Power and Favor

Chapter 110: Wang Huai is dying


Sun Wang looked angrily at the empty plates full of the table. He accidentally ate it up again, and a deep sense of guilt surged in his heart. He denounced Yuan Qingling, "I told you to only prepare three dishes, why do you have to prepare so many? You are extravagant, eating away the bones and blood of the people, you blood sucking moth."

After cursing, he took his belly and left with difficulty.

Yuan Qing Ling was scolded for no reason, and he was stunned, and said, "Who told him to eat so much?"

It's not that she eats the most, why is she a blood sucking worm? Isn't it him

She looked at Yu Wenhao, "Does your second brother have a brain problem?"

Yu Wenhao looked calm and relaxed, "Yes."

That's fine, don't get angry with people with brain problems.

The grandmother came out to report: "King Qi and Princess Qi have gone, and ordered the old slave to inform."

Yuan Qingling asked casually, "Is Princess Qi okay?"

The grandmother said: "The imperial doctor said that Princess Qi was only irritated, and she felt uncomfortable for a while. Going back and recuperating will be fine."

Yuan Qingling looked at Yu Wenhao, and Yu Wenhao got up and walked out, with no expression on his face.

Yuan Qingling shrugged, pretend!

She ordered her mother to pack up some things and go back to feed Duobao. After playing with Duobao in the yard, she saw Tang Yang come in and said, "Princess, the prince said to let you rest." "Take a rest? I'm not tired!" Yuan Qingling and Duobao were getting a little hot, and she reached out to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"Aren't you tired?" Tang Yang smiled. "The prince said that if you are not tired, please copy the Diamond Sutra a hundred times."

Yuan Qingling lowered her hand, "Speaking of which I am a little tired, then I will go in and take a rest. I beg Master Tang to tell the prince."

"Good!" Tang Yang smiled quietly.

Yuan Qingling went in and fell asleep on the bed. Actually, she wasn't tired. But after taking too much medicine, people would still get sleepy easily and fell asleep after a while.

Tang Yang went back to the study to report to Yu Wenhao, "The princess has gone to rest."

"So obedient?" Yu Wenhao didn't raise his eyes, practicing his calligraphy.

"The prince has a good plan, and the princess is not willing to copy the Buddhist scriptures."

"I know!" Yu Wenhao put down his pen, looked at the words he wrote, and shook his head: "I have been upset and irritated recently, and the words I wrote are not satisfactory."

Tang Yang said: "The prince cares a lot about the princess."

"She is now ordered to heal her wounds, how dare this king not follow the order?"

It's a good excuse.

"Today Princess Qi..." Tang Yang hesitated, looked at Yu Wenhao, wondering whether it was appropriate or not to continue.

Yu Wenhao said indifferently: "In the future, I won't talk about Princess Qi, this king doesn't want to worry about the family affairs of the sixth brother."

"Yes!" Tang Yang wanted to hear this answer, which was very comforting.

When Tang Yang turned and went out, he felt that the days were extremely beautiful. Although he didn't like the princess before, he saw the change of the princess, but it was not as bad as before.

Concubine Xian ordered someone to send some tonics to Yuan Qingling so that Yuan Qingling could heal her injuries.

Yuan Qingling was awakened in her sleep and listened to the "greetings" brought by her aunt from the palace, telling her to be cautious in her words and deeds, not to lose the face of the Chu Palace, let alone her concubine. Face.

Yuan Qingling spent the next few days recovering from his injuries in the mansion, not going anywhere.

Sun Wang came every day, and he gradually became acquainted with Yuan Qingling, because Yuan Qingling had one appetite for him, that is, he also liked food.

Yuan Qingling doesn't really like eating, but among the women of this era, she can be said to be edible, and she is relatively bold in eating.

Sun Wang said that a woman eats like a bird, and she is full after just a few mouthfuls. The aesthetic point of view that she is slim and beautiful makes women always underfeed.

Today, Yuan Qing Ling ordered the Royal Kitchen to prepare a few dishes. King Sun did not arrive late, and he arrived early in the past. Today, after noon, he has not come.

Yuan Qingling thought that he might be tired of eating, or decided to lose weight again, so he divided the meal and let the mother and Lv Ya eat.

She was a bit tired of eating in the past two days and had a bad appetite, so she drank a bowl of porridge and then walked the dog.

King Sun only came in the afternoon, looking listless.

Yuan Qingling was sitting on the stone steps, and Duobao was lying at her feet, basking in the sun warmly by one person and one dog. When King Sun came in, he sat on the other side of the stone steps, resting his cheeks, meditating, and greeted him. Without a word.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Qingling asked, "I lost weight again?"


"Hungry? Then I ask someone to make something for the second brother."

"Can't eat it!"

Yuan Qing Ling is surprised, can't eat food? The matter is more serious.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Qingling patted Duobao on the head and let it go aside.

Duobao dragged his lazy body and walked away leisurely.

Sun Wang turned his head to look at her, "Didn't the fifth say? The sixth may be dying."

Sixth? Only then did Yuan Qingling think of the poor Huai Wang, Yu Wen Huai.

He and Yu Wenhao were born in the same year. Yu Wenhao was a month older than him. Concubine Lu was born and fell ill two years ago. After giving the mansion, he never stepped out of the gate of his palace.

"What kind of disease is he... on earth?" Yuan Qingling asked.

"TB disease!"

"Tube disease? Is it tuberculosis?"


Yuan Qingling smiled, "This tuberculosis can be cured, but it won't kill people, so why can't it?"

King Sun glanced at her, "You are capable, tuberculosis can be cured, but the imperial doctor is not as capable as you."

Yuan Qing Ling was startled, and suddenly remembered that before antibiotics appeared, tuberculosis was considered terminally ill and could only wait to die.

"Is the situation serious?" Yuan Qingling asked.

Sun Wangyi said: "The father has ordered someone to prepare his funeral. The king saw that the inner mansion was even ready with the coffin. At the beginning of this year, the father also sent someone to the tomb for the sixth younger brother to repair the tomb. I'm afraid that it has been repaired. In the future, the sixth brother will live in the mausoleum, and the brothers will be separated by a hundred miles.

After hearing these words, Yuan Qingling felt that it was actually cruel to Wang Huai.

Everyone is still alive, so it took months to prepare for his funeral.

Then he has probably been living in the shadow of dying in the past few months, right

Seeing his sad expression, Yuan Qingling said with relief: "Don't be too sad. Sooner or later, the brothers can still be reunited under Jiuquan."

"..." Sun Wang looked at her, "Can't you vomit an ivory in your dog's mouth?"

"People are dying." Yuan Qing said quietly, she had died once too.

King Sun stood up and said, "Don't be speculative, forget it, this king... have a meal, and go and tell the royal cook that this king wants to eat meat and drink."

"Didn't it mean you can't eat it?" Yuan Qingling looked up at him.

"If you can't eat, you have to eat. Like you said, people have to die, but people also have to eat. Since death is unavoidable, eating can't be avoided."

Yuan Qingling couldn't help but admire that he can connect everything with eating, but this is the nature of the Chinese, and he has to eat everything.

Birth, full moon, one-year-old, university entrance, marriage, and the dead are all inevitably eaten, not only by yourself, but also with friends and relatives.

"What did the imperial doctor say?" Yuan Qingling asked.

"The imperial doctor? When it's critical, if there is no use for fart, the emperor also said, if it is not cured, one by one will cut his head.

Yuan Qingling was startled, "cut his head?"

"One by one is helpless, what's the use if you don't cut it?"

"Doctors are not immortals either. I don't mean that all diseases can be cured. The imperial doctors were helpless when the Emperor's disease was in the first place."

"Fortunately, the emperor is fine, otherwise I would really lose a few heads."

Yuan Qingling couldn't help being horrified. Treating royals was really a high-risk job.