Post Training Notice: National First-Class Registered Exorcist

Chapter 95: Confrontation


"Do you still want to go?" Chi Xiaoduo asked.

"Well, another mountain to climb." Xiang Cheng said, "If I remember correctly, it's the place where Dad and Mom met."

The thunderstorm exploded, and a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky. The trees on the top of the mountain were on fire, burning blazingly. Chi Xiaoduo saw black monster birds hovering on the top of the mountain. Thousands of monsters seemed to be hiding in the forest.

There are monsters in front and pursuers behind, and the heavy rain between the sky and the earth can't be seen at a glance.

"But let's rest for a while now." Xiang Cheng said: "Wait for the rain to lighten up, you can eat something."

Xiang Cheng broke open the bread, sandwiched the cheese slices in the bread, and handed it to Chi Xiaoduo.

"And you?"

"I'm not hungry." Xiang Cheng turned sideways, bent his long legs, put his elbows on Chi Xiaoduo's shoulders, and quietly looked at the rainy night.

They sat in front of the dripping cave, looking at the dark world outside, and thunder and lightning flashed from time to time.

"Your return date is not set yet, but the night rain in Bashan floods the autumn lake." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"In the southwestern part of Bashan, it often rains. Twelve years ago, it felt exactly the same as now." Xiang Cheng said, "Xiao Duo, actually I want you to go back, but I know you won't go back."

"If you know I won't go back, don't say it." Chi Xiaoduo ate bread and drank milk expressionlessly.

Xiang Cheng looked at Xiaoduo and smiled.

Chi Xiaoduo wanted to say something to Xiang Cheng, but felt that there was no need to say more. After eating the bread, he clapped his hands and sat in Xiang Cheng's arms. Xiang Cheng hugged him from behind and looked at Ye Yu together.

The rain is getting lighter.

As soon as Xiang Cheng took a breath, Chi Xiaoduo felt that he wanted to talk, so he said, "Don't say anything ominous."

Xiang Cheng was happy, and after a while, he said: "I was just thinking that there are other people who like you. I didn't bring you anything, but made you suffer all day long."

"For example?" Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Cao Bin." Xiang Cheng replied.

"You think too much." Chi Xiaoduo smiled and said, "You suspect Kodado more than him, why did you suddenly mention him?"

"I just met this person." Xiang Cheng replied: "When they went to Guangzhou to protect you in winter, it stands to reason that Cao Bin was more familiar with you. He didn't appear in front of you. I thought it would be Cao Bin who came to you. You can reach Chen Zhen, unexpectedly Qi Wei introduced you to Xuan Hezhi instead."

Chi Xiaoduo hesitated for a moment, and said: "Maybe his personality is not suitable for being a boyfriend, or he has other tasks? I really haven't thought about it. You people with high IQ like to learn from such details. Looking for a reason?"

Xiang Cheng: "I guess it's because he doesn't want to meet you, because he doesn't know what to say to you. I sometimes feel this way. When I saw you in Macau on New Year's Eve, I was actually quite nervous. nervous."

Chi Xiaoduo suddenly felt that it was too funny and abnormal for Xiang Cheng to say such things in such a serious manner.

"Are you jealous of Cao Bin?" Chi Xiaoduo elbowed Xiang Cheng.

Xiang Cheng laughed and said: "You are excellent, it's normal for someone to like you, I don't mean anything else, it's just that sometimes, it's a little... um."

"Something?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "You have some sunfish."

"Sometimes I feel that I'm really not the right one for you, but I'm too selfish, even if I bring you into danger again and again, I don't want to let go." Xiang Cheng said.

Chi Xiaoduo drank the milk and said vaguely: "I asked for it, I think it's very good. If it's someone else, I won't feel this way."

Chi Xiaoduo didn't think about it once, he just wanted a boyfriend! Why is love so bumpy? It's not because of the bumps in love itself, but because the tossing feels like it won't end. Every time I feel that I can be with Xiang Cheng again, I always feel anxious at any time, for fear that something will happen again and tear them apart.

And the demon seed, snake soul, and corroded Zhenwu on Xiang Cheng's body... looked like a curse.

But looking back, if it wasn't for being with Xiang Cheng, Chi Xiaoduo wouldn't be so addicted to the feeling of being in love. It's like from the day he came to Beijing with Xiang Cheng, he seemed to have opened the door to a new world. Motivated no matter what.

"If you die unfortunately." Chi Xiaoduo knew what Xiang Cheng was thinking, and said solemnly: "I won't find another boyfriend, I only fall in love once in twenty-six years, once is enough, no matter what It is impossible to find someone who can impress me more than you."

"No." Xiang Cheng replied: "Don't think so, I never thought about entrusting you to anyone, I will defeat myself."

Chi Xiaoduo leaned on Xiang Cheng's shoulder, feeling that a big battle was coming. He didn't know where his next step would be. In the depths of the mountain, what awaited him was also unknown. But now that he has come here, at least he is much better than he imagined.

The rain stopped, and the mountains and forests were filled with unprecedented tranquility, and I couldn't see my fingers.

"Let's go." Xiang Cheng whispered, stretched out his hand, Chi Xiaoduo took his hand, and handed him the bag, and the two of them crossed the stream and climbed up towards Xiang Cheng's former residence.

A rugged path leads to a mountainside where you can't see your fingers. They need to avoid the monsters scouting on the mountain, pass through the resort, and climb another mountain. If they are lucky, they will be able to reach the place Xiang Cheng visited when he was a child at dawn.

"Where are people?" Jian Wen yelled hysterically at his subordinates: "Search the mountains for me!"

The exorcists whispered to each other, everyone stood in the town, holding torches in their hands, and Jian Wen stood in the open space in the center of the town.

"There are monsters everywhere outside!" Someone said: "Minister Jian, Beijing called and asked us to withdraw."

Jian Wen said: "Who wants to leave? Stand up, I have the highest level of approval."

No one stood up.

"Monster?" Jian Wen said: "I didn't see any monster, where is there a monster? Did the monster attack you?"

Someone replied: "The monster is outside, outside this mountain."

"Don't worry about monsters." Jian Wen replied: "Start now, conduct a blanket search, and we must find Xiang Cheng. Let's go! Immediately!"

The exorcists had to disperse and go deep into the forest.

After the crowd dispersed, Wang Lei walked out from the shadows and said to Jian Wen, "Take them into the encirclement, and deal with the instructions from above."

Jian Wen smiled maliciously and said, "Minister Wang, have you forgotten something? Now my rank is higher than yours."

Wang Lei pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes."

"You are in charge of leading the subordinates of the Holy Land." Jian Wen put on gloves, changed into a camouflage uniform, and said, "Go to the neighborhood where Xiang Cheng lived to investigate, I guess he will return home once. After tracking someone, don't act rashly. He is no match for me."

Wang Lei did not speak, nodded, whistled, and sneaked into the darkness.

Drive committee, late at night, Chen Zhen's office.

Chen Lang yawned and woke up on the sofa. Chen Zhen was sleeping on the table. Chen Lang touched Chen Zhen's back and Chen Zhen woke up.

[Brother, do you want to go home?]

Chen Zhen shook his head, rubbed his eyes, and checked his phone.

[It's been twelve hours, and I haven't been able to contact them.]

Chen Lang: [When I woke up just now, I remembered something.]

Chen Zhen: [What's the matter?]

Chen Lang; [Chi Xiaoduo told me about Xiang Cheng, we discussed b during the day, I think whether he is a friend or an enemy, b has a move that is very meaningful.]Chen Zhen looked at Chen Lang in a little confusion.

Chen Lang: [I remember that when Xiang Cheng came to Beijing, during the first period of time, he persevered in squatting at the places where the ghosts haunted every night, and finally found the ghosts.][Ok.]

[Then the ghost fairy brought Xiang Cheng into an endless corridor, is it the place where b arranged it? Is b to observe Xiang Cheng?]Chen Zhen got up immediately, and Chen Lang chased after him. Chen Zhen pointed to the office, signaling him not to go anywhere.

[Where are you going?]

Chen Zhen waved his hand to signal Chen Lang to be at ease.

He quickly went downstairs, entered the information department, searched for information about the ghost case, and found a few photos of the Drum Tower. On it was a beam covered with talisman paper and a drum in the center. Chen Zhen took the photo to go out, and tried to call everyone over there while walking.

One of them got through.

Cao Bin was riding on the back of a wolf dog, gasping for breath. His body was full of scars. Most of the wounds had healed, but his coat was caught in strips by the demon's claws, which could barely be hung, revealing thin muscles and a hard chest. .

Lang Dog looked at the strange bird in the sky in fear, Cao Bin said: "Jump over there! Jump!"

Lang Quan finally jumped, flew out of the canyon, and flew to the opposite mountain. All the circling birds found Lang Quan in an instant, flapped their wings, and let out a sharp cry. Cao Bin covered his head with both hands, turned over, and threw out With a handful of coins, the monster bird fled in a hurry.

"You can't even match your cultivation!" Cao Bin said, "Don't be afraid!"

The dog jumped between the rocks, slipped its paws several times, and nearly fell into the abyss. Cao Bin grabbed the hair on the dog's head, and the dog barked wildly, meaning it was in pain.

Cao Bin was startled when a huge monster slid across the mountain road in front of him. When he was about to step forward, he found that it was a wolf.

"It's me!" The wolf opened his mouth and made a sound that could be reached. The dog arched his body with a whimper, and the wolf slapped the ground with one paw, splashing mud everywhere. lowered his head.

"Where are Xiang Cheng's subordinates?" Cao Bin heaved a sigh of relief.

"Scattered into the mountains." Canglang said: "Feng Li has just contacted Xiang Cheng, and Xiang Cheng is not sure where the relics of the holy land are. Feng Li can only interfere with Jing Hao's men as much as possible to distract their attention."

"Wang Lei is here too," Cao Bin said.

"Damn it." Canglang grinned, showing his canine teeth, with a fierce look in his eyes, as if hesitating whether to meet Xiang Cheng or help Feng Li.

"Come with me." The wolf said, "Come on my back!"

The wolf fell to the ground, Cao Bin and Lang Quan jumped on it, the wolf turned the corner, slapped a crow on the cliff with a slap, and slapped it into meat sauce, jumped down the deep valley, and sneaked into the virgin forest.

When the phone rang, Cao Bin looked left and right, and finally Lang Dog took out the phone from his trouser pocket in doubt.

It was an unknown number.

"Woof!" said Lang Quan.

"Me." Chen Zhen said on the phone: "This is a new number, and my original number has been monitored."

"Mom!" Lang Dog said.

Chen Zhen: "Don't call me mom! Open the phone."

Lang Quan pressed the release button, and Chen Zhen said, "Who is there?"

"Me." Koda said.

"Me." Cao Bin replied, "Xiao Duo and Xiang Cheng lost contact and are in the mountains."

"I'm driving the committee." Chen Zhen, dressed in a black suit, pushed open the door of the meeting room and went in, saying, "Koda can tell you about the situation."

When the rain stopped, Canglang squatted beside the rock in front of the cliff, bowed slightly, and talked to the phone placed on the rock.

"Is Lafayette there?" Canglang asked.

"I'm here." Lin Yurou replied, "Report the details."

Only Lin Yurou and Zhou Maoguo were in the conference room. Chen Zhen put his mobile phone on the conference table, and the three of them were silent, listening to the news from Koda.

"Jian Wen was eaten by Jing Hao, and Jing Hao began to use his identity to give orders to the exorcist."

"Wang Lei led the demons and scattered them in the mountains."

"The demon and the exorcist are separated now. It is not ruled out that there will be a fight, but the other party is very careful not to let the demon come into contact with any exorcist..."

Zhou Maoguo said: "Go up to the top of the mountain and look at the situation and terrain."

"It's too dark, I can't see anything." On the phone, the voice of the wolf replied.

The wind picked up, and the whining of the strong wind became louder and louder. Lafayette said: "Find Xiang Cheng and get out of there immediately."

"There is no signal on the mountain." Canglang said: "We are separated, even if we find Xiang Cheng, he will not be willing to leave."

"What is he looking for?!" Zhou Maoguo said.

On the top of the mountain, Canglang didn't answer, but silently raised his head and looked into the distance.

On the phone, Lin Yurou's voice said: "Jian Wen directly issued an order to Chongqing through the internal line of the National Security Bureau. We can't remove his authority, and we can't dial out from the black phone. Now I use my mobile phone to contact the Chongqing local police. Commission, let them withdraw all the exorcists, Zhou Maoguo will lead people there now to support you."

Canglang hung up the phone and glanced at Cao Bin.

Drive Committee:

Zhou Maoguo packed his things, put on his coat, and entered the elevator with a briefcase in his hand. Chen Zhen walked in with a very tired expression.

"Go back to the office." Zhou Maoguo said, "No matter what happens, at least tonight, stay with Lafayette."

"I'll take you there." Chen Zhen replied.

Zhou Maoguo turned around slightly and glanced at Chen Zhen, who looked into Zhou Maoguo's eyes.

Zhou Maoguo took a deep breath, the elevator door opened, and the two walked out together.

"I didn't expect it to be so many years." Zhou Maoguo said: "I still have to go back to Bashan. The last thing I want to face is this past."

"I thought you knew about Xiaoduo in my office." Chen Zhen said suddenly.

"What?" Zhou Maoguo said in surprise.

Chen Zhen suddenly stepped back imperceptibly, looked at Zhou Maoguo, the two looked at each other, Chen Zhen nodded and made a gesture of please. Zhou Maoguo frowned slightly, seemingly thoughtful, but didn't ask much.

Zhou Maoguo sat down, pondered for a moment, played a piece of music, and disappeared.

Chen Zhen sat down in front of the piano, let out a long breath, and closed his eyes.

His slender fingers touched the keys of the piano, and after a while, he pressed a note, continued, played, the wall in the meeting room rotated and collapsed, Chen Zhen stood in the quiet street in the middle of the night, opened the car door, got in the car, and passed by Yandai Xiejie. Exit and head towards the Drum Tower.

On the dark floor of the Drum Tower, Chen Zhen lit his heart lamp and stood in the cobweb-covered beam space. The talisman paper and the broken drum had been emptied. He knelt on the ground on one knee, took out a small box from his bag, opened the box, and took out a stack of The yellowed talismans were compared with the photos to restore the scene.

After pasting the talisman paper, Chen Zhen took a deep breath and walked towards the end of the beam.

As the strong wind passed through the forest, Chi Xiaoduo and Xiang Cheng climbed to the top of the mountain panting, at four o'clock in the middle of the night.

"I... can't do it anymore." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Let me rest for a while first."

"I'll go ahead to explore the road." Xiang Cheng said, "I won't leave you too far... What's the matter?"

"My dragon pupil..." Chi Xiaoduo said, "I'm a bit invisible, what's the matter?"

Xiang Cheng: "!!!"

Chi Xiaoduo covered his right eye and looked up to the sky. In the past, when using Long Tong's power, he could see the outline of monsters, but these days, Long Tong didn't know why it became more and more blurred.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Xiang Cheng asked nervously.

"No, no." Chi Xiaoduo said, "Don't be nervous... I don't feel any discomfort, but I can't see clearly with my left eye."

Chi Xiaoduo shook his head vigorously, as if recovering his sight, his left eye was clear for a while, and blurred for a while, Xiang Cheng looked into his eyes seriously, and said, "Oops, your long pupil has faded."

"What's the reason?" Chi Xiaoduo said, "I haven't done anything lately... I know!"

Chi Xiaoduo recalled whether he had been disturbed by any monster power recently. After much deliberation, the only possibility was the inner alchemy that Xiang Cheng fed to him, the inner alchemy of the Black Wing Roc.

"It may be that the inner alchemy has been digested." Chi Xiaoduo said, "It interfered with Long Tong's power."

"Any other feelings?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"No." Chi Xiaoduo said: "The power of the dragon pupil in the brow chakra has been affected, it doesn't matter."

Chi Xiaoduo looked left and right with his long pupils, and found that the figure of the demon in the sky could no longer be seen.

Xiang Cheng asked: "Can you see things by looking at them?"

"Yes." Chi Xiaoduo replied.

"That's fine." Xiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Go back to Beijing and ask Zheng Qin to have a look."

"It's the interference of the demonic power." Chi Xiaoduo said: "The black winged roc and the dragon are mortal enemies, and the demonic power is against each other."

"If you don't have dragon pupils, you don't want them." Xiang Cheng said casually, "A monster puts a demon pupil in your eyes before he dies. I don't know what it means."

Chi Xiaoduo couldn't laugh or cry and said, "You must be jealous."

With a half-smile, Xiang Cheng motioned him to wait under the tree, turned into a snake, and sneaked into the darkness.

Chi Xiaoduo pondered for a moment, took out a stack of talismans from his bag, folded them, and prayed that the monsters would not discover his actions, and began to make a small magic weapon. And at this moment, he felt a symbol appear in front of him.

That symbol was the spell that Zheng Que taught him to hide the dragon pupil.

Chi Xiaoduo: "??"

Like an afterimage, it was fleeting. Suddenly, he seemed to see Chen Zhen's face in the afterimage.

Chi Xiaoduo stopped his movements, but Chen Zhen's appearance was only fleeting in front of his eyes.

Chi Xiaoduo was startled when birds chirped overhead. When he looked up, he was surrounded by a huge snake tail.

"What happened?" The snake head gently appeared behind Chi Xiaoduo, and spat out the snake letter.

"It's okay." Chi Xiaoduo said.

"Let's go now?" Xiang Cheng asked.

"Wait a little longer, it will be ready soon."

"We should have been discovered." Xiang Cheng's voice replied.

"Immediately." Chi Xiaoduo stuffed a pack of totem talismans into a small glass bottle as quickly as possible, and ran to the signal tower, but Ba Snake moved even faster, following Chi Xiaoduo, holding him up, and Xiaoduo hung the talisman bottle with the totem on the top of the tower.


The moment Chi Xiaoduo hung up the bottle, tens of thousands of birds flew in the sky, and the entire dense forest exploded, chasing after them!

"It was discovered!"

A giant monkey flew over from the tree and grabbed Chi Xiaoduo by the collar. Chi Xiaoduo screamed and was picked up, feeling his body was thrown into the air, and then the giant monkey let out a scream and was swallowed whole by Ba She. She closed her mouth, took Chi Xiaoduo in her mouth, and rushed down the mountain with him.

As soon as Chi Xiaoduo turned over and rode on Ba Snake's neck, the broken branches of the surrounding trees hit like a violent storm. Chi Xiaoduo leaned on the snake's neck tightly, as if on a high-speed train, rampaging through the mountains and fields, whizzing away !

"Ahh—be careful!"

On the mountainside is a construction site, next to it is a group of unfinished villas, and there is a deep pit for foundation on the mountainside.

Chi Xiaoduo saw that the two of them were about to collide with the house, but Ba Snake ignored all obstacles and ran over them directly! The villas were smashed into pieces, the moment they crashed into the room, Chi Xiaoduo was thrown out, and then Xiang Cheng regained his human form, stepped forward to hug him, and smashed the French window of the balcony with his shoulder , leaped downstairs, turned into Ba snake again, and caught Chi Xiaoduo.

"It's been thrown away!" Xiang Cheng's voice said: "Hold me tight!"


Chi Xiaoduo saw Taotie!

Taotie opened its huge mouth, and rushed straight towards Chi Xiaoduo and Ba She. Ba She threw Chi Xiaoduo away with all her strength, rushed forward and collided with Taotie.

"Xiang Cheng!" Chi Xiaoduo shouted.

Chi Xiaoduo looked around, then bowed, rushed towards the other side of the construction site, picked up the steel frame, and slammed it hard at the pavilion next to the foundation, with a loud crash, and the glass shattered.

Taotie was twisted by Ba Snake's body and fell into the big pit in the foundation. The huge pit was filled with rainwater for days, and muddy water was everywhere, stirring up like a deep pool.

Immediately afterwards, Ba Snake entangled Taotie, appeared from the other side of the pit, turned its neck, opened its mouth and roared, Taotie shook its wings, rushed out wet, and bit Ba Snake's body!

In an instant, the lights around the construction site were brightly lit at the same time! The strong light from the xenon lamp caused afterimages to appear in Tao Tie's eyes.

Chi Xiaoduo rushed out of the shed and shouted, "Xiang Cheng! Here!"

Ba Snake's tail turned up from the foundation pit, rolled up the wooden stake and pulled it, and the wooden stake fell into the muddy puddle. Then Ba Snake transformed into Xiang Cheng in mid-air, and ran ashore staggeringly.

The moment Taotie was about to fly, Chi Xiaoduo snapped the switch a few times.

The arc light of the high-voltage electricity covered the water surface, converging towards the muddy puddle from all directions, and Taotie roared wildly from the electricity. Chi Xiaoduo didn't see Taotie's true face until this moment.

Taotie's eyes are ring-shaped, red light is shining in the pupils, the lines on the face are intertwined, the whole body is full of thorns, and there is a sharp horn on the forehead.

Taotie opened his mouth and roared, his eyes stared at Chi Xiaoduo, his wings were straightened by the electric shock, he was horrifying, as if he was about to charge up at any time and tear Chi Xiaoduo into pieces.

A fear welled up in Chi Xiaoduo's heart, he backed away slowly, realized something, turned and ran towards the control booth.

Chi Xiaoduo ran out of the control booth with the key, and Xiang Cheng came running exhausted. Chi Xiaoduo pushed him onto an excavator, inserted the key, and the excavator's tracks flipped and made a roar.

There was a flash of light in the canyon that lasted for nearly half a minute, reflecting the sky brightly, and everyone in the mountains saw the light.

"My lord, I found Xiang Cheng."

"Stand still." Wang Lei said: "Withdraw all subordinates."

"But my lord..."

"Don't worry about Jing Hao." Wang Lei said: "Follow Xiang Cheng, don't make a move, you must follow."

The high-voltage electric box exploded, and the surroundings were once again plunged into darkness. Xiang Cheng leaned against the driver's seat, gasping for breath. Chi Xiaoduo pulled a joystick with each hand and stared nervously at the muddy puddle. Live Twitch.

With a heart-piercing roar, Taotie rushed out again, but this time it was much smaller. Chi Xiaoduo was waiting for this moment, and immediately pushed the rod with the left hand and pulled the rod with the right, and the long arm of the excavator swung. up.

"Go to hell!" Chi Xiaoduo roared viciously.

I saw the iron arm of the excavator swung up, and gave Taotie a ruthless blow to the head with the force of a thunderbolt. With a muffled sound, Taotie's head fell into the foundation pit again.