Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 27: Heart lamp


Beijing, outside Lingjing Hutong.

Chen Zhen carried an LV bag, handed it to Chi Xiaoduo, and said, "Hold me for a while."

Chi Xiaoduo wondered why Xiang Cheng is so poor even if you are rich.

"I found out that Qiqi and you are quite rich as exorcists." Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"No, exorcists are very poor." Chen Zhen replied, seeming to guess what Chi Xiaoduo was thinking, and explained, "Although exorcists have powerful abilities, they are not allowed to use on ordinary people. The consequences will be very serious."

"For example, if I need extra money, how do I pick it up?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Most of the time, it is not allowed to receive extra money indiscriminately." Chen Zhen said, "It is necessary to report to the organization, and the government will provide a little subsidy. Now we are discussing internally how to reform, industrialize exorcism, and use Feng Shui and divination to collect limited income. Fees. But you know, feudal superstition, mixed with charlatans, it’s hard to explain, and it’s hard to manage.”

Chi Xiaoduo said: "I thought that doing this business would make a lot of money."

"What you earn is not money." Chen Zhen said, "It's about accumulating merit for yourself, your relatives, and future generations. Making money is easy. These days, as an individual, you can easily earn money, but accumulating merit is difficult. You say yes no?"

"It's not easy to make money." Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's easy for me to accumulate blessings and rewards, just do a good deed every day."

"If everyone thought like you." Chen Zhen started the jeep and said, "there wouldn't be so many monsters in the world, right? I'm sorry, there are too many leaders, and I like to use rhetorical questions... just ignore me."

Chi Xiaoduo laughed.

"Organizations don't have money." Chen Zhen said, "Civil servants are all like this, but this job does have a unique charm. Three hundred and sixty lines are all life skills."

"That's right." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Actually, if you think about it seriously, I'd be willing to do it without giving money. I can travel all over the world, have a skill, and save the world."

"When I saw Yang Guo, I missed my life." Chen Zhen sighed, and the jeep slowed down.

"I'll ask you a favor later, I'll ask you what you saw, just tell me."

"Don't you have spells to see monsters?" Chi Xiaoduo asked curiously.

"If you have this ability." Chen Zhen smiled and said, "The demon mirror is useless. Applying for the demon mirror once is a cumbersome procedure. Most of the time we can only rely on our own ability to sense. Finding demons is the most important thing." An important link, and some monsters are not bad, not all monsters will be driven out."

Chi Xiaoduo asked, "Is Xiang Cheng in danger?"

Chen Zhen hesitated for a moment, and replied: "Theoretically, there is not much danger. His professional level is enough to disdain most of his peers. Judging from his execution record, sometimes he underestimates the enemy."

Chen Zhen parked the car on a wide road and pulled out the intercom on the car.

"Let me help outside Xuanwu Gate." Chen Zhen said.

The street lights on both sides of the road went out simultaneously, Chen Zhen turned off the car, and the two sat quietly in the car, Chi Xiaoduo looked out the window in horror.

"What is this place?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Caishikou." Chen Zhen whispered, "The place with the heaviest 'spirit' in the capital."

A gust of wind blew past, Chi Xiaoduo was a little dazed, and vaguely saw a huge black shadow, accompanied by a gust of wind, slowly flying over from the middle of the road at Caishikou.

It's like a kite with a large area, and it's like a giant.

Chi Xiaoduo described the thing and said, "It's a fat man, it flew over."

Chen Zhen: "Wait a little longer."

The giant flew back again, this time Chi Xiaoduo saw it clearly, spherical, translucent, black, with big feet, crawling outside the Xuanwu Gate.

"Is the fat man two-dimensional or three-dimensional? How many feet?" Chen Zhen asked, "Does it have hands or wings?"

"Three-dimensional, wings... I didn't see it." Chi Xiaoduo hesitated, "No hands, but four legs."

"What does it look like?" Chen Zhen said, "Draw it."

The huge monster stopped moving and stood in the middle of the road. Chi Xiaoduo said while drawing, "Like a fat dog without a head, ten meters high, completely transparent."

Chen Zhen frowned slightly, and Chi Xiaoduo suddenly said, "Huh? Someone is here."

"What kind?" Chen Zhen said.

Chi Xiaoduo said: "An old man with a cane, holding a cattail fan..."

"I saw it." Chen Zhen said, "What is he doing?"

In Chen Zhen's eyes, an old man came by the side of the road and looked up at the sky, but in Chi Xiaoduo's eyes, the old man was looking at that huge black invisible monster.

"He-he-he...he's sucking that fat man!" Chi Xiaoduo was instantly out of his wits.

"Hush." Chen Zhen gestured and said, "How do you suck?"

"It's sucked in!" Chi Xiaoduo yelled wildly, "It's sucked in—"

"Where did you get it in?" Chen Zhen said.

"Mouth!" Chi Xiaoduo said, clamping his bladder, "What is this, it's so scary—"

"Hush!" Chen Zhen said, "Have you finished smoking?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

In Chi Xiaoduo's eyes, the old man slowly sucked the whole huge black monster into his body, waved his cattail fan leisurely, and walked all the way along Caishikou Street.

Chen Zhen drove and followed the old man unhurriedly.

"Is it here?" Chen Zhen said.

"You can't see him?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Chen Zhen tapped the google glasses twice, and said, "Suddenly I lost my sight again. It should be invisible with demon power. I'm going to ask him something."

Chi Xiaoduo: "I, I, I... how can I speak?"

"Ask him about Xiang Cheng's whereabouts." Chen Zhen turned his head, saw that the sidewalk was empty, and asked, "Is he inside the railing or behind the railing?"

Chi Xiaoduo gestured, they were already approaching, Chi Xiaoduo said: "Slow down... Hello, grandpa, hello!"

The old man walked slowly ahead.

"Hello!" Chi Xiaoduo leaned on the car window, stretching out his hand to beckon.

"Don't touch him." Chen Zhen whispered.

"What's the matter?" said the old man without looking back, "Young man, I heard you."

Chi Xiaoduo's heart beat wildly. Although he was very nervous, he felt that the old man was normal—at least his voice was normal. The scene he saw just now was like practicing Qigong, and it was within his tolerance.

The old man still didn't look back, stopped and stretched out a hand.

Chi Xiaoduo took out his phone, found Xiang Cheng's photo, and waited for him to turn around.

The old man didn't look back and said, "Don't watch the video, but the photos."

"Hey, here are the photos." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Don't look at the photos taken by the mobile phone, but look at the washed ones." The old man said again.

"What?" Chi Xiaoduo asked in a daze, "I haven't washed it here..."

"I said, you are the one looking at the photo." The old man said, "Little friend, take care of your elder brother and don't let him drink."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

There was a smile in the old man's voice, and his withered fingers lightly touched Chi Xiaoduo's phone.

The old man said: "The guys around you are not good people. People are too cunning, don't be with them."

Chen Zhen's face was uncertain, and the old man said, "It's okay to tell you. After passing Xuanwu Gate, go straight. There is a Drum Tower outside Yandai Xie Street. The person you are looking for was taken away by Mr. Die."

"Where did you take it?" Chi Xiaoduo's voice trembled.

"Hurry up now, maybe you can find it." The old man said, "I might not know where it is when the sun rises."

"Thank you." Chi Xiaoduo trembled, "Thank you."

With the sound of crutches, the old man walked slowly again, without looking back from the beginning to the end.

"Drum Tower..." Chen Zhen accelerated the car and said, "What's your name? Mr. Die?"

"Mr. Die, Mr. Butterfly." Chi Xiaoduo said, "The second sound, I don't know the word. Who was that person just now?"

"I don't know either." Chen Zhen replied, "There are too many monsters in the capital, especially recently."

"Is he harmful?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "I think he might not be harmful."

Chen Zhen said, "I guess he regards you as the same kind."

Chi Xiaoduo's first reaction was to be octogenarian, not anything else. This old man reminded him of a word called "old age".

Chen Zhen took a circle along Yandai Xiejie, arrived at the bottom of the Drum Tower, and let Chi Xiaoduo get off the car. Chi Xiaoduo was a little scared, but according to what the old man said, Xiang Cheng might be taken away, so it's useless to be afraid now , You must be brave enough to find it.

Chen Zhen rolled over from the Drum Tower, Chi Xiaoduo was still crawling around, Chen Zhen said: "If anything happens, immediately hide behind me."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded. At two o'clock in the middle of the night, the Drum Tower was pitch black and silent. Chen Zhen took out a small flashlight from his LV bag, turned it on and shook it.

Chi Xiaoduo stood in front of a huge drum, slowly bowed down, picked up a feather, and looked at Chen Zhen, the two stood quietly in the darkness. Chen Zhen raised his hand to touch the smooth drum surface.

"Xiang Cheng, are you here?" Chi Xiaoduo whispered.

Chen Zhen made a hush gesture, signaling Chi Xiaoduo to stand behind him, stretched out his finger, flicked the drum head, and made a dull sound.

At the same time, Xiang Cheng, who was leaning against the wall, suddenly opened his eyes.

"There is usually a dark layer in the middle of the drum tower." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Could it be locked in the dark layer?"

Chen Zhen circled around, Diao Fei came down and sniffed around, Chen Zhen said: "How do you get into the dark layer?"

"Give me the flashlight." Chi Xiaoduo said.

With a flashlight on, Chi Xiaoduo went down to the first floor, looked around, found a small door, and lifted it with his shoulders. Chen Zhen motioned him to back away, and the mink flinched, and got in through the crack of the door. A moment later, the door latch sounded behind. The small door opened, and there was a staircase inside.

The two walked along the stairs to half the height of the second floor. There was a beam passing diagonally from the side. Chi Xiaoduo said, "I found it."

Chi Xiaoduo walked up the beam, and just like that, they left the first floor, and they were not on the top floor, but in the hidden compartment between the two floors. This is a space that no one has ever visited, the secret structural floor of the Drum Tower.

This floor is full of vertical and horizontal wooden beams, looking down, two meters below is the ceiling of the next floor.

Chen Zhen shook the flashlight.

There was only a dilapidated drum in the dark layer. Diao flew over, sniffed at the drum, and got in. Chi Xiaoduo was shocked, but Diao came out from the other side.

"Xiang Cheng?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

No one answered, Chi Xiaoduo took out his phone and looked at it, it was four o'clock at night.

"Chen Zhen?"


Chen Zhen raised his head and stared at a white talisman on the pillar. He took out his lighter, took out a lamp from his bag, and lit it.

Chi Xiaoduo's pupils constricted and he trembled with fear. Chen Zhen immediately grabbed him and pulled him behind him.

With the light of the bright yellow light in Chen Zhen's hand, the layout in the dark layer can be seen at a glance. The eight staggered beams above his head are quietly covered with hanging talisman papers. candles.

At the end of the beam was the abandoned drum.

In front of the drum, there is a wooden shelf, on which stands a white bone skeleton in a strange posture.

Chi Xiaoduo's heart almost stopped suddenly due to fright, and he leaned against Chen Zhen's back and gasped for breath. Chen Zhen just glanced at it, then pinched off the spherical glazed lamp in his hand, and fell into darkness again in the dark layer.

Chi Xiaoduo had goosebumps all over his body.

Chen Zhen said, "Don't be afraid."

Chen Zhen passed him slowly with one hand, and said: "This is a magic circle used by monsters to gather spirits. Bones are just magic tools used, and they will not come back to life. Don't worry."

Chi Xiaoduo calmed down a little, and Chen Zhen said: "People feel fear of mysterious things because they don't know about them. Once they understand its principle and essence, the fear will be eliminated."

"Yes... yes." Chi Xiaoduo thought that such an explanation seemed to dilute the sense of fear, but he was still so scared that he was about to pee.

Chen Zhen looked at the well-shaped wooden beams under his feet, and replied, "What did you see?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "I... I..."

"Look into my eyes." Chen Zhen said, "Calm down."

Chen Zhen put away the flashlight, put both hands on Chi Xiaoduo's ears, forced him to look directly at him, and then quickly chanted a mantra, and Chi Xiaoduo's heartbeat instantly calmed down.

He saw a little green light in Chen Zhen's pupils. That green light is the reflection in the pupil, and this reflection comes from his left eye.

The surroundings were quiet and dark, and the light in Chi Xiaoduo's pupils was particularly obvious. He and Chen Zhen breathed intertwined and looked at each other. The green light was like a swimming fish, slowly swirling in the depths of the pupils in a Tai Chi shape.

Chen Zhen covered Chi Xiaoduo's right eye with one hand, and told him to turn around and stand behind him.

"Tell me." Chen Zhen said, "What did you see."

Chen Zhen hugged Chi Xiaoduo from behind, and pinched a formula with one hand. Chi Xiaoduo's vision instantly became clear, and the previously clear and sometimes blurred feeling disappeared. composed of rays of light.

"The body of the skeleton emits red light." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Light, a lot of light."

"What's wrong with the drum at the end of the beam?" Chen Zhen asked, "Quick, look for the essence, my strength won't last long."

"The drum... is also glowing." Chi Xiaoduo suddenly discovered that everything was brightly lit, the spells, the beams under his feet, and the entire Drum Tower. The light beams flew from all directions and merged into the drum like flowing ribbons. . Only the red light emitted by the skeleton in the center drifted towards the sky.

After Chi Xiaoduo described this scene, Chen Zhen immediately let go of his hand, as if he was a little tired.

"Chen Zhen?"

Chen Zhen waved his hand, signaling not to ask any more questions, and then stood tall, with his left hand pointing at the sword, his right palm resting flat, and his left hand resting on the right palm.

With a loud "dong", all the drums on the third floor of the Drum Tower vibrated together!

The sound was deafening, and Chi Xiaoduo felt that his lungs were also vibrating. At the moment when the entire drum tower rang out in the morning light, the broken drum at the end of the dark beam suddenly shot out a strong light!

"Go!" Chen Zhen said, and then took Chi Xiaoduo's hand and rushed forward.

Chi Xiaoduo yelled, and was led by Chen Zhen into the strong light!

When Xiang Cheng heard the sound of the drum, he immediately turned his head, but with just one sound, the world fell silent again.

"What happened?" Chi Xiaoduo's voice said, "Where is this?"

"Shh..." the man's voice said.

"Xiaoduo?" Xiang Cheng said.

Without saying a word, Chi Xiaoduo rushed towards Xiang Cheng from the dark passage. Xiang Cheng couldn't believe it, and hugged him tightly. Chi Xiaoduo put his arms around his neck, without saying a word, but kept rubbing against his neck.

"As an exorcist." Chen Zhen emerged from the darkness, turned on the flashlight, and said, "You don't suspect that this is an illusion set by the devil's heart. You are too careless."

Xiang Cheng couldn't help panting with excitement, put his arms around Chi Xiaoduo's shoulders, and protected him behind him, frowning deeply, looking at Chen Zhen.

Chen Zhen made a gesture, as if saluting Xiang Cheng.

Xiang Cheng narrowed his eyes, stood still, clasped his hands together, and saluted Chen Zhen back.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"The phone is out of battery." Xiang Cheng said guiltily, "I'm sorry, I thought I'd be back soon."

"What are you looking for?" Chen Zhen asked.

"Chasing a demon." Xiang Cheng replied, "Who are you?"

"Director of the Office of the Exorcist Lingjing Hutong."

"Chen Zhen?" Xiang Cheng said.

"Qi Wei asked me to come to you." Chen Zhen said indifferently, "I don't know what the hell you two are doing. But it seems that the most important thing now is to get out from here?"

"Wall technique." Xiang Cheng replied, then held Chi Xiaoduo's hand, and said to Chen Zhen, "Yin and yang rotate, and you have to wait until the intersection of yin and yang to break through. Xiaoduo, have you remembered?"

Chi Xiaoduo had already found Xiang Cheng, exhausted all his strength and said, "How many things are you still hiding from me?"

Xiang Cheng's expression was very troubled, and Chi Xiaoduo thought about it, he had already found him, so he stopped asking. Anyway, the future is long, and many things will always be answered.

Chen Zhen turned on the flashlight and walked into the darkness. Chi Xiaoduo wanted to call him, but Chen Zhen disappeared at the end of the passage. Xiang Cheng signaled Chi Xiaoduo not to speak yet, and told him to sit down.

"Did you eat?" Xiang Cheng asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Have a meal, how about you?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Is there any water?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo flipped through his bag and found a bottle of mineral water. Xiang Cheng poured it vigorously, and the water flowed from the corner of his mouth. Chen Zhen's ferret stood upright and looked at them both motionlessly.

"Ghost hitting the wall." Chen Zhen's voice came from behind, and Chi Xiaoduo looked back, startled. Obviously walking forward, but finally appeared behind.

"This is an underwater channel." Chen Zhen said, "After being distorted by a powerful demon force, the water channel overlaps with the illusion."

Xiang Cheng didn't answer, just wiped the corner of his mouth, hugged Chi Xiaoduo, and let him lean in his arms.

"You will sleep."

Chi Xiaoduo felt more at ease, leaned on Xiang Cheng's naked and dirty shoulder, closed his eyes, but for a while, his mood was agitated and he couldn't fall asleep.

"What are we going to do now?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Can we get out from here?"

"Wait for time." Chen Zhen said, "The moment the sun comes out, the ghost will change, and you can go out when you find an opportunity."

Xiang Cheng didn't answer.

"Are you an exorcist?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Chen Zhen told you everything?" Xiang Cheng whispered in the dark.

Chi Xiaoduo hummed, Xiang Cheng was ready to face a long list of questions, but Chi Xiaoduo shook his head and didn't ask anything. As long as the person is found, it doesn't matter if Xiang Cheng is a monster in comparison.

Chi Xiaoduo raised his head to look at Xiang Cheng, and turned his head to look at Chen Zhen who was sitting not far away. Chen Zhen didn't seem to know why Xiang Cheng appeared here, but he didn't ask any further questions. Look at Chi Xiaoduo.

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to go back and torture you again, so he hummed.

"He almost cried when he was looking for you." Chen Zhen said, "Fortunately, he has his dragon pupils, and the demon regards him as one of his own."

Xiang Cheng lowered his head again, checking Chi Xiaoduo's left eye, with a very helpless expression.

"What happened to my eyes?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"It's nothing." Xiang Cheng replied, "Don't ask now, and don't tell anyone, or it will be very troublesome."

Chen Zhen said lightly again: "At least you don't have to hide your affairs from him anymore."

Xiang Cheng didn't speak.

Chi Xiaoduo leaned on Xiang Cheng, feeling extremely sleepy, and just fell asleep after a while, when he heard the sound of the tide coming from the end of the distant passage, rustling.

"Get ready." Chen Zhen said.

Xiang Cheng took out the Demon Subduing Pestle. Chi Xiaoduo didn't know, so he looked around, while Chen Zhen took out the spherical glazed lamp from his bag and put it on his left palm.

The rustling sound became louder and louder, and the water was rushing from the end of the distant passage, but there was only the sound but no water. Xiang Cheng and Chen Zhen turned their backs to each other, Chi Xiaoduo stood in the middle, and the passage was silent.

The sound of the water became louder and louder, and when there was a loud splash, Chi Xiaoduo felt as if he was being submerged by an invisible water flow, but the passageway was still the same as it was before. Mink and Shiratori took a deep breath at the same time , along with the light of casting spells on Chen Zhen and Xiang Cheng.

"Breathe in." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo took a deep breath in a daze.

"Mountains and seas are bright, all demons retreat—"

"Boundless Burning Lamps! Shine the world—"

"Break!" Chen Zhen and Xiang Cheng roared angrily at the same time. In an instant, the subduing magic pestle and the glazed lamp burst into dazzling light. All the space was filled, and then a huge force pulled him to flow rapidly, Chi Xiaoduo spit out a string of bubbles, but Xiang Cheng turned around in the water, hugged Chi Xiaoduo in his arms, and the three of them were washed away by the strong current Out of the waterway!

"Pfft..." Chi Xiaoduo was choked by the water, stretched out his hands to grab, but was hugged by Xiang Cheng, dizzy, drifting in the turbulent water, the water pressure around his ears suddenly lightened, and came to an open place repeatedly.

As the sun rose in the sky, Xiang Cheng held Chi Xiaoduo in his arms and swam with Chen Zhen to the golden lake above his head.