Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 2: blind date


Guangzhou, late autumn, Tangxia.

Riding a bicycle, Chi Xiaoduo turned out of the city's heavy traffic, passed an intersection, and saw an old man on the side of the road selling white magnolias at a stall.

It was cold in winter, and the old man was shivering in his cotton-padded jacket, so Chi Xiaoduo pushed the cart and bought magnolia flowers for ten yuan, telling him to close the stall early, and went to the convenience store to buy a boxed lunch for home.

Go to work alone, leave work alone, and eat alone.

Back home, Chi Xiaoduo watched Kangxi with earphones on, unpacked the lunch box, laughed hahaha, and ate.

After dinner, I went to take out the garbage by myself, and mopped the floor by myself, facing the deserted four walls, Chi Xiaoduo listened to music, shook his head and did housework and watered the flowers.

After tidying up, taking a shower, looking at the phone, ten twenty, it's time to go to bed, so I tidy up the quilt, one, two, three... go to bed, turn off the lights, and sleep.

Forty minutes later, a deafening TV program was playing on the TV next door, and the old woman laughed wildly. Chi Xiaoduo roared and hit the wall.

"Stop arguing!"

Chi Xiaoduo slapped the wall on his last breath, and shouted loudly, "It's already eleven o'clock!"

Just as Chi Xiaoduo lay down, the sound from the TV became louder and louder after a while. He had to go to work tomorrow, so he was going crazy from the noise, so he had to go out and hammer on the door next door, knocking and begging until the sound finally died down. He collapsed on the bed exhausted.

Already so noisy that he couldn't sleep, Chi Xiaoduo tossed and turned on the bed, touched the phone, checked Weibo, and flipped through the phone. Chi Xiaoduo connected the phone and said "Hello" wearily.

"Hey, Chi Xiao Sunfish, how about the person I introduced to you today?" A male voice on the opposite side said with a smile.

In the twenty-six years of Chi Xiaoduo's life, although he liked boys, he had never been in love with any man. Firstly, I dare not, secondly, I dare not tell when I like it, and thirdly, I dare not hook up randomly.

"Stop talking." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Others are already married!"

"Ah?" The man was a little surprised and said, "No, he told me there wasn't."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "When I saw his aura, I felt that something was wrong. He was on the sidelines. After talking for a long time, I lied to him, saying that I would also find someone to marry, so he enthusiastically... taught me how to cheat marriage, Simply."

"Oh, that's weird." The man said, "Forget it, I didn't see it, I'm sorry."

"Wang Ren." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Can you introduce me to someone reliable? I've already lowered my qualifications to the point where I want a man. How come I don't have a boyfriend yet? Is it my bad luck? I I don't think my conditions are so bad, is this the end of being a zero? Am I going to be a leftover... zero... for the rest of my life?"

The man named Wang Ren said: "Let me look for you again. Have you rented out the vacant room next door?"

"No—" Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's not important, the important thing is the boyfriend."

"Find the roommate first." Wang Ren replied, "I know a rich old man from our car club. He divorced and brought a daughter. Do you want it?"

"Why are you married again?" Chi Xiaoduo lay on the bed and said softly, while scrolling through the photos of his male god Hugh Jackman on his mobile phone, he asked, "Are you handsome?"

"It's okay." Wang Ren replied, "It's very funny and humorous, and it's also quite painful. I want to find someone to live with."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Do you think I'm reliable as a stepmother?"

Wang Ren said, "What are you thinking about? You, your daughter and mother have all gone to Canada."

"Oh." Chi Xiaoduo: "Is his head bald?"

Wang Ren was silent.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Wang Ren: "A little bit, but it's not obvious."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Is the bald place on both sides or in the middle?"

Wang Ren: "You'll know it when you see it."

Chi Xiaoduo: "The devil is going to see it! I'm going to die, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Wang Ren: "You have so many requirements, and people don't go to see you, what if you meet someone you like?"

Wang Ren had no choice but to hang up the phone, and Chi Xiaoduo lamented about how hard it is to find a partner these days, fell asleep, and had a nightmare, a group of beer belly uncles surrounded him and wanted to keep him, Woke up in a fright in the morning, hurriedly brushed my teeth, washed my face and went to work.

"Late work."

"Late work, early work."

"Morning..." Chi Xiaoduo greeted everyone with a sleepy expression on his face, took out the review materials and put them on the desk.

"Hey." Finance came over, pulled up a chair, sat down in front of Chi Xiaoduo, and said, "Honey—"

Chi Xiaoduo looked at the finance with a "=.=" expression.

Finance is also GAY. I work in an architectural design institute and often call Chi Xiaoduo "sister~". At the beginning, Chi Xiaoduo fought against "I am a man" a few times, but in the end he couldn't correct it, so he had to let it go.

"I've found someone for you." Finance said, "Are you interested?"

Chi Xiaoduo regained his energy after a while, sat up straighter, and said, "Do you have any photos? Let me take a look?"

While looking for the photos on the phone, the finance minister said, "Tell me first, what are your criteria for choosing a mate?"

Chi Xiaoduo began to doubt finances. What finances usually do is to let Chi Xiaoduo go abroad to play and bring him skin care products. Besides, he will only bring Chi Xiaoduo with him when he can't find anyone for lunch. As an easily stimulated sunfish, Xiaoduo always feels a little uneasy about finances.

"Why did you suddenly introduce your boyfriend to me?" Chi Xiaoduo asked in a low voice.

The accountant tilted his head back, flung his forehead hair back in a hair-throwing posture, and replied: "Is there any need to say? Beibi~ Your birthday is coming soon. I will give you a birthday present. If you can match, it will be fine." Isn't it a good thing?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "Dizzy, you've already gone out and said it!"

The finance minister concentrated all his attention, swiping the photos back and forth to choose, and said: "You talk about your conditions first, so I can choose for you. My brother will introduce you to my private collection in the treasure house. They are all of my high quality." Spare tire, don’t be afraid of problems.”

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to introduce the spare tire to me too, so you have so many spare tires, why can't you tell it at all, but okay, since you don't want the spare tire, I... let's think about it reluctantly.

However, he was afraid of being scolded by Wang Ren, so he said honestly: "I have no conditions."

"Oh." The finance said: "You have such good conditions, how can you not have conditions?"

Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's fine if you feel it."

Finance said: "Then tell me, what kind of man do you have feelings for?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo wondered, are you sure you want me to tell you

Maybe it was because he was operating too loudly, the accountant slapped the table and said, "Can't you tell the truth?"

Chi Xiaoduo said: "Are you sure? Well... Then my condition is, over 26 years old, under 30 years old, don't be underage, height 178-182, I am 176, can't be shorter than me, weight should not exceed 150 , don’t be too fat or too thin, the face should be above average, it can’t be above average at Tianya’s level, at least it’s about the same level as me.”

"Graduate with one degree, postgraduate is the best. The monthly salary is about 20,000, and the monthly salary can't be lower than mine. You can't always travel for work. It's better to be a boy with a sports department. He must be humorous and have common topics, and he can cook. Even better, don’t plan to get married in the future, don’t get married, don’t smoke, don’t gamble, it’s better to be out of the closet, responsible, kind, like small animals, have ideals but don’t know For those who concentrate on work, it is best to read books occasionally, but you don’t need to read articles, at least Tang Poetry and Song Ci... Where are you going? Come back!"

Chi Xiaoduo tugged on the finance minister's sleeve, and the finance minister had no choice but to sit down again.

"It's so good, wouldn't I keep it for myself?" said the finance minister.

Chi Xiaoduo and the finance minister looked at each other for a moment, and the finance minister said, "It's decided, that's all. My god, I'll give it to you. I'll pack it up tonight and go see you."

At night, Guangzhou was full of traffic and the autumn rain was rustling. Chi Xiaoduo sat in a western restaurant wearing a scarf for a while.

"Yes, I'm by the window." Chi Xiaoduo said into the phone, "Table ten."

A man in a suit sat down and said with a smile, "Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road."

"It's okay." Chi Xiaoduo nodded kindly, a little disappointed. Is this the male god mentioned by Finance? Her hair was messy and greasy, she had a briefcase under her arm, and she started shaking her legs as soon as she sat down.

The two chatted for a while, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "Brother Xiaochuan said you are a very nice person."

"It's okay." The man said, "Are you in the same unit? You are..."

"Designer." Chi Xiaoduo replied.

The man nodded, and Chi Xiaoduo asked, "What about you?"

The man replied, "Insurance manager."

Chi Xiaoduo hummed, and the man said: "Let me introduce our company's new insurance to you. In fact, your designers often stay up late, so you can consider purchasing our accident insurance and medical insurance..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

The man talked eloquently for a long time, and Chi Xiaoduo listened with a smile on the surface, but a volcano erupted in his heart, turning into a fire-breathing dragon, turning his neck towards Finance, and erupting flames that condensed the wrath of the universe and the stars.

After the two finished their steak, the man said, "I'm going to the bathroom. Is there anything else? I'll take you home?"

Chi Xiaoduo combined his insurance information together, nodded, got up and settled the bill, then borrowed a pen at the cash register, wrote "Sorry, I have something to do, I'm leaving first", and pinned the note on the According to the insurance contract, I put my hands in my pockets and took the subway home.

"... You can make an appointment." The finance manager said on the phone: "My male god's heart was broken just now, why did you leave like this?"

"No." Chi Xiaoduo swayed with the subway, with headphones in his ears, and said to Mai, "Thank you."

The treasurer said again: "He said he sent you home, that is, he likes you! Understand?"

Chi Xiaoduo replied: "Well, thank you for liking him." I thought to myself that I thank you too, maybe I really took him home and went to bed!

The night scene lights up, and the drizzle is flying, twinkling in the lights.

Xiang Cheng held his mobile phone and sat on a large bag in the train aisle, looking up from time to time to look at the luggage rack. His cipher suitcase was placed on the luggage rack, shaking it, and with the bumps of the train, Xiang Cheng's heart trembled with every bump.

"Peanut mineral water with melon seeds—"

Xiang Cheng turned sideways, moved the bags under his feet out of the way, and squeezed out an aisle for the cart to pass.

He was wearing dirty old clothes, a pair of pull-back shoes, the sleeves were obviously too short to cover his wrists, a cross-country cap was torn with a few holes revealing dirty hair, the jacket was denim, and the trousers were Black trousers that have been washed and faded, one blue and one black socks, and the sweater is still unthreaded.

"... When you arrive in Guangzhou, call this friend."

"Thank you." Xiang Cheng replied, "Brother..." As he spoke, the phone suddenly hung up.

Xiang Cheng had no choice but to open the back of the phone, took a piece of paper from his bag, folded it, put it behind the battery of the phone, pressed it tightly with his hands, restarted the phone, and fixed the back of the phone with his middle finger upright as a lever.

"I'm sorry." Xiang Cheng said, "I have a problem with my mobile phone. It will cut off the power when I am using it."

"It's okay." The other party was generous and said, "You hang up, fellow, I'll send his phone number to your mobile phone." The other side said that Xiang Cheng wanted to ask what the other party's name was, but there were a bunch of people on the phone. busy tone.

"What time is it, big brother?" The girl next door looked up from the burden and asked sleepily.

"Ten." Xiang Cheng glanced at the phone and replied.

The girl lay down and continued to sleep.

Xiang Cheng turned sideways, struggled to find a pack of crumpled red plums from his trousers, took out a cigarette, turned to the smoking place at the train junction, took two puffs, then turned his head worriedly, and walked towards the carriage. Check the luggage rack in the aisle to make sure his suitcase is still there.