Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 45: King Ming


One day, Chi Xiaoduo accidentally found a book in Chen Zhen's collection. The book was so old that even the title of the book became blurred. On the old yellow paper, there are only hazy portraits, using paintings to tell the whole story.

On it is the Fudo Ming King he has seen. Although the appearance of Ming King is different in different books, judging from the magic weapon, it is indeed the magic image that Xiang Cheng once transformed. He was a little confused, so he asked Chen Lang.

[The story of King Ming killing the Demon Emperor.]Chen Lang just pondered for a moment, then answered Chi Xiaoduo.

[what is it then? ] Chi Xiaoduo asked, [I saw the Wisdom Sword, with a heart pierced on it.][That is the heart of the devil emperor. According to legend, in the Han Dynasty, there was a very powerful devil.]Chen Lang thought for a while, and wrote on the handwriting board, [Fudo Ming Wang was reborn in the world, cut it off with the sword of wisdom, and sealed it up.][This demon is not recorded in any books, and I have never seen the title "Devil Emperor". Is it Chi You?]Chen Lang hesitated a little, shook his head, Chi Xiaoduo went to find another book to read, but when he came out, Chen Lang wrote a long paragraph seriously.

[I don’t think the Devil Emperor is Chi You. Maybe this title is just to refer to its name. A devil doesn’t have a heart, so it should be a very powerful demon. This is generally recognized by the academic circles. Chi You's existence time is too ancient, and the time of Fudo Mingo is staggered from each other. However, in ancient times, it was customary to replace many events with symbolic meanings, and it was very difficult to judge without the aid of words. ] Chi Xiaoduo thought for a while, and replied: [If it is a symbolic meaning, then what does it symbolize?][People's hearts.]Chen Lang replied, [Devils are born from the heart. The academic circles believe that King Fudo Ming specializes in subjugating the demons in his heart, and using the sword of wisdom to cut off all hatred.]Chi Xiaoduo: [That is to say, Fudo Ming Wang subdued the demons generated by the human heart.]Chen Lang hesitated for a moment, then replied: [Yes, but I think there may be another meaning, but it's just my own opinion, don't write it in the paper.]Chi Xiaoduo tapped the back of Chen Lang's hand with his index finger, expressing his agreement.

Chen Lang: [King Ming killed the Demon Emperor, which can also be understood as King Ming once killed a very powerful monster that had already turned into a demon. Just like our family's lamp-burning universal map and the Qi family's dragon god totem, myths and legends have their prototypes. Otherwise, how would Fudo Mingo be reborn in the human world? Or it can be understood in this way...] When Chen Lang wrote this, he thought about it for a long time, and it took him five minutes.

[King Ming entrusted the birth of a mortal, in order to cut off a powerful demon, the sword of wisdom picks the demon's heart, which means that this sword is always inserted in the demon's heart. ] Chi Xiaoduo: [But there is no grilled chicken heart on the Wisdom Sword.]

Chen Lang: ...

[What if the power of this demon is sealed on the Wisdom Sword?]

[I once read in another book that the bloodlines of some families are passed down from generation to generation to suppress the demons in the world, otherwise they would not stay in the world. Everything has its reasons. Legend has it that the six major families have Their mission, once this assumption is established, then the blood of King Ming may be the power to suppress this demon.]Chi Xiaoduo understood, and touched the back of Chen Lang's hand.

[However, where did such aristocratic families as Fudo Mingwang, Daoist Randeng, Dragon God, and Canglang Bailu come from?][From the sky.]Chen Lang answered Chi Xiaoduo almost without thinking, [The celestial veins surrounding the earth are connected to powerful forces from another world. ] Chi Xiaoduo: [Aliens?]

[Yes and no.]Chen Lang replied, [A force that created this world and interfered with its operation may be regarded as aliens in the eyes of scientists, but I think they are just overlapping in our world. Just a different life. Maybe the form is completely different from ours...] Chi Xiaoduo's mind started to become confused, and Chen Lang added: [But please don't write this in the test paper, it's all my speculation. ] Chi Xiaoduo: [Actually, I can understand your speculation a little better.]

Chen Lang: [Heroes see the same thing.]

Chi Xiaoduo laughed haha, forgot about this matter, decided to treat it as gossip, and tell Xiang Cheng next time, in less than a week, he started researching and preparing this magic weapon. Chen Lang was obviously very interested. He studied with Chi Xiaoduo and decided to make two pairs of twin rings.

This action is obviously a little bit difficult for a novice demon subduing master, especially an unlicensed demon subduing master. However, with Chen Lang's support, Chi Xiaoduo still followed his usual method of boldly assuming and carefully verifying.

It is said to be twin rings, but it is actually four pieces of iron. Chi Xiaoduo is going to inject spirits into them, separate his own soul, and inject them. Of course, he won't put all his soul into it, because he doesn't need the ring to have any effect, he just uses it to protect Xiang Cheng, so that when one party is in danger, the other party can feel it in time.

Chen Lang wanted to do this magic weapon for a long time. Every time Chen Zhen went on a mission, he was just like Chi Xiaoduo at home, worried.

Chen Lang: [Are you ready?]

The process of injecting spirits is extremely dangerous, but if two demon subduing equipment masters work together to do the same thing, they can use the power of wisdom to assist and adjust each other, halving the risk. But Chi Xiaoduo was worried that there would be a problem with Chen Lang's brow chakra. After all, the magic weapon production manual didn't mention whether there would be any risk if the brow chakra rotated counterclockwise.

If it is not mentioned, there may be a problem, but Chen Lang's understanding is that it is not mentioned, so this problem is not important. Moreover, Chen Lang patted his chest and assured him that there are many demon-subduing equipment masters who have reversed the brow chakra, especially those who are congenitally blind, that is, those who have reversed the brow chakra, and there will be no accidents when they extract the wisdom soul.

Losing wisdom will make the visual ability worse. Once the twin rings are destroyed, Chi Xiaoduo's vision may drop to 0.5 or even lower. Maybe wearing contact lenses can solve it... Chi Xiaoduo is fine, this way You can justifiably wear colored contact lenses.

It didn't matter to Chen Lang, since he couldn't see it anyway.

Even so, Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help but feel uneasy. In the end, Chen Lang patted his chest and promised that he could use a family heirloom of the Chen family to assist the spirit injection, so Chi Xiaoduo was 100% successful in upgrading the equipment similar to that in online games. The prop was tempted, and finally nodded.

Chi Xiaoduo: [Okay, be careful.]

Chen Lang went into the room and opened the combination box behind the bookshelf. Inside the combination box was a piece of red cloth, and on the red cloth was a jade pendant full of cracks. There are two fish on the jade pendant. The middle of the fish was obviously broken, and they were inlaid with gold again to make a gold inlaid jade.

Chi Xiaoduo: [What is this?]

Chen Lang: [This is a magic weapon for duplication. It was recycled by the organization before, but because it was placed in the expulsion committee, it was afraid that it would copy the magic weapon in other boxes by itself, so it was locked in my house, because the family-inherited Zijin Banners can ban demons and take away all their independent power.]Chi Xiaoduo: [Could this be the legendary Pisces... so what.]

Chen Lang thought for a while: [It seems to be called Pisces Jade Pendant, it can copy our wisdom, and if we are lucky, it won't even be damaged.]Chi Xiaoduo was almost scared to pee, you should tell me what it is first, no, no, no, no, Chi Xiaoduo wants to put it back, but Chen Lang insisted again and again, saying that he wanted to do the twin ring for a long time, and Chi Xiaoduo would not agree anymore , Kowtow to him himself.

Moreover, Chen Lang said repeatedly that his brother had agreed to let him borrow the Pisces jade pendant.

Chen Lang: [Then how about using the lamp with your heart?]

Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to give in again. The two of them sat at the dining table, drew a magic circle with cinnabar powder, and spread it on the table. There were four circles inside the circular magic circle, and four iron plates were placed on it. Guide - Pisces jade pendant.

It stands to reason that the guiding device of the formation eye determines the success rate and the final effect, but Chi Xiaoduo never expected that it would be such a terrifying thing, and the whole person would be Sparta.

Chen Lang made a gesture to indicate the start.

"The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited..." Chi Xiaoduo read to the book, "The Pisces jade pendant will appear soon..." At the same time, he wondered why there was such a spell, wouldn't every demon-subduing master laugh when he made a magic weapon. And it's so scary! What if there are two Chen Lang or two Chi Xiaoduo

Chen Lang and Chi Xiaoduo sat on one side of each other, and put their hands together in front of them.

The Pisces jade pendant lighted up silently, and the environment suddenly darkened. They seemed to be in the vast universe, surrounded by rotating galaxies. There was only such a table in the world, and the two people on both sides of the table.

The two raised their hands at the same time, the tiger's mouth slowly closed, and it fell between the eyebrows, and their eyes were fixed on their magic weapon. The brightness of the jade pendant jumped further. At that moment, Chen Lang and Chi Xiaoduo's eyes shone, and they shot at the magic circle. The patterns and circuits of the magic circle began to be infused.

The soul is conceived from the veins of the sky and the earth, and the power of life is transformed into a human being, stored in the human body, and then drawn out in front of such a magic circle, forming bright, flowing light, endlessly flowing back and forth , was eventually injected into the ring.

It was an extremely strange feeling, more direct than the dragon eyes bestowed on him by Chi Kiss. When forging the magic weapon, Chi Xiaoduo felt as if his soul had touched a huge and gentle life. That is the womb of the world, the powerful force of the vast universe, like a mother's embrace, which incorporates all souls—

Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders.

The huge living body surrounds them all the time, and the process of pulling out the wisdom soul seems to extend the tentacles of one's perception to the whole world, to experience the grand tenderness.

The wisdom of Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang poured into the magic circle continuously. Chen Lang's wisdom had a gentle and honest golden light, while Chi Xiaoduo's wisdom shone with a touch of silver, penetrating through the circle. Vigorous life force, but when the magic circle absorbed more and more power, a faint green light left his pupils and shot into the magic circle.

The magic circle immediately turned green quickly!

All the green light converged towards the heart lamp in the eye of the formation, and the energy fluctuated and interfered, and then the two of them shook at the same time, Chi Xiaoduo secretly thought that something was wrong, he forgot to control the power of Long Tong, but the light spots on the surface of the jade pendant It exploded like fireworks, splashed, and fell into the circle.

Chen Lang: "!!!"

Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang's eyes went dark at the same time, they rolled down from their chairs and lost consciousness.

"What are you doing!" Chen Zhen's voice sounded.

Chen Lang looked confused, Chen Zhen almost went crazy from fright, came in and saw Chen Lang and Chi Xiaoduo lying on the ground, unconscious, he hurriedly picked up Chen Lang, put them on the sofa, Chen Lang woke up, opened his eyes, as if Unaccustomed to the general light, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chi Xiaoduo opened his eyes, only to feel a splitting headache. Chen Zhen patted his face anxiously and said, "Xiao Duo? Xiao Duo!"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Did it succeed?"

"How can you take out the Pisces jade pendant as a guide while I'm not at home?!" Chen Zhen almost roared, "This magic weapon is very dangerous, don't you know?!"

"Yes, yes...Xiao Lang said it." Chi Xiaoduo immediately said, "I don't know, he said you agreed before going out in the morning!"

Chen Zhen was going to be pissed off by Chi Xiaoduo and his younger brother.

Chen Zhen frowned deeply, wrote quickly on Chen Lang's hand, slapped him on the head again, and drew a cross on his chest forcefully.

Chi Xiaoduo stuck out his tongue, Chen Zhen took away the jade pendant on the table, Chen Lang touched his head regretfully, Chi Xiaoduo smiled at him, Chen Lang raised his eyes, both of them were stunned.

Chi Xiaoduo saw a faint green light flickering in Chen Lang's eyes.

Chen Lang knelt on the ground, stretched out his hand, trembling, touched Chi Xiaoduo's face, touched his head, took his hand, then looked down at his own hand...

"Hey..." Chi Xiaoduo said inexplicably, "Chen Zhen? Chen Zhen? You... come out and have a look..."

"What are you doing?" Chen Zhen said impatiently in the room, "Xiao Lang is ignorant, and you are also ignorant? Haven't you heard of it? Pisces jade pendants can't be used casually!"

Chen Zhen came out of the room in a gust of wind, and said, "Next time if I do this again, I will..."

Chen Lang raised his head and looked at Chen Zhen in a daze.

Chen Zhen:"… "

"Did he see it?" Chi Xiaoduo raised his hand and tried to shake it in front of Chen Lang.

Chen Lang held Chi Xiaoduo's hand, trembling, and pressed his hand to his cheek.

Chen Zhen was like a thunderbolt, tears welled up in his eyes, and he knelt in front of Chen Lang, gasping for breath, completely unable to accept the scene in front of him. Chi Xiaoduo was laughing, but Chen Zhen was crying. Chi Xiaoduo put his thumb against his little finger and made a "three" gesture. Chen Lang raised his hand nervously and also made a "three" number.

Chi Xiaoduo: "!!!"

Chen Zhen hugged his younger brother, and burst into tears in his ear with a wow.

Chi Xiaoduo laughed loudly, pressed Chen Lang's head, and kissed him on the eyebrow.

"But my dragon pupil is still there."

While eating, Chi Xiaoduo looked around in front of the mirror, and found that there was still that green light in his eyes rotating periodically. He looked at Chen Lang's eyes again, and found that Long Tong had become three, and Chen Lang's eyes were three. There are two in Chi Xiaoduo's left eye.

Chen Zhen didn't understand the reason. After looking at it again and again, Chen Lang signed a few signs and was a little at a loss.

"He said he didn't know you had dragon power in your eyes." Chen Zhen translated.

"You told me not to tell anyone." Chi Xiaoduo said, "And according to the magic weapon manual, the spirit injection is to use the soul itself, and the power of the chakras is the cornerstone, whether it is myopia or congenital Astigmatism and the like will not affect the process of chakra injection."

"Your dragon pupil is an independent force." Chen Zhen rolled their eyes one by one and said, "I understand, it was copied by the Pisces jade pendant."

"Then I won't harm Xiao Lang." Chi Xiaoduo said worriedly.

Chen Zhen waved his hand and said, "God, it's a good thing that the jade pendant didn't recover the ability of the magic weapon itself, otherwise it would be troublesome."

Chen Lang gained vision, and was at a loss for a moment. He tried to scoop up soup with a spoon, but accidentally knocked over the bowl. Chi Xiaoduo laughed at him, laughing at his clumsiness, and was happy for him.

The world suddenly became richer, and Chen Lang had to close his eyes from time to time, but couldn't help but open them again to look at the world around him. Chen Zhen was scared, and was about to go crazy with joy. He came over to get a rag, and when he was cleaning the table for Chen Lang, he couldn't stop looking down at him.

Chen Lang laughed, raised his hand, and touched Chen Zhen's face. Chen Zhen was sore and sad. He sniffed, waved his hands, and went in to give Chen Langsheng soup.

Chen Lang drank for a while, and accidentally spilled the soup again.

Chen Zhen laughed loudly, and said to Chi Xiaoduo: "Xiaoduo, do you know that he was like this when he was a child, and accidentally got food all over the place."

Chi Xiaoduo looked at Chen Zhen, Chen Zhen smiled, then sobbed again, and said, "Thank you, Xiao Duo."

"It's okay, it's okay." Chi Xiaoduo felt both moved and thunderous, seeing Chen Zhen acting like a lunatic made him really sad.

Before going to bed at night, Chen Lang was still obsessed with looking at the pattern on the quilt, and Chi Xiaoduo asked him with the handwriting tablet: [How do you feel when you see it?][Very beautiful. ] Chen Lang answered him, [It's like suddenly finding out that I fell in love with someone. ] This metaphor is too bearish.

Chi Xiaoduo asked again: [Have you ever loved anyone?]

Chen Lang: [No, that's what I read in books.]

Chi Xiaoduo lost to him.

Chi Xiaoduo: [Can you see the colors?]

Chen Lang shook his head blankly.

Chi Xiaoduo picked out a pack of colored pens for him: [What's the difference between this and this? Can you figure it out?]Chen Lang looked and looked, and finally shook his head.

Chi Xiaoduo was still a little pity, maybe Chen Lang couldn't distinguish the colors even though he saw something, he described the difference of different colors to Chen Lang, Chen Lang didn't understand either, but he just read it in a book before, nodded .

[But for me, being able to see it is already very happy. ] Chen Lang replied.

Chi Xiaoduo said: [I often see strange things when I use Longtong, I am afraid that you will be frightened. ] Chen Lang: [It doesn't matter, I grew up, and there is no happier time than today.]Chi Xiaoduo laughed and patted Chen Lang's head.

Chen Zhen came in again after finishing the housework, as if he couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to sleep, he gestured for Chen Lang to see, Chen Lang was confused by him, and pushed his hand away.

Chi Xiaoduo said: "Either you sleep with Xiao Lang, and I go to sleep in your room?"

Chen Zhen said no, no, no, and happily said to Chi Xiaoduo: "I've been dreaming before, and I dreamed that Xiao Lang saw something. I was packing my things just now. I'm afraid it was a dream again. Come in and see you."

Chen Zhen would be woken up by laughing in his dreams, until midnight, Chi Xiaoduo heard him busy outside, and everyone fell asleep in the early morning.

From this day on, Chen Zhen, Chi Xiaoduo, and Chen Lang gradually got used to it, and there was another joy in life—watching movies. Chen Lang still looks at Chi Xiaoduo's cell phone, looks at different people, and looks in the mirror. He thinks people look weird, and of course he thinks he looks weird too. In the past, it was all based on imagination, but now I really see it, and the feeling is different.

Chi Xiaoduo began to jingle their magic weapon. It seemed that the spirit injection had succeeded, but there was no way to test it. Chen Zhen put on Chen Lang's ring, and Chi Xiaoduo also wore one himself. It was bent well, it was as dark as a tattered piece, and it was going to be given to Xiang Cheng in a few days.

The exorcist's exam is about to start, there are still three days left, and the exorcist will only take the exam for one morning. On the eve of the exam, Chen Lang helped Chi Xiaoduo review for a long time. Chi Xiaoduo was a little nervous. such an exam.

Chen Lang: [You will definitely pass.]

Chi Xiaoduo was in a daze, hugging the pillow and sleeping until morning.