Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 7: aftermath


The sun is blazing in the spring.

Xiang Cheng fell asleep in the dirty quilt, and the club arranged accommodation for him. In the four-person room, the roommates would bring their boyfriends or girlfriends back, especially his upper bunk. Did not sleep well at night.

A silver bird kept pecking at the window outside, Xiang Cheng pulled back the quilt irritably to open the window, the bird flew in and bowed towards his pillow.

"What are you doing?" Xiang Cheng stroked his bird's nest-like hair with his fingers, and asked with narrowed eyes.

The little bird pecked at Xiang Cheng's cell phone. Xiang Cheng took out the cell phone from under the pillow and turned it on all night. Afraid that Chi Xiaoduo was in danger, the battery was almost dead. Xiang Cheng received a short message from an unfamiliar number.

[Received complaints about the exorcism incident at the Keyun Road subway station last night. The organization has come forward to deal with the aftermath. It has issued warnings to individual exorcists in the Guangzhou area. If there is another unauthorized operation across districts that has not been reported, they will be criticized and have their qualification certificates revoked.]Xiang Cheng looked impatient and continued to sleep.

The sun was shining brightly at noon, and the construction unit called to ask Chi Xiaoduo to go to the construction site. Chi Xiaoduo spent the whole day in a state of absence, and almost stepped on an empty steel bar and got stuck.

"Your steel bars are missing, which is not in compliance with the regulations." Chi Xiaoduo said blankly, "Add more speed, otherwise I will file a complaint with the structural team."

"Yes, yes." The person in charge of the construction party nodded hurriedly, and when he left, he took the red envelope and offered it with both hands.

Take the subway alone, eat alone, go to work alone, leave work alone, and go home alone.

Chi Xiaoduo wore earphones, listened to music, and pulled the pull ring on the subway. When he arrived at the station, he looked out the window and saw a tall and handsome man in a suit, holding a briefcase and waiting for the subway.

Xiang Cheng! Chi Xiaoduo was startled, the subway opened, and the man came up, and found that it wasn't Xiang Cheng, but he was just about the same size. Looking closely, he wasn't very handsome.

At night, Chi Xiaoduo returned home and threw the red envelopes into the jar. The walls were deserted and empty, and he opened the balcony door with a swipe. Come in. So Chi Xiaoduo, the sunfish, was also completely overwhelmed by the feeling of spring, and fell down on the sofa mournfully, bubbling.

Can Xiang Cheng provide door-to-door service? Chi Xiaoduo was a little nervous. That night, he felt like he was poisoned by love. Male publicists like them usually find their boss to take care of them, right? Although Chi Xiaoduo didn't usually participate in these things, he more or less learned something from various gossip on the Internet.

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to ask Xiang Cheng to meet again. He found that he was indeed indulging in the tenderness of last night, but it was too exaggerated to come to massage once a day, at least a week or so... If it was at home, push the oil Halfway through, if he took the initiative, would he sleep with me

No no no, what am I thinking? ? But Chi Xiaoduo didn't want to do anything else, he just wanted to have a boyfriend like Xiang Cheng, hug him every night and watch TV.

The more I think about him, the more miserable I feel.

Chi Xiaoduo rolled onto the bed lamenting, didn't want to browse Weibo, didn't bother to chat with Wang Ren, so he just fell asleep.

Chi Xiaoduo was extremely impressed by being called a duck unsuccessfully for the first time in his life. He couldn't get rid of this throbbing every day, and as the weather got warmer, the throbbing became more and more intense. Until the end, when he went to work, he still looked out of his mind, and felt that Wang Ren really killed him.

It's been almost a week since he went whoring... Ah no, it's been almost a week since he enjoyed Xiang Cheng's service, but Xiang Cheng's image still lingers in his heart. Chi Xiaoduo now regrets it immensely. If he had known about it, he would have taken a photo and kept it as a souvenir to commemorate the first oil push in his life.

Of course, the more important thing is that I didn't take a good look at Xiang Cheng that night, so that I couldn't make up too much of him in the follow-up brainstorming. On this day, Wang Ren took the initiative to ask Chi Xiaoduo out for dinner, and Chi Xiaoduo happened to have too many questions to ask him.

"Ah?" Wang Ren opened his mouth slightly: "Who is it? Xiang Cheng? Who is it?"

"Who is it?" Chi Xiaoduo was also unaware of the situation, and said, "I'm asking you! Why are you asking me?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Wang Ren said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Shall I call David?"

Wang Ren didn't know until now that it was not David who pushed Chi Xiaoduo. The call was connected, so Wang Ren began to question under Chi Xiaoduo's supervision.

"Hey, David." Wang Ren said, "I'm looking for a person, the one who pushed oil for my little brother that night, is it Xiang Cheng?"

Wang Ren made a phone call for a long time, like checking the household registration, asking everything. When the steak came, Wang Ren said, "I've found you a blind date."

Chi Xiaoduo took a long time to cut the steak, and Wang Ren said again: "Help me make the drainage design drawing, and come to my company next week to help me look at the drawing and stamp it."

"Oh—" Chi Xiaoduo was obviously out of shape, and asked again: "Did you really spend the night with that... Xiang Cheng?"

"No, no!" Wang Ren was about to be played to death by Chi Xiaoduo.

"Really?" Chi Xiaoduo leaned forward and asked.

"You've asked this for the seventh time." Wang Ren said, "I didn't ask him to push the oil, just because I often go to their house to massage his feet. But I know this person, and he can talk well. He rarely receives customers, and now he basically doesn't. It’s not because you are handsome, why would you push oil for you? What? You fell in love with him?”

"No." Chi Xiaoduo shook his head hurriedly.

Wang Ren said: "If you like him, just order him to serve you. You don't need to go to the Chunsen Men's Club and make an appointment at a hot spring hotel. It's not easy for them to ask for sexual services? Just pay."

"It's so expensive." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Forget it."

Wang Ren said: "Six hundred for fast food, one thousand for overnight package, and eight hundred for a red envelope when you go to the construction site."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Not so much! My red envelope is only two hundred!"

Wang Ren asked, "How is his technique?"

"It's not bad." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Can they make a lot of money? It's only a thousand a night, isn't it a bit small?"

Wang Ren said: "Some ducks are still picking customers, but making money is not here. They are young masters, they can make connections with customers, earn some intermediary fees for doing business, and some customers who like them will buy them cars. Send money."

Chi Xiaoduo said, and Wang Ren said, "You want to pick him up? You're good-looking too. If you pick him up, you should be able to get a discount. In business, you know, you don't give your heart. I really want to quit. It would be nice to find a boyfriend like you, right?"

"No!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "I have no other intentions towards him..."

"how old is he?"

Wang Ren recalled the message given by David: "Thirty-one? Twenty-eight? Forgot."

"Is he a native?"

"No, they came from other places."

"He's been doing it for years."

"It's not interesting. What are you asking so much for?" Wang Ren stared at Chi Xiaoduo.

Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to stop asking. However, he asked too many questions. He didn't ask any questions on his mouth, but he kept asking questions on his face. Wang Ren could tell at a glance.

"Did you leave his phone number?" Wang Ren said, "I want to find him in a relationship, buddy, go and ask for you?"

"No, no, no." Chi Xiaoduo immediately said, "And he's doing that, how could he be in a relationship?"

"You can be good." Wang Ren said nonchalantly: "And these young masters don't take guests, at most they open a bottle of wine for the guests. It's an exception to accompany you. David said that with his conditions, he never accepts a full set. He should also have a good impression of you, or you can try and ask him to come and serve him once?"

"Oh my god!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Can you stop mentioning this? I'm just curious about him... um yes, just curious!"

"Okay." Wang Ren said, "I'm curious, I understand."

Chi Xiaoduo was already getting tangled up like a dog. After dinner, Wang Ren wanted to take him to the bar to play, but Chi Xiaoduo refused, and rode away by himself on his bicycle.

"Crazy." Wang Renchao Chi Xiaoduo said.

Chi Xiaoduo didn't turn his head back, the city was full of colorful lights under the street lights, the bustling lights, the sensuality, when will he meet the person he likes? The most depressing thing in life is not meeting the right person at the right time—Chi Xiaoduo began to imagine a long and beautiful story: If Xiang Cheng is not a duck... no, a pusher, if they meet among all living beings, and How wonderful it would be if you fell in love.

Forget it, this kind of love is simply too perfect, something that cannot be met. Let's keep it deep in my heart, Chi Xiaoduo is still very realistic, sometimes I would rather keep love in my heart and like it silently.

Chi Xiaoduo stopped his bicycle next door to Haagen-Dazs, bought a cute and delicious food, and saw an advertisement playing on the LED screen.

There will always be love waiting around the corner, just like flowers bloom when spring comes.

Maybe he is the same, but to Xiang Cheng, he is just an ordinary customer, with neither money nor high-level status, riding a bicycle among the urban crowd.

A BMW x6 on the side of the road honked its horn, and Chi Xiaoduo was taken aback.

The BMW rolled up and down the window, revealing Xiang Cheng's handsome face.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo almost fell down and said, "You... you... Xiang Cheng?"

Xiang Cheng said: "David asked me to come to you. I met Mr. Wang on the way, and he asked me to take you home along the way."

This car costs nearly a million! Chi Xiaoduo was completely dumbfounded, is Xiang Cheng so rich? ! ! For a moment, his mood was indescribable, and the little idea he had inquired with Wang Ren just now was thrown out of the sky.

"Would you like... ice cream?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng nodded.

Chi Xiaoduo was going to be driven crazy by himself, for saying such a sentence, and Xiang Cheng's answer was unexpected, so Chi Xiaoduo had no choice but to go into Haagen-Dazs and buy two ice creams. By the way, she secretly threw away the cutie in her hand, got in the car and handed it to him.

Xiang Cheng put his car on the back seat and drove him away.

"you… "

"My friend's car." Xiang Cheng rested his fingers on the steering wheel, tapped it unconsciously, and looked sideways at Chi Xiaoduo.

"You know how to drive." Chi Xiaoduo's mind was in chaos, and he said, "It's really good."

"I don't have a driver's license." Xiang Cheng said: "I used to drive tractors, and I drove randomly. That night..."

Chi Xiaoduo looked blank and said, "What?"

Xiang Cheng looked into Chi Xiaoduo's eyes, and changed his words after a while.

Xiang Cheng said, "You always come out to ride a bicycle at night?"

"No." Chi Xiaoduo immediately said, "Occasionally."

While waiting for the red light, Xiang Cheng took the ice cream from the front of the car, dug into it and ate it. After taking a bite, his expression changed a bit.

"Is the taste okay?" Chi Xiaoduo asked cautiously.

"Delicious." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo laughed and said, "Your one is vanilla, I don't know if you can eat it..."

Xiang Cheng looked at Chi Xiaoduo's ice cream, and Chi Xiaoduo only ate a little. Xiang Cheng thought he wanted to taste his own taste, so he fed Chi Xiaoduo a mouthful by the way, and Chi Xiaoduo instantly threw his vows out of the sky . It was the feeling of being in love, my heart was pounding, I said to keep my feelings in my heart, and everything was picked up at once.