Power and Favor

Chapter 158: The matter of giving birth


Grandpa Chang smiled and said: "Wang Hao, you can take it quickly. This jade is rare. You can't get such a good one. It was given to the Supreme Emperor by Xiaoyaohou two days ago when he entered the palace. He liked it very much. But I didn't keep it for myself."

Yuan Qingling was so touched that he was about to evade a few times, when the Supreme Emperor roared, "Do you want to? Don't get out of here!"

Yuan Qingling grabbed the box in one hand and bowed and said, "Yes, grandson-in-law retires."

The most important thing is that I can't push the old man's favor.

Yuan Qingling left the Qiankun Palace and brought the box to see Emperor Yuan of Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Ming Yuan glanced at her box and said absently, "Isn't this the jade that Xiaoyaohou gave to the emperor? Why? I gave it to you?"

"Yes," Yuan Qingling glanced at him and quickly handed it over, "Does the father like it? Then I will borrow flowers to present the Buddha and give it to you."

Emperor Ming Yuan waved his hand, "Keep the things the Emperor Taishang gave you. I have no interest in stones, but the Emperor seems to value you very much."

The Supreme Emperor likes jade the most. He has seen such a few treasures. The Supreme Emperor hastily let Chang Gonggong hide them, and now he gave them all to Yuan Qingling

It seems that the Supreme Emperor really does not like her in general.

The meaning of being the emperor...

Yuan Qingling saw that Emperor Yuan of Ming was meditating on himself, and withdrew his hand in a slanderous manner.

Emperor Ming Yuan calmed his mind and said, "How is the situation of the sixth child? Tell me about it."

Yuan Qingling talked about the treatment and progress. Although Ming Emperor Yuan always ordered people to inquire about the condition, he was relieved to hear Yuan Qingling's own words.

"In that case, I can also visit him?"

"Yes, now Wang Huai's condition is basically non-infectious, and the father can go to see it." Yuan Qingling said.

Emperor Ming Yuan asked her to sit down, and walked down to sit in a chair next to her.

Yuan Qing Ling came to the Imperial Study for so many times, he hadn't received such a favor, and was a little nervous for a while, but he still sat down according to his words.

"Recently, you have been at peace with the fifth child, right?" Ming Yuan asked.

She was injured before, and the fifth child was very nervous, thinking that the relationship between the two has stabilized.

Yuan Qingling didn't know the meaning of the emperor's question, but he answered truthfully, "If you return to the emperor, the prince is very kind to me."

Emperor Ming Yuan nodded comfortingly, "You know how to heal, can you adjust your body for yourself?"

"Back to the emperor, my body is no longer a serious problem." Yuan Qingling did not expect that the emperor was still thinking about her injury, and was a little moved.

Emperor Ming and Yuan coughed, a little unnatural, "Well, it's important to have a good health and conditioning. This is related to the future... Well, for the descendants of the royal family in the future, it is also necessary to have a good health."

He shouldn't have said this, but he can only say it. Otherwise, whoever is allowed to say it will have to be guessed, especially the Queen's side, who can't explain these words.

As for Concubine Hyun, forget it!

Yuan Qing Ling was startled, and suddenly understood, his face was hot with shame.

The Emperor of the Ming and Yuan Dynasty said it smoothly, but it was not so unnatural. "If you can't treat it, ask the doctor to prescribe a prescription and take it for three or two months. There will be good news."

If only one sentence, Yuan Qingling would not think too much.

This embarrassing topic, the emperor said repeatedly, had to make Yuan Qing Ling think deeply.

However, deep thinking is not at this time and this place, she had to say awkwardly: "Yes!"

"Come on, let's go, what I said to you today, you can go back and talk to your fifth child, and there is no need to say more words next to him." Emperor Ming Yuan added.

Yuan Qing Ling Fu resigned herself, but she was very puzzled in her heart.

In the evening, the husband and wife were not doing business in bed and only analyzed what the emperor said today.

Yuan Qing said: "Your father, why is it so important to me whether or not I have a son?"

Yu Wenhao hugged her, fingers wrapped around her hair, "What do you think?"

Yuan Qing dared to speculate, "Does he want to make you a prince?"

Yu Wenhao shook his head, "No, this year, my father was very cold and disappointed with me."

"That's because of me... things in the princess mansion, now we are all reconciled, and, presumably before this matter, he was very important to you, right?"

Yu Wenhao said: "To establish a prince, you must either establish a prince, or establish a protagonist."

"Is it possible to establish a virtuous person?" Yuan Qingling asked.

Yu Wenhao smiled and turned to look at her, "In your heart, do you think I am a virtuous talent?"

"No!" Yuan Qingling denied, "Being virtuous is not enough, loyalty and courage are more than enough."

Yu Wenhao put his hands on the back of his head, thinking deeply, does the emperor really have this thought

"What do you think? Do you want to be the prince?" Yuan Qingling asked.

Yu Wenhao smiled, "It is hypocritical to say that I don't want to, but it is too costly to say that I want to..."

Yuan Qingling was lying on the bed with her elbows supporting the mattress, "I actually think that the father is spying on the mind of the Supreme Emperor. The Supreme Emperor takes you seriously, and now I have the grace of the Supreme Emperor..."

Yu Wenhao was taken aback for a moment and looked at her, "You mean that the emperor does not really want to establish me, but just obeying the emperor?"

"It is possible. Whether he is the prince or the current emperor, the father has always listened to the emperor in this life. As long as the emperor is still alive, he will respect the emperor. This is a psychological habit that accumulates over time. "

Yu Wenhao thought for a while, and said, "You have some truth in what you said."

Yuan Qingling held his head, "Now I can only say that the emperor has a tendency to lean toward you, so that's why I was concerned about my son."

Yu Wenhao looked at her, "We have a son because we want to have a child, not for others."

Yuan Qingling suddenly remembered a question. She had forgotten to take the after-treatment.

It should be within the safety period, right

It suddenly occurred to her that she had been here for so long, and she seemed to have never been to her aunt.

How long have you been here? She counted with her fingers. It's been at least a month and a half, right

She couldn't laugh or cry immediately. Could the original owner have not come to the aunt? This ancient woman was stunted, and it was normal for her aunt to come to her at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

But what if not

Oh my God, how old is the original owner? It looks like seventeen, isn't it? To be a mother at the age of seventeen

Although it was the most normal thing in this era, she couldn't accept it.

Thinking of what the Supreme Emperor said about having three births, she really had the idea of losing her life on the spot.

She said sadly: "We don't worry about children's affairs. Take your time. It is best to live in the best state."