Power and Favor

Chapter 31: Did not see him enter the palace


Yu Wenhao picked up the chopsticks and ate the already cold dish, raised his eyes lightly and glanced at her, "Want to fight? If you are full and have enough strength to fight again."

Yuan Qingling knew that she had misunderstood, feeling a little embarrassed, put the hairpin on again and sat down.

She was really hungry. She has been hungry since she came here.

Because she was always on guard, she ate quickly and gobbled it up.

And Yu Wenhao ate slowly, his expression still gloomy, but the whole person seemed particularly calm, but this calmness made people feel that there was a hidden situation.

Yuan Qing Lingxuan finished the meal with half a heart, and then went into the back of the screen to give herself an injection and prescribe medicine.

The silk screen is transparent, and Yu Wenhao can actually see what she is doing inside.

He fixedly watched. In the past few days, things were out of his control, and Yuan Qingling's change had changed the situation.

He was placed in the whirlpool again.

This is not a good thing, but if the emperor's grandfather gets better, he doesn't care.

Yuan Qingling's changes can be observed and investigated slowly after returning home, she can't turn the sky over.

After Yuan Qingling finished the injection, he put the medicine in his mouth and swallowed it in cold water.

Yu Wenhao raised his head to look at her, and said indifferently: "Go back to the sleeping hall and wait. Don't ask anything, don't justify, this king is about to leave the palace."

Yuan Qingling's attitude towards him suddenly changed, feeling very unresolved, and always felt that he was holding back bad.

"Your wound, let me bandage it for you." Yuan Qingling said bitterly, thinking of his badness, this was indeed insincere.

Yu Wenhao shook his head, stood up and turned away.

Yuan Qingling looked at his back, feeling strange that he could leave without this meal.

Moreover, she just treated Chu Mingcui like this, Chu Mingcui is the person in his heart, how could he just let it go

Thinking of the moment he slapped his slap, the horrifying cloud under his eyes was very horrible.

His figure was stretched very long by the setting sun. After exiting the arch, the shadow disappeared instantly, and there was no trace of it.

In Yuan Qingling's heart, a strange feeling slowly rose up.

An almost ominous feeling.

Back to the Qiankun Hall, the Supreme Emperor and Fu Bao were both still asleep. She was sitting next to her. Father Chang was standing in front of the bed, standing with his head down, occasionally giving her a light glance.

On the second day, Fu Bao became more energetic, and it seemed that this kid had escaped.

Fubao improved, the Taishang was happy, and his condition improved.

After the hour, the Emperor Ming and Yuan first came to ask for peace, then Prince Rui, Queen, Queen Mother, Noble Concubine, and then to the princes, this Qiankun Palace had not been free all morning.

However, most of the Supreme Emperor didn't speak much, and the princes came in and kowtowed and went out.

Chu Mingcui and King Qi also came, Chu Mingcui's eyes were red, but King Qi loved her very much, holding her hand in and out.

After Chu Mingcui entered the hall, he glanced at Yuan Qingling, and that glint in his eyes was secretive.

At this time, Yuan Qingling was disinfecting Fubao's wound, and said to Fubao: "Fubao, if you see someone who harms you in the future, you must not have a soft mouth."

Wang Qi glared at Yuan Qingling. Why is this woman so hateful? Brother Fifth should really teach her a lesson.

After the Qi Wang and his wife left, the Supreme Emperor looked at Yuan Qingling and said: "You can't idle your mouth? What do you say so much?"

Yuan Qingling wiped her hands, "Yes, remember the teachings of the Supreme Emperor."

"Not convinced? It's for your own good!" The Emperor snorted, "Don't you know how many pounds you are? Careful misfortune comes out of your mouth."

Yuan Qing Ling was taken aback, and said sincerely, "Yes, I know."

She has nothing to rely on, indeed, she shouldn't make enemies.

The Supreme Emperor patted the side of the bed, "Come and kneel!"

The bed has been covered with soft cushions, which is convenient for Yuan Qingling to sit on her knees.

The Supreme Emperor knew that she was injured and could not sit on her knees. It was the most comfortable to sit on her knees, so she asked Grandpa Chang to prepare a cushion.

Yuan Qingling sat down on her knees and waited in the palace for three days. Knowing the temperament of the Supreme Emperor, if she was a little energetic, she would teach others, and she would not accept any rebuttal or explanation.

Sure enough, it started.

"Do you think that loneliness is asking you to be a turtle grandson?"

Yuan Qingling shook her head, "I didn't think so."

"No? Clearly yes, you are not convinced in your heart. You have to say things that are unfair, and you can't compromise."

Yuan Qing Ling is not so naive, so she shook her head more firmly, "I really don't think so."

The Supreme Emperor knocked on the edge of the bed with the back of his hand, and strengthened his tone, "What are you afraid of embarrassing? Everyone thinks this way. When you are lonely, you also think so. You can only understand the truth when you are alone. When you have the ability, you can be unfair. Say everything, but when you are incapable, people let you eat shit, you have to eat it."

"...Yes!" Yuan Qing lowered her head, as if she was humbly taught.

"Are you dissatisfied?" The Emperor raised his eyebrows.

Yuan Qingling raised her head, her eyes couldn't afford any resistance. She was as meek and well-behaved as a white rabbit. How could she tell her disobedience

"True!" She said, her eyes glanced outside, all the princes are here, why haven't you seen Yu Wenhao? She didn't want him to come at all.

Seeing that she was absent-minded, the emperor stretched his face, "If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer a disadvantage. From now on, you will know that the words of loneliness are comparable to sages."

rhyme! Good literary talent!

The doctor personally brought the medicine in, Yuan Qingling breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and said diligently, "Leave me alone!"

The imperial doctor respectfully said: "There is Princess Lao."

She walked over with the medicine, Tai Shanghuang's face became more than half dark, and seeing Yuan Qingling's gentle smile, the retribution came quickly.

Father Chang took the candied fruit and waited on the side. When the medicine was finished, he immediately passed the candied fruit. The look in the eyes of the emperor was very distressed.

"The old slave can't wait to get sick for you."

If someone else said this, it would be flattering, but the father-in-law said it was full of caring and pampering.

"Just you are qualified to take the solitary disease?" The emperor smashed the candied fruit in his mouth twice.

Father Chang just looked at him with a smile and didn't answer.

Yuan Qingling fed Fubao and drank water. Fubao was not energetic. After drinking two sips, he lay down again. Yuan Qingling stroked its dog's head.

Sunlight came in from outside the hall, and everything in the house seemed to be so peaceful for such years.

A little eunuch came in from outside the hall, and whispered: "Emperor Tai, Wang Ji is waiting outside the hall."

The Taishanghuang's eyes lightly raised, and his sullen anger was collected, and he calmly said: "Xuan!"

Wang Ji entered the hall, wearing a brocade and flowing moiré python gown, and he looked so energetic. He stepped forward and knelt down respectfully, "Grandson sees the emperor grandfather, the emperor grandfather Jin'an!"

The Taishanghuang was lying on the bed ill, looked at Wang Ji with muddy eyes, and squeezed a hoarse hum from his throat, which was a response.

Yuan Qingling watched the changes in the expression of the Emperor Taishang, this time he put it back and forth, the actor!

Wang Ji knelt two steps before, "How does the emperor grandfather feel today?"

"It's better!" The Emperor said so, but listening to the voice and expression, I really didn't think it was any good.

"The health of the emperor's grandfather's dragon body is a blessing to the grandchildren." Wang Ji looked grateful.

After saying a few words, King Ji got up and resigned.

Before leaving, he glanced at Yuan Qingling intentionally or unintentionally, and there seemed to be something strange in his eyes.

Yuan Qingling felt her heart tremble inexplicably.