Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 30: video


The sun was shining brightly, the three of them left the library and walked along the street. Xiang Cheng held Chi Xiaoduo's hand with one hand and put his other hand in his shorts pocket, his face was impatient with the sun.

When entering the Sanlitun Starbucks, Chi Xiaoduo felt alive again. There were not many people in the Starbucks, and they were all sucked away by the coffee on the opposite side.

Zhou Wanyuan sat down, took out the documents from her handbag, and said, "Let's see." She took off her sunglasses and looked at Chi Xiaoduo inscrutablely.

"Would you like... coffee." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I treat you guys to drink? Xiang Cheng, what do you drink?"

"Don't waste money." Xiang Cheng said.

"Chi Xiaoduo, you look so handsome." Zhou Wanyuan said, "But why do you look panicked? Am I scary?"

"Thank you." Chi Xiaoduo said tremblingly, "You are also so beautiful, you are not scary, my personality is like this, I am not very courageous." I wondered if I would offend her by saying so.

Zhou Wanyuan said, "Latte."

Xiang Cheng looked at the information without looking up, Zhou Wanyuan said: "Chen Zhen asked me to come to you and said that you will have a solution."

Xiang Cheng finished reading the materials, put them on the table, took Chi Xiaoduo's coffee, and remained silent.

Chi Xiaoduo asked, "Can I watch it?"

Zhou Wanyuan and Xiang Cheng signaled an action at the same time—look.

Chi Xiaoduo looked through the files, and on it were the resumes of four students, all stamped with "Death" red stamps, two college students and two high school seniors.

One cause of death was suicide, the cause of suicide was martyrdom, and the other three were "accidents".

"There were four homicides in one quarter." Zhou Wanyuan said, "They are all students, young."

Xiang Cheng didn't speak, but just looked at Zhou Wanyuan.

Zhou Wanyuan took out her mobile phone from her bag and put it on the table.

Xiang Cheng picked up the phone and flipped through it casually. Inside were some selfies that girls often have on their phones. Xiang Cheng flipped through them one by one, looking at them very slowly. Chi Xiaoduo was watching from the side, and started to feel a little scared .

"Is this a relic?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Wanyuan didn't say anything else, waiting for Xiang Cheng to speak, but Xiang Cheng kept up the tradition of contempt for strangers, and didn't even bother to talk to her.

Turn to the last three photos, one video, two photos, all dark.

A girl's voice can be heard in the video.

"Take a picture, take a picture!" the girl said fearfully.

It was pitch black and there was no light at all.

"Did you see that?" said the boy's voice.

"Don't take pictures, don't take pictures!" another girl yelled in fear, "Go away—I'm so scared! Leave it alone!"

The video is over.

The other two are all black.

Chi Xiaoduo heard goosebumps all over his body. It was noon, under the bright sun, but the wind was blowing from behind.

"The four deceased were all acquainted with each other." Zhou Wanyuan said, "The Haidian District Public Security Bureau is unwilling to give me detailed real names, so let's use ABCD instead."

"Female A, Department of Interior Design; B, male, Department of Civil Engineering, both are freshmen. The other two, male C and female D, are high school students who failed the exam and repeated, and female D suffered from mild depression. Originally It's the same school."

"The first one who asked to take pictures was female A, the one who told 'stop taking pictures' was female D, the boy who spoke was C, and B was holding a mobile phone from the beginning to the end and did not speak. This mobile phone was provided to me by his mother . She suspects that the children are seeing things they shouldn't be seeing."

"Time." Xiang Cheng finally said a word.

"The video was shot on April 1st, April Fool's Day." Zhou Wanyuan said, "I asked professionals to enlarge and reprocess the photos. Look, the pixels of the mobile phone are only so few."

Zhou Wanyuan took out the big photo in her bag to show them, it was all black, Chi Xiaoduo's scalp was numb, she squeezed towards Xiang Cheng, Xiang Cheng freed up one hand, and hugged Chi Xiaoduo, Chi Xiaoduo felt relieved After a while, the two looked at the photo together.

"I didn't turn on the flash." Xiang Cheng looked at the three enlarged photos one after the other.

"No." Zhou Wanyuan said, "I suspect there are other photos, but they have been deleted. This boy's mobile phone is very old and the effect is not good. His family is poor and his mother has collapsed. I tried to visit several The response to their school was the same last time, with good academic performance and hard work, and the family did not find any problems."

Xiang Cheng frowned and glanced at Chi Xiaoduo.

Chi Xiaoduo shook his head, his eyes were dazzled, but he didn't feel anything. Is there a soul in the photo? He shouldn't be able to take a picture of Ling, but after looking at it for a long time, he saw that there seemed to be a place in the photo where a very faint, very faint, small bright spot appeared.

Xiang Cheng also noticed it, turned over the photo, and motioned Zhou Wanyuan to look at the bright spot, Zhou Wanyuan shook her head and said, "I don't know what it is."

"Location." Xiang Cheng said again.

"An inn behind Yandai Xiejie." Zhou Wanyuan said, "Chen Zhen said that you might be familiar with this place, so let me come to you."

"I'm not familiar." Xiang Cheng said, "Split up, you go and investigate the birth date of the deceased."

Zhou Wanyuan said, "What about you?"

Xiang Cheng didn't answer her again.

Zhou Wanyuan took out a stack of money and began to order pastry in front of the two of them.

Chi Xiaoduo: "???"

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"This is a reward, 40% is paid in advance." Zhou Wanyuan said, "After the investigation is completed, it will be settled again." She glanced at the two of them and handed over 4,000 yuan to Chi Xiaoduo.

Xiang Cheng said, "You insulted me."

Zhou Wanyuan: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo didn't dare to answer, Xiang Cheng said: "Death is like a lamp going out, do you take money from the family of the deceased?"

Zhou Wanyuan's complexion became ugly, and she replied: "It was given by the principal of the attached middle school. Let me find out the details so that there will be no further follow-up. It is my alma mater. The principal asked me to do it. I can't help it. The reward of 10,000 yuan is now What can you do? Buying two mobile phones without bringing change, I don’t charge the money, how can the old principal feel relieved?”

Xiang Cheng signaled Chi Xiao to take more money, and Zhou Wanyuan put on her sunglasses and said, "Just the date of birth? What about your parents?"

"Parents don't need it." Xiang Cheng replied, "Wait for my news."

"How can I contact you? Hey!" Zhou Wanyuan said.

Xiang Cheng got up, Chi Xiaoduo collected the money, and the two walked around the shopping mall opposite Sanlitun for a while, and Chi Xiaoduo stopped by to pick up the phone that was repaired in the direct sales store.

"Any clues?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Xiang Cheng shook his head.

"The sun is poisonous enough." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo bought sunglasses for Xiang Cheng to wear, while he wore a sports cap, and the two watched the road outside the bus stop sign.

"Go to the school and have a look." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo hummed and followed him into the car.

Xiang Cheng was wearing short sleeves, sunglasses, and cropped trousers. He was tall and tall like a male model, which attracted many students to look at him. The two entered a famous university, Chi Xiaoduo said: "This school was my first choice before."

"What's your first choice?" Xiang Cheng said.

"It's the school I want to take the exam the most." Chi Xiaoduo said, "But I didn't pass the exam."

The street trees in the campus were lush and green. Xiang Cheng entered the college, took off his sunglasses, and asked the guard. The guard, apparently warned, said nothing but let them go.

Chi Xiaoduo used his mobile phone to log on to the school's forum. The post has been deleted, but the Baidu snapshot is still there. He learned that the girl who committed suicide fell from the teaching building.

"Here, look." Chi Xiaoduo said, "On this teaching building, between the third and fourth floors, there is a glass ceiling. She fell from the ceiling."

Xiang Cheng took a look, and there were a few photos on it. The post said that the girl's things fell out of the window and landed on the ceiling. The girl climbed up to pick them up. He fell from a height of one meter and fell to his death on the spot.

"Go to this teaching building." Xiang Cheng said.

The two of them went outside the classroom, where there were students studying for self-study, the whole row by the window was empty, Xiang Cheng entered through the back door, sat down at a desk with Chi Xiaoduo, took out notes from his bag and spread them out.

"Did you see anything?" Xiang Chengji asked in a low voice.

Chi Xiaoduo covered his right eye with one hand, looked around with his left eye, and shook his head.

"Nothing." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Let me see."

"do not!"

"It's okay." Xiang Cheng replied, "I won't go out."

Anti-theft nets were installed on the front windows and doors, and there were still a few behind them. Xiang Cheng sat on the window sill, ignored the self-study students in the classroom to look around, stretched out his foot, and stepped on the outside.

Chi Xiaoduo immediately held Xiang Cheng's hand tightly.

"Will it collapse?" Xiang Cheng said.

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo nodded and said, "The structure is not done well, I'm serious, don't mess around."

Xiang Cheng turned around and came in. Chi Xiaoduo knew that he couldn't really fall, and he must be able to protect himself, but after all, he didn't want to repeat the case.

Xiang Cheng sat down and began to review. Chi Xiaoduo was holding his mobile phone and watching a movie with headphones on. Xiang Cheng absent-mindedly watched Chi Xiaoduo for a while, and then read a book for a while, until dusk. After dinner in the fee-paying cafeteria, the sun was setting and the students were playing on the basketball court in the summer evening. Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo walked out slowly from the school road.

"Ah!" Chi Xiaoduo exclaimed.


"I, I, I... saw a lot of light." Chi Xiaoduo said in surprise.

"Where is it?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"It's just beyond the sky." Chi Xiaoduo murmured, "Under the dark clouds."

Chi Xiaoduo covered his right eye and looked with his left eye. Between the sky and the earth, there was a gorgeous colorful light. The trees, the earth, and people, all the individuals, were covered with light powder, and merged into the huge torrent of the zenith. .

Chi Xiaoduo described the scene, and Xiang Cheng said: "That is the intersection of the heavenly veins and the earthly veins. To describe it in another way, it is the 'aura' of the world. When morning and dusk intersect, the heavenly veins and the earthly veins will be handed over for a short time. At dawn At dusk, it is a moment that is conducive to practice."

The earth revolves in a vast shadow, half light and half dark.

It was an incomparably magnificent scene. As the boundary between day and night gradually moved eastward, the sky was like a roaring giant, wrapped in the energy of all things, rolling slowly, sucking the "spirits" that passed by into the sky , and transported back to the earth at another morning and evening line, forming a vast and endless loop.

"Ah, it's strange." Chi Xiaoduo took out a small notebook, registered the entries "Tianmai" and "Ling", and replied, "I didn't see this a few days ago."

"Because you started to use Longtong consciously."

"What is Long Tong?" Chi Xiaoduo turned to Xiang Cheng, and saw that Xiang Cheng's body was also emitting a faint light, which was sucked towards the zenith like a streamer.

"It was given to you by Chi Kiss." Xiang Cheng shook his head, not knowing if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"I think he should know that I want to follow you." Chi Xiaoduo said, "So he gave me this, so that I won't look useless."

As he said that, Chi Xiaoduo took out his notebook again and updated the entry "Longtong".

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"What do you do with memorization? I'd rather you know nothing, and don't know anything." Xiang Cheng said, "If you want to follow, I will take you with you. Longtong is on you, and you can't shake it off. Maybe I have to follow you for the rest of my life, and it's easy to cause trouble."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "You always say that, but in the end it's not that you don't want to take me with you." Then he laughed, remembering that Xiang Cheng said before that in his lost memory, there was a part where he wanted to follow him to exorcise demons. I thought it was a good thing I didn't tell you, otherwise I wouldn't be allowed to sign up.

Xiang Cheng patted Chi Xiaoduo's shoulder, put his arm around him, and said, "It's my fault."

A black off-road vehicle was parked outside the school gate, its horn honked twice, a strong man wearing sunglasses rested his elbow on the side window of the driver's seat, leaned out slightly, and whistled at them.

The strong man took off his sunglasses, and Chi Xiaoduo smiled and said, "It's up to you!"

"Get in the car!" Gegentoru Leda patted the car door and said, "Chen Zhen sent me to help you!"

Xiang Cheng stood for a while, nodded, opened the door and got in the car.

"The second school." Xiang Cheng reported the place name, Koda put the phone upright on the car charger, turned on the navigation, Xiang Cheng turned to look at Chi Xiaoduo in the back seat, his eyes were deep, as if there was something What to say, Chi Xiaoduo suddenly had a tacit understanding - he knew what Xiang Cheng meant: don't mention Long Tong.

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, expressing his reassurance.

"What did Miss Zhou say?" Da Ke asked, "Have you eaten yet? I'm treating you."

"Visit four schools first." Xiang Cheng said, "After eating, we will wait for you, there is no rush."

Da Da nodded, got out of the car and bought a sandwich set, ate it while driving, and said, "She doesn't know how to handle cases, and she doesn't want to have an assistant. She is so anxious to death."

Xiang Cheng didn't answer, he was thinking while sitting in the passenger seat, and after a while he looked at Chi Xiaoduo in the rear-view mirror and said, "What do you think she picked up on the roof?"

The traffic was stuck on the road, but Kodak held a sandwich and didn't interrupt Xiang Cheng.

"What can fall on the ceiling?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "The window sill is higher than the shoulder."

"Well, yes." Xiang Cheng replied, "I can't think of it."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "It is impossible to transfer the pen to there."

Dada looked at the road intently, the traffic was moving, and another school was also in Haidian District. When they arrived, the middle school was doing self-study in the evening.

Koda submitted his work permit and asked the guard to open the gate. Chi Xiaoduo looked at it curiously. The identity on it was: field director of the National Science and Technology Information Duty Department. The three went to the roof of the school, and the principal opened the door for them with the key himself.

The summer night was breezy, the three of them stood on the roof, Xiang Cheng stood on the edge of the roof, looking down.

"Why is there no barbed wire fence?" Keda asked.

"Normally the door to the roof doesn't open." The principal replied with a sigh, "Only that day, she climbed up the fire escape."

"It's not just that day." Xiang Cheng walked to the fire escape and looked down, and said, "The iron rod of the fire escape is smooth, and she often goes up and down the roof along this ladder."

The headmaster nodded.

Koda walked to the edge of the roof and sat down, leaning down and looking into the distance.

"What can you see?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"I can't see anything." Da Ke set up a shade with his hands and looked around.

Xiang Cheng climbed up to the shed on the roof, and there was a row of flower pots on it. He looked down and lifted a pot of flowers on the edge of the corner of the roof of the shed. The soil was scattered along the flower pots on the roof.

Da Keda stood up, and looked down at the potted flower together with Xiang Cheng, and the two of them looked together at the distance with their backs to the rooftop, where the bright moon was in the sky, shining everywhere.

"Go." Xiang Cheng said.

They went downstairs to the class teacher's office and learned about the girl's behavior before her death. She was a girl who was often bullied by her classmates. Studying is very hard, talent is average.

Another boy died in a car accident on the fast lane outside the university. It just so happened that the self-study get out of class was over in the evening. He walked through the fast lane downstairs to buy a late-night snack. When he came back, he was hit by a Maserati and killed on the spot.

Koda said, "I'll go to the other side to have a look."

Koda also crossed the fast lane to buy barbecue, looked left and right from time to time, and retraced the path the deceased had walked before.

"What did you find?" Xiang Cheng said.

At nine o'clock at night, Chi Xiaoduo vaguely saw something, but it was not in front of him, but behind him.

"There." Chi Xiaoduo said, "There is light shining in the flower bed."

In the flower bed by the side of the road, Xiang Cheng motioned him to stand and wait, and then he bent down and got into the flower bed.

"What color light?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"Red." Chi Xiaoduo replied.

Xiang Cheng looked down at the soil, knelt on the flower bed, half of his body stuck into the flower bed.

"Is this it?" Xiang Cheng came out with a very small stone, Chi Xiaoduo covered his right eye to pick it up, but Xiang Cheng refused to give it to him.

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo said, "What is this?"

"A drop of blood." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo took out the pen case from his bag, and Xiang Cheng put the blood-stained stone in the pen case. Chi Xiaoduo took out his notebook again and recorded the entry "a drop of blood".

"Where is Koda?"

"God!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

Da Ke stood in the middle of the flyover in the distance, with his hands behind his back, looking down, and waved to them in a friendly and inspecting way.

"Let's go!" Chi Xiaoduo didn't dare to say that he found something, so Koda stepped down quickly, drove away without asking a word.

The last point is B's house. When Xiang Cheng rang the doorbell, Zhou Wanyuan was visiting B's house. B's mother had red eyes and tears in her eyes.

The house was covered with a layer of dust, and Mother B sat in a daze every day.

This is a single-parent family, and the mother has no one to rely on. After Xiang Cheng said hello, he went directly to B's bedroom before he was alive. Da Ke greeted Chi Xiaoduo and said in a low voice, "Little brother, let's mop the floor for her. You can clean it." wipe the table."

"Okay." Chi Xiaoduo and Keda hit it off immediately, so Keda took off his suit, rolled up his shirt sleeves, and went to the bathroom to wash and mop the floor. Chi Xiaoduo washed the rag and helped Mother B clean up. Xiang Cheng took a look inside and then came out. He glanced at Zhou Wanyuan, who held Mother B's hand and pointed to the balcony with his eyes.

Xiang Cheng went to the balcony to look again, Chi Xiaoduo was cleaning the floor-to-ceiling windows, Xiang Cheng knocked over there, asking Chi Xiaoduo with his eyes. Chi Xiaoduo closed his right eye suspiciously, tilted his head to look at it, and shook his head.

Xiang Cheng leaned on the railing and looked downstairs and the sixth floor, but did not find any clues.

"Three days before he passed away." Xiang Cheng asked, "Did you say anything?"

B's mother wiped away her tears and said: "I wrote a note saying 'Mom, I'm not filial, I'm leaving', I don't know why, just be alone..."

"The note is with the police." Zhou Wanyuan said, "There is nothing unusual."

Chi Xiaoduo wiped the floor-to-ceiling windows, washed the rag, and went into the room to take a look. B was an otaku before his death, and the bookcases were full of anime, mostly ghost stories, including Junji Ito's "The Whirlpool".

He took out the book and flipped through it, Kodak also came in, the two of them looked around, Kodak looked up at the EVA and "Tokyo Ghoul" posters on the wall, and said: "I used to like these very much, and "Quiba" .”

"I like it too." Chi Xiaoduo said, "But figurines are too expensive, and I can't afford them when I'm studying. I also like mechanical models."

"Come to play at my house tomorrow." Koda said, "I bought a new remote-controlled plane and used an Apple as a console."

Great! Chi Xiaoduo liked this the most, so the two put the case aside, and happily started discussing the new animation series, and then discussed from animation to games. Unexpectedly, Koda is also a big otaku who is addicted to the two-dimensional world. The two said After a few words, I suddenly found that the things I like are almost exactly the same, and I feel like I hate seeing each other later.

"Let's have a meeting." Zhou Wanyuan came out of B's house.

The four of them sat down at a small table at a roadside barbecue stand, ordered a few bottles of beer, and ordered some barbecue.

"Synthesize all the content obtained so far." Zhou Wanyuan said, "Let's sort out the information items first."

"...Are you going to Station B?" Chi Xiaoduo said to Chaoda.

"Go!" Da Ke said, "I registered by answering questions one by one back then!"

Zhou Wanyuan: "..."

"First of all, let's talk about the university." Xiang Cheng said, "The cause of death excludes suicide, it is homicide."

Zhou Wanyuan said, "What evidence is there?"

"Look at FATE." Koda said, "They also told me that they look like..."

"Hahahaha—" Chi Xiaoduo immediately came to his senses and said, "You can go to cosplay!"

"Yes!" Da Da slapped his thigh and said, "In the past, our club often cosplayed, dyed my hair red, and let me cosplay the King of Heroes."

"Koda!" Zhou Wanyuan said.

Da Ke quickly waved his hands and said, "Let's talk serious."

Xiang Cheng: "I don't know what happened that night, but it is certain that at least one demon lured the deceased to the glass ceiling, and the ceiling shattered and died."

"Similarly, the deceased D on the roof of the middle school did not intend to commit suicide, but sat on the edge thinking, behind her was a flying monster, gliding over from the roof, pushing her claws on D's back, pushing her When I got off the rooftop, under the watchful eyes of the whole evening self-study class, I yelled and fell to my death."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"You guys keep talking." Xiang Cheng said, "Don't worry about us."

"How did you find out?" Zhou Wanyuan asked.

"Flower pot." Xiang Cheng said, "In the small room on the roof, the monster has been waiting for a long time. Judging from the traces at the scene, it has four claws and two wings."

"After D's death, the monster chased C to the side of the road in the evening self-study. Its claws left blood on D's shoulder. C realized that something was chasing him and started to panic. He crossed the road and wanted to go to the opposite side to ask for help. , was hit by a car and died."

Xiang Cheng drew a sketch, like a dog with wings, and said: "The shape of a monster is probably like this. This is the enemy we are about to encounter, but I still have one thing I haven't figured out, and I need to verify it... Xiao More, don’t remember these.”

"I'm making a monster illustration book." Chi Xiaoduo said attentively. Everyone watched Chi Xiaoduo record the monsters drawn by Xiang Cheng in the book. Chi Xiaoduo had learned a little sketching and could even draw that monster. Add shadows, soft light, and grid effects, and everyone immediately falls to the ground.

"But." Chi Xiaoduo finished drawing, raised his hand, and asked a question, "If the dog's purpose is to kill him, wouldn't it be fine to just kill him? And how does the monster know that when it crosses the road It will definitely hit a car? Unless everything is well arranged."

Xiang Cheng nodded and said, "This is what I can't figure out, let's eat first."

After supper, the four of them got into the car, Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo sat in the back seat, and Da Ke drove, Zhou Wanyuan kept looking at the side of the road in rapt attention, and after a while took out the mirror to touch up her makeup, Da Da took a look at her vanity mirror, Zhou Wanyuan put the mirror away with a snap.

"What to look at."

Koda didn't answer the call, and drove on his own.

"Didn't Chen Zhen ask you to take any heirlooms out?" Zhou Wanyuan said.

"I don't care about anything." Dada replied, "I'm only responsible for driving Brother Xiang." He said with a grin.

The off-road vehicle turned into a long and narrow back alley, with five or six trash cans lined up on both sides of the alley, and a door in the middle. The alley is only for one car to enter, and Keda's reversing technology is very good, forcing the huge off-road vehicle into an alley.

Zhou Wanyuan drove the door, which was against the wall.

Reachable: "..."

Zhou Wanyuan: "..."

"You did it on purpose." Zhou Wanyuan said.

Koda pressed the button, the sunroof opened, pointed to the top of his head, and Xiang Cheng said, "Xiaoduo, you two are waiting in the car." As he spoke, he climbed out of the sunroof first, Zhou Wanyuan hesitated for a moment, and climbed up too.

Da Da: "Beauty, be careful of getting naked."

"You pervert—" Zhou Wanyuan screamed.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Da Da waved at Chi Xiaoduo, signaling him to come to the co-pilot, and played a song, and the two listened to the song in the car.

Xiang Cheng and Zhou Wanyuan stepped on the front of the car and jumped down, and they came to the back door of the hospital. Koda turned off the lights, and Chi Xiaoduo sat in the car, his eyes dazzled, seeing the beautiful light behind the door, but Blinking, the light disappeared again.

"What is this place?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

Koda shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm only responsible for driving."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "You must know."

"Don't ask." Koda said, "It's no good knowing, trust me."

In Chi Xiaoduo's long pupils, he saw the light coming out of the door like a wind of colored light, gently scattered towards the sky, he poked his head forward and looked up.

At the same time, the black shadow squatting next to the building on the top of the alley quickly shrank back.

"What did you see?" Kodak asked.

Chi Xiaoduo shook his head.

Xiang Cheng and Zhou Wanyuan stood in front of the locked back door and tried it, but they didn't move. Xiang Cheng bowed, climbed up to the second floor along the air-conditioning pipe a few times, and entered an office with a vigorous figure.

Zhou Wanyuan waited outside the door. After a while, the door of the back alley was opened, and Zhou Wanyuan followed in. She took out a small flashlight from her bag and waved it to illuminate the road. At the end of the dark passage, there is a fluorescent lamp shining behind another door, and someone is on duty.

A faint cry came from a distance, and Xiang Cheng stopped halfway, signaling Zhou Wanyuan to go up the stairs.

The two went up to the second floor. At the end of the corridor on the second floor, there was a door. On the top of the door, three large characters were lit by fluorescent lights: Mortuary.

In the back alley, Chi Xiaoduo felt the wind blowing nearby, but the inside of the car was normal, as if Koda was just sitting in the driver's seat, and nothing could penetrate into the car.

"I added a camera to the remote control aircraft." Koda said, "Now it can take aerial photos."

"Is it for work?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"No, just for fun." Dada replied, "I see your resume. You used to be a construction worker. Did you work hard?"

"It's okay." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I often work overtime, I don't know where the goal is, I don't do it now, I am free."

Koda said, "Are you two planning to find a job in Beijing?"

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Let's talk about it after Xiang Cheng finishes the exam."

Da Da stretched his waist and said, "To be honest, I really want to go to Guangzhou. The food in Guangzhou is delicious. Have you ever been to the Yulan Alley in Guangzhou? I heard that there is a girl who can use paintings to change the spiritual world and reality, called Yilan. The information has been sent to you, have you reviewed it?"

"No, I'm not free for now." Chi Xiaoduo's memory was a little fuzzy, and he said, "Can you make internal transfers?"

"Yes." Da Ke said, "I don't want to stay in Beijing, or go abroad. The interpersonal struggle in the headquarters is too complicated."

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo didn't expect that there was even an exorcist institution.

"Where there are institutions, there will be power struggles." Koda replied, "It's the same everywhere. Small institutions in Guangzhou are better than Shanghai and Shenzhen, and they are usually free."

Chi Xiaoduo felt that the term "Yulan Alley" was very familiar. According to Xiang Cheng's dictation, he had been there before hearing Lihun pollen, but he couldn't remember what happened inside. He asked again, "How did you get into the institution?"

"Family relationship." Da Ke said, "My father died in the line of duty, and the organization arranged a job for me. It's not a big deal. Sometimes I envy you who are scattered and travel around. It's very interesting." many."