Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 31: trap


In the morgue, Xiang Cheng shined a flashlight on the freezer.

"The autopsy report did not check the back in detail." Zhou Wanyuan said in the dark, "Only the neck, ankles, wrists and other key parts were checked. After excluding homicide, the file will be prepared."

Xiang Cheng was silent, and Zhou Wanyuan said, "Apart from analyzing the case, don't you usually talk?"

"Hmm." Xiang Cheng let out a cry.

Zhou Wanyuan: "I think you talk a lot to your apprentice."

Xiang Cheng compared the information in his hand, found one of the freezers, and opened it.

"Xiao Duo is not my apprentice." Xiang Cheng replied, and unzipped the zipper, inside was a half-empty face due to jumping off the building, with his head crushed and his brain incomplete.

"Turn it over." Xiang Cheng said.

Zhou Wanyuan came over to help. It was very cold in the morgue. They worked together to turn the corpse over. Xiang Cheng's flashlight shone on the corpse's shoulder, and there was a not-so-obvious paw print on it.

The two looked at each other, Xiang Cheng zipped up and pushed the freezer back.

"Confirmed your guess." Zhou Wanyuan said, "Two situations: one, it can control people's hearts, and two, it can shrink in size. When seducing girl A, she took her pen and waited in the glass ceiling. I went out to pick up a pen, so I dropped it."

Xiang Cheng hummed casually, and when the two were about to leave the morgue, they suddenly heard a soft "boom" in the freezer.

Xiang Cheng stopped and took a flashlight to look back, and it landed on the name tag outside the freezer drawer.

"Expand with heat and contract with cold." Zhou Wanyuan said.

"next door."

As soon as Xiang Cheng finished speaking, there was another "boom" next to D's mortuary. The two stood in the quiet morgue, facing the drawer.

Xiang Cheng stepped forward and held the handle of the drawer with one hand.

At that moment, the drawer made a loud bang, and was ejected with monstrous black air!

Xiang Cheng was knocked flying backwards, a black monster threw him to the ground, the two roared at the same time, as soon as Zhou Wanyuan took out something, the monster turned around and shot at her.

As soon as Zhou Wanyuan held the makeup mirror in her hand, the monster threw her off her hand. Xiang Cheng got up, pressed one hand on the table in the middle, flew up and kicked the monster on the door, and the door made a sound. The monster roared, shook off its feathers, flicked and hooked its tail, and dragged Xiang Cheng's ankle, causing Xiang Cheng to fall to the ground.

Zhou Wanyuan was held down by the monster, its claws were on her shoulders, and blood spurted out. It was too late and then, the monster bit her throat directly, but Xiang Cheng rushed forward and hugged her hard. Xiang Cheng roared, and with the strength of his hands, he threw the monster to the other side.

The monster hit the drawer in the mortuary, turned his head, and Xiang Cheng saw its whole picture clearly.

It was a black demon dog with tiger tail, eagle wings and dog head.

Zhou Wanyuan rushed to open the door, but heard footsteps, and the door was locked from the outside. As soon as Zhou Wanyuan pressed the doorknob, purple light shot out from the doorknob, which sent her flying!

The door of the mortuary was closed, and there were cabinets everywhere. Neither Xiang Cheng nor Zhou Wanyuan carried magic weapons, only the makeup mirror in Zhou Wanyuan's hand. Xiang Cheng had to fight the monster close by. , Xiang Cheng pulled the drawer, and the nearly 40-jin drawer was used as a shield, and rushed over with the demon dog on his shoulders, and pushed it against the door!

The demon dog turned its tail around and slapped Xiang Cheng's face like a steel whip. The moment Xiang Cheng fell, the phone flew out of his pocket. Xiang Cheng ejected, held the phone in his hand, swiped his thumb, and pressed call back.

On the off-road vehicle in the alley, Chi Xiaoduo's phone vibrated, and the "caller ID" was Xiang Cheng.


There was a roar of a monster over there, and Koda immediately started the off-road vehicle, hit it a few times, and turned off the engine. Chi Xiaoduo shouted: "Xiang Cheng!"

Koda opened the rear tailgate from the inside, kicked the door open, and the two rushed out, climbed onto the roof of the car, and ran into the aisle. In the dark corridor, the mortuary was quiet, and Koda shouted: "Chi Xiaoduo! Let!"

Chi Xiaoduo immediately leaned against the wall, and saw a strange mark appearing on the door, as if firmly sealed by a magic circle, and then, Koda gathered his hands together, and with the momentum of his whole body, he punched the door.

At that moment, Chi Xiaoduo saw a phantom of a wolf with silver light bursting out from Koda, roaring and rushing towards the magic circle, the light wolf collided with the door of the mortuary, the magic circle shattered, and the door "boomed" "The hole opened with a sound.

The tail of the demon dog inside strangled Zhou Wanyuan's neck, threw her out of the door, bumped into Da Keda, and then jumped out of the door!

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Be careful!" Xiang Cheng roared angrily.

The demon dog rushed up to the ceiling in an instant, then fell back one by one, clawed at Chi Xiaoduo's shoulder, and spun around in an instant.

Chi Xiaoduo yelled in his heart—Oh my god—with a conditioned reflex, he grabbed the paw of the demon dog and threw it over his shoulder.

Everyone: "..."

"Good job!" Xiang Cheng cheered.

The demon dog was thrown back into the battle group again, and as soon as it bounced up, Xiang Cheng carried the freezer drawer and smashed it on the demon dog's head in an earth-shattering manner. With a loud "bang", the demon dog slipped on all fours, fell to the corner of the wall, and wobbled.

Chi Xiaoduo is ecstatic, the monster illustrated book can be updated! In my heart, I gave the monster an animation effect of staring at the stars, wishing I could pounce on it, hug it and kiss it.

The monster staggered a few steps and rushed down the stairs. Only then did Koda realize it and took the lead in rushing down.

The four returned to the car, Xiang Cheng pulled down the rear compartment, rolled down the window, whistled, Sigui flew back, Koda twisted the car key, started the off-road vehicle a few times, and quickly backed out of the narrow alley.

Chi Xiaoduo quickly wrote down in his notebook, and said, "Is that the monster?"

"Yes." Xiang Cheng said in a deep voice, "Trap."

"There must be traitors in the organization." Zhou Wanyuan said with a dark face, blood from the demon dog's claws all over her shoulders, and a pale face, "This is a catch in a jar!"

"No." Xiang Cheng said, "Not necessarily, it's up to you, drive faster!"

"It's already the fastest!" Koda put into gear, ran a red light and chased after him, "Zhou Wanyuan, are you alright?"

Zhou Wanyuan shook her head and took a deep breath.

Xiang Cheng rummaged through his sports bag and poked his head out of the sunroof. Chi Xiaoduo also stood up in the back seat and put his head out of the sunroof. The strong wind blew and his face was about to be distorted.

The night was dark, and the demonized demon dog spread its wings and merged with the sky, but in Chi Xiaoduo's eyes, there was a red light. He looked at Xiang Cheng and pointed to the east.

"I see." Xiang Cheng hugged Chi Xiaoduo, and the two leaned against the roof of the car.

"East." Xiang Cheng said.

"Hello." Da Ke said, "Zhou Wanyuan."

When Xiang Cheng came down, he saw Zhou Wanyuan's face was pale, and the co-pilot's seat was covered in blood. She leaned on the seat, motionless.

Chi Xiaoduo pressed her shoulder with his clothes to stop the bleeding, and said, "I can't chase anymore."

Half an hour later, in a basement.

Zhou Wanyuan leaned on the sofa, and Chi Xiaoduo wrapped her up with a bandage.

"Why me..." Chi Xiaoduo twitched the corner of his mouth.

"It's inconvenient for us." Koda turned his back to Chi Xiaoduo and said, "Has the wound been healed?"

Xiang Cheng sat at a long table, silent.

"But I'm also a man." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Zhou Wanyuan's shoulders were half exposed, her back was bare, and she said weakly: "If you tell me to pack it, you can do it... What are you talking about so much nonsense?"

Koda said sincerely, "You are dexterous."

Chi Xiaoduo tied a bow tie on Zhou Wanyuan's wound, and her hands were covered in blood.

"Thank you." Zhou Wanyuan said wearily.

Chi Xiaoduo went to wash his hands, Koda came over with the wine and handed it to Xiang Cheng and Zhou Wanyuan.

Reachable toasts: "World peace."

"World peace." Xiang Cheng said helplessly.

"Love & piece..." Zhou Wanyuan said weakly.

Chi Xiaoduo: "World peace."

"Okay." Chi Xiaoduo sat down at the long table, spread out his notebook, and said, "Let's organize today's investigation."

Xiang Cheng and Zhou Wanyuan looked at Chi Xiaoduo strangely, and Da Keda laughed.

"What's wrong?" Chi Xiaoduo asked in a daze.

Zhou Wanyuan: "Nothing."

Xiang Cheng shook his head, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "I'll take notes for everyone." As he spoke, he winked at Koda, and Koda expressed his understanding and would not say anything about signing up as a demon-subduing equipment teacher.

"That monster knew in advance that we would go to the hospital." Xiang Cheng said.

"So?" Da Ke sat on the dining chair and said thoughtfully.

"Is someone trying to kill us?" Chi Xiaoduo registered their whole night's passage, and drew it in his notebook with a PPT-like picture. He remembered the sentence Zhou Wanyuan said in the car, "There are traitors in the organization", so don't write this for now All right.

"Yes." Xiang Cheng replied, "Catch the turtle in the urn, but fortunately he escaped. When he entered the mortuary, he didn't bring any magic weapon with him."

Chi Xiaoduo updated the key entry "mortuary" and asked, "Is it possible that someone has been monitoring our movements?"

Koda shook his head and said, "I didn't find out."

It is impossible for the three exorcists not to find the stalker. The only possibility is that the other party has already figured it out, knowing that they will go to the hospital mortuary, and has already arranged traps and waited.

"It's very clear." Xiang Cheng looked up at Zhou Wanyuan and said, "One or more demon dogs... I guess it's a mutant."

Zhou Wanyuan said: "The enemy can guess that we did not carry a magic weapon when we went to the autopsy. This is terrible."

"Don't you have a mirror?" Xiang Cheng said.

"That's a demon mirror." Zhou Wanyuan said, "It has no impact."

Koda loosened his fingers and fell silent. Xiang Cheng sorted out his notes and said, "It's not a guess, but the leader of the enemy who can predict the future and know the series of events that will happen next."

"Since you can predict the future, why not make more complete preparations and start directly?"

Xiang Cheng was silent for a long time, and said, "Maybe it is to predict the future to a certain extent."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "Then we are talking here, can it predict it?"

"It's possible." Xiang Cheng said, "It's all under its control."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Koda laughed, shook his head, and said, "It's impossible, do you believe it?"

Chi Xiaoduo said, "I believe it."

Koda said: "It's unscientific. God doesn't play dice. The future is unpredictable. Our university teacher said that."

"But such things as monsters and demons are not scientific in themselves." Chi Xiaoduo said, "It seems strange to require monsters to abide by the rules of physics and quantum mechanics while catching monsters."

"Okay, then I'll accept this statement for the time being." Da Keda twitched his eyebrows and said, "Go on, what else has Brother Xiang discovered?"

Xiang Cheng looked at Koda, Koda's mouth twitched slightly, as if he wanted to say something in his eyes.

Just for a moment, the eyes of the two people staggered.

"Three months of busy work." Zhou Wanyuan said, "I haven't figured out the motive, and I haven't caught the monster. It's too frustrating."

Zhou Wanyuan took a sip of wine, but Xiang Cheng said, "It's getting close."

Chi Xiaoduo used drinks to apply ice to the red marks on Xiang Cheng's face, and Xiang Cheng sat quietly, watching them.

"I said it." Xiang Cheng said.

"Let's talk." Zhou Wanyuan said.

"Say." Koda replied.

"A demon who knows the future." Xiang Cheng said, "Take the lives of four students and use an unknown ritual to do something we don't know."

Da Ke added: "Correction, there may be one, or there may be many."

Xiang Cheng said: "One. The demon dog is just a lackey it raises, and the demon controls the demon. In my experience, this is normal."

Chi Xiaoduo updated the entry "Demon Dog".

"The demon dog has no brains." Zhou Wanyuan lay on the armrest of the sofa and said, "There must be a more powerful guy behind the scenes. After we found out that we were involved in the investigation, we were already close to the truth of the matter, so we wanted to kill people and silence them, so as not to allow the organization to investigate again." go down."

"That demon." Xiang Cheng said, "What changed it, we don't know anything about it now, the first time I fought against it, I was completely restrained by it."

"Spell restraint?" Zhou Wanyuan sat up a little bit, raised her head and asked Xiang Cheng.

Xiang Cheng shook his head and said, "It avoided every movement of mine."

"Why did you find it?" Koda asked.

"Sword of Wisdom." Xiang Cheng replied, "The magic weapon of my family. The Qi family told me that there are two demons in Beijing, and one of them got my Sword of Wisdom."

Chi Xiaoduo was ecstatic, recorded the "Sword of Wisdom", and looked at Xiang Cheng expectantly.

"What kind of demon?" Koda asked, "Did you say the type?"

Xiang Cheng shook his head.

"Where did the news come from?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"The youngest son of the Qi family overheard a demon." Xiang Cheng replied, "The old man went to places where there are many people. I dare not use spells. When I arrived at the Drum Tower, the old man disappeared. I entered the Drum Tower." , the drum sounded, and another old man appeared, he activated the magic circle and sent me into the ghost wall corridor."

Chi Xiaoduo recorded "Ghosts Hitting the Wall Corridor".

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"Take a break." Xiang Cheng said, "Stop writing, what's there to write about when a ghost hits a wall?"

"Can you stop being so serious." Zhou Wanyuan couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "I hate reading and taking notes the most."

Chi Xiaoduo said seriously: "Don't be like this, isn't it hard work these days?"

"Chen Zhen sent someone to check that place." Koda replied, "It's a pavilion hallucination transformation array left by a lama in the Qing Dynasty. Dala's people are drumming up and traveling with the capital. It may be used to avoid the Eight-Nation Alliance Army, and it has nothing to do with the devil directly."

"It's also a trap." Xiang Cheng replied, "It accidentally discovered the transition formation, so it led me into the transition formation."

"That is to say, is it teasing you?" Zhou Wanyuan said.

"Yes." Xiang Cheng nodded. He leaned back in his chair and took a sip of wine.

"Xiaoduo." Da Keda asked, "What kind of old man did you and Director Chen meet that night?"

Chi Xiaoduo's hand was about to cramp, there were too many important information.

Chi Xiaoduo turned to the first few pages, described it in detail, and said, "He didn't turn his head, so I didn't see his face."

"He has no face." Xiang Cheng said, "He used the power of chaos. When I saw his face, he had no facial features."

"Is it a Chaos?" Zhou Wanyuan said.

"There is a dead Chaos in his body." Xiang Cheng made a "retracting" movement with five fingers, and explained, "This is a special kind of demon. There are at least two people... two demons. One releases the energy absorbed in the body. All the spirits, let them absorb the aura of the Tianmai, and the other one, suck all the spirits back in Zishi."

"Twin Demons." Koda immediately said, "I see."

Xiang Cheng nodded.

Chi Xiaoduo was so dumbfounded that he forgot to update the entry. He said, "The monster at night was also released by it?"

"Yes." Xiang Cheng nodded.

"It can also predict the future." Zhou Wanyuan said again.

Chi Xiaoduo wrote everything down in his notebook and looked at the two of them.

"We have to apply for assistance from the new force." Da Ke said, "The three of us are no match for the two demons."

"The key is," Xiang Cheng said, "what it is is the most important thing. Once you know the type of the other party, everything will be solved, and you can go back to the case itself."

"Motivation, purpose, means." Zhou Wanyuan said, and tried to make herself more sober, "After your analysis, I can probably grasp a little bit of the essence."

"Don't be deceived by your eyes." Xiang Cheng said, "Under all laws, there is only one reason."

"Enhance strength." Keda said, "The ultimate purpose of killing people is to increase their own strength. There is no doubt about this process."

"What kind of power is enhanced." Xiang Cheng said, "It is the power to predict the future."

"It's possible." Zhou Wanyuan said, "But why I chose these four students has always been a puzzle to me."

"Coincidence." Xiang Cheng replied, "This is the only possibility. They met one of Mr. Lao or Mr. Die, they proposed some exchange terms, and reached a deal with the devil. It is close to the truth. I will go to Yandai Xiejie tomorrow. Go to the inn where they stayed for one night, look for clues, it's late at night, go to bed first."

"Stay at my house." Da Ke said, "Choose a room upstairs."

Keda's home is very big, it is a three-story single-family villa, the living room is dark with the lights off, and there is no one there. It is the first time Chi Xiaoduo lives in such a luxurious place, and he is very curious.

Each room is equipped with a separate bathroom, up to the very rich at home.

Chi Xiaoduo took an ice pack and applied ice packs to Xiang Cheng's red and swollen face to reduce the swelling, feeling extremely distressed.

"Fortunately, you called me." Chi Xiaoduo said, "If we don't arrive, I don't know what will happen."

"What kung fu did you learn in the judo gym?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Chi Xiaoduo laughed and said, "That's great."

Xiang Cheng replied: "Great, when I heard footsteps in the mortuary, it was it that came to lock the door and put a restriction on it."

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help but shudder when he thought that they passed by the demon not long ago, and asked again: "What sect is Koda? I think he can break through that magic circle directly."

"It's not a magic circle." Xiang Cheng replied, "It's a magic seal. I don't know it either. You can ask him next time."

Chi Xiaoduo thought for a while and said, "That purple magic seal is so powerful that it can lock you inside."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"Did you see it?" Xiang Cheng frowned.

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, Xiang Cheng immediately sat up and said, "What shape is it?"

"Round ones." Chi Xiaoduo replied, "Kada also saw it."

"He can't see it!" Xiang Cheng said, "That's great, remember? Draw it down."

Chi Xiaoduo tried his best to recall, his memory is quite good, as long as he doesn't smell any Lihun pollen, he can vaguely remember what happened when he was seven years old.

Xiang Cheng found a pen and paper, opened the drawer, and asked Chi Xiaoduo to sit at the table and describe the magic circle. Chi Xiaoduo couldn't remember everything, and many places seemed to be wrong, so he said, "I can't remember some places clearly."

"If you can't remember clearly, just doodle." Xiang Cheng said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you have a rough shape, you can do it."

Chi Xiaoduo thought hard, the content was like an earthworm, he scribbled for a while, and asked, "What is this for?"

"The spell of a demon." Xiang Cheng said, "If we can find it, we will know what kind of demon it is."

Chi Xiaoduo asked: "But according to what you said, it can predict the future. Did it predict that we are here and explore it to the bottom? Or if it predicts that we will use the magic circle to guess, it will give us the information in advance. A wrong magic circle, right?"

"It makes sense." Xiang Cheng took a few steps in the room, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's not that I'm afraid of trouble, but I'm afraid that if it can guess everything, will we fall into another trap?"

Xiang Cheng said: "Let's draw it first, and then we can talk about it after reading."

Chi Xiaoduo concentrated on drawing for a while, and then yawned in the middle of the night.

"Okay." Chi Xiaoduo handed him the paper. On it was a circular array with rays diverging. Xiang Cheng said, "Go to bed first."

Chi Xiaoduo climbed into bed, Xiang Cheng went out and knocked on the door, Ke Ke slept in the bedroom opposite, Xiang Cheng asked Ke Ke for a professional book, Ke Ke yawned and said, "There are so many that you can't finish reading, there are PDFs , you can watch it on an iPad."

So Chi Xiaoduo went to bed, and Xiang Cheng lay on the bed, comparing the contents of Chi Xiaoduo's drawings, and using the iPad to retrieve them one by one.

Chi Xiaoduo fell into a drowsy sleep, felt that after a long time, Xiang Cheng also lay down, so he took the initiative to hug him, Xiang Cheng hugged him, the air conditioner was fully turned on, Chi Xiaoduo curled up in the bed and fell asleep.