Power and Favor

Chapter 164: A disaster


All of a sudden, screams broke out.

The guard shouted and sprinted over, "Quick, come and help."

The porridge shed collapsed, it didn't matter if it was pressed, but there were several large pots of hot porridge in the porridge shed, and the fire was not completely extinguished.

Yuan Qingling didn't even think about it, and ran over, put his hand in his sleeve, and took out the medicine box.

Before running to the porridge shed, open the medicine box. Most of them are hemostatic gauze and disinfectant, as well as a few other first-aid medicine supplies.

Only one soldier stayed at the gate, and all came to save people.

The porridge shed was at least weighing more than fifty people. Those who wanted to rush in but had not had time to rush in, after a moment of shock, immediately joined the city gate guard to rescue people.

The first person to be rescued turned out to be Chu Mingcui.

Because when there was noisy, she subconsciously wanted to leave. The moment the porridge shed collapsed, she was already on the side. If she walked two steps faster, she would be able to escape completely.

Chu Mingcui's injury didn't matter, but his chin was cut across the road, making people frightened.

Yuan Qingling stepped forward to stop her bleeding, sterilized her and put on a bandage. The whole movement was completed within two minutes. Before Chu Mingcui had recovered, she had seen her quickly dealing with the second wounded who was rescued.

At the beginning, most of the people who were rescued were minor injuries. The soldiers also went to ask the doctor to inform Jingzhaofu and Xuncheng Yushi.

Just as Yuan Qing Ling had dealt with a wounded person, he saw the gatekeeper and another soldier carrying a young girl out. The young girl was covered in blood, her head and hands were weak, and she was dying.

Yuan Qingping glanced at it and screamed, "Ah, it's the Red Lantern Princess, is she dead?"

Yuan Qingling hurriedly took off her outer clothes and threw herself on the ground, and said to the guard: "Hurry up and put it down."

The guard's hands and feet were a little trembling, the Red Lantern County Lord, but the granddaughter of Ming Jewel Bei, the palm of Lord Xiaoyao.

When she found her, she only knew how to open her eyes and her face was as pale as rice paper.

He didn't know who Yuan Qingling was. He only saw her rushing over to save the people. Her clothes and head were stained with blood stains, and the command was determined. Therefore, when she said to let it go, he hurriedly put it away.

The red light princess was breathing fast, his face was pale, his pulse was fast, and he should have been blood-thoracic.

She also had other injuries, arms and legs, but they were not the most serious.

Yuan Qingling asked Green Bud Yuanqing to take off her clothes, surrounded her around her, opened the medicine box, infused, gave the hemostatic medicine, and then untied the red-light princess' clothes, took blood from the needle, and stopped the bleeding first.

This is not something that can be done in a few minutes, but more and more injured people are rescued outside, and there are screams.

Mrs. Liang rushed in with a disheveled head, her hand hurt and bleeding.

"Deng'er, Deng'er!" Seeing her beloved daughter's serious injury, Princess Rui burst into tears, squatted down and stroked her daughter's face.

Yuan Qingling adjusted the speed of the infusion, and said to Princess Rui: "As long as the bleeding is stopped, nothing will happen temporarily. Madam is watching here."

Princess Rui watched dumbfoundedly as she walked out carrying a box, her back swiftly.

When Jingzhao Mansion received the news, Yu Wenhao personally brought people to come.

The porridge shed collapsed, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries. This is too great. Not only did he come, but he also ordered half of the doctors in the Huimin Department to come and participate in the rescue.

He didn't know Yuan Qingling was here.

There was a mess at the scene. After he arrived, he rushed in and rescued people with someone directly, while Yuan Qingling was still doing emergency treatment for the more serious wounded.

Yu Wenhao rescued several people from inside in succession, and the porridge shed was also rushing to clean up, and the wounded were almost saved.

Finally, Yu Wenhao walked out with a person in his arms, dressed in autumn-colored clothes, his clothes were messy, his hair was messy, and his hair covered his face.

Originally came out holding her, just put it down.

However, Mrs. Chu exclaimed, "Master, if you hold your little girl like this, it will ruin her innocence, so put it down quickly."

Mrs. Chu suffered no injuries. She was considered the only lucky person. All of the people who were crushed by the porridge shed were injured, and there were several serious injuries, but she was the only one who was unscathed.

If Mrs. Chu just said something ordinary, not many people would hear it, after all, everyone was busy.

But perhaps she was too shocked and shouted shrillly. Since then, it has attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked over.

Yuan Qingling also looked over.

Yu Wenhao's head banged. One year ago, the scene in the princess's mansion suddenly came to mind.

He loosened his hands and Chu Mingyang fell directly from his hands.

Chu Mingyang was dead, motionless, but his long hair was lifted by the wind, revealing a beautiful and pale face.

Yu Wenhao saw Yuan Qingling, her face was covered with blood all over her body.

He dashed over, no matter what she was holding in her hand, he hugged him up, "Where did it hurt? Does it matter?"

Yuan Qingling's eardrums were almost worn.

"I treat the wounded and let me down!" Yuan Qingling said loudly.

Yu Wenhao saw that she was stained with other people’s blood. He felt relieved and said, “Oh, then you hurry up and I will deal with other things. Do you know if you are careful?”

Mrs. Chu came over and stopped Yu Wenhao, "Master, please find a doctor to treat the little girl, she passed out."

Just when the doctor from the Huimin Administration came, Yu Wenhao came over with a doctor in one hand, "Go and show the second lady in the Chu family's injury."

After speaking, turn around and go.

Chu Mingyang slowly opened his eyes. Chu Mingcui didn't know when he sat beside her, looking at her with complicated eyes.

"Eldest sister, Yu Wenhao, I'm sure to win!" Chu Mingyang sat up, with a trace of red blood on the corner of her mouth. She stretched out her hand and wiped it, and the blood was smeared like a crack, beautiful and hideous.

"He doesn't like you." Chu Mingcui said indifferently when she saw that she was fine.

"What if you look down on it?" Chu Mingyang stretched out his hands and closed his hair, looked at Yuan Qingling who was half-kneeling on the ground to treat the wounded, and squinted his eyes and laughed.

Chu Mingcui only felt that his sister's smile was very sinister and insidious, and she had no time to pay attention to it too much. She was the culprit in today's disaster. She wanted to make meritorious service, but now, it's fine to ignore the crime.

Seeing this full of wailing, she can't wait to hide, why has it been this way recently? Whatever is unsatisfactory, what is unsatisfactory.

King Qi also arrived. He was very distressed when he saw Chu Mingcui's injury. He asked long questions and short questions. When he saw that Yuan Qingling's injury was just a simple treatment, he couldn't help but walk over to Yuan Qingling and said: "You should re-bandage Cui Er first. "

Yuan Qingling could only see and hear, and continued to wash the wounds of the beggar.

The beggar injured his calf. She had seen this little beggar. He was beaten for a bite of a bun. He was beaten and smiled happily.

He has only one foot left, and if this foot is still useless, he can't stand up anymore.

"Wu Sister-in-law, come here first, and I have to tell you." King Qi called like a fly. He was worried about Chu Mingcui, so the doctor said that Chu Mingcui might be pregnant.