Power and Favor

Chapter 114: Does he have a general room?


He sat upright without squinting his eyes, and slowly moved over his hands unwillingly, and his fingertips touched her hand on the cushion, which was cold.

Just do not move, do not go further, do not take a step back.

Yuan Qingling also sat upright, her eyes flying wildly, the muscles of her whole body were tense, she felt the touch of his fingertips, maybe she should move away, yes, well, then move away.

However, will it be very deliberate? What is the touch of your fingertips? Both of them have had skin-to-skin kisses, but they will move away deliberately after a touch, which is very artificial.

Besides, the two get along well, are they friends? There is really no need to make a fuss about touching hands between friends.

He wiped her hair just now, and she accidentally touched a part of his body...

If the heartbeat is not so fast, everything will be fine.

The carriage suddenly stopped, Xu Yi opened the curtain, and Yu Wenhao quickly twitched his hand on his knee.

"The prince, the princess, here it is!" Xu said.

He was very nervous, and naturally did not notice the awkward atmosphere in the carriage.

Yu Wenhao got out of the carriage first. Yuan Qingling wrapped his loose outer garment tightly and cautiously leaned out. Yu Wenhao hugged her down. The moment her body was close, Yuan Qingling's hands and feet were soft and almost stood after landing. Don't stop, the heart is beating wildly.

Xu Yi reached for Yuan Qingling's wet clothes, and Yu Wenhao grabbed it with one hand, "This king will do it."

"Oh!" Xu Yi felt a little strange that the prince would actually take dirty clothes for the princess

However, Yu Wenhao immediately threw the clothes to Lu Ya, "Bring her a bowl of ginger soup."

This falling into the water was finally resolved inexplicably. Yuan Qingling was sitting in the Fengyi Pavilion room, looking at the locust tree outside the window, still feeling very strange.

How did Yu Wenhao know that she was not the murderer who pushed Chu Mingcui down the lake

He doesn't believe Chu Mingcui believes her? It's really weird.

"Princess, drinking ginger soup!" Lu Ya came in carrying the ginger soup, and the steaming mist overwhelmed her eyes, and she blinked a few times.

Yuan Qing Lingshun took it with her hand, put it to her lips and screamed, "Hot!"

Green Bud couldn't laugh or cry, "Why do you drink in one gulp?"

Yuan Qingling put down the ginger soup, pulled the green shoots in front of him, and solemnly asked: "Ya, I have something to ask you, you must answer truthfully."

Lu Ya was startled when she saw her look so solemn, "Wang Hao, please ask, but the slave and maidservant have nothing to hide."

Yuan Qing Ling tucked her hair to cover up her unnatural look, "Do you like to excel?"

Lu Ya was stunned, "Like? What kind of like did the princess say?"

"It's the way women like men."

Lu Ya blushed, "How can slaves like men?"

"It is only natural for women to like men."

"Slaves dare not."

As her chief assistant, Lu Ya is so conservative on the topic of love that she really misses her former assistant.

"Why does the princess ask this?" Lu Ya asked charmingly.

"You are almost ready to marry, I wanted to ask you if you have a suitable one, I will call the shots for you."

Lu Ya was startled for a moment, and tears gradually filled his eyes, "Wang Hao, are you serious?"

"Why are you crying? Not happy?"

Lu Ya knelt down with a puff, "The slave and maidservant thank the princess for her great kindness."

This time it’s Yuan Qingling’s turn to be a little confused, "Thank you for what? A man who is married and a woman who is married. You sold yourself to the palace. Shouldn't I be in charge of your marriage? This is my responsibility at best, what kind of grace? what?"

The green shoots pumped up and said: "The servant girl thought the princess would take the servant girl into the house."

"Accepting the house?" Yuan Qing Ling was startled, she naturally knew the meaning of accepting the house, which was to give Yu Wenhao the caring maid around her as a housekeeper.

Generally speaking, after the young ladies get married, most of the dowry maids do the general house, and the children born in the general house are also the mother-in-law.

In this way, the position can be stabilized.

Lu Ya was not her dowry, but her original dowry was kicked out, and Lu Ya took the place of dowry.

The status of the common room is only slightly better than that of the maid. To put it bluntly, it is a fertility tool or that tool, without dignity.

Yuan Qingling suddenly realized this problem and asked, "How many rooms does the prince have?"

There seems to be a few maids in his Xiaoyue Pavilion, all of whom look good. Could it be his common room

Lu Ya said: "This matter, slave servants don't know, Fengyi Pavilion has always been afraid to ask about Xiaoyue Pavilion, but I must not have it? I should say about the transfer of the room, unless the prince does not want to be People know."

Yuan Qingling felt that perhaps he didn't want people to know.

If an adult man with normal physiology has this need, it is reasonable to accept one or two common rooms.

Yuan Qingling felt sour in her heart. It seemed that the sequelae of drinking the lake water had not disappeared.

"Lu Ya, I will help you find it, so don't kneel when you get up." Yuan Qingling stretched out and pulled her up.

Lu Ya was still very moved and kept wiping tears.

Yuan Qingling drank the ginger soup slowly, not as arrogant as before.

After sending the green buds out, Yuan Qingling began to make a wish to the medicine box.

She began to make a simple wish, which was to need a pen.

If she can get her wish, then she will try to ask for medicine.

I closed it, opened it, and found a Chase. I didn't have a pen, but there were a few pencils.

Is the medicine cabinet deaf

"Take rifampicin." She continued to try.

Close and open, rifampicin is present, but it is originally present. Besides, there is no more medicine.


Open it again, and a small bottle of dexamethasone ointment lies quietly inside.

"Dimi tablets."

Open it, dumbfounding, it is a tube of hemorrhoid cream, and a bottle of corkscrew is also bundled.

The medicine cabinet is so unreliable, it seems that there is really no way to treat Wang Huai.

Huai Wang, I tried my best.

She was lying on the bed, looking very helpless.

I don’t know how Chu Mingcui is doing? I don't know how Yu Wenhao told Wang Qi about this matter

What is Yu Wenhao thinking? Why did he believe her just by looking at the scene

It's really hard to understand.

Chu Mingcui felt ashamed at the moment Yu Wenhao took Yuan Qingling away.

She was trembling all over, and her heart was trembling.

She thought she knew him and controlled him, and she thought he would believe her without asking why.

However, he didn't, just a faint glance, she saw the disappointment in his eyes.

He said that he would give them an explanation. That was just an excuse. He felt sorry for Yuan Qingling and wanted to take her away immediately.

When he saw Yuan Qingling, his expression was gloomy, but his eyes were anxious and anxious. He felt distressed, and he felt distressed for Yuan Qingling.

The woman who designed him caused him to be ignored by his father and laughed at by the civil and military officials and the people in Beijing, but he actually felt sorry for her.

Yu Wenhao, why are you so cheap? Why are you so affectionate

All the way back on the carriage, her heart was bleeding, and her heart was indescribable pain.

"Don't be afraid, Brother Fifth will definitely give you an explanation." Qi Wang shook her hand and comforted.

"He won't!" Chu Mingcui said coldly.

"Fifth brother will, he understands things and will never tolerate Yuan Qingling."

"What do you know?" Chu Mingcui suddenly yelled at King Qi out of control.

King Qi was stunned.