Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 9: peach blossom


Why didn't you say it earlier!

The happy giant held up a big hammer and smashed Chi Xiaoduo into a limp piece of paper.

The countless buildings designed by Chi Xiaoduo shot out fireworks, bombarding the sky indiscriminately.

The beautiful stage kicked off a gorgeous prelude, and the leisurely sunshine of the Roman holiday was brilliant. Xiang Cheng was polite, holding his hand with champagne, and smiling softly in the fountain.

The meteor shower flashed across the sky, and on the surface of the sea, thousands of sunfish danced with their belly upside down—

Xiang Cheng said, "You don't look well, are you uncomfortable? Take a rest."

Chi Xiaoduo hurriedly said, "Sit down, sit down, I'll be fine soon."

Chi Xiaoduo pushed the swivel chair over and sat down for Xiang Cheng. His heart was pounding. After looking at the picture for a long time, he didn't know what he was looking at. He peeked at Xiang Cheng and found that he was looking at his professional at the desk. Books, I don’t think so, can you understand

Chi Xiaoduo was out of shape, the two little sunfishes in his heart were constantly fighting and seeing each other. Sunfish A told him to hurry up and go out and have a relationship. Sunfish B said that if you don’t pay attention to the picture, the building will collapse and you will die Damn, A said again that the building fell down, what's his business? What our family Chi Xiaoduo does is water supply and drainage rather than structure, at most a water pipe bursts and a sewer leaks...

Chi Xiaoduo spent his time reading the picture in repeated struggles, and after signing, he said to the boss: "I'm leaving! Mr. Lin!"

The boss of the water group said: "Wait, Xiaoduo, help me by the way..."

As soon as Chi Xiaoduo turned his head, murderous aura overflowed in an instant.

The boss immediately fell silent, and replied, "Have fun."

"Hehehe." Chi Xiaoduo smiled kindly.

In fact, Chi Xiaoduo's current state of mind is that thousands of alpacas are galloping happily, roaring through the office. When I got into Xiang Cheng's car and put on the seat belt, I felt dizzy for a while, and suddenly found that Xiang Cheng's car was different, today I was driving a Land Rover.

"What do you want to eat?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"Whatever you like." Chi Xiaoduo said with a smile, "Choose what you like, don't be too expensive, I'll treat you, thank you for coming to pick me up."

Xiang Cheng said, "I'm not familiar with Guangzhou."

Chi Xiaoduo said, "Do you eat Japanese food?"

Xiang Cheng said, "Whatever you want."

The car drove past the lights that lit up along the way, and turned into the traffic flow of the city at night. Chi Xiaoduo remembered that Xiang Cheng was reading his water supply and drainage professional specifications in his office, and suddenly asked, "You can actually understand my reference book?"

"To be honest, I don't understand. I also studied civil engineering before." Xiang Cheng tuned the car, stopped in the garage, and said, "I will only do this after changing jobs."

Chi Xiaoduo nodded, and Xiang Cheng asked again: "What is a cramp master?"

Chi Xiaoduo asked curiously, "Which team did you work in when you were engaged in construction?"

Xiang Cheng replied: "The brick-moving group. Pushing the cement on the trolley."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

Chi Xiaoduo laughed and said: "Don't be kidding, the structural team hates them very much. The cramp division is responsible for taking away the steel bars you designed and equipped to save money for the real estate agent. In this way, there are fewer steel bars and you can save money." Cost. But drawing steel bars is very particular, because the building will collapse if you smoke randomly, so you must have very experienced people.”

Xiang Cheng nodded, understood.

Chi Xiaoduo took him to eat at a Japanese food restaurant. You have to take off your shoes when you enter this Japanese food restaurant, and the dishes are very simple. Chi Xiaoduo saw that Xiang Cheng's sock had two holes, and the color was different. Suddenly, there was a feeling that the sky was thundering and he thought it was very funny, so he suppressed a smile and pretended not to see it.

Chi Xiaoduo's socks-wearing feet touched Xiang Cheng from time to time in the audience, which made his mind flutter again.

"You are very good, do you have a professional assessment?" Xiang Cheng asked, "Have you passed the exam?"

"First-level registered water supply and drainage engineer." Chi Xiaoduo replied: "I have passed the exam but have not yet got a result. I have only passed the second level so far. If I can pass the first level, I will not work. I will link the certificate and go out for three years." I can get four hundred thousand."

"What do you want to do when you're not at work?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it." Chi Xiaoduo said, "And the exam is so difficult, I guess I won't be able to pass it this year."

Xiang Cheng said: "I can't see that you are quite strong in the unit. A group of people surround you. You must be very professional."

Chi Xiaoduo smiled embarrassedly and asked, "What about you? What are your plans for the future?"

Xiang Cheng thought for a while, and said: "I don't know, I was tricked into being a duck, and I stopped doing it after a while, and wanted to go back to my old job, but I was exhausted, and I didn't make much money. If you don’t go on, working overtime all day is not counted, and you will be made things difficult by the leaders, and you will be deducted money if you find faults.”

Chi Xiaoduo was elated, thinking that you might as well stop doing it now, let's get married! He didn't know what Xiang Cheng's "old business" was, should it be construction? Well, the description is exactly the same, the design institute is exhausted, exchanging their lives for money, working overtime all day long, and being made difficult to deduct money.

However, Xiang Cheng sighed again, and said: "At the beginning of this year, I thought, forget everything about the past, change my life, and start over, but I still can't let go of the past... What is this? What happened?"

Xiang Cheng looked at a plate of Arctic shellfish sashimi strangely. Chi Xiaoduo mixed the mustard for him, and fed him a piece with chopsticks, with pink bubbles on his head. Xiang Cheng suddenly coughed, choking on the mustard until tears came out.

He hadn't eaten mustard before... Chi Xiaoduo's feelings for Xiang Cheng were completely overturned.

"Have some tea." Chi Xiaoduo said hurriedly.

Xiang Cheng had a strange expression, waved his hands, and tears came out.

"It's too choking." Xiang Cheng said, "I know, it's mustard."

Chi Xiaoduo smiled and said, "I like the feeling of mustard, you must not have eaten this much before."

Xiang Cheng said: "In the past, a big boss invited me to dinner, and there was wasabi, and I also drank Lafite, a bottle of more than 20,000."

Xiang Cheng's brows and eyes were shrouded in the gentle light. In the whole world, it seemed that there was only such a light falling from the top of his head, illuminating his hair and eyebrows, warm and masculine.

Chi Xiaoduo drank some sake, and his face turned red. Some people go crazy when drunk, and some people don't talk when drunk. Chi Xiaoduo is the kind who is very quiet after drinking. He wanted to ask many questions, but he didn't ask a single word. It would be best if an individual could sit quietly like this.

"What's your ideal?" Xiang Cheng ate some sushi, and seemed to be more interested in wasabi, so he dipped a little less this time.

Chi Xiaoduo's ideal in life is of course to become tall, handsome and rich, and reach the pinnacle of life; or marry tall, handsome, and rich, and reach the pinnacle of life. Of course, this is still embarrassing to say, he thought about it, and said: "Traveling in the mountains and rivers, going to work is too annoying, if I can hang up my ID card, I will go on a trip."

Xiang Cheng nodded, he seemed a little restrained in the Japanese restaurant, as if he was thinking about something.

Chi Xiaoduo asked, "What about you?"

"World peace." Xiang Cheng said, "Everyone live and work in peace and contentment, and live a good life."

Chi Xiaoduo laughed, thinking that Xiang Cheng was very interesting, and clinked glasses with him with tea.

After eating, Chi Xiaoduo came out to pay the bill, and Xiang Cheng said, "I have no money, and I haven't paid my salary this month."

Chi Xiaoduo smiled and said, "Of course I'm here."

Chi Xiaoduo didn't compete with him for the order, and when he came out and was blown by the wind, Chi Xiaoduo became more or less sober. Xiang Cheng was thinking all the way. When he arrived at the gas station, Xiang Cheng took out a lot of dimes, Xiao Duo hurriedly said, "I'll come."

Chi Xiaoduo refueled the car, thinking that Xiang Cheng is the young master, and his job is to make money with his face, make customers like him, and then willingly pay for him. Thinking of this, Chi Xiaoduo feels that his love is in a fog again.

At twelve o'clock, Xiang Cheng drove Chi Xiaoduo up the mountain, and Wang Ren and his group were playing mahjong yelling, saying, "Go get the room yourself! You two are the last ones!"

So Xiang Cheng and Chi Xiaoduo lived in the last big bed room. As they went up the mountain, the peach blossoms all over the mountain fluttered back and forth under the light of the street lamps. Chi Xiaoduo felt that time was fleeting, such a beautiful Time is gone in a flash.

"Should I give you oil tonight?" Xiang Cheng said, "I'll do it."

"No, no, no." Chi Xiaoduo immediately said, "I'll do it."

Xiang Cheng took out a folded stack of ten yuan. Chi Xiaoduo had forgotten about the money. Now that he said it, Chi Xiaoduo remembered that he gave the two-day rent and deposit by himself, but Chi Xiaoduo Xiaoduo took the initiative to pay the bill.

After opening the room, Xiang Cheng didn't say anything, went in to take a shower, Chi Xiaoduo put his fingers in front of his knees, sat on the bed, and sighed inwardly.

In Xiang Cheng's eyes, he must be like those clients who treated him well in the past, willingly paying for him, providing him with food and lodging, and taking him to play.

The sound of mahjong outside gradually stopped, and Xiang Cheng came out wiping his hair and said, "Go and wash."

Chi Xiaoduo hummed, went into the bathroom, and when they came out, they lay side by side on the bed. Xiang Cheng pressed the remote control once and sighed.

"Why sigh?" Chi Xiaoduo keenly grasped the faint sigh.

"It's nothing, go to sleep." Xiang Cheng turned over and turned off the light.

Chi Xiaoduo tossed and turned in the dark, unable to fall asleep, thinking that if he reached out to touch Xiang Cheng at this time and held his hand, would he refuse? Or: "Four hundred for fast food? Sign the bill for you first?"

"Xiang Cheng."


"Do you know Qiqi?" Chi Xiaoduo asked in the dark.

"Qiqi?" Xiang Cheng asked puzzled.

"Qi Wei." Chi Xiaoduo said his name, Qi Qi is his best friend's cousin, Xiang Cheng asked vigilantly, "How do you know that I know him?"

"Uh..." Chi Xiaoduo said, "His cousin and I are good friends. His cousin said you are so handsome. Is Qiqi also your client?"


"Oh—" Chi Xiaoduo wanted to ask how you two met, but this kind of questioning was like checking household registration, but after a while, Xiang Cheng said something that almost made Chi Xiaoduo fall off the bed.

Xiang Cheng: "He is my colleague."

Chi Xiaoduo: "..."

In Chi Xiaoduo's mind, the image of Qi Qi wearing a suit, fighting with a group of ducks, and acting as a male publicist appeared in Chi Xiaoduo's mind.

"You guys... used to be in a club?" Chi Xiaoduo asked cautiously.

"No, no." Xiang Cheng immediately realized the ambiguity of his words, and explained: "My old business."

"Oh—" Chi Xiaoduo said, but he couldn't figure it out again, and asked, "Building? Moving bricks together?"

Xiang Cheng didn't answer, and changed the topic: "My phone is broken, and I left his number in it. I'll call you when I go back."

"No need." Chi Xiaoduo replied, and then he was relieved.

Chi Xiaoduo knew that his little thoughts must have been guessed, so he couldn't help being very embarrassed. After a while, he stretched out his hand, touched Xiang Cheng's warm and generous palm, and put his hand in his palm.

Anyway, it's all paid, so it's always okay to hold hands, Chi Xiaoduo guessed what Xiang Cheng would say, while stroking his fingers. Xiang Cheng didn't say anything, and grabbed Chi Xiaoduo's palm with his backhand.

Chi Xiaoduo felt that he had a reaction, his heart was beating wildly, and he said aggressively, "Can I hug you?"

Xiang Cheng generously stretched out his arms, and reported Chi Xiaoduo to his arms. He was wearing cotton pajamas, and his chest was very warm. Chi Xiaoduo was pillowing on his arms. After drinking at night and blowing the wind, his head hurt a bit. He didn't want to do anything, just hold him like this.

"Are you asking for money?" Chi Xiaoduo joked.

Xiang Cheng said humorously: "Let other people ask for money, but my younger brother can hold it for free."

Chi Xiaoduo laughed.

The room was quiet, and after a while, Xiang Cheng said again: "I never let people hug me, it depends on my mood."

"Well, Wang Ren told me." Chi Xiaoduo said.

Xiang Cheng added: "David said that I want to be a duck and set up an archway."

Chi Xiaoduo laughed, and felt a little embarrassed, and said, "It must have delayed your work these few days."

"I have something to do in Lianhua Mountain." Xiang Cheng replied.

"Is there anything to do?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"A business trip." Xiang Cheng said.

Public... Tolerance? ? ? Accompany guests? Chi Xiaoduo was baffled, push oil? He didn't ask any more, but Xiang Cheng felt that Chi Xiaoduo was trembling a little.

"Cold? Is the quilt too thin?"

"No no no." Chi Xiaoduo burrowed into Xiang Cheng's arms, trembling with excitement, gradually getting a little sleepy, but he didn't want to sleep, he felt so wonderful, if time could stop at this moment forever . Whatever is out of tolerance, go to shi.

Chi Xiaoduo fell asleep slowly. In the middle of the night, he heard a little noise, but his eyelids were too sleepy to open. He reached out to touch his side, but Xiang Cheng was gone. Chi Xiaoduo woke up with a jerk, sat up and looked around.

"Xiang Cheng?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

The room was completely dark, with a little light seeping in from outside, Chi Xiaoduo got up and looked at the phone, it showed 2:25.

Chi Xiaoduo didn't turn on the light, and opened the window of the inn to look out. He saw a piece of paper stuck on the window sill, and thought it was Xiang Cheng's note. The golden little stone dares to press down.

Chi Xiaoduo: "???"

It was a piece of yellowed straw paper. Chi Xiaoduo folded it up and put it in his pocket together with Shi Gandang. At the same time, he heard the sound of a car outside, which seemed not far away. Where did Xiang Cheng go? Chi Xiaoduo suddenly remembered that he was here on business. Could it be that he was going to accompany guests in the middle of the night

Chi Xiaoduo came out softly. In the wooden inn, he tried his best not to make any noise, and used the flashlight function of his mobile phone to illuminate the road.

Ahhh... It was so scary. Chi Xiaoduo didn't know why, but the hairs on his back stood on end. He looked in the yard and saw a light in the distance, which seemed to be a car headlight, so he walked over there.

He hid behind a peach tree and saw a Mitsubishi Jeep with its headlights on.

The lights went out, a man got out of the car, and Xiang Cheng stood in front of the lights.

"Do whatever they want." Xiang Cheng said, "Saving lives is the priority. If you keep it, more people will be killed. Have you found out the truth about the car accident?"

The man's voice replied: "The victim of the murder case started his own company and hired a mistress. His wife spent a lot of money to mess with them through some unknown method. She must have said something wrong and was devoured by a ghost car. That man Died with mistress. The original partner is committing suicide."

"Why did you spend a lot of money? How do you do it?" Xiang Cheng said again.

"No comment." The man replied: "There is a record in the organization, but you can't find it."

Xiang Cheng was silent, the red dot of the cigarette butt flickered in the darkness.

Chi Xiaoduo roughly deduced that someone hired the underworld to kill someone, and now they are hiding on the mountain, and they want Xiang Cheng to deal with it, but Xiang Cheng alone, can he do it? Or call the police? Xiang Cheng didn't speak, turned around and left, the man replied: "Call you some help?"

"No need." Xiang Cheng said: "It knows I will go, it's meaningless if there are too many people calling."

Speaking of Xiang Cheng walking towards the side of the road, the man whistled and said, "Did you fall in love?"

Xiang Cheng: "???"

The man asked again: "Who was the child that day?"

"Brother." Xiang Cheng replied.

"Why can't I remember that you have a younger brother, but I just want to say hello to you. Your younger brother has a demonic aura and seems to be being targeted by something."

The man smiled and stepped onto the electric scooter and turned on the accelerator.

Xiang Cheng: "I discovered it a week ago, and I've been observing it for a long time. The ghost car doesn't seem to have found him."

In an instant, the hairs all over Chi Xiaoduo's body stood on end.

The man said: "It's not a ghost car. The organization guessed that it was on the ghost car. I don't know how to find him. Let's go, so I can take care of myself."

Xiang Cheng: "Wait! Old Kuang!"

The man's electric car was driving fast, and it was going downhill halfway up the mountain, and he disappeared after a short rub. Xiang Cheng chased after a few steps, threw the cigarette butt away, stood restlessly for a while, and then turned to hide in Chi Xiaoduo behind the tree. Chi Xiaoduo turned around and ran away, but Xiang Cheng appeared behind Chi Xiaoduo without anyone noticing.

Chi Xiaoduo was about to yell, but Xiang Cheng covered his mouth, making Chi Xiaoduo's voice muffled.

"I told you not to come out." Xiang Cheng frowned deeply and said in a low voice.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Chi Xiaoduo rolled his eyes and stared at Xiang Cheng with bright eyes. Xiang Cheng was almost pissed off by Chi Xiaoduo and let him go.