Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 79: Run away


Martini smiled and shook his head. The beauty beside him took the locked box and pushed it to the center.

Chi Xiaoduo glanced at the center of the gaming table, and couldn't help becoming nervous.


Zhou Wanyuan glanced at the sign, everyone's attention was focused on the box, Chi Xiaoduo vaguely thought of one thing, Zhou Wanyuan's identity in the car on the way, the attitude of Qi Wei, Da Da and others towards her... all The unreasonable details became clear at this moment.

Did they come just for this box? ! Chi Xiaoduo was taken aback by his conjecture, Xuan He Zhi, Chen Zhen, Koda, including Qi Wei! Including Zhou Wanyuan... These people suddenly appeared by my side without any warning, one after another, is it just for tonight

But how did they know that Chen Zhen would come to Macau before their best friends received the invitation to come to Macau? Could it be that Qi Wei knew that She Cheng would come a month ago

They must be members of the intelligence organization of the country! Chi Xiaoduo thought, yes! It must be so! He pieced together a complete story based on the detective films he had watched such as 007-Martini wanted to trade a major national cultural relic with She Cheng on New Year's Eve, so Chen Zhen, Zhou Wanyuan, Qi Wei, Xuan He Zhi and the others each played their own roles and tried every means to sneak in to stop this transaction!

So they took advantage of their identities as best friends to go on a blind date with Feng Li, and then tried every means to get on the boat! Could it be that the best friend is also a first-level national agent? But it's not like it, right! She asked herself to learn judo together! But aren't agents supposed to fight

What was She Cheng's reason for being so close to him just now? For cliche? He didn't ask a word about Chen Zhen!

Chi Xiaoduo sorted out the general context and knew that he was involved in a terrifying conspiracy, but the details are yet to be added.

He stood up and went to look at the gaming table, She Cheng said to him, "It will be ready soon."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, wondering if he would help grab this box, but who should he help? Can you help me? He vaguely felt something was wrong.

She Cheng flopped, three 6s.

Martini flops, an ace.

Zhou Wanyuan had a pair of 7s on her card, and she burst out laughing "hahaha" in an instant, shaking her branches from laughter.

Xiang Cheng's face changed, and Zhou Wanyuan got up alas, and said, "I'm really sorry, hand over the things."

Feng Li said indifferently: "Don't worry, is it possible that the last card is also a 7? I don't think it's possible."

Zhou Wanyuan held the hidden card with her fingers: "I, won, won."

The door opened, and a six-layer cake was pushed in.

"Happy birthday to you—" Xuan He Zhi whistled, pushing the dining car.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Da Da laughed, She Cheng watched the two silently, Martini got up and said something, and translated: "Mr. Martini said that he has already lost, it's a pity."

Zhou Wanyuan turned over the hidden card, and it was a 3.

Everyone: "..."

Zhou Wanyuan: "Why are you in a daze! Do it!"

In an instant, Zhou Wanyuan lifted the table, Chi Xiaoduo wanted to do something, and quickly hid behind the sofa, but Feng Li shouted: "Gegentoru Leda! You want to die!"

Martini's expression changed, he grabbed the chip box, and wanted to flee to the door, but Xuan Hezhi kicked towards the dining car, and the dining car crashed directly, and She Cheng shouted: "Don't shoot!"

Martini's bodyguard drew his pistol, and there were loud gunshots in the casino and screams outside.

"Have you got the things?" Chen Zhen said into the headset, "The harbor patrol team has come to meet them! Let's go now!"

In the dark night, several military helicopters shot out their searchlights and flew towards the cruise ship in the middle of the sea. The plane started shouting, and the guests on the deck looked up to the sky without knowing where they were.

There were repeated gunshots, and bullets flew across the casino. Martini suspected that he had been ambushed by Feng Li, and kept urging him to escape. Zhou Wanyuan turned the table over, dodged to grab the gun, and knocked down four people within a second.

"Don't get in the way!" Zhou Wanyuan kicked the translator away.

Da Ke rushed forward, took Zhou Wanyuan's pistol, and shot at She Cheng and Feng Li's group. The two sides completely ignored the existence of Martini and his bodyguards, and launched a fierce gun battle in the casino!

Bullets flew across, Feng Li came out with a bursting machine gun and fired at Koda, She Cheng kicked the box, the box spun on the ground and slid towards Chi Xiaoduo, She Cheng shouted: "Hold tight !"

"You you are not a good person..." Chi Xiaoduo hugged the box and bent to run away, but She Cheng chased him out.

Koda yelled into the headset: "Run out!"

Xuan He Zhi chased She Cheng, who was in mid-air, swung a sword with his body weight, and She Cheng flew up, spun 180 degrees with Chi Xiaoduo in his arms, and kicked the chair flying, Xuan He Zhi swung the knife , cut the chair in half!

"Don't use spells!" Chen Zhen said, "absolutely don't use spells! There is no way to deal with the aftermath!"

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to run, but She Cheng grabbed his hand and dragged him back into his arms.

"Trust me! Come with me!" She Cheng looked at Chi Xiaoduo, the two of them stared for a second, and She Cheng lowered his head and kissed.

At that moment, Chi Xiaoduo's mind went blank. She Cheng dragged Chi Xiaoduo's hand and started to run away. Through the game hall, Chen Lang was still riding a motorcycle in the game hall. Chi Xiaoduo.

"That was my first kiss—" Chi Xiaoduo roared angrily.

She Cheng just laughed and didn't speak.

Qi Wei rushed out from the side and met Chi Xiaoduo face to face, Chi Xiaoduo was stunned immediately.

"Why don't you..."

"Run away!" Qi Wei shouted, pulling away his stance, and instantly confronted She Cheng with three tricks, dragging Chi Xiaoduo over, and She Cheng kicked Qi Wei's knee straight, and dragged Chi Xiaoduo back When he came back, he was chased by machine gun fire from behind, and the wreckage of game consoles were flying everywhere. She Cheng protected Chi Xiaoduo and ran into the hall with a bow.

"Raise your hands immediately!"

"This is Macau Outer Harbor Patrol Police..."

Before the voice in the loudspeaker finished shouting, Feng Li carried a heavy machine gun and fired all the way towards the window. There were screams and glass shards everywhere. Chen Zhen chased him out, but was thrown down by another bodyguard. Da Ke turned around and kicked , kicked the bodyguard out.

Koda and She Cheng's bodyguards were shooting each other with pistols. Before Chen Lang noticed what happened, he was riding the motorcycle left and right.

She Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo hid behind the video game console, while Chen Lang was engrossed in the racing car, with gunshots behind him, and the simulated electronic cabin vibrating.

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly gestured to Chen Lang. Chen Lang was very surprised when he found them. He looked down at the two of them. She Cheng pulled Chen Lang down and told him to hide behind the bar to avoid stray bullets.

"Go." She Cheng said.

Then She Cheng took Chi Xiaoduo's hand and turned towards the back of the stairs. Qi Wei wanted to shoot several times, but he was afraid of hurting Chi Xiaoduo. He held the gun in his left hand and a ball of flames gathered in his right hand.

"Go up first! Leave me alone!" She Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo climbed up the steps, Qi Wei let go of the fire light, and there was an explosion with a bang, She Cheng almost fell, Xuan Hezhi rolled in the air, and with the force of the rotation, rushed towards him with a knife, She Cheng shouted angrily, with both hands Grabbing the railing of the ladder that was broken off, he spun around with his feet.

Chi Xiaoduo turned his head to look, dumbfounded.

so handsome! She Cheng's suit flew up, his ankle twisted Xuan He Zhi's wrist, and Xuan He Zhi fell to the ground. Several cans of Coke fell out of his body, rolling around on the ground.

"Let's go!" She Cheng rushed onto the deck in embarrassment, pressed the headset, and said into the phone, "I'm going first! I'll leave the follow-up to you!"

"Don't use magic!" Feng Li's voice said, "Don't change form! Don't use it anyway! Otherwise, the demon will notice..."

The air-cushioned lifeboat with the engine fell into the water, She Cheng stepped over the railing, stood in front of the ship's side, turned around and reached out to Chi Xiaoduo.

The cold sea breeze crossed the sky and the earth, crossed the angry sea and blew towards Chi Xiaoduo. Holding the box in his hand, he looked at She Cheng.

"Follow me." She Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo looked back and saw the helicopter flying towards them.

Will he be the bad guy? Want to use me as a hostage? Chi Xiaoduo subconsciously thought, is She Cheng a good guy or a bad guy? He met She Cheng's eyes, and in that short half second, he seemed to read his heart, like a bright star shining in the dark night sky.

Then, he hugged the box and jumped out of the side of the ship. She Cheng laughed and hugged him in mid-air. The two flew to the air cushion lifeboat. Chi Xiaoduo fell dizzy, and She Cheng kicked the engine to draw the rope , the lifeboat turned around, chug away from the cruise ship, and entered the dark sea.

"Did anyone catch it?" Kodak asked.

"That guy took Chi Xiaoduo away!" Xuan He Zhi shouted.

Chen Zhendao: "Qi Wei is optimistic about Xiang Cheng, don't let him be rescued! You can lead people to chase the lifeboat!"

Immediately afterwards, the cruise ship tipped violently, and everyone on board shouted.

Fortunately, the ship did not sink, but the helicopter that was going to pick up the people couldn't get close to the porthole. Water arrows shot out one after another from the bottom of the sea, and the helicopter was high in the sky.

The air-cushioned lifeboat shot into the sea at high speed, and the helicopter with its lights on and looking around came after it in the distance. She Cheng hugged Chi Xiaoduo tightly, the two of them were covered with water, dripping wet, She Cheng lowered his head, and hugged Chi Xiaoduo in his arms, Chi Xiaoduo raised his head and looked at She Cheng.

"Is it cold?" She Cheng kissed Chi Xiaoduo's forehead and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

When Chi Xiaoduo heard these words, for some reason, tears suddenly came down.

"Why on earth did you take me out?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Because I like you!" She Cheng said, "Didn't you say so?!"

The helicopter was getting closer, Chi Xiaoduo said: "Don't confess your love at this time... We will be caught up and taken back! Look! It's all you..."

She Cheng turned around and said, "Don't worry! I have a solution!"

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to say more, but She Cheng groped his body, took out his mobile phone, connected the earphones, stuffed them into his ears, and played a song.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

On the screen of the phone, the pattern of the record began to rotate.

The lifeboat was getting faster and faster, almost flying on the sea surface, carrying Chi Xiaoduo and She Cheng bumping uncontrollably, Chi Xiaoduo only felt that he was about to be thrown out a few times, but she was hugged tightly by She Cheng.

The sea seemed to be awakened at that moment, and began to surge crazily. It seemed that there was an ancient monster under the sea trying to break free and rush to the sky!

She Cheng shouted at Chi Xiaoduo, "Look behind!"

As the Lunar New Year counts down, kaleidoscopic fireworks are shot from the cruise ship, lighting up the entire night sky. boom! boom! boom!

The fireworks were extremely brilliant, blooming under the night sky, dozens of shots in a row, and then thousands of shots were fired crazily within ten seconds, almost blasting through the zenith, and a ring-shaped golden shock wave spread rapidly! The sound of whistling was transmitted several miles away, and countless revolving meteors criss-crossed, bursting out around the entire cruise ship in an instant, illuminating the world like daytime!

"No way!" Chi Xiaoduo said frantically, "I still have the mood to set off fireworks at this time!"

"It was originally intended to be shown to you at twelve o'clock, but the cake was not eaten, and it was spoiled by them." She Cheng frowned, and said in Chi Xiaoduo's ear, "Happy birthday, happy new year, daughter-in-law , it doesn't matter, you will remember!"

"What?!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

"I said, daughter-in-law!" She Cheng said loudly.

"What are you talking about!" Chi Xiaoduo originally wanted to pretend he didn't hear it, but when She Cheng called her like that, he wanted to dive into the sea.

She Cheng looked at Chi Xiaoduo, and Chi Xiaoduo couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you talking about! We are running away now!"

"Another name?! How about my wife?" She Cheng asked again.

"It's not a question of address!" Chi Xiaoduo cried against the wind in the turbulent sea.

"Take it easy." Feng Li said into the headset, leading his men, retreated to the top deck, and said, "We are also preparing to run away, I wish you good luck."

"Thanks for your hard work." She Cheng said to the headset, "Happy New Year, Feng Li."

Feng Li lowered his head and led all his subordinates to bow deeply towards the sea.

Then everyone turned around in the air and jumped into the water. Feng Li's body emitted light in the air, bursting out nine light tails, showing a charming fox body, then shook violently, entered the water, and turned into a white nine-tailed tail The whitebait turned and swam to the shore with hundreds of black swimming fish.

"No." Chen Zhen said to Qi Wei, "please dragon! Hurry up! Otherwise, we won't be able to catch up!"

Qi Wei stood at the stern, biting a piece of talisman paper, forming a sword seal with his hands, closing his eyes, his body bursting with golden light, then he made a gesture, spread his arms, and jumped into the sea!

The next moment, a long brown dragon emerged from the sea and disappeared. Ten seconds later, the brown dragon came out of the water in the distance, setting off a stormy wave and rolling towards both sides. The brown dragon quickly chased after the lifeboat, but the lifeboat was getting faster and faster, and had already left the sight of the cruise ship.

In the distant sky, there was a hum of a motor, and a seaplane flew over, blocking the way of the lifeboat. Just as the lifeboat was flying fast and shooting at the plane, She Cheng shouted: "Hold me tight!"

Chi Xiaoduo hugged She Cheng's waist tightly, and She Cheng suddenly pulled the control rope on the side, the lifeboat swung sideways, and the centrifugal force threw the two of them out into the hatch of the seaplane.

"Ahh—" Chi Xiaoduo fell so hard that his eyes stared, and She Cheng's forehead hit the plane, making a loud noise.

"Are you okay! She Cheng!" Chi Xiaoduo said.

She Cheng tried his best to sit up straight and said, "Close... close the hatch."

Chi Xiaoduo closed the hatch, and She Cheng pulled up the joystick, and the seaplane turned around, took off, and flew under the dark cloud-covered sky.

Chi Xiaoduo put on his seat belt, the plane shuttled through the sky, Chi Xiaoduo looked back, but She Cheng said, "Put the box on your back."

There was a strap tied to the box, and Chi Xiaoduo slung it across his body in front of him, and asked She Cheng, "You know how to fly a plane?!"

"Feng Li taught me." She Cheng said, "I've only learned it for a day. Look at the radar, is there anything chasing you?"

"There are three light spots." Chi Xiaoduo said.

While turning on various instruments, She Cheng really couldn't remember which one was useful, so he accidentally glanced at Chi Xiaoduo and asked, "Want to play?"

"No, no, no!" Chi Xiaoduo was almost scared to pee, and said, "You must not play with this! You play hard!"

She Cheng was obviously in a good mood, so he laughed, looked back at the back of the cabin, and said, "If you're sleepy, go to sleep later."

Chi Xiaoduo groaned in his heart and said, brother, who can sleep at a time like this!

"Hungry?" She Cheng asked again.

Chi Xiaoduo said, "I almost vomited!"

"Then I'll try to drive steadily." She Cheng said, "Trust my husband."

Chi Xiaoduo roared in his heart: Who is with your husband and wife—

"The helicopter was thrown away." Chi Xiaoduo heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that there was no light spot on the radar, "Where are we going now?"

She Cheng said: "Look at the map, we will go wherever you want."

Holding the box in his arms, Chi Xiaoduo said to She Cheng, "Is this a cultural relic?"

"Really." She Cheng was stunned for a second, then said, "Why?"

"Smuggling cultural relics will be punished!" Chi Xiaoduo said frantically, "This is a crime!"

"It's okay." She Cheng said.

"It's okay..." Chi Xiaoduo complained incessantly.

She Cheng said: "Just return it after using it, you have the final say."

Chi Xiaoduo suddenly remembered, is this equivalent to bringing cultural relics back to the motherland? ! In this way, She Cheng is also a good person! He was wrong!

"What... are you doing?" Chi Xiaoduo asked suspiciously, "Are you also an agent?"

"Someone said." She Cheng said to himself, "If you want me to be a hero who saves the world, what do you think?"

Chi Xiaoduo: "???"

Suddenly, She Cheng's expression changed, and he looked down at the radar screen of the seaplane.

"What is this?" Chi Xiaoduo noticed that a green light cluster appeared on the screen.

In the vast night sky, there are layers of dark clouds, and the sea is full of anger.

In the dark night where you can't see your fingers, a Panlong flew out of the sea, circling and winding in the air, its claws and scales glowing, and it chased after the seaplane.

"Sit tight!" She Cheng pulled the joystick, and the plane rolled over, avoiding the flying Panlong and lowering the altitude.

Immediately afterwards, something seemed to approach in the dark clouds.

Qi Wei who was standing on the dragon's head suddenly opened his eyes and looked up into the clouds.

"Who?!" Qi Wei said.

The sky was full of thunder, and a thunderbolt shot down. Panlong roared, was struck by lightning, and fell straight into the sea!

"It disappeared again." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Who is it?!" She Cheng said in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, a second bolt of lightning struck the seaplane, and the plane, trailing black smoke, dived into the sea.

Chi Xiaoduo opened his mouth, but did not make any sound. She Cheng used all his strength to pull up the joystick, and the tail of the plane exploded, throwing them out.

She Cheng tightly grabbed Chi Xiaoduo's collar and pulled him closer to him. Chi Xiaoduo watched She Cheng's face getting closer and closer, and then he was pulled into She Cheng's arms, and then fell down. For a moment, the impact of falling into the sea was like a blow to the head, making him lose consciousness.

However, when the sea water poured in, Chi Xiaoduo woke up in the next second. He took two mouthfuls of sea water and was lifted up to the surface by She Cheng. But Cheng shouted in his ear: "Don't be afraid! Nothing will happen!"

Chi Xiaoduo floated up and down in the sea for a while, finally regained his senses, the sea returned to calm, both of them were in a panic, She Cheng paddled hard, Chi Xiaoduo hugged his neck, and looked up at the sky.

"What happened just now?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

With doubts all over his face, She Cheng looked up at the night sky.

She Cheng: "I don't know..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "Have we been attacked? It seems to be lightning."

She Cheng: "Who the hell?"

Chi Xiaoduo didn't understand, so he said, "It's lightning."

"I know it's Lei, but... there's no reason." She Cheng murmured.

"What should we do now?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

She Cheng: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

The sea is extremely quiet, the wind is calm, the dark clouds and strong winds all disappear without a trace, revealing the bright Milky Way on the high seas in winter. She Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo were soaking in the sea, the open sea was vast, and they didn't know where the shore was.

"Oh my god—" Chi Xiaoduo's voice echoed in the sky.