Power and Favor

Chapter 4: The doctor is not saved


Yuan Qing Ling was startled for a moment, and some memories suddenly rushed into his mind. The day before Brother Huo's accident, the original owner scolded him and ordered him to tightly cover the wooden planks on the hut. He should be from the hut. Rolled up and got hurt by a nail.

He shouldn't have done these tasks.

Not only that, because the people she married over were sold out, she moved her anger on these people arranged by the king of Chu, and would always beat and scold the people around her, and her mother was also smashed with a cup by her. A lot of blood was shed.

The original owner's heart is not very good, no wonder it is annoying.

"Ask his mother, can I go and see him?" Yuan Qingling asked.

"The princess has such a kind heart, so she won't end up like this, don't have to be hypocritical, and his mother and brother Huo don't want to see the princess." Lu Ya said, turned around and went out.

The gate closed again.

Yuan Qingling sighed softly, that child is dying

She didn't know that Brother Huo's injury was serious, and she didn't know how the doctor here treated him as well. If it is not handled properly, it is most likely that the cornea comes off and the eyeball bursts with infection.

Life is more important to her. She still couldn't eat at ease, opened the medicine box and took a few antibiotics, and then went out.

His mother was sold to the palace, and that brother Huo was a domestic slave and lived in the low courtyard behind Fengyi Pavilion.

Yuan Qingling went around a few times and finally found it.

"What are you doing?" His mother saw her, staring at Yuan Qingling with red and swollen eyes, her face full of hatred.

"I want to see Brother Huo." Yuan Qingling said.

"You go, our grandchildren can't bear it!" His mother said coldly.

Yuan Qingling tried to apologize, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that asking him to repair the cottage would cause such an accident..."

"Accident? He is only nine years old and can only do some sweeping work, but you can ask him to repair the hut. There is a special person in the repair house, but you don’t allow others to do it. You don’t want to. Embarrass him, he is only nine years old, why is your heart so vicious?"

Facing her mother's angry questioning, Yuan Qingling didn't know how to explain it.

She is always bad at words.

She had to pass a few antibiotics to her mother, "You will take these medicines for him, three times a day, two at a time..."

The pill in her hand was beaten to the ground by her mother, who smashed it to pieces, "No, please come back, the princess. The mother-in-law does not want to curse, but wants to accumulate virtue for her grandson."

Yuan Qingling looked at the medicines that turned into powder, very distressed. There were not too many antibiotics in the medicine box.

Looking at the angry and sad face of his mother, she knew that it was useless to say anything, so she had to turn around and leave.

Brother Huo was critically ill that night.

His grandmother still loved the king of Chu. After learning about the situation, the king of Chu specially asked his retainers to invite the famous doctor Li in Beijing to come over. Doctor Li saw the situation and shook his head without formulating a prescription to prepare for the funeral.

His mother cried so heartbreakingly that the cries reached Yuan Qingling's ears. Yuan Qingling walked out quickly and grabbed the green shoots who hurriedly passed by, "What's the matter?"

"Brother Huo is almost gone." Lu Ya was anxious, and he blurted out without hating her.

Yuan Qing Ling was anxious, went back to the room and took the medicine box and ran over.