Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 86: Breakout


The elevator door opened halfway, and the alarm sounded throughout the Drive Committee building.

"Run!" Xiang Cheng said.

The two rushed out of the elevator.


The first thing that noticed them was the security guard who was checking them in the lobby. After the window was moved to the second floor, the exorcist stopped working on this floor. The security guards rushed over and pulled out their pistols. One slip.

Gunshots sounded from behind, Chi Xiaoduo glanced outside the fountain, and the pigeon rushed in with a swish!

Without looking at it, Xiang Cheng shook the demon banner, and a tiger demon roared and rushed out, knocking the security personnel to the ground. Chi Xiaoduo said, "The gate can't leave!"

"Go down."

There was chaos behind, Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo rushed straight into the shopping street.

The two rushed into the supermarket, and Xiang Cheng was a little hesitant about whether to use the magic weapon. There was a loud gunshot behind him, and the exorcists in the supermarket were alarmed.

"Safety and law enforcement!" the security yelled, "Irrelevant people! Stay away!"

Someone originally wanted to help catch Xiang Cheng, but when they were called out, everyone put away their magic weapons and weapons.

"You exorcists are just..."

The captain led a group of special agents to change bullets behind the cash register, Xiang Cheng pushed the shelves over, and Chi Xiaoduo crawled around, looking for things on the ground.

"What are you looking for!" Xiang Cheng said.

"Hold it!" Chi Xiaoduo said.

Chi Xiaoduo put the flame talisman on the crucible, and with a bang, blue fire spewed out from the crucible, and shouts started outside the cash register.

"You are surrounded..."

Xiang Cheng mocked, "A bunch of trash."

The machine gun started firing, sweeping all the way along the shelf, the bullets flew horizontally, there was a brief pause, and the smoke filled the air. Three seconds later, Xiang Cheng turned over from the shelf, turned sideways, and turned over gracefully in mid-air.

All the special agents pulled the trigger at the same time, and Xiang Cheng used the power of rotation to shake the demon-suppressing banner like magic.

With a monster's cry and a loud bang, a three-meter-tall mammoth rushed out of the demon banner and rushed towards the cashier in an earth-shattering manner!

There was a lot of chaos behind the cash register.

The fluorescent lamp on the top of the supermarket was smashed, the mammoth took several bullets, howled, and almost ran amok in the supermarket with the force of crushing.



Chi Xiaoduo put a fish eye on the fire to heat it up, the fish eye's eyes kept getting darker, from white to blue and then to black, Chi Xiaoduo shouted: "Run!"

Xiang Cheng shot back, took the mammoth and the ghost car back together, hugged Chi Xiaoduo, and the two rushed to the depths of the supermarket. In an instant, the fish eyes exploded with a soft sound.

The flood surged out of that small bead, covering the sky and covering the earth, filling the entire supermarket in an instant, and rolling towards the Secret Service like a tsunami!

"Ah!" Chi Xiaoduo glanced at Xiang Cheng, and was immediately stunned.

"What's wrong?" Xiang Cheng asked.

Xiang Cheng's face recovered at some point, and he was as handsome as before.

"Great!" Chi Xiaoduo said, "You're back to the way you were before!"

"Too bad." Xiang Cheng said.

"What's wrong?"

"The doll has been discovered." Xiang Cheng said, "My face can only be changed if the magic weapon is broken. They have already found out that the one in the prison is a counterfeit. Zhou Maohui will come to arrest me in person. Let's go!"

"Here!" Seeing the safe exit, Chi Xiaoduo pulled Xiang Cheng and rushed in.

Inside was a dark corridor. There was a light board flashing in the corridor. Sea water poured in along the corridor. Chi Xiaoduo took a few steps back and looked at the light board. Xiang Cheng said, "What are you looking at..."

Chi Xiaoduo pulled Xiang Cheng and slammed into the wall. Xiang Cheng was startled, but was pulled into the wall by Chi Xiaoduo.

With a buzz, the sound of the water and the gunshots outside all disappeared, and they entered a dark room.

"Who?" said a voice in the darkness.

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "!!!"

"Two children." Zheng Qun said in a composed voice, "It's destined."

Chi Xiaoduo remembered, this is Tonggu's shop! Is it still open? It turned out to be moved to the supermarket!

"That..." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Excuse me, outside..."

"Since you're here, let's make it easy." Tong Gu said casually, "I've come here, can I drive you away?"

Their eyes adjusted to the light, and they saw Zheng Que sitting on a coffin, in front of him was Tonggu who was telling his fortune.

Chi Xiaoduo didn't want to leave, nor did he want to stay, for fear that Tonggu would sell them to the driving committee, and there was Zheng Quin who was bigger than Lin Yurou.

But in the elevator, since Zheng Que didn't speak, maybe he didn't care about the expulsion of the committee. Chi Xiaoduo glanced at Xiang Cheng, Xiang Cheng signaled not to speak, and the two just stood there quietly.

"Tian Shui Litigation." Tong Gu said slowly, "Tian Shui is separated and flows in opposite directions. The truth is wrong, and both parties will suffer."

Zheng Que remained silent, with golden dragon pupils shining in his eyes.

One on the shelf listened to the soft sound of the wind bottle.

"What's going on outside?" Tong Gu noticed something, "You have invited the Lafayette down, my small temple can't accommodate this big Buddha."

Chi Xiaoduo looked back, Xiang Cheng pondered for a moment, and said, "Leave it to me, I will disturb you two."

"Wait." Zheng Que raised his hand, signaling them not to go out yet, and then said to Tong Gu, "Let's explain what happened to the two of them."

"This is the third hexagram today." Tong Gu said, "If Mr. Zheng hadn't come in person, I wouldn't understand it."

Zheng Qun put on his sunglasses and said with a smile, "Naturally, I accept your love."

Tong Gu made a hexagram, let out a soft "Huh", pondered for a moment, and then said: "Forget it, let's be a favor and go to the coffin."

Tonggu moved her fingers in the air, and Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo immediately hid in the coffin. The inside was indeed empty, and there was an air hole in it. Webbed fingers tapped on the table, and the coffin lid closed.

Chi Xiaoduo's hands were so crowded that there was no place to put them, so Xiang Cheng lowered his head and let him put his arms around his neck. The lips of the two were pressed together, and Chi Xiaoduo felt that he and Xiang Cheng were hardened and pressed against each other. With a smile in his eyes, Xiang Cheng kissed Chi Xiaoduo's ear, and his breathing became short of breath.

"Mr. Copper."

The next moment, Lin Yurou's voice sounded at the door.

Zheng Que looked back.

Tong Gu didn't answer, Lin Yurou saw Zheng Qin was there, and immediately said, "I'm offended, I'll wait outside for a while."

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let the fart go quickly." Tong Gu said, "I'm going to get off work, so what if you drove the store here?"

The high heels sounded, and Lin Yurou stopped outside the coffin.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

"Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo." Lin Yurou paused, and then said, "Have you been here before?"

"It's impossible for ordinary people to see my shop." Tong Gu asked back, "What do you think? Mr. Zheng has dragon eyes, and you have yin and yang eyes. Except for you two, if I don't take the initiative to open the gate of the Three Realms, who can break in?" ?”

"I'm afraid not necessarily." Lin Yurou said coldly.

"Then that means, Mr. Zheng and I have protected the criminal who harbored you." Tong Gu said.

"Mr. Zheng, have you seen those two children?" Lin Yurou asked.

Zheng Que smiled.

"I just want a word from you." Lin Yurou said.

Chi Xiaoduo was a little surprised that Lin Yurou actually talked to Teacher Zheng like this. When the driving committee saw them together, Lin Yurou was still very polite.

"No." Zheng Qun said, "I'm old, my eyesight is blurred."

"That's it." Lin Yurou said coldly.

The high heels sounded and Lin Yurou left, but Tong Gu didn't let Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo out.

"Today's three hexagrams all have ominous omens, Mr. Zheng, please think twice." Tong Gu said lightly.

Zheng Que sighed, shook his head and said, "I'm such an old man, I can only think about those things."

"The earth is bright and bright, so it's better to retire. It's bad luck. You shouldn't come out at this time."

"The Tianshui lawsuit seems to be going smoothly in the middle, but in fact the end turns into a bad one, so we must be cautious."

"What about the third hexagram?" Zheng Quin asked.

Tonggu didn't answer, and after being quiet for nearly a minute, she replied, "Minecraft is complex, moving in the smooth, moving in the smooth, inner yang and outer yin."

At this moment, Lin Yurou came in again.

"excuse me."

"What are you doing again?" Tong Gu asked displeased.

Zheng Que laughed.

Lin Yurou said, "Please do a divination."

"Since you already know it in your heart." Tong Gu said lightly, "Why ask me?"

Lin Yurou didn't say anything more, and replied, "Very good."

Lin Yurou left.

Only this time Tonggu let Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo out. Chi Xiaoduo thought about the danger, and the two stood behind Zheng Que. Zheng Que said, "Don't tell anyone what you heard today."

Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng bowed together and answered yes.

"Closed." Tong Gu said, "Please go back."

"Can you tell me something too?" Xiang Cheng asked suddenly.

"Not now." Tong Gu said, "Come tomorrow, each person can only ask me three times in a lifetime, you two have already done it once, and there are four more times, go back and discuss it clearly before coming back."

Chi Xiaoduo remembered Lin Yurou's words, and asked curiously, "Do you only do business with people you can see?"

"Of course not." Tong Gu said strangely, "Why do you ask such a question? How can I survive just doing business with you?"

"That's not..." Chi Xiaoduo said, "How did other people get in?"

"Everyone has three chances to enter my store in their life. When the opportunity comes, they can see it and come in." Tong Gu said, "I'm so annoyed that you can see everything, so you just barge in every now and then. "

"I'm sorry." Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly bowed to Tong Gu, who said, "That's all."

"I'll take them out." Zheng Qun replied, "Go through the back door of your store."

Tonggu didn't speak, Zheng Que signaled Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng to follow him, walked around Tonggu's counter, and opened the curtain. It was pitch black inside, and as Zheng Que walked, the surroundings lit up, as if from night to day, the surroundings lit up. In the end, Zheng Que opened a door and walked out in a gray atmosphere. Chi Xiaoduo turned around and was surprised to find that they had come out of an electric box in a street.

Zheng Que closed the door, and a red flag was parked by the side of the road. A disciple in a Chinese tunic opened the door. Zheng Que said, "I have a few words, and I want to chat with you. The old man is the host. How about a meal at Dong Lai Shun tonight?"

A wolf dog ran towards them, and Chi Xiaoduo waved at Lang Dog, waving his hand, signaling not to become a human, hugged the dog, and got into the car to pick up Zheng Qin with Xiang Cheng.

The hot pot restaurant was steaming with steam, Zheng Que ordered two glasses of wine, and Lang Dog lay beside him gnawing on the sheep's head.

Zheng Que took off his sunglasses and flipped through Chi Xiaoduo's manual.

"The knife is done?" Zheng Quin asked.

Chi Xiaoduo remembered the third thing Zheng Que had given him—the letter, the drawings in the letter, and a knife. I was in Kaifeng at the time, and after solving Xiang Cheng's matter, I lost my memory for a long time. When I regained my memory, the notebook was back, and the drawings were still in the notebook.

"Not yet." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng poured wine for Zheng Que respectfully. Even if his father was alive, Zheng Que was still an elder. After living for more than two hundred years, he didn't know where his seniority was.

"Lazy." Zheng Qun said.

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "As soon as possible."

"Thank you Teacher Zheng for protecting me today." Xiang Cheng said.

Zheng Que waved his hand, indicating that you don't have to be polite.

"What do you think next?" Zheng Que said, "I think you two, the driving committee can't stay any longer."

Xiang Cheng nodded and said, "I haven't figured it out yet. Now that I have Zhenwu, I need to find the Vajra Arrow."

"Does Teacher Zheng know where the Vajra Arrow is?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

Zheng Que shook his head and said, "The lineage of the Fudo Ming Dynasty was recorded as early as the Han and Tang Dynasties. Now that time has passed, many historical materials can no longer be found."

Zheng Que didn't ask why they were looking for Zhenwu, and Chi Xiaoduo didn't say either. Everyone must have a clear understanding. Apart from fighting against the demons, is there any other reason

Xiang Cheng said: "I searched in the family tree. The last time the Vajra Arrow appeared was in the Ming Dynasty, so after a screening, I found a cultural relic from overseas and bought it back at a high price. It turned out that it was not the Vajra Arrow."

"Hmm." Zheng Quin nodded, and then said, "Does 'Holy Land' know what you are doing now?"

"The Heavenly Demon can't sense it." Xiang Cheng replied, "But I guess, the Gorefiend must have sent men to track me down. I have a subordinate who is stabilizing the Holy Land."

"Blood Demon." Zheng Que shook his head, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chi Xiaoduo recalled that Zheng Quin and Gorefiend were brothers in the past, so maybe they could get some useful news from him this time.

"Is the blood demon very powerful?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Brother, he has been studying one thing all his life." Zheng Qin replied, "Live."

Chi Xiaoduo didn't speak, but glanced at Xiang Cheng.

"Refining sorcery." Zheng Qun said, "so he fell into the devil's way and planted the demon seed in his body."

Chi Xiaoduo vaguely thought of the short knife, and said, "Is that knife..."

Zheng Que nodded slowly, and replied: "More than a hundred years ago, our master thought of using the Huntian Xingxiu knife to take his life, and use the power of the star palace to break the evil blood in his body. However, for many years, Brother, he hibernates in the Holy Land and does not come out. Instead, he has refined a lot of ghosts and evil things, and Jing Hao is his work."

"This time the two of you left the Drive Committee, you can no longer ask for help from the organization. Presumably the Drive Committee and the Holy Land will join forces to hunt you down." Zheng Que frowned deeply, and said, "Be careful."

"What means does the blood demon have?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"Brother's evil power is no small matter." Zheng Que said, "You can use blood to cast spells. You are all flesh and blood. If you get close to him, the blood flow will easily accelerate, and you will become manic and uncontrollable. In addition, you can use yourself as a matchmaker to instruct your subordinates." The monsters fused in one place act."

"Okay." Chi Xiaoduo nodded, "Is there a way to crack it?"

Zheng Que thought for a while and said, "Senior brother's evil blood power comes from the dragon blood we got on Kunlun Mountain many years ago. Only Longwei can suppress it. You have dragon pupils, so you may not be able to compete with him." For a fight, other than that, you can only fight with Fudo Mingwang's true strength, so it's better to be cautious."

Neither Xiang Cheng nor Chi Xiaoduo spoke.

"After the Huntian Knife is finished." Zheng Que said, "Once the heart can be taken, the Gorefiend will be broken by the power of XingXiu to remove the restraint from his body, and the Huntian Knife will also be stained with blood. At that time, you will return the knife to the I."

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo said politely.

"As for the materials, I still have some here." Zheng Qun replied, "I will send someone to bring them to you."

Chi Xiaoduo thought to himself that there were still many missing materials, so this was just right.

"What happened back then..." Xiang Cheng said suddenly.

"What happened back then." Zheng Que said slowly, "I know something vaguely, but it's only limited to the part you know. I no longer have any authority to dismiss the committee, which is different from your teacher Zhou."

Xiang Cheng nodded, Zheng Que put on his hat and said, "Young people, there are many difficulties waiting for you to overcome in the future."

Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly got up to see them off, and the disciples put on the overcoat for Zheng Quin, and Zheng Quin left.

When the old man left, his figure was a little lonely, and it was snowing heavily outside, Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng looked at each other, a table of dishes hadn't been touched yet, Xiang Cheng asked, the front desk said that the bill had already been settled, Chi Xiaoduo Knowing that it was Zheng Que's intention to invite them to dinner, he was impolite, sat down with Xiang Cheng, and began to eat the big table of boiled mutton.

"Thank you." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo laughed, and Xiang Cheng boiled meat for Chi Xiaoduo. On a winter night, drinking some wine and eating some hot pot in the store is really the happiest thing in life.

"Next, I have an idea." Xiang Cheng said to Chi Xiaoduo.

"I also have an idea." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng motioned Chi Xiaoduo to speak first. Chi Xiaoduo said what Zhou Maoguo had heard while hiding under Chen Zhen's desk. Xiang Cheng pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Where is the place where your parents met?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "Have you heard her mention it?"

"I probably know a little bit." Xiang Cheng said, "I wanted to go to Qinghai, but since you said's time to go back."

Chi Xiaoduo asked, "What are you doing in Qinghai?"

"One of the entrances to the Holy Land is in Qinghai," Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo thought that Xiang Cheng was really courageous, and asked, "Aren't you unable to use spells?"

"If you decide to destroy the Holy Land." Xiang Cheng replied, "There is no need to endure it anymore. The biggest enemy in the Holy Land is the blood demon. Other than that, you should be able to deal with it."

"How many monsters are there?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"More than 20,000." Xiang Cheng said, "But they are not strong. Since Zheng Que gave a way to restrain the blood demon, after you refine the Huntian Sword, I will take it back..."

More than 20,000.

This is a real army, and Xiang Cheng is so arrogant that he wants to go to the enemy's camp and kill the blood demon directly, which is too cruel.

"Too dangerous… "

"It's not dangerous." Xiang Cheng drank some wine, his face flushed a little, poured the wine himself, and said, "It's not really going in, it's just a metaphor."

"If you are surrounded by more than 20,000 monsters, even if you are Fudo Mingo, you will be very embarrassed."

"Of course I won't let them besiege me." Xiang Cheng said, "There are contradictions in the holy land itself. After I go back, I will not reveal my identity. I will only let the blood demon seize power by himself. With a knife in hand, I can completely occupy it." The initiative of the successor of the Heavenly Demon made him give up his command. If he resists a little, take the opportunity to kill him and disband the entire organization."

"It won't be too late to find the Vajra Arrow slowly," Xiang Cheng said.

"It's still a little dangerous." Chi Xiaoduo said.

However, he believed in Xiang Cheng's ability. Once Ba Snake was released and he fought hard, with the power of Fudo Mingwang and Zheng Que's Huntian Knife as his trump card, he might really be able to kill the Gorefiend. But the Gorefiend must have his own ace too.

The phone rings.

"Are you at the airport?" Chen Zhen said on the phone.

As soon as Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng arrived at the airport to get off, they received a call from Chen Zhen.

"We're going to get on the plane soon." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Don't take the plane." Chen Zhen replied, "The airport is full of exorcists."

Chi Xiaoduo immediately signaled Huang Shan to turn around and get off the highway.

Huang Shan said: "We have practiced for more than 400 years, so we are not afraid of them."

"Forget it." Xiang Cheng said, "Don't cause trouble."

Chi Xiaoduo looked out of the window, Beijing's bare trees, gray sky, and a dark yellow sun hanging in the distance at dusk.

But at least one thing is good, things have gradually become clear, at least there is a direction.

Outside the airport, there is a steady stream of vehicles.

Xiang Cheng returned to his original appearance, sitting carelessly in the back seat, with one arm around Chi Xiaoduo's shoulder and the other on his hand, leaning against each other in silence, sharing the earphones, listening to the song.

"Are you okay?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"It's okay." Chen Zhen replied, "It's time slipped by, Lafayette was a little suspicious of me, but Mr. Zhou came to the office before, they just thought I was taken advantage of by you two. I have deleted the monitoring of the Supervision Department. "

"It's fine." Seeing that Chen Zhen was so confident, Chi Xiaoduo probably had his own way of dealing with it.

"Don't worry." Chen Zhen said, "I have been working in the Drive Committee for so many years, and I have been unwavering in cleaning up the mess for a hundred years. Starting tonight, my mobile phone may be monitored. Don't call if you have nothing to do. Cao Bin will set off from Guangzhou to assist you. .”

"Thank you." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Chi Xiaoduo handed the wheat to Xiang Cheng, and asked him if he wanted to say a few words, Xiang Cheng waved his hand.

"Don't deal with any exorcists or demon subduing masters." Chen Zhen said, "You two's warrants have been issued all over the country, so try not to contact strange monsters. Di Shumin is the person in charge of the Monster Management Bureau. I'll hang up." ,take care of yourself."

Chen Zhen hung up the phone, Xiang Cheng pressed the phone, and the music rang again.

Lang Quan raised his head and licked Chi Xiaoduo's hand. Chi Xiaoduo looked out of the window in a daze. Overnight, they seemed to embark on a journey of escape. Demons, exorcists, and almost all forces were chasing after them. They, and they have only each other.

"What are you thinking?" Xiang Cheng asked a little uneasily, and leaned over to his neck and kissed him.

"It's like a movie." Chi Xiaoduo said with a smile, "The feeling of being on the run with a big villain boss is so turbulent, and life is full of excitement."

In the reflection of the car window, Xiang Cheng laughed.

—Volume 3 Nine-Tailed Sky Fox·End—

"Wait!" A voice roared in the bitter cold wind, "It's not over yet! There's still a follow-up! Don't go! Wait for me!"

"Boss, there seems to be a motorbike chasing us from behind."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

A man wearing a helmet and a leather jacket was riding on an electric scooter. The scooter hadn't reached the high speed yet, and the speed was not fast. The electric scooter barely caught up with the black Bentley.

"Who is this?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

The man outside was riding on an electric scooter and waved his hand vigorously towards the window. Xiang Cheng said, "Leave him alone."

"Wait—" The man was wearing a helmet, two lasagna tears fluttered in the wind, and the tears froze into ice in the cold winter of minus ten degrees.

Chi Xiaoduo: "Why does the voice sound so familiar?"

The Bentley accelerated and left the man behind. After a while, the traffic slowed down and the man chased him out again.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

The man knocked on the car window, Huang Shan asked: "Are you going to crush him?"

Chi Xiaoduo said: "It's better to wait a while, I'll see who it is."

Xiang Cheng frowned deeply, and glanced out with disgust in his eyes.

"I..." The electric car caught up.

Bentley sped up with a bang, throwing him away.

"Yes—" The electric car caught up again.

"Come help—"


"thing… "

"Give… "


Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "Stop it! It's Xuan Hezhi!"

Xiang Cheng had to let the car stop, and Xuan He Zhi, who was riding an electric bike, rushed to the front, and then ran back with a bag on his back. Xiang Cheng said: "What's the matter, let's talk outside!"

The three of them looked at each other, Xuan He Zhi patted his backpack, and looked at Chi Xiaoduo begging for help, Chi Xiaoduo said: "It's better... let him come up."

Xiang Cheng opened the car door, Xuan He Zhi got up and said, "Thank you, it's too cold outside, let's go, I'll help you, Teacher Zheng ordered."

The corner of Chi Xiaoduo's mouth twitched, and Xuan He Zhi said, "Mr. Zheng asked me to bring you the materials. Here, they are all in my bag."

Chi Xiaoduo vaguely understood something, and said, "So you are Teacher Zheng's undercover agent."

"No, no." Xuan Hezhi said, "My master and he are old friends, your car is too luxurious, and you have wine, that's's Martell!"

Xiang Cheng looked Xuan He Zhi up and down: "I heard that your master has passed away, and he is also a demon."

"What monster! My master is Pixiu!" Xuan He Zhi replied angrily.

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Xiang Cheng: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo suddenly felt that Xuan He Zhi's behavior was too reasonable.

—End of this volume—

Volume 4 Dragon