Power and Favor

Chapter 32: Attacked


Until the setting sun covered the courtyard, Yu Wenhao hadn't entered the palace yet.

Yuan Qingling was a little uneasy. This day went so smoothly. Since coming here, she has never tried it.

After disinfecting Fubao's wound in the evening, Father Chang asked her to go back to Xi Nuan Pavilion to rest.

Yuan Qingling went out to the outer hall and saw Emperor Ming Yuan’s Luan driving to the gate of the hall. She was hesitating whether to leave quickly or wait for him to come to Bin'an before leaving, but saw a person dressed as a guard came forward and said something, Emperor Ming Yuan His face changed a lot, and he turned and left.

Turn around and walk outside the hall? Is there something serious

Yuan Qingling absentmindedly returned to the Xi Nuan Pavilion. The happy mother came over to change her dressing. Yuan Qingling wiped her body with hot water and washed her face, making her feel more comfortable.

After taking anti-inflammatory drugs, she went to bed and went to sleep.

She was always taking anti-inflammatory drugs these days, which made her feel sluggish and drowsy all over her body. As soon as she touched the bed, her eyelids drooped.

He didn't even have time to think about why Emperor Ming Yuan came and left.

In the middle of the night, the happy mother came in and woke her up.

Yuan Qingling rubbed her eyes and looked at the happy mother who was standing by the side of the lamp. She had a vague sad expression on her expression. Yuan Qingling almost bounced up and asked in a dumb voice: "The Emperor..."

"No, no!" Madam Xi immediately interrupted her, "The princess gets up quickly, changes clothes and leaves the palace, Gu Si is waiting for you outside."

"Out of the palace?" Yuan Qing Ling was stunned. What kind of palace was out of the middle of the night

"Don't ask, come quickly!" The happy mother stretched out her hand to lift her quilt, and turned her head and ordered calmly, "Serve the princess to change her clothes."

Only then did Yuan Qingling see that there was not only a maid, but also two maids waiting in the palace.

A cold wet towel was placed on her face, and the happy mother said: "The princess must be sober."

The air-conditioning scorched Yuan Qingling's whole body sober, she didn't ask, Xima is a person of the Supreme Emperor, and she must have been ordered by the Supreme Emperor to leave the palace.

Was the emperor angry with her

So drove her away in the middle of the night

When I went out, I saw a young man wearing silver armor with a saber around his waist standing in front of the porch and waiting. When she came out, the guards held their hands and said, "Gu Si escorted the princess out of the palace."

Yuan Qingling recognized him. This person was Gu Si, the chief deputy guard.

He was responsible for investigating the case of Fubao falling from a building the day before yesterday.

There was a sudden shock in her heart. Gu Si escorted her out of the palace? The emperor wants to chase her away, and just send someone to send her out of the palace, so he has to work for the former deputy guard

She didn't ask, and followed Gu Si.

Gu Si's pace was very fast, Yuan Qingling tried his best to catch up, but still fell a distance.

At the gate of the palace, Yuan Qingling was already out of breath.

There was a carriage parked outside the palace. Yuan Qingling looked up and saw that the man who drove the carriage turned out to be Tang Yang, the retainer of the palace.

Tang Yang got off his horse, put down a step stool, and said, "Wang Hao, please get in the carriage."

Yuan Qingling didn't ask, stepped on the stool and got into the carriage.

Gu Si hit the horse in front, and Tang Yang drove the horse-drawn carriage along the dark road towards the Palace of Chu Prince.

The carriage drove fast and bumped along the way. Yuan Qingling felt pain in the wound, but he didn't care about the pain, because the tip of his heart was captured by an indescribable panic.

The carriage arrived at the Chu Palace and stopped. Tang Yang got out of the carriage and opened the curtain to let Yuan Qingling down.

Two large lanterns hung outside the gate of the Chu Palace, shrouded in mist and shining brightly.

Yuan Qingling was uneasy, stepped on the wrong foot and got a slap. Gu Si hurriedly helped him and said softly: "Be careful, Wang concubine."

"Thank you!" Yuan Qingling looked up and met Gu Si's cold eyes.

"Can you go?" Gu Si asked, letting go of her.

Yuan Qing Ling stumbled on tiptoe, and it was painful, but she limped in without letting Gu Si help.

Entering the mansion and walking all the way forward, Tang Yang said: "The night before yesterday, the prince was attacked when he was out of the palace, and he was seriously injured."

"How serious is it?" No wonder he didn't enter the palace yesterday because he was attacked.

"At one time, I lost my breath. Later, King Qi sent the Zijin Pill and he came back, but he still didn't wake up. Moreover, since yesterday's Youshi, I have been high fever, my breathing is weak, and he vomited blood twice." Tang Yang said in a deep voice. Tao.

"Why are you looking for me now?" Yuan Qing said anxiously.

Tang Yang walked hurriedly and said: "The prince is not allowed to inform the palace. The situation was particularly critical last night. He entered the palace to inform the emperor. As everyone knows, the emperor learned of the matter and ordered someone to ask about the situation. The subordinates enter the palace to pick up the princess."

Tang Yang didn't know the purpose of the Taishang emperor's calling the princess back. Father Chang only said that the princess was the only one who could save the prince.

Yuan Qingling could not think about why the Supreme Emperor would know, remembering that the emperor went to the Palace of Universe last night but left again, it must be someone from the palace who came in to report.

Gu Si followed all the way. Hearing what Tang Yang said, he couldn't help but ask Yuan Qingling, "Does the princess know what the emperor meant?"

"I don't know, go take a look first." Yuan Qingling felt a pain in her feet, and her heart was flustered. Perhaps it was the emotions left by the original owner.

Arriving at the Xiaoyue Pavilion where Yu Wenhao lived, Xu Yi, the chief guard of the palace, opened the door when he heard footsteps. The lights in the room were blurry, and the smell of blood came out, and life was enveloped.

Yuan Qingling's feet were softened by the smell of blood. She stretched out her hand to hold the door, but the door moved back with her push, and she fell forward.

Qi Luo, the maid of the King of Chu, hurried over to help her, "The princess is more careful."

Yuan Qingling's forehead was knocked to pieces, a little blood oozes, and his head heavier.

She was secretly annoyed in her heart, what is going on with herself? It's not that you haven't dealt with severely ill patients, how can you be so flustered

Finally, when she got to the bed, she took a breath when she saw the person lying on the bed.

He... is Chu Wang Yuwenhao

A wound stretched from the left ear all the way to the brow bone. The wound was so deep that bones were already visible. The wound was swollen around the wound, and the head was bandaged. It looked like there was a wound.

He closed his eyes tightly, his face was as white as rice paper, his lips were no longer colored, and he barely breathed, like a dead person.

"Eighteen wounds, two swords in the abdomen, wounds on both arms, feet, and back." In the corner, a person said quietly.

Yuan Qingling raised his head and looked over. Qi Wang stood beside the screen, his voice in shock.

Yuan Qingling took another breath, eighteen dollars, he was still alive

"Where's the imperial doctor?" Yuan Qingling asked in a dumb voice, "Why don't you invite an imperial doctor?"

"The imperial doctor has returned to the palace." Tang Yang said in a deep voice. He sent the imperial doctor back to the palace. The imperial doctor said that the gods are difficult to save, and only a breath is left.

"Open the quilt, I look at the wound." Yuan Qing said immediately.

Tang Yang stepped forward and lifted the quilt. His clothes faded. Only the lower abdomen and thighs were covered with a thin quilt. The wound was treated. However, the wound was turned out and bloody, and the situation was really bad. Up.

Yuan Qingling leaned down and listened to the heartbeat and breathing. The heartbeat was very weak, stopping and beating from time to time, losing too much blood, unable to supply blood, and had heart failure.