Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 76: Reunion


Koda, Chen Zhen, and Xuan Hezhi flew out at the same time, Koda turned sideways in the air, spun, and transformed into a giant wolf emitting blue light. With a wave of Xuan Hezhi's hand, the tree fell down in an instant, bounced up, and supported the giant wolf when it landed The gravity of the battle silently turned the wolf over.

The giant wolf shook its hair, from head to tail, and changed into the same protective color as the night. Chen Zhen and Xuan He Zhi grabbed its ears and turned to climb up.

Qi Wei quickly walked up to the roof of the top floor, and pushed open the door, but what he saw was a black figure jumping down the 12th floor. Qi Wei chased to the end of the roof, only to see the windbreaker fluttering, and the man disappeared around the corner of the building. Qi Wei pressed the headset, chased to the other side of the rooftop, and said: "They haven't left yet, don't fall for the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain."

The wolf bowed, and there was a soft sound in his throat, and he said in a vague voice: "It's near here, I haven't left the garden, and the restriction hasn't been triggered yet."

Xuan Hezhi went down silently, walking through the flowers, Chen Zhen whispered: "Go to the back and have a look."

Outside the hotel, there were drunken guests coming home at night. Accompanied by the clear laughter of the girl, behind another building that had already turned off the lights, gray wolves appeared outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the luxury rooms on the first floor.

The moonlight shines on the black giant wolf, like a dream, looking across the suite, with glowing green eyes staring at the room.

"Not here." Chen Zhen said.

The hotel garden, a bush hideaway, behind a hut for cleaning tools.

"What is he doing in a daze? Send him back." A man's voice said.

A hoarse voice said, "But I thought..."

"I said, send him back." The man repeated.

Another boy's voice said: "Master Ba She, you have already exposed your whereabouts. I suggest that it is best to take him away, and wait for Chen Zhen to come tomorrow before negotiating terms with him."

"None of you are Chen Zhen's opponents." The man said in a deep voice, "I didn't come here to arrest people. Who told you to follow here without authorization? Back off!"

The man in a black windbreaker bowed, picked up Chi Xiaoduo, and carried him to the bench in the garden.

"Wait!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted at the giant python in his dream, and ran to the sea, his feet stepped into the sea water, the feeling was so real.

The sea water was tumbling, and Chi Xiaoduo held the lamp and shone it into the sea. The light formed a blurred light spot on the sea surface. At that moment, the giant python raised its head from the sea again, turned its body around, and looked sideways at Chi Xiaoduo. With a swish, it quickly moved towards him.

Chi Xiaoduo was taken aback by this sudden move, almost fell down, and then laughed.

The giant python put its head in front of Chi Xiaoduo, quickly and gently touched his side face with a snake kiss, then spewed out black air, left the sea water, and flew towards the moon.

"Who are you?!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

he woke up.

The sun was shining brightly, Chi Xiaoduo was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, and Chen Lang was riding on the quilt, shaking him, Chi Xiaoduo felt a dull pain in his head, and his eyes turned in circles. Finally, the focus of sight was on the ipad in Chen Lang's hand. Chen Lang wrote three words on the ipad.

[I'm so hungry.]

Chi Xiaoduo stretched out his hand from under the quilt and wrote: [Bring you breakfast.]

Chi Xiaoduo has been thinking about what happened in yesterday's dream all day long, subconsciously touching her belly, could it be that she is really pregnant

Today is New Year's Eve, and there are more people in the hotel. Chen Lang likes the porridge and salad in the buffet breakfast very much. Chi Xiaoduo eats it absent-mindedly. Yawning, he said, "I'll take you shopping later."

"What about them?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Zhou Wanyuan will come over later." Da Ke said, "Come with us, Mr. Chen... Chen Zhen, Mr. Qi and Xuan Hezhi went out to play by themselves."

Chi Xiaoduo went to find his best friend after dinner, and the best friend was about to go out to see a kindergarten classmate, so everyone discussed their respective actions, came back at six in the evening to change clothes, and went out together.

"I see that there are many shops nearby..."

Zhou Wanyuan said, "Let's go to Square One."

So Keda put his hands in his trouser pockets, handsome and handsome at 1.9 meters, took Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang to eat egg waffles, followed behind Zhou Wanyuan, and went shopping with her.

"Do you like it?" Da Kechaochi Xiaoduo said, "Buy."

"I'm just looking." Chi Xiaoduo stood in front of the window.

[This candy seems delicious.]Chen Lang said to Chi Xiaoduo.

Koda said, "Do you like it? Buy it."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Do you want it?" Keda Chaochi Xiaoduo said, "This casual outfit looks good on you, buy it."

Chi Xiaoduo was thinking about the end of the year, and when the time came, he had to pay back the money to Koda, so how could he take things from others for nothing, and it wasn't an ATM.

Zhou Wanyuan said, "Koda, come here and swipe your card."

Koda stared at Zhou Wanyuan and said, "Miss, are you mistaken? I just agreed to carry the bag."

Zhou Wanyuan said: "Didn't you say buy, buy, buy? Chen Zhen promised to reimburse my co-workers for a bag and a set of clothes!"

Keda said, "Director Chen promised to reimburse you, but I didn't promise to reimburse you."

Zhou Wanyuan: "I didn't change the money, so you can help me to pay for it first."

Da Da had no choice but to advance money to Zhou Wanyuan, and asked Chao Chi Xiaoduo, "Do you want this bag? Buy one for you too?"

"This is for women!" Chi Xiaoduo couldn't help but cry.

"Do you want it?" Da Ke passed by a store, held the black card in his finger, handed it to Chi Xiaoduo, and said, "Buy, buy, buy, take the card, and use it as you like."

"Why don't I get this kind of treatment!" Zhou Wanyuan was unhappy.

"I'm just curious!" Chi Xiaoduo said.

Looking at the snakeskin bag, Chi Xiaoduo recalled the giant python in his dream, and commented: "If there is no sale, there will be no killing. Human beings are too cruel."

Zhou Wanyuan was trying on a long red evening dress again, holding a handbag, and said, "Hey, Koda, come here and swipe your card."

Koda took off his sunglasses, looked Zhou Wanyuan up and down, and flipped over the tag.

"90,000 Australian dollars, are you sure Director Chen will reimburse you?" Keda asked, "I suggest you call first and ask."

"Hey." Zhou Wanyuan said regretfully, "It's all for the success rate of the mission. You can't let me wear Taobao goods to attend this kind of high society dinner party."

Da Keda said: "Well... Sister Wanyuan, even if the mission is successful, if Director Chen sees the reimbursement receipt and has a heart attack, it's not good... I suggest you call him first, or call your father." ?”

Zhou Wanyuan grabbed Koda by the collar, dragged him in front of her, and squeezed out a sentence through her teeth with a smile: "He has already promised! Do you think if he hadn't promised to buy me, I would have bought it for me." Do you come here for the New Year’s Eve? At worst, I’ll pay for it myself, ok?”

Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang hooked up and bought yogurt outside a dessert shop.

Chen Lang was choosing what to add to the yogurt, Chi Xiaoduo casually glanced around, and saw a lot of people, surrounded by a man choosing clothes in an expensive men's clothing store.

How handsome! Chi Xiaoduo was attracted by the man's aura and couldn't help turning around to look.

Four attendants, two of them stood on one side, guarding the store. The clerk raised the pillar to seal the door and sealed the store. The shopping guides in the entire store were serving that man.

The man has only one back view, tall and straight, with broad shoulders and straight back, and another person who looks like an assistant is holding a suit jacket for him to try on. Chi Xiaoduo couldn't see his face, and felt a little moved, just like seeing a playboy from a novel.

Chen Lang made his choice and handed it to Chi Xiaoduo. When Chi Xiaoduo passed by the shop, he couldn't help but take another look curiously, wanting to see what the man's face looked like.

At that moment, the man didn't turn around, but his assistant turned his head quickly, glanced sideways at Chi Xiaoduo, and frowned slightly. Chi Xiaoduo felt a murderous aura, and thought that he would be killed just by looking at it, so he should leave quickly.

"What's wrong?" the man said lightly.

"Nothing." The assistant bowed slightly.

Zhou Wanyuan took pictures in front of the mirror, turned around, and took selfies with her mobile phone.

Koda looked at her boredly, and said, "Excuse me for saying something disappointing."

Zhou Wanyuan raised her eyebrows: "What?"

"You're going to buy it!" Da Keda said frantically, "I can't go back and look in the mirror again!"

Zhou Wanyuan said impatiently: "The mirrors in the store are specially made, so they look good when illuminated, and the lights are enough, do you understand?!"

When Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang saw Zhou Wanyuan, they were astonished and their jaws almost fell off. Zhou Wanyuan changed back to her original clothes and let Da Keda carry her bag. The four of them went shopping again. Chi Xiaoduo wanted to go back like this It wasn't good either, so I bought a few discounted men's wallets, gave one to Chen Zhen and the others, and bought some small things for my best friend and Chen Lang.

At six o'clock in the evening, everyone gathered at the hotel. Chen Zhen sat in the room and drew a topographic map to Qi Wei and Xuan He Zhi.

There was a knock on the door, and Xuan He Zhi went to answer it.

"Dangdang—" Chi Xiaoduo came in.

Chen Zhen and Qi Wei quickly collected the white paper and threw it into the trash can.

Chi Xiaoduo came in with a big bag and said, "Happy Chinese New Year."

"Your invoice." Keda gave the invoice to Chen Zhen.

Chen Zhen glanced at it, and said to Chi Xiaoduo, "I bought a lot of things? Are you happy shopping?"

"Everyone has a wallet." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I'm leaving first."

Chi Xiaoduo gave each of them a wallet, and Chen Zhen smiled and exchanged the money. Xuan He Zhi was a little flattered and said, "I have one too?"

Xuan Hezhi was so touched that he was about to cry, and said, "This is the first time I have received such an expensive gift."

Chen Zhen said: "Go back and prepare. We won't play together at night, but when we come back after eleven o'clock, we will count down together."

Chi Xiaoduo hummed and went back to her room.

After Chen Zhen and others left, he said "ok" to Koda, took the pen, and said, "I just said... Xuan He Zhi, you sneaked into the kitchen..." He pulled a piece of paper and explained, "Wait until the cruise ship goes out to sea." after… "

Chen Zhen drew a few times on the paper with a pen, turned it over and looked at it, there were three invoices, with a consumption amount of 120,000.

"Director Chen!"

"Hold on!"

"Chen Zhen!"

"Should I call an ambulance?"

Reachable: "..."

Chen Zhen pressed his heart and couldn't stop panting.

Chi Xiaoduo and Chen Lang sorted out the things they bought, and Chi Xiaoduo bought Chen Lang a lot of knick-knacks, candies, and specialties, and Chen Lang happily packed them up.

[Are you with your brother at night?]

[Well, brother said to take me out to play.]Chen Lang said, [Have fun.]That night, Da Ke was driving, and Zhou Wanyuan was sitting in the passenger seat. Chi Xiaoduo saw that the two of them were dressed unusually formally, a little strange, and asked, "Are you going to any party?"

Koda said, "That's right, Starlight Hotel has a New Year's Eve party, we plan to go and see it."

"You guys have fun." Zhou Wanyuan handed the invitation to the two, smiled softly, scraped her best friend's face with her fingers, and said, "Come on for the blind date."

"You too." My best friend blushed and said arrogantly.

Chi Xiaoduo changed into a suit and entered the pier with her best friend. Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's strange, Zhou Wanyuan seemed to ignore him at all except when she first met your brother."

My best friend also found it very strange, except that Zhou Wanyuan greeted Qi Wei when she got in the car, and almost treated him as nothing in the following time, but it was fine not to pester Qi Wei, and her best friend's hostility was basically dispelled.

The best friend put Chi Xiaoduo on her arm and got on the springboard. A staff member was receiving the invitation letter. Chi Xiaoduo took out the invitation card and opened it. There were two McDonald's coupons inside.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Girlfriend: "..."

The staff looked at them politely.

Chi Xiaoduo immediately fumbled for the phone, looking for Da Keda, but his best friend had a black thread and said, "People don't know where they went, I'll call Feng Li, you wait."

Da Keda and Zhou Wanyuan parked the car and watched for a while from a distance in the parking lot.

"Go in." Zhou Wanyuan opened her handbag and inspected her equipment.

"Let's go." Koda said.

Zhou Wanyuan replied: "Wait a little longer, in case I bump into it and get scolded to death."

"I'm starving!" said Kodak. "I haven't eaten all day to put on this shirt!"

Zhou Wanyuan: "..."

"Damn it." My best friend said, "It feels like a country bumpkin entering the city."

"Real estate agents have invited me to this kind of cruise before." Chi Xiaoduo said, "It's self-help, don't be nervous."

"Can you dance?" My girlfriend said, "I regret not learning how to dance!"

"No." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Don't stand on the edge of the dance floor later, go to the outermost edge, lean on the railing on the deck, look at the night sky at forty-five degrees, and someone will strike up a conversation with you."

"Where's Feng Li?" My best friend said, "I think he must be deliberately trying to punish me."

"Nothing." Chi Xiaoduo whispered, "That's how people's circle is... Just get used to it. Don't be afraid."

"A lot of foreigners." My best friend said.

Chi Xiaoduo was also a little nervous, and his English was half-fluent. Fortunately, no one noticed him. When the waiter brought the pre-dinner drink, Chi Xiaoduo said, "Bai Shui, thank you. It's still Evian."

"Welcome, welcome—" said a teenage voice.

Chi Xiaoduo and his best friend turned their heads together, and saw their best friend's blind date come out to welcome a few foreigners.

"I answered the phone, and didn't come to say hello to me." My best friend said.

"Maybe I'm too busy." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I'll definitely call you later."

Koda and Zhou Wanyuan boarded the boat, and Zhou Wanyuan glanced at the waiter full of sister-in-law. The waiter registered in the book and said, "The two are..."

"Hey!" Zhou Wanyuan laughed, and when she found something, she completely ignored the waiter and walked all the way up the deck. Da Da laughed and followed, but the waiter didn't dare to force the two of them to stay. , patted the shoulder of a tall middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man turned his head, Zhou Wanyuan was a little embarrassed, and then smiled sheepishly.

"Wrong person." Zhou Wanyuan smiled sweetly.

Da Keda caught up, laughed haha, and said, "I just said you made a mistake."

The middle-aged man shook hands with them gracefully and said, "It's okay, it's okay, you are..."

"White Deer Media." Zhou Wanyuan made up nonsense.

"Oh—" the middle-aged man said, "I have admired you for a long time..."

Da Da smiled, stood aside, took the time to glance at the staff who checked the guards, and someone boarded the boat again, and the ticket checkers ignored them.

"The second echelon has also gone up." Qi Wei said into the headset, "It's the turn of the third echelon."

Xuan He Zhi looked around under the boat, straightened his collar, wore a waiter's black trousers and white shirt, pulled his bow tie, carried a bag, and sneaked into the staff entrance and exit on the side of the cruise ship.

Xuan Hezhi showed the job card he got in the afternoon and was let go.

"There is no one on the poop deck." Xuan Hezhi said into the headset.

Qi Wei and Chen Zhen walked around to the stern, Xuan Hezhi took out a totem in his bag, and pressed it with one hand, Chen Zhen took out another totem, and put it on the container, the two totems lighted up at the same time, and the space was filled with water pattern, a channel appears. Chen Zhen led Chen Lang and walked in, followed by Qi Wei. After entering, he stretched out his hand, picked up the totem, and brought it into the distorted space.

"The third and fourth echelons boarded the ship smoothly." Chen Zhen stepped into the poop deck, Xuan Hezhi opened the door, and signaled them to go down the stairs. Chen Zhen carried Chen Lang down, and Xuan Hezhi opened a hatch to let Chen Lang go in.

Inside was a large tea room with a stage in the center. Chen Zhen straightened his collar and sat down at a small tea table.

A curtain was hung in the middle of the stage, and a movie was playing, and Chen Lang was attracted as soon as he sat down.

Chen Zhen gestured and said: [I'll find you something to eat.]

Chen Lang gestured to Chen Zhen: [Everything be careful.]

Chen Zhen said into the headset: "Stand still and listen to my command."

Xuan Hezhi said to them, "I'm in the side dish room at the back, don't worry."

Xuan Hezhi entered the side dish room, and through the round window, he could see the leisure tea room and the stage.

Chen Zhen checked Chen Lang's bag, which contained a stack of amulets, nodded to him, got up and left with Qi Wei.

The cruise ship sounded its whistle, the lights flashed, the cruise ship shook, anchored, and went out to sea.

"Why hasn't the meal been served yet?" Zhou Wanyuan asked.

Da Keda said, "I'm starving to death too, and I'm waiting. I saw the roasted whole lamb."

Zhou Wanyuan said: "This evening dress is too conspicuous, I should have bought a black one."

"There are so many in red." Da Ke said, "Chi Xiaoduo won't find out."

"What about others?" Zhou Wanyuan whispered.

"In the corner." Da Ke said, "Get ready for the demon mirror."

Chi Xiaoduo and his best friend stood side by side in front of the porthole, looking at the twinkling lights outside, the Milky Way in the sky, the cruise ship has five floors, the top floor is the water bar, and half of the second floor is an open-air deck. Half of it is a restaurant, a deck dance floor, and a buffet in the restaurant.

The third floor is a tea room, coffee shop and performance hall. The fourth floor is surrounded by a video game hall and a small casino in the middle. The fifth floor is the rest area for guests. There are no less than 2,000 people who received the invitation, and it is very lively.

"Everyone." A boy's voice sounded in the restaurant, and everyone stopped talking. The boy said, "Please feel free. On behalf of all the staff of Chaoxiang Shipping, I would like to wish you all a happy new year and a wealth of wealth."

Everyone applauded.

The buffet started, Chi Xiaoduo hurried to get the plate, Da Ke swallowed.

"Hurry up." Zhou Wanyuan said, "I'll get the roasted whole lamb, and you go cut the salmon and get a bigger plate."

"I've given you the turkey!" said Koda.

Zhou Wanyuan and Koda each took out a dinner plate, parted ways, and headed towards the two tables.

"I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala." Chi Xiaoduo said to his best friend while picking vegetables, "I wonder if there will be Zhao Benshan this year."

Best friend: "Can you be more successful! Such a high-end banquet, you tell me Zhao Benshan?!"

"But his sketches are really funny!" Chi Xiaoduo said.

My best friend said, "Hurry up, let's get the lobster first."

"You..." A voice sounded from behind.

"Fengli?" Chi Xiaoduo said with a smile as his eyes lit up.

Feng Li looked at the two seriously, he was wearing a slim suit, his skin was fairer than Chi Xiaoduo, they looked at each other, Feng Li avoided Chi Xiaoduo's gaze, closed his eyes slightly, and smiled gently.

"Excuse me, is it Jiong Lin?" Feng Lichao asked his best friend.

"Yes... yes." The best friend replied, and after realizing it, she said, "This is my cousin, Chi Xiaoduo."

"Hello." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Feng Li spread his hand, and his best friend put it in his hand, so Feng Li kissed the back of her hand.

Feng Li said: "I'm very sorry for not taking good care of her."

Feng Li's eyes were always slightly lowered, but his eyebrows were slightly raised, which made people feel gentle and charming.

"Where are you talking?" My girlfriend said with a smile, "I'm causing you trouble."

Feng Li said: "It's a little bit disturbing to spend a night full of luxury and money. It's my greatest honor that you don't think this place is vulgar. Do you have any plans for the night?"

Chi Xiaoduo's thoughts are so delicate, and... it feels so two-dimensional! Just like someone who came out of a comic! He is a beautiful man who does not eat fireworks!

My girlfriend said: "No... no."

Feng Li said: "How about I take you around?"

The best friend glanced at Chi Xiaoduo, Chi Xiaoduo immediately understood, and said, "I'll leave it to you."

Feng Li said: "I'll go get ready, sorry, please wait for a while."

Saying that, Feng Li bowed slightly, turned and left to make a phone call, presumably to arrange business.

"You're so handsome and gentle." Chi Xiaoduo exclaimed, "You still use honorifics when you speak!"

"Photos look better than real people." My best friend said, "Don't you think? It's too gentle, more attractive than you, and not as handsome as you."

Among the handsome men Chi Xiaoduo had met, Chen Lang was probably the only one who could compete with him, but it was a pity that Xiao Lang didn't come tonight. After a while, Feng Li ordered and came back.

"I'll go for a walk by myself." Chi Xiaoduo said, "You don't have to worry about me."

Feng Li said: "You can see the scenery of Macau from the rear cabin deck, and the night view is pretty good."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, took some food and a glass of drink, winked at his best friend, signaled for a good talk, and walked along the long table.

When Da Keda and Zhou Wanyuan saw Chi Xiaoduo approaching, they immediately stepped aside.

Chi Xiaoduo took some grilled beef short ribs and went to the rear hatch, the waiter immediately opened the door for him and bowed.

After Chi Xiaoduo left, someone behind him also wanted to go out to get some air, and the waiter made a "blocking" motion.

"Please go from the front." The waiter said, "The stern of the deck is not open for viewing, sorry."

Chi Xiaoduo stood at the stern of the ship. This is a closed glass greenhouse surrounded by spotless glass sheds, through which one can see the bright stars in the night sky, and there is only one table in the greenhouse.

The colorful lights are flickering, decorating the greenhouse very warmly, and there is a waiter standing on the side playing the violin.

so beautiful!

Fantastic lanterns and decks, as well as the distant Macau Peninsula. On the mountain, on the shore, it is colorful. Chi Xiaoduo turned his head and glanced at the wooden sign hanging on the door, on which was a Q version of a large snake.

The surrounding area was very quiet, and the sound of the turbine was isolated from the greenhouse. Near the side of the ship, a man in a suit stood with his back to him.

"I went to the wrong place... Sorry to bother you." Chi Xiaoduo realized that this place was probably a private place.

The man looked up at the night sky, and pressed a button on the ship's side, and all the colored lights in the greenhouse went out.

"Come here."