xiang Cheng always maintained the gesture of casting spells. At the moment Sigui was hit, Xiang Cheng opened his eyes, his Qi and blood flowed backwards, and a mouthful of blood spewed out and merged into the river.

In the violent wind and rain, the thunder and lightning became more and more violent. On the black sky, the figure of Owl Kiss appeared faintly. The black rainwater floated to the world, mixed with violent thunder and the electric blade of judgment.