Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 38: night owl


Chen Zhen's cell phone rang, and Koda asked, "Where are you?"

"Listen to my command." Chen Zhen said.

Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng entered the splendid Fengtian Hall through the side door.

"I saw Chen Zhen!" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Where is it?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"It's just east of the Meridian Gate." Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's less than thirty meters away, can't you see it?"

Xiang Cheng replied: "Longtong connects the positive and negative worlds of yin and yang. Now I can't see people, I can only see ghosts."

Chen Zhen, Da Keda, and Zhou Wanyuan were looking left and right in front of the dark square.

Zhou Wanyuan held a makeup mirror in her hand, reflecting the lights and ghosts that filled the square.

"Isn't this your family heirloom demon mirror?" Da Ke said, "How can it still illuminate ghosts?"

"Who still runs around with two mirrors these days." Zhou Wanyuan said impatiently, "Do you understand the one-piece multi-function, go!"

Chen Zhen said: "Don't look at it yet! Follow us!"

"Where did you come from!" Zhou Wanyuan couldn't help but said, "Is there nothing in front?"

Chen Zhen Diao was very nimble, climbed up to the third floor, and then pulled the door bolt from the inside. Koda carefully pushed the door open, and a golden light came out from inside.

Bixian stands on one side of Fengtian Hall, and a majestic and majestic giant sits on a dragon chair in the center with a blurred face.

"Northern Ghost Emperor." Xiang Cheng whispered to Chi Xiaoduo.

Neither the pen fairy nor the dish fairy had facial features. Chi Xiaoduo didn't know if they could see him or not. Xiang Cheng put a hand on his shoulder and looked behind him from time to time. Chi Xiaoduo followed Xiang Cheng to look back and saw a A green snake-like soul.

"What are you looking at?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Ba Snake." Xiang Cheng replied in a low voice.

"Is that the big guy in the back?"

"Yes." Xiang Cheng looked around absently and replied, "Big guy."

"What is it?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"It's me." Xiang Cheng replied, "It's the demon soul parasitic on my body."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

While speaking, the Ba Snake wandered into the hall, causing a commotion among the ghosts in the hall. It bent down slightly, spit out the snake letter, and its huge snake eyes looked at Chi Xiaoduo and shimmered.

Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng held hands and stood in front of Ba Snake.

"The snake of Bashan?" A majestic voice came from the throne.

Ba Snake in the shape of a spirit raised his head and looked at the Ghost Emperor. The Ghost Emperor raised his hand and waved it casually, and Ba Snake went to the side to line up.

Pen Immortal came down from the Emperor's seat and joined Die Immortal's team at the end of the line. All the ghosts passed in front of Ghost Emperor and bowed to him, and Chi Xiaoduo followed suit.

"All ghosts are emperors." Chi Xiaoduo said in a low voice, "Let's slow down and delay."

Xiang Cheng simply knelt down on one knee and lowered his head. The two of them slowed down the procession of the procession a little. The soul chain will temporarily fail. I said run, so we ran to the left and got under the ghost emperor's seat."

After Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng paid homage to the Ghost Emperor in the Fengtian Temple, they left with the team from the left hand side of the Ghost Emperor. Die Xian walked directly into a huge glowing gate, and the confinement in the team was broken, and the guards The pen fairy at the end happened to be in front of the ghost emperor and bowed down to worship.

At this moment, Chi Xiaoduo pulled Xiang Cheng, and the two rushed to the side and hid under the ghost emperor's feet.

Bixian walked at the end, bowed to the ghost emperor, turned around, raised his hand slightly, and the soul-binding chain was restored again. Xiang Cheng held Chi Xiaoduo in his arms, and the two poked their heads out from under the ghost emperor's seat, looking around, and after the ghost team left, they got out from the back seat and followed into the glowing door.

With a bang, time and space shifted, and the two came to another hall deep in the Forbidden City.

"What is this?" Xiang Cheng saw a mink at his feet.

"Hey!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "This is Chen Zhen!"

"Chen Zhen?" Xiang Cheng said.

"They should be around here." Chi Xiaoduo said, "It is like your Sigui, it is Chen Zhen's guardian beast."

"Sigui is not a guardian beast." Xiang Cheng replied, "Forget about it for now, just follow in."

Die Xian and Bi Xian led the team, including Ba Snake, into the Jinshen Hall, where there was a purple light, and Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng peeped in from outside the door.

"Do you think it can predict that we are peeking outside?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"It should be impossible." Xiang Cheng replied, "Because we have become ghosts, and ghosts can't see the past and future that are also ghosts."

That's right, Chi Xiaoduo remembered it. In this way, he is already a high-dimensional creature, but he doesn't feel high-dimensional at all.

"But I can't see the future of the world." Chi Xiaoduo said, "What's the reason?"

Xiang Cheng pointed to the Milky Way in the sky and said, "You have to go back to the Tianmai to see it."

Chi Xiaoduo looked up at the zenith, Xiang Cheng said: "But don't go up, once we go up, we will never come back."

Outside the hall, a huge magic circle glowed with purple light.

"Where's Chen Zhen?" The palace door opened, Yan Fei's voice came from the zenith, and the night owl with orange eyes spread its wings and flew down, holding a long object wrapped in rune cloth with its claws.

Ye Xiao stopped on the steps, pressing his paws on the thing.

"The head of the Burning Lantern School has been dismissed." The old man's voice replied, "It is expected that he will catch up soon. If you need it, you'd better do it as soon as possible. Once the sky market rises, you will have to wait another year." .”

"He won't be able to catch up." Ye Xiao said coldly, "All ghosts rule the emperor, and the ghost emperor sits in charge, so he won't be allowed to disturb the Zhongyuan ghost market."

"You promised, let's give it as soon as possible." Bixian said slowly from the side, "It's not easy to do something for you this time, and I was almost caught by Fudo Mingwang's family a few times. "

A hoarse voice came from Die Xian: "Yan Fei, when will you give us the things?"

Ye Xiao made a strange and hoarse rubbing sound, staring at the two faceless old men. The two old men each turned their own eyes, looking at the thing under Ye Xiao's claws.

"Naturally." Ye Xiao replied, "You have already got the soul in the Lost Soul Clock..." He pawed lightly and said, "I will give it to you when I finish the work, let's start."

"Let us see first." Die Xian sneered.

Ye Xiao replied: "After the matter is finished, it will be given to you naturally. What's the use of me keeping it? What's the point of dragging it on until dawn? The things are here."

Die Xian still insisted, but Bi Xian walked to the center of the formation and said slowly: "There is no need to delay any longer, I believe you will surely do what you promised."

Chi Xiaoduo held his breath and looked at Xiang Cheng. The two walked around to a remote place, where the pen fairy and the dish fairy stood on one side of the magic circle, and runes appeared on their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, the magic circle in the center lit up with a strong light! A gigantic eye appeared on each of the demon's faces!

That scene was very terrifying, one single eye occupied the upper part of the face, shooting out rays of light, gathered into a turbulent vortex, and rolled up a whirlwind in the magic circle! The next moment, outside the hall, all the ghosts who were close to the magic circle were sucked in by this vortex!

Chen Zhen ran out of breath, and entered the square outside Fengtian Temple. The moment he stepped on the square, a powerful mass of air swirled outside the square.

"Oh no." Kodak said, "I guess we've been discovered."

The dark world forms a dark vortex, and countless ghosts roam the square.

"What should I do?" Zhou Wanyuan said.

"I'll cover you." Chen Zhen said, "Break through Fengtian Hall directly."

"Can't we make a detour?" Koda said.

"No!" Chen Zhen said, "Send your wolf to support them first, let's run forward! Yinyang Road is at the foot of Ghost Emperor, I count to three, follow me!"

The three tried their best and rushed into the center of the square. At that moment, tens of thousands of ghosts in the ghost market suddenly found the breath of the living, and there was chaos. The ghosts collided with each other and overturned Meng Po Tang.

"Presumptuous! Who is here!" Ghost Emperor's voice echoed in the sky.

"Run!" Chen Zhen shouted.

They passed under Po Meng's claws and slammed into Fengtian Hall. Koda roared in front of the ghost emperor, and a glowing wolf burst out from his body. Zhou Wanyuan spun gracefully in the air and released a light-shaped The white deer, the gray wolf and the white deer flitted left and right, brushing the ghost emperor's body and shooting towards the back of the hall.

A ball of fiery light sits in the center of the throne. I saw ghosts whistling freely in the surrounding darkness, as if the gates of heaven and earth were opened, and thousands of hungry ghosts rushed out from the abyss of hell, roaring at them!

Chen Zhen took a step forward, took out the heart lamp, turned his palm over, and the heart lamp suddenly lit up, and the surroundings changed in an instant, the entire Forbidden City was resplendent and splendid. The ever-burning lights illuminated the world, ghosts fled one after another, and the Fengtian Hall was in chaos.

The drums in the sky stopped, and the world was silent.

"What did Yan Fei trade with them?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"I don't know." Xiang Cheng said, "Maybe it's a magic weapon in the organization."

Standing outside the hall, the magic circle was like a giant chewing mouth, and more and more ghosts were taken in. As the strong wind wailed in the magic circle, Chi Xiaoduo felt a huge suction force, and hugged Xiang Cheng tightly, The moment the two of them were about to be drawn into the magic circle, Chi Xiaoduo couldn't tell where the sky was and where the ground was, and he grabbed at random with one hand, when suddenly two glowing soul beasts flew towards the sky, one left and one right, The wolf pressed Chi Xiaoduo, and the white deer flew towards Xiang Cheng, swung it against his waist, and put him on the roof with an antelope horn.

The wolf let out a muffled sound, clapped its paws, hugged Chi Xiaoduo, and then stretched forward with the other foot, flying over the eaves. The wolf and the white deer fixed the two of them on the eaves of the hall to fight against the storm!

There was a loud bang, the surrounding scene collapsed and drifted away, the light in the center of the magic circle was retracted, the wind was calm and the sea was calm, and a picture like a revolving lantern flew out, shining with strong light!

"The third time I tell you..."

"The Drive Committee will no longer accept new members..."

"Chen Zhen betrayed the organization..."

"You should retire."

"The smog is so bad! I can't see anything!"

Chi Xiaoduo: "This is... Keda?"

"Yeah." Canglang replied, "That's Yan Fei's soul beast, and everyone can get all the stolen goods."

"Don't be too happy." Bai Lu said coldly, "Unless Ye Xiao is caught, there is no way to convict him."

"Wanyuan?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "What about your bodies?"

"Following Director Chen and running to his death..." Bailu replied.

"Two things at once, no good! I hit a pillar!" Cang Lang said, "It hurts!"

Da Keda, Zhou Wanyuan, and Chen Zhen ran wildly. When Da Da jumped up, his forehead bumped against the beam, and he cried out in pain.

"What's the principle?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Can the soul be transformed into an illusion?"

"Don't ask questions at this time!" Bailu said, "What kind of mission is this, and you have to go to the ghost festival! No one said that you are going to disobey the ghost emperor! What will you do after you die! You won't be killed by ghosts!" Is the emperor dead?"

"But if he died." Chi Xiaoduo said nervously, "there would be no such thing as 'being punished to death'."

Bailu: "You are enough!"

"Stop arguing!" Canglang said nervously, "Aren't you here yet?"

"It's us!" Bailu said, "It's too far away!"

Huge souls were involved in the magic circle, howling, being drained of power, dissipating one by one, turning into projected light, changing the future not far away, Ye Xiao looked up at the screen, swept his wings, and the first phantom light flew over , a list appeared, and a second phantom light flew over, showing a handwritten letterhead.

In the third picture, a file bag, a middle-aged man with gray hair appeared in it.

The fourth...

Night owl's eyes shot out light, connecting with the scene in the phantom light.

Wow, holographic movie, Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself, can it still be scanned? What is the principle? Be sure to update the entry after you go back.

Xiang Cheng stared at the phantom light that appeared in the storm, concentrating on it, but Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help being distracted, what was under Ye Xiao's claws? Yan Fei used things to make a deal with the ghost fairy? What magic weapon

"My demon soul is about to be swallowed, I have to stop the ghost spirit." Xiang Cheng said, "You take this opportunity to leave here and go find Chen Zhen and the others."

Canglang Bailu pressed the two of them, the magic circle couldn't stop shaking, it was almost about to collapse, obviously the soul power was too strong, and it was hard for the spirit to support it any longer. Chi Xiaoduo said: "Wait, I'm thinking about that magic weapon..."

"Leave it alone!" Xiang Cheng said, "Get ready!"

Xiang Cheng let go of his hand and took the white deer's front hoof with one hand.

"I want to see the next year." Ye Xiao said in a deep voice.

"No more!" Die Xian shouted.

Ye Xiao insisted: "Must! If you see it, stop!"

"As soon as the wind stops, you run outside." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo: "Wait!"

Countless thoughts flashed through Chi Xiaoduo's mind for a moment - what is Ye Xiao holding on to? Suddenly a flash of inspiration - I remembered what Xiang Cheng said in the library...

Die Immortal and Pen Immortal held their crutches high, with gaping mouths appearing on their faces, each spitting out black beast souls and filling them into the magic circle. The range of the gust of wind and tornado further expanded, filling the entire square and leading to the sky. The soul of Ba Snake, who was caught in the tornado, roared to the sky, trying to break free from the magic circle, but was pointed at by the pen fairy and the dish fairy with crutches. Send out the soul-binding chain to pull it back into the formation!

An indistinct scene appeared on the wind wall, with dark mountains and a big river inside, and a black shadow stood in the middle.

Ye Xiao was puzzled and looked up at the scene.

"Be more clear!" Ye Xiao said.

Xiang Cheng let go of his hand, left the protection of the white deer, and his soul flew into the tornado.

"Xiang Daxian!" Bailu said angrily, "Don't be overthinking it!"

Xiang Cheng's soul was sucked into the wind wall with a swish, and with a flash of golden light, Ba Snake rolled and was dragged towards the center of the magic circle.

Chi Xiaoduo's pupils dilated slightly, and saw Ba Snake struggling and rolling violently in the wind, but the body of the snake changed during the rolling, turning into the figure of a young man!

"Go over there!" Chi Xiaoduo shook the wolf and said, "Help me! Da Ke!"

Canglang looked down at Chi Xiaoduo, who raised his head and said, "Quick! It's now!"

Bai Lu said: "If you catch Ye Xiao, you can naturally search for the magic weapon. Don't take risks! Hey! You are crazy!"

Canglang hugged Chi Xiaoduo with its left front paw, and the other three paws leaped, landing not far behind Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao's attention was already focused on the wind wall, he spread his wings, and flew to the front of the wind wall, staring at the phantom light on the wind wall, Chi Xiaoduo took the opportunity to slap the magic weapon wrapped in rune cloth behind it. implement, grab it!

"Huh? Am I not a ghost? Why can I touch the real thing?"

Canglang: "I don't know, why do you want this?"

Chi Xiaoduo inspected the rune cloth itself, and said: "Ah! I understand! This is Yan Fei's soul beast, and the cloth wrapped around it makes it an entity for the soul beast, so I can catch it even if I am a ghost. …”

"Don't popular science!" Canglang said, "What else should I do?"

Chi Xiaoduo was already confused. He was holding the rune cloth and was caught by the wolf again. He wanted to untie the cloth to make sure, but once he untied the cloth, he would not be able to grasp the magic weapon and would fall to the ground with a clatter.

"Flash!" White Deer shouted.

The pen fairy and the dish fairy hadn't noticed this change yet, and then, Xiang Cheng roared angrily the moment he flew towards the magic circle!

Ye Xiao raised his head, the scene after a year became blurred again, Ba Snake's demon soul was snatched away by Xiang Cheng again, and then a golden light burst out, breaking through the phantom light, and bumped into Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao roared angrily, Bi Xian and Die Xian closed the magic circle in an instant, and chased after Xiang Cheng. Ye Xiao struggled hard, but was slapped by Xiang Cheng and flew out!

The pen fairy and the dish fairy turned into hideous eyes and a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth. They pointed at Xiang Cheng with their crutches in the air. In the air, the two ghost spirits almost went all out, but Xiang Cheng resisted with his back to the soul-binding chain with his own strength!

Countless strange scenes burst out from Xiang Cheng in an instant, haze and lightning, the night sky was instantly plunged into torrential rain and thunder, and a giant snake soared between the sky and the earth. Xiang Cheng's eyes erupted with turquoise flames, and he roared into the sky.

"Director Chen and we are arriving soon!" Bailu shouted, "Let's go! Koda!"

Canglang and Bailu flew up, stepped away, and flew towards the light gate connecting Jinshen Hall and Fengtian Hall on the square.


Seeing that Xiang Cheng was in danger, Chi Xiaoduo put down the magic weapon, shouted and rushed out, threw himself forward, and threw Die Xian to the ground!

The soul-binding chain is broken!

Xiang Cheng disappeared out of thin air, and a huge cyan light snake appeared, and the tail of the snake swung towards the ground, sweeping away, Pen Xian was thrown out, Die Xian rolled on the ground, Chi Xiaoduo staggered up and fled to the side.

The Light Snake turned around, stared at Chi Xiaoduo, spit out the Snake Letter slightly, and starlight swirled in his eyes, as if containing the entire vast Milky Way.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo was not afraid of snakes, not to mention how cute it was to stare at him with such big eyes.

"Xiang Cheng? Are you Xiang Cheng?"

Chi Xiaoduo stretched out his hands, Ba Snake's head bent down slightly, and put his nose against Chi Xiaoduo. Chi Xiaoduo closed his eyes and hugged its nose. Ba Snake's eyes were filled with a warm smile, and he blinked. blinked.

"By the way, this..." Chi Xiaoduo ran to the magic weapon and picked up the rune cloth bag.

At that moment, on the square outside Jinshen Hall, a huge animal head let out a roar and sprayed three people out! Immediately in front of Fengtian Hall, countless ghost lamps rushed towards them, emitting beams of light, and began to burn Chen Zhen, Da Ke and Zhou Wanyuan! The chariots rushed towards the center of the square from all directions, and the scene was in chaos.

"You mortals, you are extremely presumptuous—" Ghost Emperor's thick voice echoed in the Forbidden City, "Take it down for me!"

Countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals rushed over, and Chi Xiaoduo shouted: "Chen Zhen—"

Ba Snake retreated as soon as it was touched, raised its body, flew up on the ground, and transformed into a human figure of Xiang Cheng with outstretched arms in mid-air, stepped on the eaves, turned over and chased Ye Xiao who was about to escape, and turned into Ba Snake again in the air. Sweeping his tail away, Ye Xiao screamed and fell to the ground!

"Listen to me!" Chi Xiaoduo screamed, and then Ye Xiao jumped up, threw Chi Xiaoduo to the ground, and stared fiercely into his eyes.

"Looking for death." Ye Xiao's face turned into Yan Fei's sad face, but Chi Xiaoduo's left eye shot out a green flame, like an angry dragon flame, flashing across Ye Xiao's face. Ye Xiao screamed and flew up in the air.

"Go to hell." Zhou Wanyuan's voice sounded above her head, "Silly."

The white deer flew up in the air, turned gracefully in the air, kicked its hind hooves, and hit Ye Xiao's chest and abdomen. Ye Xiao made a whining sound and flew straight out like a cannonball, hit the red wall, and slid down softly.