Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 25: Chen Zhen


Arrived in Beijing, eight o'clock at night.

The scorching heat of early summer hadn't completely dissipated, Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng left the station amidst the crowds.

Chi Xiaoduo felt that he and Xiang Cheng were like two migrant workers who came to work in Beipiao, and they were afraid of leaving their hometown and having nowhere to stay. Xiang Cheng was carrying two bags and a plastic bag, and was busy making phone calls.



"Okay, I brought someone."

Xiang Cheng paid attention to Chi Xiaoduo, kept him out of his sight at all times, and finally hung up the phone.

"Where are you going?" Chi Xiaoduo asked, "Is the hotel booked yet?"

Xiang Cheng said: "My friend found a house to live in. Take Line 2 to Xizhimen, then change to Line 13 to Longze, take a few buses, five stops, how long?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

After squeezing into the car, Chi Xiaoduo said, "Which station should I change to the subway?"

Xiang Cheng looked bewildered.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Yes." Xiang Cheng snapped his fingers.

"GPS." Chi Xiaoduo said suddenly.

Xiang Cheng said, "I have a friend in Beijing who is an official. I'll ask him."

Chi Xiaoduo was squeezed so close to Xiang Cheng that the pull ring couldn't touch him, so he had to hold Xiang Cheng's arm. Xiang Cheng made a phone call, but no one answered, so he had to call back and ask the first person who arranged the accommodation.

It took two turns to transfer to the subway before successfully squeezed in. Chi Xiaoduo was terribly sleepy, dozing off with Xiang Cheng in his arms under the dim light, while Xiang Cheng turned his head to look around from time to time, as if maintaining some kind of vigilance. Beijing is too big, and the long and boring transfers seem to have no end. Everyone is standing on various means of transportation, rushing to the next stop that they don't know what the future will be.

"It's here." Xiang Cheng moved Chi Xiaoduo and said.

In the middle of the night, the two were walking and searching under the street lights, and Xiang Cheng said, "Do you regret coming?"

"No." Chi Xiaoduo tried his best, and actually regretted it a little, but with Xiang Cheng, life is still worth looking forward to. Xiang Cheng stopped and looked at Chi Xiaoduo seriously.

"Is your eyes better?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"Ah?" There was nothing wrong with Chi Xiaoduo's eyes, so Xiang Cheng opened his left eye with his fingers and looked under the street light.

"Is it very red?"

"No." Xiang Cheng immediately let go.

The two found the sixth floor according to the address on the text message and knocked on the door.

"Xiang Cheng?" A shirtless man asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

Xiang Cheng nodded, and the man gave him the key and said, "The one at the far end."

This is a house with three bedrooms and one living room. It is divided into five small rooms by wooden boards. Someone is playing guitar and someone is playing cards. Chi Xiaoduo passed by the largest room and looked inside curiously. Two girls are drying clothes indoors. .

When Xiang Cheng opened the door, Chi Xiaoduo was immediately elated.

Only one bed! !

Very good.

"Live first." Xiang Cheng said, "Tomorrow I will ask if there is a better community."

"It doesn't matter." Chi Xiaoduo admired sincerely, "This is very good!"

Xiang Cheng packed up his things, there was only one bed, Chi Xiaoduo went to see the bathroom, it was a mess, the water heater looked like it was going to explode at any moment, he took a shower casually, there was no air conditioner, the two lay side by side on the bed.

"Go buy a bamboo mat tomorrow." Xiang Cheng replied.

Chi Xiaoduo's short hair was wet, and he said, "Well, it's fun here."

"It's pretty good." Xiang Cheng said, "When I was poor, I slept under the flyover. Go to sleep. I'm tired on the train."

The two turned off the lights, and someone outside yelled that they should go to sleep and stop playing the guitar, so the world suddenly became quiet, with occasional laughter from a girl.

"Xiang Cheng." Chi Xiaoduo said softly in the dark.

Xiang Cheng didn't answer, Chi Xiaoduo gently moved him with his elbow.

"Listen." Xiang Cheng replied.

"Where is Sigui?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Don't worry about it." Xiang Cheng said, "I went to find something to eat, is it hot? I'll fan you."

"No need." Chi Xiaoduo said.

The two were silent for a while, and Chi Xiaoduo asked in a low voice in the dark, "Will I bring you trouble if I come to Beijing with you?"

"No." Xiang Cheng said, "Why do you say that? I want to be with you, and I don't feel at ease leaving you at home."

"Actually, it's nothing." Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help feeling anxious.

"You're not at work." Xiang Cheng said, "What are you doing at home? I'm afraid you'll be lonely, so it's good to come here together."

"Yeah." Chi Xiaoduo relaxed, and walked towards Xiang Cheng, and found that the weather in Beijing was really hot, and there was no electric fan in the room, so he had to buy one tomorrow.

Chi Xiaoduo still wanted to say something, but was afraid that Xiang Cheng would want to sleep, and he would be annoyed by talking non-stop, thinking that if he hugged him, would it make him uncomfortable? Or pretend that he doesn't sleep well, and hang on him like a koala

Chi Xiaoduo waited for Xiang Cheng to fall asleep, and then he could pass by. Xiang Cheng breathed evenly, and he didn't know if he had fallen asleep. After a long wait in the dark, Chi Xiaoduo heard the next door start shaking the bed.

The rented house is for the Beidiao family. The sound insulation is very poor. The sound of the shaking bed is accompanied by the man's heavy breathing. The other one is very restrained and has been enduring it. The man's physical strength is really good, and he groaned, groaning, and groaning, accompanied by the voices of "Is it cool?" "Is my husband old?"

Chi Xiaoduo heard that the whole person was going crazy, lying on the bed, so embarrassed that he didn't dare to move, praying in his heart that it would end soon, but the next door lasted for almost half an hour, during which Xiang Cheng turned around twice body, touched Chi Xiaoduo's foot once.

Chi Xiaoduo swallowed, Xiang Cheng turned sideways, put one hand on his waist, and hugged him from behind.

Chi Xiaoduo's heart beat wildly, and he was wondering whether to turn around and put his arms around Xiang Cheng. After a while, he felt Xiang Cheng move, as if he had left the pillow to see him.

Chi Xiaoduo was extremely nervous, but he didn't dare to move. The sound of the shaking bed next door stopped, the door of the room opened, the door of the bathroom opened, the shower sprinkled boiling water, and someone took a shower.

Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself that this shared room is really enough.

The two were too close, it was really hot, Xiang Cheng turned around again, Chi Xiaoduo's heart was beating wildly, Xiang Cheng didn't turn around again, Chi Xiaoduo sat on the train for a day and a night, he was so tired that his eyelids were twitching , also fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Chi Xiaoduo was scratching all over his body.

"Hot?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"Mosquito..." Chi Xiaoduo was on the verge of crying in a daze, rolling around.

Xiang Cheng took a book to fan Chi Xiaoduo, and Chi Xiaoduo got his wish, hugging Xiang Cheng unconsciously, Xiang Cheng fanned him all night.

And so, they started their life in Beijing. The capital in June is already a bit hot. Although the heat in summer is about the same as that of Guangzhou, the most troublesome thing is that there is no air conditioner at home. During the day, Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo reversed the car several times, looking for snacks, and spent the rest of the day in the library.

"Is this also an exam material?" Chi Xiaoduo looked at Xiang Cheng's "Sou Shen Ji" and "You Ming Lu" inexplicably.

"Local legend." Xiang Cheng said, "A tour guide is a must."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Facing the two books, Xiang Cheng was a little worried. He could recognize traditional Chinese characters, but he knew most of them, but he couldn't understand them after reading them together. The ancient Chinese characters really killed him.

"Looking for an explanation?" Chi Xiaoduo looked at Xiang Cheng's fingers and checked them line by line.

"No need." Xiang Cheng replied, "There are too many things to be taken for granted in the commentary section, help me to see if there are "Shen Yi Jing" and "Kong Shi Wei"."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Do you want "Shan Hai Jing" and "Huai Nan Zi"?"

""Shan Hai Jing" is unreliable, it is too old." Xiang Cheng replied, ""Huai Nan Zi" and "Natural History"."

Chi Xiaoduo went to find the book, and Xiang Cheng looked at the tour guide information, introduced the place, flipped through the book, and took notes carefully. Chi Xiaoduo has been a top student for so many years, thinking that if he is idle, he is idle. By the way, he can take the exam to become a registered cost engineer and have fun, and then he can hang out for money.

This lasted for nearly half a month, with self-study during the day and listening to the shaking bed at night. Chi Xiaoduo liked this kind of life, especially Xiang Cheng studied hard every day and prepared to take the exam. Back to those carefree summers on campus, wearing white T-shirts and shorts, working hard for their respective goals in the common study room.

Xiang Cheng filled up their temporary living room and bought some electrical appliances. Except for Chi Xiaoduo who was very close to him on the first day, he never had this opportunity again. Chi Xiaoduo is always waiting for an opportunity to give her a hug in a logical way.

One day in late June, the weather was extremely hot, Chi Xiaoduo woke up in the middle of the night, turned over, and found that the bed was empty, Xiang Cheng was gone, and there was a sound from the bathroom.

Chi Xiaoduo thought that Xiang Cheng was going to pee, so he continued to sleep on his stomach, but his ears were vague, and he heard the door opening outside. It was the neighbor next door who had shaken the bed and went to take a bath, and Chi Xiaoduo woke up immediately.

Where did Xiang Cheng go

Dark clouds covered the moon, and the whole city was extremely hot.

Holding a beer bottle, Xiang Cheng was naked, wearing a pair of white sports shorts, covered in sweat, sitting on a flower bed outside Huilongguan Street, listening to music, drinking beer quietly under the street lamp.

His hair was cut very short, and there was an irrepressible sharpness hidden in his eyebrows and eyes. On the flower bed beside him, there was a pestle for subduing magic.

An old man came from the road with a cane. Xiang Cheng stretched out the magic pestle to block the old man's way.

"I didn't kill people." The old man said tremblingly, "I don't have anything in my hands, young man, it's not good to be too hostile. I knew you would come today."

Xiang Cheng said coldly: "I have been waiting for you for seventeen nights, come with me."

At two o'clock, Chi Xiaoduo was blowing on the fan with a gloomy expression on his face.

Where did I go, where did I go... where did I go! Chi Xiaoduo is going crazy, why is he not at home in the middle of the night? Did you go to pick up the guests? impossible! Shouldn't it be returning to the old business!

Chi Xiaoduo went to take a bath in a hurry, and spent the day waiting on the bed, three o'clock, four o'clock, five o'clock.

At dawn, Chi Xiaoduo almost cried.

At 8:30, before Xiang Cheng came back, Chi Xiaoduo started calling his phone—turn off the phone.

No way, the phone is out of battery? Chi Xiaoduo was about to despair.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chi Xiaoduo felt so tired and hungry...why hasn't Xiang Cheng come back...

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the couple next door were arguing, and Chi Xiaoduo fell face down, dying, unable to hold on anymore, and fell asleep again.

When I woke up, the tenants in the shared house came back and took a shower noisily, but the room was still dark. Chi Xiaoduo swiped the phone open. At ten o'clock in the night, there were no missed calls.

No way... haven't you come back yet

Chi Xiaoduo had a premonition that this was a big deal, so he called his best friend, but her best friend didn't answer the phone.

It will be 24 hours from twelve o'clock last night to ten o'clock today, what's going on

Chi Xiaoduo sat up, started to rummage through Xiang Cheng's bag, and dumped the things on the bed in a sloppy manner, taking nothing away... No, what is this

A pair of ancient copper coins with the words "Shanhai Mingguang" engraved on it, a few stones, exactly the same as the small decoration on the bedside, a broken bone-piercing umbrella. Chi Xiaoduo had never checked Xiang Cheng's luggage before, nor had he looked through his bag. There were a lot of strange things.

It is absolutely impossible for Xiang Cheng to abandon himself and disappear for 24 hours without saying a word. There is only one possibility - missing.

Chi Xiaoduo's eyes turned red immediately, and he almost cried, he quickly told himself, calm down, don't panic, did he go shopping in the middle of the night and was robbed? The more Chi Xiaoduo thought about it, the more frightened he became, rubbing his temples, should he call the police? Go to the police first.

Chi Xiaoduo was hungry all day, dizzy and went downstairs, and found that it was raining in Beijing, the traffic was passing by, and he almost got hit when crossing the road, it didn't matter if he was shocked, but a conditioned reflex occurred in his mind, and he thought of a possibility: Could it be that Xiang Cheng went downstairs to buy something and was hit by a car

No no, don't scare yourself.

Chi Xiaoduo asked about Huilongguan Police Station. Half an hour later, he was sitting in front of the report desk of the police station, panting like a drowned rat.

"Don't worry." The policeman poured him a glass of water and said, "Speak slowly, what's the matter?"

"My friend is missing." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"How long have you been missing?"

"One day... one day and one night."

The rain gradually subsided, and Chi Xiaoduo came out of the police station in the rain. Within 72 hours, he could not file a case. He simply made a statement and sent Chi Xiaoduo home to wait.

When my best friend called, Chi Xiaoduo was about to go crazy, and shouted, "Xiang Cheng is missing!"

"Oh." My girlfriend was expressionless, patted her face with lotion in front of the mirror, and said, "And then? You come back, what are you going to do in Beijing? Come back quickly, let's learn flower arranging."

Chi Xiaoduo replied: "Stop playing! I'm so worried!"

The best friend said: "I tell you, I just read the book today, and it talks about a gong, and Shou Gang established a relationship, went to bed, and disappeared the next day. Don't take this kind of thing too seriously." Lah, go home, maybe the other party really likes you, and feels that he is not qualified to be with you... "

"Impossible." Chi Xiaoduo said depressedly, "I won't believe it. A person who was fine a moment ago and suddenly disappeared, there must be something wrong, and Xiang Cheng is not such a person."

"Know people, know faces, but don't know your heart." My girlfriend replied, "Well, don't worry too much, wait another day, if you don't come back, I will fly to Beijing to accompany you to look for it?"

"What's the matter?" Said Qi Wei's voice over there.

"Qiqi!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Let Qiqi tell the story."

Qi Wei answered the phone, Chi Xiaoduo told the matter, Qi Wei just listened silently, Chi Xiaoduo remembered what Xiang Cheng said before he came, and asked: "Xiang Cheng said you asked him to do something, what is it?" ? Will it be dangerous? What are you doing behind my back?"

Qi Wei said: "Don't be nervous. I will contact my friend in Beijing. I haven't entrusted him with the matter. I just heard that he is going to Beijing for research, so I mentioned it by the way."

Chi Xiaoduo sighed, made an appointment with Qi Wei to contact him at any time, and went home.

It's not okay to just sit and wait like this, Chi Xiaoduo thought about it, and still had to find a way.

He knocked on the door from house to house and asked around. No one in the co-tenant knew where Xiang Cheng had gone. Only a man with glasses next door said, "Is that your brother? I met him last night."

"Where is it?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Go back to the convenience store outside Longguan New Village." The man with glasses said, "I saw him buying beer after running, what's the matter? Didn't come back all night?"

Chi Xiaoduo took Xiang Cheng's broken umbrella and went down again. Under the pattering rain, he opened the black umbrella, waded through the water and walked on the street, found the convenience store that the man with glasses said, took out his mobile phone, and asked the clerk what happened yesterday? Did this person come shopping tonight

The clerk happened to be the same one on the night shift, and was very impressed with this handsome athletic guy with chest muscles, so he told Chi Xiaoduo, and Chi Xiaoduo walked down the road.

Chi Xiaoduo walked back and forth twice on the road where Xiang Cheng stayed, but found nothing.

The drizzle was flying, drifting all over the sky under the dark sky, sprinkled down the world, sprinkled to the earth, in the yellow light of the street lamp, the rain was like a cow's hair. Chi Xiaoduo raised his head from under the umbrella and stared blankly at the sky.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Chi Xiaoduo pushed open the door of the shared apartment, and there was silence inside, accompanied by soft laughter.

There were two policemen standing at the door of the room, a young man, Chi Xiaoduo's face changed, and immediately the police said hello to him, little comrade, I found your friend's dead body in my mind.

There was a mink standing on one shoulder of the young man. The mink stared at Chi Xiaoduo intently. Chi Xiaoduo looked at it for a while, guessing the identity of the young man in his mind.

"Hello." The young man held out his hand and shook hands with Chi Xiaoduo.

"Hello." Chi Xiaoduo nodded blankly.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Chen Zhen." The young man said, "Let's go to the police station for the rest."