Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 5: Meet the devil


Xiang Cheng had no choice but to take the bathrobe and go to Room 702.

Chi Xiaoduo leaned against the head of the bed, like a stranded, bored hairtail, his tail flicked on the bed, his mind went blank.

Forget it, let's go, David doesn't know where he went. Chi Xiaoduo got up and was about to leave when he reached the door.

Xiang Cheng knocked on the door outside, and Chi Xiaoduo said, "Oh, are you back?"

Xiang Cheng walked in without saying a word, Chi Xiaoduo raised his eyes and met his gaze.

It was an encounter arranged by fate. For the first time in Chi Xiaoduo's 26 years of life, he truly felt the moment when his heartbeat was empty, just like the moment when he was called by the teacher when he was in college, he had the control over his whole body. The unfettered moment disappears, the soul and body are completely separated.

So handsome! Chi Xiaoduo almost cried out.

He is 1.85 meters tall, with healthy bronze skin, wearing a snow-white shirt and trousers. The military officer has a deep and charming silhouette, beautiful sword eyebrows, and his clothes are not exaggerated at all, and he is not at all masculine. There, Chi Xiaoduo couldn't look away.

It seemed that the other party was also in his mid-twenties, with a bathrobe on his arm.

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help echoing Emma, my God, what kind of trouble is this? Who are you!

Chi Xiaoduo looked nympho and confused, Xiang Cheng said: "David is not feeling well, let me push the oil for you."

"Okay... okay." Chi Xiaoduo had the feeling of meeting the lover of his dreams, although there seemed to be something wrong... It wasn't that the situation was wrong, but that this person gave him a bad feeling. This person is not a duck Bar? Not at all like

Xiang Cheng took the bathrobe and went into the bathroom to change.

"Please sit down, wait a moment, I'll be fine soon." Xiang Cheng's voice said in the bathroom.

On the bedside table, on the tea table, there are white roses everywhere, and music is playing.

A figure appeared in the bathroom separated by the glass wall, reflected on the frosted wall, it was Xiang Cheng's naked body.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng put on his bathrobe, tied it on, and said to Chi Xiaoduo, "Sit down."

Xiang Cheng obviously went into battle in a vacuum, with nothing else but a white bathrobe, with a strong chest, rolled up the sleeves of the bathrobe, and Chi Xiaoduo gulped down his saliva.

"Can... take a picture?" Chi Xiaoduo asked cautiously.

Xiang Cheng signaled him to take pictures, and Chi Xiaoduo decisively took pictures with his mobile phone. That’s not counting. By the way, he nervously opened the photo stream and set up the gallery, so that the photos taken on the mobile phone at any time will be uploaded to the cloud for automatic backup, so as not to accidentally delete them later. , so handsome! Life may be like this once!

"Lie down."

Chi Xiaoduo was sitting on the bed, and Xiang Cheng was standing. When the two looked at each other, Xiang Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at him with a questioning look. Xiang Cheng was very handsome, with a little long hair, like an unruly prodigal son.

He has long hands and long feet, and his skin is still clean. There is a faint smell of smoke and the natural smell of his skin, and he has no perfume. As a result, Chi Xiaoduo's favorability in Chi Xiaoduo's heart immediately rises.

"Your name..." Chi Xiaoduo shifted his gaze to the flashing badge attached to his bathrobe: "Wapoli... Qie Ra... Isn't that the name of red wine?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "???"

"It's called Brother Xiang." Xiang Cheng unscrewed the oil, put on massage gloves, and replied, "The name is just random, I don't know what it means."

Although Chi Xiaoduo thought that this man was tall, handsome and manly, but... this is the rhythm to make him call a duck! You still have to call the duck Brother Xiang, how can you say that? !

Chi Xiaoduo's heart was beating wildly, and he lay down in tension and anticipation. Xiang Cheng took another pillow for him to rest on, and said, "Talk if you feel uncomfortable."

"Okay... okay." Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself, in fact, the boyfriend of his dreams is Xiang Cheng's style, why can he meet such a man only by paying for services! If it was a relationship in real life, Chi Xiaoduo would definitely be willing.

It's a pity, a pity, a pity, a pity... Countless bullet screens roared past Chi Xiaoduo's head.

Xiang Cheng stood by the bed, pressed his hands on Chi Xiaoduo's bare back, and bent over to spread the essential oil on his broad palms.

When the skin touched, Chi Xiaoduo immediately felt a burst of electricity running through his back and front.

"Is the door... locked?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Xiang Cheng: "?"

Xiang Cheng went to confirm that the door was locked, and came back and continued to press it. When his warm palm touched Chi Xiaoduo's ankle, Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help shivering, and then Xiang Cheng began to push the oil on him. Chi Xiaoduo was so nervous that he stared at the clock on the wall intently. It was ten o'clock, and it was embarrassing to push oil for two hours. What else should we do later? ! Want to do a full set? What does full set mean

"The underwear is off." Xiang Cheng asked.

"No, no, no." Chi Xiaoduo replied reflexively.

"Take it off."

"Do not."

"Take it off!"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng's tone was full of irresistible domineering, Chi Xiaoduo could only blushed and took off his underwear. Xiang Cheng began to massage towards his thigh.

Chi Xiaoduo took a peek at Xiang Cheng and saw that Xiang Cheng's face was normal, nothing unusual at all, thinking that this man is really calm, he must have seen a lot of white bodies.

Xiang Cheng slid his oily hands along Chi Xiaoduo's thighs, making Chi Xiaoduo feel so comfortable that he wanted to groan.

"Ah... I'm getting a little stronger..." Chi Xiaoduo's voice changed in comfort, and he trembled instinctively, but Xiang Cheng didn't fumble, but just pushed along his thigh.

Ahhh—what a shame! Chi Xiaoduo felt thousands of alpacas rushing about in his heart, feeling the thunder rolling, but also felt very comfortable, and he was about to say no, but his body was very honest. Xiang Cheng first wiped him head-on once, and then said : "Bathrobe, take off."

"No!" Chi Xiaoduo screamed.

Xiang Cheng got a little impatient and took off Chi Xiaoduo's bathrobe.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo was about to yell, but Xiang Cheng turned and walked away to turn off the light.

The music was soothing, and the smell of essential oils made Chi Xiaoduo very comfortable. Xiang Cheng's hands were light and heavy, touching his chest, sliding all the way down, massaging his body with the essential oil.

Xiang Cheng didn't talk very much, every time Chi Xiaoduo went out to get his hair cut, his household registration was checked, and he was not used to such a quiet service, he wanted to strike up a conversation with Xiang Cheng, but he didn't know what to say. The light in the room was dim, so Chi Xiaoduo secretly turned his head to look at Xiang Cheng behind him.

When the lights dimmed, Xiang Cheng's side face looked even more handsome. When he stepped forward to pull his arm and pressed his waist, Chi Xiaoduo's heart beat violently, and he felt something pressing against him from behind.

"What's your name?" Xiang Cheng was also a little unnatural, avoiding the body next to Chi Xiaoduo.

"Chi Xiaoduo." Chi Xiaoduo no longer resisted Xiang Cheng, and felt that the initial nervousness had been resolved by Xiang Cheng's naturalness. His hands touched him so much that he was about to lose the ability to think, chest, abdomen, thighs, finally Xiang Cheng let him lie on the bed, hugged him from behind, and covered him with his whole body. joint action.

The unique charm and aura of men made Chi Xiaoduo unable to control him for a moment.

——That was the most unforgettable night for Chi Xiaoduo, no words could describe his feelings.

"Pain?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Chi Xiaoduo gasped and said, "Very good, very comfortable."

"Take a shower." Xiang Cheng knelt on the bed and pointed to the bathroom.

Xiang Cheng was a little sweaty,

Chi Xiaoduo was taking a shower in the bathroom when someone knocked on the door and brought in a piece of cake, which Chi Xiaoduo had just cut in the bathroom and distributed to everyone.

Xiang Cheng said, "Cake."

With the sound of water, Chi Xiaoduo poked his head out, his wet hair stuck to his forehead, took a look, laughed, his eyes were bright, and said: "Please eat, you can eat."

Xiang Cheng crossed his feet, sat on the bed, took a plate, and the two finished a piece of cake.

Chi Xiaoduo was humming a song in the bathroom, feeling very warm in his heart. His heart was pounding, and he felt that he was going to fall in love with him, but of course it was impossible.

He also knows that for Xiang Cheng, he is just a customer who spends money to buy services. It would be great if he could have such a boyfriend, but don't think about it.

Xiang Cheng blew his hair, went out and brought in his clothes, asked him to put them on, and prepared a new pair of underwear for him.

Chi Xiaoduo: "???"

This is gone

This is gone? ? ! !

What about the full set? ? ! Chi Xiaoduo yelled in his heart, isn't it a full set? ! Nothing happened at all!

No, didn't the little brother who pressed his feet just say "don't be black", Chi Xiaoduo understood, most likely it was Wang Ren who was teasing him again. But take a 10,000-step back and say, this way he also feels very good, don't do that step, instead he will feel a faint sense of happiness.

Well, not bad, Chi Xiaoduo became a little happier again.

"this… "

"For you." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo thought about it, it would be good to keep it as a souvenir, and it happened to be changed, just right, after getting dressed, Xiang Cheng tied his shoelaces and took him to the front desk to pay the bill.

"The account has been settled." Xiang Cheng said.

The waiter bowed to Chi Xiaoduo with a smile on his face, and said, "Please fill out this questionnaire."

There is no name or other content on it, only the evaluation of the service, and Chi Xiaoduo ticked all the "very satisfied".

The waiter said, "Do you like our Brother Xiang?"

Chi Xiaoduo blushed a little, smiled and said nothing, he still wanted to get along with Xiang Cheng, but the time was up, Xiang Cheng took another candy from the service counter, peeled it off, handed it to Chi Xiaoduo to eat, and took it with him. Let him go out, and his friends are gone.

Xiang Cheng said, "How?"

"I'll go back by myself." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Goodbye."

All the guests came out and lined up. Eight handsome guys bowed to Chi Xiaoduo and said in unison: "You are welcome to come again next time—"

Xiang Cheng didn't bow, and Yushu stood facing the wind, like a prince surrounded by stars.

Chi Xiaoduo thought about it, smiled at them, and said, "Thank you."

After leaving, the spring breeze woke Chi Xiaoduo a little bit, and he was so excited that he suddenly remembered that he didn't ask for Xiang Cheng's phone number! But Wang Ren probably also knows, just go back and ask Wang Ren. The friends' cars all drove away. Wang Ren originally asked David to take a taxi and send Chi Xiaoduo to the car, but now David didn't know where he went, so Chi Xiaoduo walked slowly along the road. Take the subway back.

This was the most memorable birthday he had ever spent in his life. Chi Xiaoduo was a little out of his mind throughout the night, as if Xiang Cheng was still by his side. When boarding the subway, Chi Xiaoduo plugged in his earphones, singing elegantly and sadly, full of the slight melancholy in spring.

Xiang Cheng was about to go back when he suddenly turned his head and looked at the distant sky.

On the zenith, a drop of blood pierced through the sky, falling like raindrops, with incomparable accuracy, and landed on the head of a middle-aged man who came out from the restaurant next door with a beautiful girl.

Xiang Cheng immediately turned around, went back to the clubhouse, opened the locker, took out a bundle of red strings, put it in the pocket of the bathrobe, took the short metal staff, stuck a red plum cigarette in his ear, and came out from the back door.

The Audi backed up and drove out of the parking lot. In an instant, Xiang Cheng's figure flashed, and he jumped up to the air conditioner on the first floor.

"Where's Xiang Cheng?" David's voice asked through the back door, "Has the guest left?"

Xiang Cheng stepped on the air conditioner, flew across the alley opposite, and jumped up the neon sign along the stairs over there, the sole of his slippers almost slipped on the sign.

Audi drove past along the empty road, Xiang Cheng looked sideways, jumped off the second floor of another building, and disappeared into the flower bed. The Audi drove more and more, driving along Tiyu West Road, while Xiang Cheng galloped by the side of the road.

"Stop!" Xiang Cheng caught up with the car.

The Audi waited for more than 20 seconds at the red light. The owner of the car didn't hear Xiang Cheng's voice. He turned a corner and drove through the intersection. Xiang Cheng ran faster and faster and almost fell. run wildly.

He was wearing a bathrobe and was running fast on the empty road, but at a human speed, he couldn't catch up with the private car after all. Immediately afterwards, the Audi drove onto the overpass at a high speed - the accident happened at that moment.

Screaming brakes sounded, a taxi passed by, the Audi immediately turned the steering wheel to avoid, and then the two cars collided! The taxi was caught off guard and crashed into the Audi. The speed of the Audi was too fast. When it swayed, it shoveled onto the roadblock, and then turned over on the overpass, facing down from the top of a height of nearly ten meters, as light as a paper shell The ground fell!

There was a loud bang, the private car exploded, Xiang Cheng stopped, and angrily threw the slippers on the ground.

Five or six cars braked suddenly and stopped under the overpass. The owners got off one after another, looked at the scene in amazement, and called the police one after another.

A puff of black smoke left the destroyed private car, turned into a black shadow, and rolled towards the side of the road. Xiang Cheng saw it, turned around and chased after him. The black shadow was getting faster and faster, and it flashed into the underground of the subway station on the roadside. Xiang Cheng chased it in, and when it was almost closing time, there were only two staff members chatting inside. Xiang Cheng jumped up and walked along the handrail of the escalator. slide down. Immediately afterwards, he jumped several times, and finally crossed the ticket gate in a chic way.

Before the staff noticed a tall man in a bathrobe entering the subway, Xiang Cheng chased down the platform, the subway Didi urged him, and the black shadow went nowhere, so Xiang Cheng got on the subway at the last moment.

The fluorescent lights in the subway were dim, and the carriages were empty. The lights in the sixth carriage were all off. In the darkness, there was only a man sitting on a bench.

Xiang Cheng held on to the armrest to stand firm, took off the cigarette stuck in his ear, lit it and took a puff, then turned his head and glanced at the man, reached into the pocket of the bathrobe, and walked towards the man. The man immediately stood up, took two steps back, with a look of surprise in his eyes, Xiang Cheng picked up the cigarette with his fingers, and drew a circle in the air, the smoke flew like life, shooting towards the surveillance cameras in several nearby cars, Condensed, blocking the camera lens.

Xiang Cheng quickened his pace, the man turned around and ran away, Xiang Cheng threw away the cigarette and shouted, "Where are you running!"

The two immediately started a chase in the carriage.

Late at night, at 11:20, the last subway.

Chi Xiaoduo was the only one in the first carriage. The handle in the carriage was shaking slightly, and the lights were dim.

You Raise Me Up, English songs flow in Chi Xiaoduo's thoughts, the thick male voice is near and far away, sometimes the melody of the cello puts his thoughts into the sky, and sometimes hums softly in his ears... Repeatedly in his mind The scene of Xiang Cheng picking him up echoes... It's like killing a chicken, he can easily lift the whole person above his head... No, no, this is ridiculous...

Suddenly, the fluorescent lights above the head flickered and swiped, and went out along the first few cars, all the way to the first car, all the fluorescent lights were broken, leaving only the green safety lights under the seats.

Chi Xiaoduo was terrified for a moment.

And just when he was about to get up and press the emergency button, amidst the faltering frequency of the subway and the singing, Chi Xiaoduo saw a scene that had completely penetrated his bottom line of cognition in the past 26 years.

A middle-aged man ran from a distance in the carriage and threw himself on the ground.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Just as Chi Xiaoduo was about to get up to help, the man burst out with black air all over his body and disappeared without a trace. The black air rushed out and replaced it with a terrifying monster with a hideous face. It has N bird-like heads, one tusk, and rushes towards the first carriage.

Behind it, a tall man in a white bathrobe chased after him. It was Xiang Cheng who had just left ten minutes ago.

Chi Xiaoduo opened his mouth, as if time slowed down, the monster leaped to the side, and rushed to the side of the carriage, Xiang Cheng caught up, turned over and ran to the other side of the carriage, stepped on the window with his bare feet, his body Spinning in the air, he flung the short metal staff out of his hand.

The short metal staff suddenly became longer, the monster roared, and in the music, with Chi Xiaoduo's dumbfounded expression, he rushed towards Xiang Cheng, collided with the weapon in Xiang Cheng's hand, and flew away at the same time, several heads of the monster opened at the same time The bird's beak spewed black air towards Xiang Cheng.