Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 51: reunion



Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo was trembling, went to the back of the house, and saw Chen Lang washing peaches beside a faucet, squatting next to an orangutan, jumping around waiting to eat, Chen Lang washed the peaches and threw it to it, the orangutan gnawed happily Holding Taozi, he ran on hands and feet.

Chi Xiaoduo was almost frightened, and patted Chen Lang. Chen Lang turned his head, laughed, and gave him another apple.

Chi Xiaoduo: [I thought you were captured by a monster! How to eat half of the apple and fall to the ground! ] Chen Lang: [It's too sour, it's not tasty. There was a dark thing asking me for fruit, and it fell to the ground. ] So the good brothers met again, and the two sat side by side on the steps again, and now there is no orangutan.

After a while, Chi Xiaoduo roared angrily, "Help!"

"Help help help—"

The valley was full of echoes.

A mink came out of nowhere, looked up at them, and turned its head slightly.

Chen Lang immediately laughed.

This is Chen Zhen's Guardian Beast! Chi Xiaoduo touched it and knew that Chen Zhen would arrive soon.

Chen Lang ate for a while, got up and stretched his limbs, and began to study the lock on the wooden house with Chi Xiaoduo. Chi Xiaoduo opened it a little, and looked in through the crack of the door. There was a bed inside, covered with bedding. That's the lumberjack's hut. Chi Xiaoduo reached in and found an iron can, a coil of rope, a can, a tongs, a thin booklet, a hand saw, a lighter, and two packs of instant noodles. He also found an army green shoulder bag hanging by the bed, so he reached out to take it out.

However, Chi Xiaoduo was caught by the door. Chen Lang pointed his finger at Chi Xiaoduo's back. Chi Xiaoduo waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need help, and he wanted to pull out his head.

Chi Xiaoduo tilted his head, tried to open the door a little more to make it easier for his head to escape, and Chen Lang nodded again behind him.

"Hi." A man's voice said from behind.

Chi Xiaoduo was taken aback and said, "I'm inspecting this house, looking for tools to survive in the wilderness... who are you?"

"Lu Ann." The man said, "You two come with me, where is the other hostage? What's his name?"

"Xiao Lang, he can't hear you." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I want to..."

Chi Xiaoduo finally pulled out his head, carrying an army green satchel, panting for breath.

LuAnn was tall, thin, and very dark, with a dirty hat on.

"Why are you the only one?" Chi Xiaoduo asked, "What about the second group? You can't take all the hostages away, only one."

"Let's go." Lu An touched Chen Lang with his foot, "Get up!"

"He can't hear you!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Can you be patient? The hostages are going to give you marks."

Lu Ann: "Stop fucking nonsense, what are you talking about!"

"Are you sure your hostage is Xiao Lang?" Chi Xiaoduo held back his anger and didn't want to quarrel with him. He just deducted all his points and explained, "I don't think so, because Director Chen's Diao found him first. him."

Lu Ann's expression was a little strange, and he said, "Then you."

Chi Xiaoduo said: "It's okay!"

Lu An said impatiently: "Let's go?"

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Are you here for the exam or..."

Lu An was furious, and grabbed Chi Xiaoduo's collar and pushed him aside, but Chi Xiaoduo moved faster than him, and suddenly blocked, but Lu An showed a mocking expression, and his feet With a hook, Chi Xiaoduo fell on all fours.

Chen Lang: "!!"

Chen Lang didn't hear what they said, he became angry when Chi Xiaoduo fell, and wanted to push Lu An away, but Lu An grabbed him with one hand and threw him aside, the mink shot at Lu An instantly, Lu An roared angrily :"what!"

Lu An grabbed his face with one hand and pulled out a wooden stick from his waist. Chi Xiaoduo shouted, "What are you doing!"

It was too late and then quickly, on the small wooden roof, a huge black shadow appeared, and rushed towards the two of them, Chi Xiaoduo yelled wildly, Chen Lang was held in Lu An's hand, but a black, furry thing rushed at him. It came down, hissed, and white mucus spewed out.

Lu An roared, the accident happened too fast, and he was knocked to the ground by the monster.

Chi Xiaoduo rushed up, carrying the army green satchel and swung it over, hitting the spider's head, the spider became dizzy for a while, Chi Xiaoduo took the opportunity to drag Chen Lang out, the two saw the monster clearly, it was a monster with a foot A ten-meter-long giant spider suddenly appeared from the wooden roof without knowing where it had been hiding before.

Lu An fled staggeringly and rolled down the hillside. Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang hid behind the wooden house. Chen Lang held Chi Xiaoduo's hand tightly. The two of them held their breath, not daring to breathe.

A hairy, three-meter-long spider leg came into their sight, and then took it away.

Chen Lang wrote lightly on Chi Xiaoduo's back: [What is that?]

[I don't know, it seems to be gone.]Chi Xiaoduo, [It's a rented monster, don't be afraid.]Chi Xiaoduo looked up, but couldn't bear the noise. Chen Lang pressed one hand on the wall of the wooden house, feeling a slight vibration, Chi Xiaoduo looked down from the gap under the wooden house.

The eight spider legs walked around outside, then came towards them, and then climbed up the wall. Suddenly, all the legs were put away together, and they all disappeared without a sound.

Chi Xiaoduo heard an echo in the valley from a distance.

[Someone is shouting.]

Chen Lang: [Is that person back? I think he is so evil. You don't go with him.]Chi Xiaoduo: [I won't follow him, where is the spider?]

Chen Lang: [The spider is on the roof.]

Chi Xiaoduo glanced at Chen Lang, pointed into the room, and signaled with his eyes. I will lead it away, you must not come out.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head and saw the huge spider clawing at the edge of the roof on all fours, lowering its head, staring at them with red eyes, rubbing its mouthparts, dripping white mucus.

"Ah—" Chi Xiaoduo yelled.

Chi Xiaoduo swung the bag and ran outwards, but the spider was faster than him and quickly caught up with him. Chi Xiaoduo wanted to throw the giant spider over his shoulder, but the spider didn't eat it, and turned his other foot towards him. He hooked him and pushed him to the ground!

Chi Xiaoduo's hair stood on end, but within a second, his vision flickered, and he saw a person rushing from a distance—

"Xiang..." Before Chi Xiaoduo could cry out, the spider's foot hooked his collar, and he flew up, and was dragged back to the wooden roof by the spider. Xiang Cheng stepped on the stone of the wooden house and jumped into the air , hugged Chi Xiaoduo with his left hand, lifted the magic pestle with his right hand, and roared, "Get out!"

The spider bit the demon pestle, and Xiang Cheng held the pestle in one hand, and swung it violently. The whole giant spider was swung in a circle in the sky, and flew towards the end of the road.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

The spider was in mid-air, and Xiang Cheng picked up the subduing pestle again, and the eyebrow-length stick erupted with golden light, turning into a giant sword with golden light and runes, and slashed in mid-air!

The spider was instantly cut into two pieces, and exploded in the air with a bang, turning into black air and dissipating.

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help panting, and Xiang Cheng was also panting slightly from running up the mountain road. After three seconds, Chi Xiaoduo came back to his senses, stretched out his hand, hugged Xiang Cheng's neck, and swallowed.

Xiang Cheng looked down at him, Chi Xiaoduo's lips trembled slightly, trying to say something. But he couldn't say a word. The two automatically realized it and hugged each other tightly.

His mind was blank, as if the sky was collapsing, the sky was filled with fireworks, whoosh—bang bang! Countless fireworks rose from the forest and exploded in the sky.

Xiang Cheng blushed to the base of his neck, unnaturally let go of Chi Xiaoduo, put one hand into his trouser pocket, tidied up the place where it was propped up through the underwear, tilted the one that stood tall, and restrained it with the underwear. Chi Xiaoduo also adjusted his pants with embarrassment.

The two of them couldn't be more embarrassed, Chi Xiaoduo said: "You you... Xiang Cheng, you are finally here."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"I, I, I..." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I have a lot to say to you."

Chi Xiaoduo was a little incoherent.

"I..." Xiang Cheng was a little at a loss: "I also have a lot to say to you."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Huh?"

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"Subduing Demon Pestle." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Yes!" Xiang Cheng hurriedly picked up the subduing magic pestle.

Chi Xiaoduo was still immersed in the hug just now, and his whole body froze like an electric shock. I almost shot...

Xiang Cheng: "That..."

"Yes!" Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "Xiao Lang?"

Chi Xiaoduo went to the back and asked Chen Lang to come out. When Chen Lang saw Xiang Cheng, he laughed and made sign language: [We have been waiting for you for a long time. ] "Where's your partner?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Xiang Cheng remembered and said, "Qi Wei, if you didn't catch up, don't care about him, you tell Xiao Lang, let's go."

Chi Xiaoduo hesitated a little and said, "No, points will be deducted."

"It's important to save people." Xiang Cheng said: "No one cares, it's too dangerous to stay here, and if you don't care about it, follow me and go." He waved to Chen Lang.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo finally found out why he loves Xiang Cheng, and that's what he loves.

"Let's wait." Chi Xiaoduo suggested, "Chen Zhen will be here soon, his mink has already come to scout."

"The rest meeting." Xiang Cheng replied, checked around the room, kicked open the door domineeringly, dragged out the bed inside, patted the quilt, and let them sit down.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

As the sun went down, the three of them sat side by side on the bed and waited stupidly. Chi Xiaoduo turned his head to look at Xiang Cheng. Xiang Cheng looked at the forest, as if he was thinking about something. She quickly looked away, not daring to make contact with him.

Chi Xiaoduo suddenly remembered something: "That's right! I made you a magic weapon, two rings, one for you and one for me."

Xiang Cheng was still a little dazed, Chi Xiaoduo reached into his pocket, and took out two iron pieces, which turned out to be the tabs of a can.

Chi Xiaoduo thought about my ring!

"I like it." Xiang Cheng said hurriedly.

Chi Xiaoduo: "No, no... this..."

Before Chi Xiaoduo could finish speaking, Xiang Cheng took the two pull rings away. Chi Xiaoduo burst into tears in his heart, remembering that he had changed clothes this morning, and the ring was in the pocket of the other clothes, but Xiang Cheng moved very quickly, hooking the ring of the soda can on his little finger.

"Not bad." Xiang Cheng said.

"No." Chi Xiaoduo rested his forehead with one hand, not looking.

But Xiang Cheng took his left hand, put another pull ring on his little finger, looked at him, nodded, his eyes were full of happiness.

Chen Lang looked at Chi Xiaoduo, then at Xiang Cheng, and asked Xiang Cheng if he wanted to eat fruit, Xiang Cheng hurriedly waved his hand.

Xiang Cheng put one hand on the side of the bed and moved unnaturally. Chi Xiaoduo blushed. Before leaving, he had a thousand words to say, but he didn't know where to start when they met.

"Is the training hard?" Chi Xiaoduo asked, suddenly feeling so stupid, and the atmosphere was so strange.

Xiang Cheng said: "In class, I can't remember."

The redness on Xiang Cheng's face has not faded.

Chi Xiaoduo's hand touched Xiang Cheng's, and then Xiang Cheng took his hand.

With a bang, Chi Xiaoduo's mind started to set off fireworks again.

Damn, this sunset is so beautiful! How can this forest be so beautiful! And that spider! Why are you so cute! Chi Xiaoduo's heart rate increased exponentially, and he was almost out of breath. I have held hands with Xiao Lang so many times before, the feeling is completely different!

"You..." Xiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "Xiaoduo, I...we..."

Chi Xiaoduo turned his head to look at him, and the two looked at each other quietly, Xiang Cheng's gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips, as if a little hesitant.

"We... that... go... go..."

Xiang Cheng's lips made a slight "take" mouth shape.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Let's... find a date..." Xiang Cheng finally made up his mind, overcame all difficulties, quickly and concisely, as if turning the knob of a radio to its lowest volume, and said, "Get a date."

"Okay... okay." Chi Xiaoduo didn't understand, what did he want to do

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Okay." Chi Xiaoduo replied, but he looked at Xiang Cheng, whose face was already red up to his neck and ears, and he untiedly untied his collar.

"Where are you going?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Playing with friends." Xiang Cheng said, "OK?"

"Oh." Although Chi Xiaoduo didn't quite understand what it meant, he still replied, "Sure."

Xiang Cheng touched his nose, nodded, glanced at the ring, and smiled at Chi Xiaoduo, who also laughed. Suddenly the reflex arc came up, and there was a bang in my head for a moment.

object! object! ! Is this what you mean by confessing to me? ? ! !

Xiang Cheng was looking at him and smiling, Chi Xiaoduo leaned forward suddenly, hugged his neck, and kissed his lips, this time Xiang Cheng froze all over, staring at Chi Xiaoduo blankly, he slightly raised his hand , I don't know where to put my hand, first put it on Chi Xiaoduo's arm, and then put it behind his back.

Chi Xiaoduo was also so nervous that Xiang Cheng's breathing almost stopped. Chi Xiaoduo felt around with one hand, not knowing where to hold Xiang Cheng, so Xiang Cheng simply pressed him on the bed, pressed him and kissed him.

Chen Lang was startled, and wanted to come up to pull Xiang Cheng away, but Xiang Cheng hurriedly raised his arms to block Chen Lang.

Chi Xiaoduo was pressed down, stretched out his hand in his busy schedule, and waved towards Chen Lang. Chen Lang leaned over suspiciously, and found that the two were kissing, so he nodded in understanding and laughed.

Xiang Cheng's kissing technique was simply rude and clumsy, but when Chi Xiaoduo stretched out his warm tongue, there was a buzzing in Chi Xiaoduo's mind, as if he was completely captured.

Kissing and kissing, Kada's voice suddenly sang from behind the rocks on the hillside.

"Not a little preparedness and no trace of worry… "

"You just—show up—"

Four branches protruded from behind the stone, and Da Ke and Qi Wei leaned out, waved the branches, and sang in unison.

Xiang Cheng: "!!!"

Chi Xiaoduo bounced like an electric shock, and the two quickly separated.

"In my world~bring me a surprise~~"

Xiang Cheng straightened his belt, staggered to his feet, touched his chin with his fingers, and wiped the saliva from the corner of Chi Xiaoduo's mouth with his sleeve. Chi Xiaoduo subconsciously ran towards the back of the wooden house when he saw that Chen Lang was still sitting beside him. , eating apples, so he hid behind Chen Lang.

"I can't help myself—"

Da Da and Qi Wei hid behind the stone. Qi Wei used to be the prince of karaoke, and he sang the high-pitched part with a very emotional voice, while Da Da's voice was deep and thick, forming a perfect male duet.

The two sang, raised their hands, held the branches, waved them back and forth like car wipers, and sang a cappella.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

"It's like a dream—fated—" Qi Wei sang loudly and expressively.

Da Da & Qi Wei: "You—exist—in my deep mind—"

Chi Xiaoduo: "Enough!"

Koda turned his head and shouted down the hillside: "My friends below!! Sing with me! I love you!"

"Ge Gen Tuo Ru Le!" Chen Zhen's frantic voice sounded from the bottom of the hillside, and echoed angrily in the mountains, shouting: "Pull me up quickly! Stop making trouble!"

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Finally found it, you... what are you... doing?" Chen Zhen was out of breath, lying on the stone, panting.

"Look at the sunset." Chi Xiaoduo said immediately.

Chen Lang suddenly laughed, and rushed towards Chen Zhen, who hugged him and held his hand.

The big troops finally converged, and Chi Xiaoduo was so embarrassed that he couldn't be more embarrassed. It took Xiang Cheng a while to recover, and he avoided Chi Xiaoduo's gaze unnaturally, but when he was not paying attention, he turned his gaze back and stared at him. look at him.

Ahh—this is such a silly confession! Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself.

But no matter what, Chi Xiaoduo felt that it was impossible for him to forget this scene in his life. In front of him was a vast sky of burning clouds, and the rays of the setting sun reflected the vast and endless Daxing'an Mountains. They sat in front of a small wooden house in the deep mountains, Sitting on a spring bed, watching the sunset side by side.

Chen Zhen paused for a while, everyone chatted a few words, Xiang Cheng got up and put the bed back, Qi Wei was sitting and eating fruit, the bed was suddenly pulled away by Xiang Cheng, and he fell on his back.

Chi Xiaoduo: "Hahaha."

Xiang Cheng closed the door of the wooden house and came out, carrying Chi Xiaoduo's bag, beckoning with his eyes, and left.

Chen Zhen was still panting a bit, and said, "One... one... let's go together, everyone act together."

Da Keda asked suspiciously: "Are you sure that the hostages are not mistaken?"

Qi Wei said: "Let's go together, it doesn't matter if you bring the wrong person or not, we act collectively."

With a pale face, Xiang Cheng finally said a word:


Everyone: "..."

Xiang Cheng walked down the hill with Chi Xiaoduo's shoulders on his shoulders. Qi Wei yelled and had to follow far away. Koda gave them the middle finger and roared: "You can't throw this sick ghost to us!" what!"

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly bid farewell to Chen Lang, but Xiang Cheng snatched him away before he finished sign language.