Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 46: Cao Bin


Chi Xiaoduo hugged the pillow and slept until morning. Chen Zhen patted him and woke him up. Chi Xiaoduo ate breakfast sleepily, and Chen Zhen drove him outside the examination room.

The Exam for Demon Subduing Masters was held in the large conference room on the fourth floor of the Exorcism Committee. There were not many people, and there were less than 800 people in the four multi-functional conference rooms. A series of high-heeled shoes sounded, Lin Yurou came in with a stack of test papers, handed out the papers without saying a word. Chi Xiaoduo sat in the first row, passed the test paper to the back, and couldn't help but glance at the Lafayette when he turned his head.

Today, Lafayette is wearing a short skirt, a small suit jacket, a tortoiseshell earring, and a string of golden pearls hanging around his neck.

"The exam starts now." Lafayette said indifferently, Yin Yang looked at Chi Xiaoduo, then looked down at his watch.

Chi Xiaoduo opened the paper with trepidation in his heart, thinking that she must hate herself and Xiang Cheng to death for making her great-great-grandson like this.

The test paper was really simple, and many of them were the types that appeared in the real exams of exorcists. When the third hour of the test was reached, Chi Xiaoduo began to paint the answer sheets. Lafayette stood up and walked to his side. Looking down at his test paper.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo wondered why it was so irregular! You invigilate the exam, so why look at my test paper!

He was easily nervous when he was stared at. He rubbed and rubbed, and finally filled out the answer sheet and started to check. Fortunately, Lafayette stopped staring at him. Time passed quickly, at noon he went to Chen Zhen's office to eat, and there was soup and rice made by Chen Lang in the insulated box.

While eating, Chi Xiaoduo complained about Lafayette staring at his test papers, Chen Zhen asked, "Does she only read yours, or all of them?"

"Just look at mine." Chi Xiaoduo said, "If you killed her great-great-grandson, will she make trouble for you?"

"Probably not." Chen Zhen said, "Although she has never liked me. This involves internal factions, you don't need to know, but Teacher Zhou will rehire after a while, so no matter what, she won't be bored to deal with it Your... sleepy?"

Chi Xiaoduo yawned.

"Sleep for a while when you're sleepy." Chen Zhen was still reading the documents non-stop, and said to Chi Xiaoduo, "There's another one in the afternoon."

Chi Xiaoduo was lying on the sofa in the office, half asleep and half awake, the air conditioner was fully turned on, after a while Koda knocked on the door and opened it to come in.

Da Ke took a look at Chi Xiaoduo and saw that he was taking a nap, so he took off his suit jacket, covered him, and left.

Someone knocked on the door again, Chi Xiaoduo woke up in a daze, but did not open his eyes, huddled in Koda's suit jacket, eavesdropping on the conversation outside.

"It doesn't matter, say."

Chen Zhen's voice came from the desk.

"According to Yan Fei's confession." A man's voice said, "His online has many, or is one of many. But we found such a memory in Zhou Wanyuan's sealed soul bottle."

Chi Xiaoduo closed his eyes, not daring to move, thinking that he would be murdered later.

Chen Zhen sighed and leaned back on the chair.

The man said again: "This is a memory about Jing Hao, but it is very vague."

"Yan Fei participated in the interrogation, this is not strong evidence." Chen Zhen said.

"So if necessary." The man said, "I think Jing Hao may be interrogated."

"I don't quite agree with this proposal." Chen Zhen said, "It's too dangerous, who knows what that lunatic will do? Cao Bin, don't underestimate this person."

The man named Cao Bin did not speak, leaned on the swivel chair, and turned sideways.

"Your little brother is eavesdropping." Cao Bin said, "He's already awake."

Chi Xiaoduo immediately said, "I didn't hear anything..."

Chen Zhen said: "He is Xiang Cheng's younger brother and participated in the ghost case."

Chi Xiaoduo sat up and looked at Cao Bin. Cao Bin had profound features and a not-so-obvious scar on his face. He was wearing a black suit, his hair was short and treated with hairspray, and he was wearing a cartoon of SpongeBob SquarePants on his wrist. surface. Looks like a gangster.

"If it's not necessary, I don't want our conversation to be heard by unrelated people." Cao Bin said, "I insist on this."

As he spoke, Cao Bin took out a small bottle from the inner pocket of his suit.

"He is one of his own." Chen Zhen said, "I also insist on this."

Cao Bin had no choice but to put the Lihun pollen bottle into his pocket again, and Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "It's okay, I'll smell it..."

"No." Chen Zhen only said one word.

"Cao Bin, I can't approve the note for you." Chen Zhen said, "Teacher Zhou won't agree either. Jing Hao is too dangerous. Once you get out of bondage, you may not be able to stop him. I think Yan Fei's eyeliner has nothing to do with a monster who started killing ten years ago. You can try to forcibly extract Yan Fei's memory."

Cao Bin clasped his fingers and placed them in front of him, lost in thought.

"Don't be so stubborn." Chen Zhen said.

"There must be a connection between these two people." Cao Bin said seriously.



"Intuition cannot be used as evidence in a case."

Cao Bin said: "If you don't approve the note, I won't leave."

"It's up to you." Chen Zhen said, "It's good for you to be my secretary here, are you interested in being transferred?"

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help being funny, and Chen Zhen said again: "Xiaoduo, if you don't sleep, come and register the form for me."

When Chi Xiaoduo came over, Chen Zhen asked him to sit in his seat, and took a document to the next office.

Chi Xiaoduo glanced at it. It was the names and admission ticket numbers of the members who participated in the Examination of Demon Subduing Master.

"What's the relationship between you and Gegentoru Leda?" Cao Bin said suddenly, "The style of this dress belongs to the Field Service Department. He didn't wear a suit jacket, so it belonged to him?"

"We have a very pure relationship." Chi Xiaoduo's expression: (—.—)

"I don't believe it." Cao Bin said.

"No one insists on making you believe it." Chi Xiaoduo said, "You can imagine as much as you want to imagine that I often sit on Da Da's lap and flirt with him."

Then Cao Bin's expression became complicated. According to his ever-changing expression, Chi Xiaoduo deduced that Cao Bin must have thought of something impure.

"If you don't leave." Chi Xiaoduo said, "If I yell, Koda will come and beat you later."

Cao Bin said: "Can you stamp my note? The stamp is in the drawer on your left. He didn't pull out the key. How about I take you to Xiangshan next month?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "Of course not, and Xiangshan is crowded with people in autumn, aren't you afraid that my bladder will burst?"

Cao Bin: "Our entire Supervision Department was mobilized together. Forty-five people, with an average height of 1.82 meters, will clear the venue for you in advance. Wherever you go, we will clear the venue."

"No need." Chi Xiaoduo said blankly, "I'll just appreciate the calendar."

There was a knock on the door, but Koda opened it and came in.

"Cao Jiba." Da Ke said, "Come here, I was looking for you."

Cao Bin's face changed instantly. Sitting on the swivel chair, he turned around. Da Ke first greeted Cao Bin's eighteenth generation of ancestors politely, and then roared: "What do you guys eat! Let me clean up the mess! When the Field Service Department is your nanny?!"

Cao Bin bounced off like an electric shock, Koda raised his hand and pulled him by the collar of his suit, almost dragging him out of Chen Zhen's office, and added a catchy and beautiful national curse.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

When Chen Zhen came back, Chi Xiaoduo finished part of the registration, and Chen Zhen said, "It's time to go to the exam."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "I'll help you finish the rest at night."

Chen Zhen hummed, and Chi Xiaoduo said: "Well... Is it okay if I know what Cao Bin said? Although I will definitely not say it outside, will it make things difficult for you? If it is difficult... "

Chen Zhen smiled and said, "I just want you to hear it on purpose. If the news is leaked to you, Cao Bin will feel unsafe, so he dare not exceed his authority to bring Jing Hao up."

"Is that man named Jing Hao perverted?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"He's a lunatic." Chen Zhen replied.

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, Chen Zhen remembered something, and said, "By the way, this is for you."

Chen Zhen took out a pen from the drawer and handed it to Chi Xiaoduo.

"This is my magic weapon of luck." Chen Zhen said, "Accompany me in junior high school, high school and college entrance examinations, as well as the civil service examination for the drive committee. I will lend it to you for an afternoon. If you work hard, you will definitely pass the exam. Come on."

Chi Xiaoduo was immediately moved to tears.

In the afternoon, in the exorcist examination room in Fengtai District, outside a factory, the candidates during the intermission were noisy.

Xiang Cheng was wearing a white T-shirt, cropped trousers, and sneakers, flipping through a book with his feet up. Qi Wei came over and sat down, looking at Xiang Cheng.

"Look at what?" Xiang Cheng said coldly.

"Are you wearing socks in your sneakers?" Qi Wei hooked Xiang Cheng's upper with his fingers curiously.

Xiang Cheng: "Don't move!"

Xiang Cheng stepped aside.

Qi Wei was surprised when he saw Xiang Cheng's white socks.

Xiang Cheng glared at Qi Wei, Qi Wei smiled and said: "Actually, you take care of yourself, you're pretty cool."

Xiang Cheng checked the answers with the questionnaire without looking up.

"Xiao Duo bought it for me. I will wear whatever he buys."

Qi Wei said again: "How many mistakes did you make in the exam today?"

Xiang Cheng didn't answer, and suddenly said after a while: "How much?"

Qi Wei: "?"

Xiang Cheng tugged at his sleeve with one hand, motioned Qi Wei to look, and asked, "Do you know how much it is?"

"More than a thousand?" Qi Wei said.

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Xiang Cheng pointed to his shoes, Qi Wei said, "Eight hundred? I guess."

"The whole body?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Qi Wei said: "Two or three thousand, what?"

Xiang Cheng didn't speak, Qi Wei smiled and said, "Are you two together?"

Xiang Cheng still didn't answer, he threw away the pen, collected the book, and threw it into the trash can.

"What's wrong?" Qi Wei asked.

"Go home!" Xiang Cheng said impatiently, "Hang up."

Qi Wei said, "How do you know if you haven't finished the exam?"

Xiang Cheng: "The multiple-choice question has been hung up."

Xiang Cheng put his bag on his back and went back to pack his things. Zhou Wanyuan saw Xiang Cheng and said, "You can't go! Even if you can't pass, you have to finish the exam! I have climbed over the wall just now! The guards outside are all monsters!"

Xiang Cheng looked helpless, so he had to go to the trash can to pick up the book again.

In the afternoon exam, Xiang Cheng looked irritated, scratched his head a few times, got the test paper, and planned to hand in a blank paper and forget it.

However, when he opened the test pencil case, there was a small note in the box, with a crooked snake with a big mouth drawn on it.

A line of words was written next to it: [Come on! (Love) Fudo Myoko! You can do it!]Xiang Cheng was silent, folded the note, rolled it up, tied it on the thumb of his right hand, read the questions, and began to answer the questions.

In the question-and-answer session of the driving committee, Chi Xiaoduo first turned to the additional questions and took a look. The content was the analysis of the Tianmai energy field and the flow direction of ghosts. Based on the relevant quantities in social psychology and comprehensive social development, the influence of the reincarnation energy emitted by the Tianmai towards the human world within ten years and the loss of the ability of resentful souls are analyzed. Finally, analyze the probability and type of magic.

Such a difficult additional question... Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself, forget it, let's fill in the blanks and analyze first.

Chi Xiaoduo took out the calculator, opened it, and found a post-it note stuck inside the cover.

[Xiaoduo, if you have obtained the license to subdue the demon, can you assist me?]

It was Xiang Cheng's handwriting, with a fat, strange fish drawn beside it, and an arrow next to it, and "sunfish" written on it.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo was immediately elated, and he took off the sticky note, and there was actually a line written on the back.

[Of course, it doesn't matter if you haven't passed the exam, I'll cover you.]

Chi Xiaoduo was ecstatic in his heart, folded the sticky notes, and began to answer the questions vigorously.

Lafayette did not read Chi Xiaoduo's test paper in the afternoon, but sat silently on the side of the podium, scanning the audience.

Halfway through the exam, Cao Bin came in, holding a few pages of documents.

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help raising his eyebrows and looked around curiously. Lafayette took out a private seal and stamped it at the end of the document. Cao Bin glanced at Chi Xiaoduo and left. When the seal was stamped, there seemed to be some voices below.

"Test your test." Lafayette said coldly, "Don't glance around."

The examination room fell silent again.

Chi Xiaoduo wrote with the Chen Zhen pen for a long time, and found that the amount of ink produced by this pen seemed to be difficult to control. When doing analysis questions, the color of the writing became lighter and lighter, and it was almost out of water, so Chi Xiaoduo unscrewed the lever , squeezed on the pen refill.

There was a pop.

Ahhh—Chi Xiaoduo is blown up, what should I do! Such a big puddle of ink! What the hell is this!

Lafayette: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo was about to cry.

Lafayette took out a piece of wet tissue from his bag, threw it over, and slapped it on Chi Xiaoduo's head. Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said thank you, and wiped it frantically, but the result became more and more blurred, and more than half of the analysis questions were written in a mess , into a mess.

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to die already, wishing to tear up the test paper, he didn't dare to look up at Lafayette, Lafayette looked at Chi Xiaoduo with pity and helplessness, Chi Xiaoduo finally wrote a densely in the cracks. a lot.

"There's the gutter," said Lafayette.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo had to change another place. For an Aquarius with obsessive-compulsive disorder, the test paper lost the beauty of the neat format, which was almost worse than failing. In the end, he barely finished answering the paper, so he had to pretend not to see the mess on it, wrote down the formulas in beautiful English fonts in the additional questions, and calculated them. Then I considered whether to post a hundred yuan on the test paper, but finally gave up the idea.

In the evening, Chen Zhen was still working overtime.

"How did you do in the exam?" Chen Zhen said.

Chi Xiaoduo gritted his teeth, rushed over and pinched Chen Zhen's neck and shook it wildly. With a sly smile in his eyes, Chen Zhen said, "I forgot, that pen often leaks ink."

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to cry but had no tears. Chen Zhen put away his pen and said with satisfaction: "Well, very good."

"It's not good at all." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Chen Zhen said: "If you do the multiple-choice questions well, you can usually pass them. Don't worry."

Today was the weekend, there was a big traffic jam in Beijing, and Chen Zhen had to work overtime, so Chi Xiaoduo sent a message to Chen Lang, saying that he would be back later, so he helped Chen Zhen sort out the forms and register in the office. During this period, I went down to deliver the materials a few times, and saw that the papers were bound. Zhou Maoguo and Minister Wang were reading the papers in an office.

Chi Xiaoduo handed the document to Zhou Maoguo, Zhou Maoguo hummed, and Minister Wang said, "Which floor are you on? Are you helping with errands?"

Chi Xiaoduo saw that "Wang Lei" was written on his badge, and replied, "I finished the exam today, and I will help Director Chen sort out some materials by the way."

Wang Lei nodded and asked, "How was the test?"

Chi Xiaoduo wondered whether his messy paper was in Zhou Maoguo's hands or Wang Lei's, and replied, "It's okay..."

"How much is the machine-readable card?" Zhou Maoguo asked.

"I don't know." Chi Xiaoduo said blankly.

"The machine-readable card has been screened." Wang Lei said, "I will notify you tomorrow afternoon, and I have to finish it as soon as possible. Come on, Teacher Zhou."

Zhou Maoguo nodded solemnly, and Chi Xiaoduo closed the door.

It was night in the city, and Chen Zhen was too busy to eat, and the information from the Exorcist Exam also came over, and they needed to be summarized, and they had to look at the content of the political review and give their opinions. Chen Zhen took a cigarette, sniffed it in front of his nose, rubbed it a few times, and put it aside.

Chi Xiaoduo registered the information for him at Chen Zhen's desk. Sometimes Chen Zhen frowned deeply, sometimes he shook his head with regret, and sometimes he muttered a few words to himself.

"What are you looking at?" Chen Zhen raised his eyebrows and glanced at Chi Xiaoduo.

Chi Xiaoduo found it funny, and replied, "It's nothing."

Chen Zhen sniffed the smoke again, but did not light it.

"You can smoke." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I don't mind."

"I don't want to start with this." Chen Zhen replied, "I have to protect my body, quit."

At first, Chi Xiaoduo felt that Chen Zhen was cold, abstinent and tough, but after getting to know each other well, he felt that he was really a very good person.

"Has Mr. Zhou been sprayed with ink by your pen?"

"What?" Chen Zhen raised his head in confusion, and immediately denied it, saying, "Of course not."

Chi Xiaoduo said expressionlessly: "I think you must have left an indelible mark with this ink pen on the documents for Mr. Zhou."

Chen Zhen ignored Chi Xiaoduo and continued to look down at the documents.

"The corners of your mouth seem to be turned up." Chi Xiaoduo stretched his neck to observe Chen Zhen.

Chen Zhen:"… "

As soon as Chen Zhen put the document away, Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "Okay, I won't talk about it anymore." He thought to himself that it would be fine if we gave us collective points as originally said.

Chen Zhen couldn't laugh or cry.

"After the interview is over tomorrow." Chen Zhen said, "The organization may ask you to do me a favor. Those who have passed the Exorcist Exam will be screened out to serve as hostages temporarily during the exorcist practice."

"Will you meet Xiang Cheng?"

"I don't know." Chen Zhen said, "If Xiang Cheng passed the written test, he should be able to meet him."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded and said, "Just shout for help?"

"Don't shout." Chen Zhen said, "The examiners will put you and other hostages in a maze, and then a special draw will be used to form a team. Two exorcists and one hostage will form a team, and the team will evacuate safely. , even if the practice is passed, the specific process will affect the final score."

It seemed like it was fun, Chi Xiaoduo readily agreed.

"Xiao Lang will also participate." Chen Zhen replied, "Practice is equivalent to a trial, and there will be no danger to you hostages. At most, it will only deduct points from the exorcist."

"Great!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Xiao Lang definitely wants to come out to play, but... will he be tired?"

"Maybe a little bit." Chen Zhen replied, "But in the practice session, a teacher will participate in the scoring. I want him to see Xiao Lang's eyes, and see if he can recover his hearing because of this inspiration."

"Oh—" Chi Xiaoduo replied, "Is it at the same level as Teacher Zhou?"

"Higher seniority than Teacher Zhou." Chen Zhen replied, "Master Qiao, he hasn't shown up in the association for many years."

Chen Zhen and Chi Xiaoduo made an agreement, and they were busy until late at night before returning home. Chen Lang was still watching a movie, Chi Xiaoduo yawned and said a few words, and the two fell asleep leaning against each other on the sofa. In the middle of the night, Chen Zhen Moved the two of them into the room, and were still reading the materials in the living room, until the next morning, when Chi Xiaoduo yawned and Chen Lang came out to make breakfast, he found Chen Zhen lying on the sofa and sleeping all night with his clothes on.

Chi Xiaoduo received a text message, which was a QR code, which meant that his answer sheet scores had passed the passing mark, and the analysis questions were still being revised, and he was going to participate in an interview today.

Chen Zhen, Koda and other staff members have to take today's exorcist written test, one day earlier than the peripheral test room. After the exam, Xiang Cheng and the others have to take the exam for another day in the suburban exam room, and then they can come back to meet.

Chi Xiaoduo scanned the QR code, pressed the elevator, and went to the interview floor, with Cao Bin standing beside him with an expressionless face.

Cao Bin whistled to Chi Xiaoduo.

"Do you always greet each other in this way?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

Cao Bin said seriously: "Yes."

"United Front Work Department." The elevator reported the floor.

Lafayette came in. Chi Xiaoduo looked at Cao Bin and signaled him to whistle. Cao Bin didn't look sideways and didn't dare to speak.

"Cao Bin." Lafayette faced the elevator door, looked at Cao Bin's face from the mirror, and said in a deep voice, "Notify the general department and try to finish it within an hour, so as not to affect your exam."

Cao Bin bowed slightly.

"Organization Department."

Lafayette left a series of high-heeled shoes and left.

Cao Bin whistled at Chi Xiaoduo again, and Chi Xiaoduo saw that he was holding a string of beads in his hand. On the string of beads was a jade plaque with strange patterns engraved on it.

"Seven locks." Chi Xiaoduo raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Do you want to open any seal?"

This is what Chi Xiaoduo read in a book. This kind of jade token is a very rare magic weapon, and it comes in pairs. The black jade token is used to suppress demons, and the white jade token is used to unblock them.

"Interview well." Cao Bin said, "Little comrade, the country needs talents like you."