Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 68: You can't kill a few people, and you're still playing Lianliankan here?


"According to Wang Lei's report." Hu Xinyang said: "Jing Hao saw the report in the drive committee, and some of my own conjectures, combined with Xiang Cheng's memories, this is probably the case."

The fine and continuous rainwater covered the sky.

A figure in a coir raincoat came along the winding riverside path and stood in the rain.

"Dad." Xiang Cheng's voice said, "The water tank is full."

Water dripped from the eaves and landed on Xiang Cheng's head. Xiang Jianhua's voice inside said, "Take out the lid and put it on."

The sound of the wooden cover being pushed onto the water tank, Xiang Cheng suddenly felt something, raised his head suddenly, ran out of the yard, looked into the distant and boundless darkness, drenched in the rain, and asked vigilantly, "Who is there?"

No one answered.

"What?" Xiang Jianhua pushed the door out and asked, "What did you see? A monster?"

The father and son looked at the dark night together. Xiang Jianhua held the lamp and shone on the road where he couldn't see his fingers. Xiang Cheng went back and took out a mahogany sword and said, "I don't know what monster."

Xiang Jianhua stopped his son's weapon and said, "Don't kill with a sword. There are bad people, and there are good monsters. Your mother used to keep injured monsters in our yard."

Holding a lamp, Xiang Jianhua circled around the house, but found nothing.

The figure sat on the tree, weeping silently.

Xiang Cheng saw it, looked into the woods, motioned to his father, and pointed to the tree.

"Go to sleep." Xiang Jianhua said.

"But… "

"Go to sleep." Xiang Jianhua said again.

Xiang Cheng took another look, and had no choice but to go into the room to sleep. After a while, he sat up uneasy, and leaned his ear against the window sill to eavesdrop on the movement outside.

"Let me take a look at him... just one look."

A very low voice, like a woman's voice.

"He fell asleep." Xiang Jianhua whispered, "Why is he back again?"

"Let me have a look at him, just one look."

"Don't come back again." Xiang Jianhua said, "Go, go!"

Footsteps came in, and Xiang Jianhua closed the courtyard door.

"Who is that?" Xiang Cheng asked suddenly.

"An old friend." Xiang Jianhua replied.

"Is it mother?" Xiang Cheng asked suddenly.

"It's your mother, will I be here?" Xiang Jianhua asked back: "A monster that your mother took care of before happened to pass by and wanted to come and see you."

"Does she know where her mother is?" Xiang Cheng asked again.

Xiang Jianhua sighed and shook his head.

"Go to sleep." Xiang Jianhua said.

Xiang Cheng closed his eyes.

At this moment, Hu Xinyang raised his hand, and the luminosity in the image increased. On a rainy night, the rain splashed outside, and Xiang Cheng fell asleep amidst the sound of rain, followed by the sound of scales rubbing against the beams of the house. Emerging from his body, as if he heard something, he raised his head, walked through the window, and cruised out of the yard.

"Xiang Cheng..." The woman's voice trembled, "Xiang Cheng!"

Tears welled up her face as she looked at the indigo, shimmering python.

The giant python didn't understand, so it turned its head sideways, the woman's face was reflected in its eyes, and circled around her, the woman wept with joy, as if she wanted to reach out her hand to touch it, but she couldn't help feeling nervous and frightened.

"Xiang Cheng." A woman's voice said, "I am mother, I am mother!"

Its eyes looked at the woman intently, and their eyes were full of tenderness. The woman started to cry, hugged its snake head, rubbed it uncontrollably, and said with a sob: "Do you want to go with me?"

Ba Snake turned his head intently, rubbed the snake's head on the woman's neck obsessively, and leaned against her trembling shoulders.

"I'm sorry, son..." The woman raised her hand, holding a black mist in her hand, and fed it into Ba Snake's mouth. She choked up in pain, and tears streamed down her face.

"Don't blame mom." Strange black magic lines appeared on the woman's face and covered her whole body: "Mom can't help it either."

Ba Snake moved under its jaw, and the demon seed in its body seemed to swell a little, Ba Snake turned its head, trying to spit it out, the snake body moved forward with the movement of vomiting, and kept shaking its head, but no matter what Cannot spit out fed seeds.

And Xiang Cheng, who was lying on the bed in the room, also moved violently, making a retching sound.

"Xiang Cheng?"

Xiang Jianhua came down from the attic, and outside the house, Xiang Cheng's mother left immediately.

"At this time, the holy seed has already been fed into Ba She's body." Hu Xinyang said, "But Yao Ji, that bastard, actually kept silent and kept it from all of us."

Heavenly Demon's voice said: "No wonder the Holy Seed can't be found in Yao Ji's body."

Hu Xinyang raised his hand, and Zhou Maoguo and Xiang Jianhua appeared on the screen. They were sitting in the courtyard drinking beer, and Xiang Cheng was hanging and roasting a hare in the kitchen. The autumn is crisp and the sky is clear.

"This is his memory." Hu Xinyang said: "Humans sent Zhou Maoguo over to convince his father."

"This is a photo they took in Lhasa." Zhou Maoguo covered his face with a peaked cap, handed the photo to Xiang Jianhua, and said, "Look at it."

"What?" Xiang Cheng came out wiping his hands and asked.

"It's nothing." Xiang Jianhua said, "Go get two catties of liquor."

Xiang Cheng had to take the money to buy wine.

Xiang Jianhua said: "I promise you yes, I have three conditions."

Zhou Maoguo said: "I have tried my best to fight for you. The organization will not accept your conditions."

"Then forget it." Xiang Jianhua said, "I'd rather she stay in the Yaozu than risk Xiang Cheng."

"Your marriage was a mistake from the very beginning." Zhou Maoguo said: "She approached you with the purpose of taking advantage of you, just wanting to give birth to a son for you. If I hadn't found out on the wedding night, Xiang Cheng still doesn't know what happened. How about it?"

Xiang Jianhua smiled wryly and shook his head.

Zhou Maoguo said: "The organization issued an ultimatum this time, and too many people died. If the plan of the demon is not stopped, once it is completely resurrected in the next ten years, the whole world will be devastated. I'll do it."

"I won't let you take Xiang Cheng away." Xiang Jianhua said.

Xiang Cheng bought the wine and came back, but saw Zhou Maoguo outside the door, with the brim of his hat on his head, getting into an off-road vehicle.

"How did you go?" Xiang Cheng asked in a daze.

"Stop talking nonsense." Xiang Jianhua said, "Go practice your sword."

Xiang Cheng had no choice but to go to practice sword again, but this time he was extra careful, sneaking back, and heard his father choking up in the yard.

In the evening, Xiang Jianhua was so drunk that he fell asleep lying on the table. Xiang Cheng carefully touched his father's body, looking for those photos, but couldn't find them. He rummaged left and right in the dark room, and finally found it in a locked drawer.

There are three photos inside. The first one is a totem. On the totem, a naked woman is wrapped around a snake. Xiang Cheng is puzzled, then flips down and sees a vague figure on the celestial burial platform. It was a woman kneeling on the ground with fluttering long hair. Her mouth opened and she shot the snake's forked tongue towards the sky.

The third picture is also a snapshot. There are many green-faced and red-lipped monsters on the screen, baring their teeth and claws, as if they are performing some kind of ritual. A woman only showed her back and walked towards the altar. The angle of the capture was very tricky, as if she was on a beam in the house.

Xiang Cheng only saw the woman's back, and was shocked instantly.

There was the sound of a wine bottle falling outside, Xiang Cheng immediately put the photo back and locked the drawer.

"Lin Yurou sent people to infiltrate the Holy Land at that time." Hu Xinyang said: "Even when we were ambushed and found the Holy Seed on the little bitch, Xiang Jianhua tricked her back and launched the Battle of Bashan in one fell swoop."

It was another rainy night.

"Huh...huh..." Xiang Cheng lay on the bed, gasping for breath, his forehead was covered with sweat, he was naked, with blue scales of snakes appearing all over his body, and even his eyelids became hard.

"He must be killed immediately." Zhou Maoguo said.

"The spell was set by Yao Ji, as long as she undoes it." Xiang Jianhua said, "Xiang Cheng's life can be saved."

Zhou Maoguo roared: "Don't be so naive! Xiang Jianhua!"

Xiang Cheng was in great pain, and his whole body couldn't help twitching. Zhou Maoguo said, "The snake in his body is struggling, and it's about to turn into a demon!"

"Thinking back!" Xiang Jianhua said, "Protect this place! Don't let them take Xiang Cheng away!"

Xiang Jianhua drew out the mahogany sword, and a golden light appeared on the sword, and Zhou Maoguo immediately chased it out.

On the other side of the mountain, in the darkness, Hu Xinyang stood behind Yao Ji.

"Don't go any further." Hu Xinyang said, "Your body is pregnant with the next generation of heavenly demons, so you must not take any risks."

"That's my son." Yao Ji said calmly.

Hu Xinyang said: "They set up such a game to seize the holy seed in your body."

"It's because they set up such a game." Yao Ji replied: "I have to go. I have the technique of resurrection of ten thousand trees in my body, so I won't die."

"Are you crazy?" Hu Xinyang said angrily, "What if the Holy Seed is destroyed by them?!"

Yao Ji glanced at Hu Xinyang, turned her head, and said, "I'll tell you something." As she spoke, she leaned in front of Hu Xinyang, and Hu Xinyang froze, with a sharp snake tooth pierced into her neck.

Yao Ji left without looking back.

She took a step into Bashan, and immediately the whole mountain forest was boiling with it. The sky was torrentially raining, and the forest exuded an arrogant black air, releasing it to the sky. On the zenith covered with dark clouds, it seemed that a huge, hideous image appeared. With a strange face, he was roaring unwillingly.

Panting for breath, Xiang Cheng swept the table with one hand, and the cup and plate fell off.

With a long cry, the sound cut through the rainy night, Sigui transformed into a white phoenix, flying from the roof, trying to drive him back into the house. Xiang Cheng was holding on to the wall, and he was about to fall after walking a few steps, and he was almost out of breath.

"Mom!" Xiang Cheng felt that his mother was nearby, and shouted desperately.

Sigui swooped down, trying to grab him back with his claws, but a strange change happened around him, a giant hand emerged from the darkness, and strangled Sigui violently. Sigui struggled in the air, sending out colorful feathers, and the house was on fire, burning blazingly.

Xiang Cheng stumbled out of the hospital.

"Xiang Cheng!" Yao Ji rushed over and hugged her son, Xiang Cheng burst into tears.

In the dark night, Yao Ji and Xiang Cheng flew into the sky, but there were flying exorcists everywhere in the sky and on the ground.

"You wait for mom here." Yao Ji said, "Don't go away."

"Leave me alone." Xiang Cheng said: "I heard they said they set a trap to catch you, you go! Go! Mom! You go!"

Yao Ji turned a deaf ear to Xiang Cheng's words. She closed her eyes and flew into the sky, fluttering her jet-black robe, then waved her hands and shook off her water sleeves.

"Attention all exorcists." Lin Yurou's indifferent voice echoed in the sky, "Concentrate all your mana and attack her."

In the forest, there were fireballs and lightning everywhere, and the big tree was burning, and Xiang Cheng rushed into the forest without thinking about his own safety.

"Mom!" Xiang Jianhua roared, "Get out of here!!"

Yao Ji closed her eyes quietly, and summoned all the beast spirits buried under this land. Her whole body burst into intense light, and countless demon souls swirled and surrounded her. In an instant, the sky and the earth were covered, and all of them flew into the sky. The Yangtze River was overturned, and black dragons flew out, and the mountains released black air towards the sky.

"When mom kills them all, I will take you away..." Yao Ji opened her eyes and murmured.

There were magic lines emitting black air on her forehead, and the pupils of her eyes shrank into a line.

Immediately afterwards, a golden dragon rushed forward with a roar, spouting flames, the surrounding trees were all set ablaze, and the mountain turned into a huge burning fireball.

Immediately afterwards, Xiang Cheng stepped on the air and fell off a 50-meter-high cliff.

"Xiang Cheng—" Yao Ji's shrill scream pierced the night sky.

Xiang Cheng opened his eyes and saw that the last scene in front of him was Yao Ji flying towards the ground, and the golden dragon turned and shot at Yao Ji, and at the same time, Xiang Jianhua, Zhou Maoguo, and another man flew over.

The man withdrew the golden dragon, and the golden dragon turned into a thunderous whip, engulfing Yao Ji, while Xiang Jianhua rushed behind Yao Ji with the sword of wisdom in his hand.

An hourglass appeared in the air, and the flow of time slowed down, half a second, one second—

The sword of wisdom in Xiang Jianhua's hand couldn't go through anyway.

"Let's do it!" Zhou Mao Guozhen shouted.

Xiang Jianhua closed his eyes and stabbed Yao Ji's back with his sword.

In Xiang Cheng's eyes, there was only a golden light that was so fast that it was almost unrecognizable. The man controlling the golden dragon flew towards Yao Ji first. Blood spurted out of his body and rushed towards Xiang Cheng.

Yao Ji grabbed Xiang Cheng and fell down the river. A gust of wind blew up on the river bank, and Xiang Cheng bumped into a stone, spurting blood.

Lin Yurou's incantation sounded in the sky.

Yao Ji faced the sky, let out a piercing and sharp laugh, and stared at the golden light spell spinning in the sky.

"" Xiang Cheng's mouth was full of blood.

"Don't be afraid." Yao Ji was also covered in blood, hugged Xiang Cheng, told him to sit up, and said gently: "It's just a small injury, look, it will heal soon."

"You have to live." Yao Ji hugged Xiang Cheng, and whispered in his ear: "Avenge mother... listen to your father, be an exorcist, and then... kill them all..."

Yao Ji sang a beautiful song, and in this singing, her body released light, and Xiang Cheng's fall injury healed. And in the sky, Lin Yurou's spell was finally ready, and a thunderbolt fell down.

It is eternity, and it is also an instant.

In Xiang Cheng's arms, Yao Ji's body turned into powder and disappeared completely.

Hu Xinyang: "Yao Ji has been lying to us from the beginning to the end. There is no holy seed in her body at all. From the very beginning, the holy seed was transferred to Ba She by her."

The voice of the demon said: "So that's the case. No wonder I searched for so long and found nothing."

The two sides were silent for a long time, and Hu Xinyang finally said: "Next, the Wisdom Sword was taken away and sealed in the Lingjing Alley. The eclipse moon bow and the big sun wheel that Yao Ji brought back are still in our hands, and the diamond arrow is left. I don't know where it is. place."

"The body conceived with the blood of King Fufu Ming must be unprecedentedly powerful." The demon said: "Yao Ji is full of tricks, but it also brings us a blessing in disguise."

"Yes." Hu Xinyang bowed and withdrew the light in his eyes.

The voice of the demon finally said: "You are known for your resourcefulness. When Yao Ji insisted on going back, you didn't find any clues. It shows that you are also a waste."

Hu Xinyang didn't dare to answer, Tianmo said again: "Wang Lei, your spying these years has not been in vain."

"Yes." Wang Lei hurriedly bowed.

Hu Xinyang said again: "We will definitely bring Xiang Cheng back."

The demon sneered, and the communication disappeared.

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Chi Xiaoduo woke up after being splashed with a basin of cold water on his face.

Squatting beside him was a naked dog, who was pouring ice water all over his body, splashing Chi Xiaoduo all over his face by the way.

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help shivering from the cold. Looking at the naked man, Lang Quan, Lang Quan was very, very thin, almost skinny, with distinct ribs. He took a bath in a squatting position. It is unique to male dogs, with a huge scrotum And the limp thing dragged to the ground.

"What is this place?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Your slaughterhouse." Lang Quan smiled dangerously.

Lang Quan rubbed his body a few times, put on a pair of trousers, put on a dirty sweater, walked over, grabbed Chi Xiaoduo's hair, made him raise his head, stuck out his tongue, and licked Chi Xiaoduo's face , Tsk tsk admiration, said: "You must be delicious."

Chi Xiaoduo endured the uncomfortable feeling of saliva on his face, the only feeling was that he was very cold, and he was about to freeze.

He wondered if Koda and the others had found Xiang Cheng. The cold wind was blowing all around the hall, and he was thrown in the corner of the warehouse, with his mobile phone beside him. What about Hu Xinyang? There was a mistake in his guess. I thought that Hu Xinyang would take him back as a hostage, so that they could find their temporary den. And Hu Xinyang will definitely not kill him. If he takes such a risk, it is likely that Hu Xinyang's conspiracy will be discovered.

Lang Quan picked up his mobile phone, looked left and right, and swiped a few times.

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help panting, his lips were blue from the cold.

"Want a password?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Let me warm up, and I'll tell you the password."

"Don't tell me." Lang Quan said, "I'll eat your hand first."

Chi Xiaoduo replied: "If you eat my hand, I will never tell you the password, so that after you get 6plus, you can only hold a brick."

"It's a tile." Lang Quan corrected.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Whatever." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I'm about to die of cold, you still have use for me, right? Whether it's for food or for other purposes, at least let me thaw first!"

Lang Quan thought it was reasonable, but how to keep Chi Xiaoduo warm? He looked left and right, and wanted to take off his sweater, but he was cold without a sweater.

Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself that this kidnapper's IQ seems to be in arrears, and he likes you the most. Let me think about how to fool you into letting me go.

Lang Dog sniffed around in the warehouse, finally found a bucket, and sniffed it with his nose.

"Gasoline." Lang Quan said to himself.

Lang Quan brought the gasoline, unscrewed the cap, and leaned towards Chi Xiaoduo, who hurriedly shouted, "Don't pour it on me!"

Lang Dog: "Don't you want to keep warm?"

"I'll be burned to death, okay?!" Chi Xiaoduo was almost defeated by him. If he hadn't discovered something wrong just now, he would have no idea why he died unjustly.

"Go over there." Chi Xiaoduo said, "There is a rotten sofa. I removed the wood inside, brought it here, poured gasoline on it, and lit it."

Lang Quan dismantled the sofa two or three times, and put the firewood aside. Chi Xiaoduo said, "Pile them up, stack them together."

Lang Quan piled the firewood together, and Chi Xiaoduo asked, "Is there a lighter?"

Lang Quan stretched out his hand, and with a barking sound, his arm transformed into a bony paw, and he grabbed the firewood with incomparable speed, sparks appeared, and the firewood pile was ignited with a bang.

Chi Xiaoduo thought to thank God, I was about to pass out from the cold, but once the fire was lit, I felt a little better.

Chi Xiaoduo said, "The password is four zeros."

Lang Quan unlocked Chi Xiaoduo's mobile phone password and said, "Is there any game?"

"There are a lot." Chi Xiaoduo said: "The battery is full, you can play by yourself."

"Which ones are games?" Lang Dog looked at Chi Xiaoduo again and asked.

"Just order one." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Qiuqiu repeatedly checks for a login password." Lang Quan said again.

"You can log in with me." Chi Xiaoduo told him the password, and Lang Dog logged in and asked, "Is there no flying around here, is it consuming data?"

"I have 4G." Chi Xiaoduo said, "10G per month, you can use it as you like."

Lang Quan said, "Local tyrant."

Lang Dog landed and said: "4 chickens is fast, the boss has 3 chickens, don't let me play games."

"Is the boss Hu Xinyang?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

When Lang Quan heard Hu Xinyang's name, he trembled and nodded, with fear in his eyes, he dared not answer, pressed his phone a few times, and asked, "How do you play?"

Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to go over and guide Lang Quan to play QQ Lianliankan, so Lang Quan concentrated on playing.

The two were playing, the warehouse door opened, and Xiang Cheng and Wang Lei walked in.

Chi Xiaoduo was about to call out, but he suddenly felt something was wrong, and he realized it in almost a second—it was the intuition from the aura, and it was Hu Xinyang's disguise!

"Xiang Cheng" walked and changed into the appearance of Hu Xinyang.

Lang Quan was still immersed in his Lianliankan, when suddenly he was lifted up and bumped his head against the wall of the warehouse with a bang.

"Grass mud horse." Hu Xinyang said coldly: "You can't kill a few people, and you are still playing Lianliankan here?"

Lang Quan's head was covered in blood, and he screamed after the collision, and Chi Xiaoduo's cell phone was still in his arms.

Chi Xiaoduo roared angrily: "You have something to say! I let him play! What are you doing!"

Hu Xinyang kicked Lang Dog's crotch, and said casually, "Get up!"

Lang Quan snorted in pain, curled up all over, Hu Xinyang kicked a few more times, Chi Xiaoduo shouted: "Stop beating!"

"Still worry about yourself." Wang Lei said with a smile.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Hu Xinyang brutally taught Lang Quan a lesson. Lang Quan was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his mouth was full of blood, one eye was swollen high, his legs were trembling, he stood up against the wall, looked at Hu Xinyang, and grabbed Holding Chi Xiaoduo's cell phone.

"Kneeling." Hu Xinyang said casually, "Don't eat without my order."