Power and Favor

Chapter 40: The East Window incident occurred


Yuan Qingling followed Tang Yang to the main hall.

Along the way, Tang Yang had already told her why.

She was privately treating the Supreme Emperor's illness, and the emperor learned of it, and Thunder was furious, and ordered Mu Ru father-in-law to bring someone to invite her into the palace for questioning.

Yuan Qing Ling must be a little flustered in her heart. She knew the court rules. She was not an imperial doctor or a doctor, and she was not qualified to treat the Supreme Emperor.

Father Mu Ru sat in the main hall with a solemn expression on his face and waited. Seeing Yuan Qingling coming in, he stood up and said indifferently: "Princess Chu, the emperor invites you to the palace."

Yuan Qingling only asked one question, "Is it okay to be the emperor?"

"The Supreme Emperor was poisoned and unconscious." Mu Rugong said coldly.

Yuan Qingling lowered his eyes.

No wonder the emperor is going to ask the guilt. If nothing happens with pure treatment, then naturally there is no fault or credit for her, but once something goes wrong, all the faults are hers.

Moreover, it is poisoning.

When he followed Mr. Mu to the gate of the mansion, he saw the chief guard Gu Si also.

Gu Si's eyes were faint, "The princess, please get in the carriage."

There is no step stool underneath.

Yuan Qingling climbed into the carriage with difficulty. The moment the curtain fell, she suddenly remembered that she didn't remember to explain to Tang Yang, and paid attention to whether Yu Wenhao had fever, and suddenly opened the curtain and said to Gu Si: "I have something to think about. Talk to Tang Yang."

Gu Si's eyes were cold, "Wang Hao better not do those useless things, just enter the palace."

Yuan Qing Ling was startled, "A thing that is useless? What do you mean?"

"Be good alone, don't drag the prince into the water." Gu Si said coldly.

Yuan Qingling sneered, "So, please tell Master Gu to let Tang Yang pay attention to whether the prince has a fever. If the fever is very hot, I will take a pill that I put on the side of the prince's bed. That is fast. Fever."

The curtain fell, covering her cold expression.

My heart is extremely cold, this is a society full of suspicion and suspicion.

Gu Si led the way, and the emperor was able to protect Yuan Qingling's face. Instead of taking her into the palace with great fanfare, he used a luxurious carriage and said to pick her up for questioning.

Yuan Qingling was taken to the Imperial Study Room.

In the imperial study room, the windows and doors are closed, the sunlight is blocked out, and it is airtight and stuffy.

The colors in the hall are bright and luxurious. The huge sandalwood screens are carved with patterns of flying dragons, bright yellow tents are hanging down, and silky folds are like wind ripples across the lake, clear and distinct.

The Emperor of the Ming and Yuan dynasties sat on the dragon chair with his hands on the huge pear wood carved benlong imperial case. On the case, a three-legged hollow gold beast bronze incense burner was gurgling out of smoke, emitting a camphor-like smell. This kind of domineering smell makes people wake up immediately.

The wealth and majesty of the heavens are everywhere, and people can't help but soften their legs and want to kneel down.

This is the power of imperial power.

Has penetrated into the air.

Yuan Qingling didn't dare to look at the Emperor of Ming Yuan. She only saw a shadow where she could see the light, and she knelt down, "Yuan Qingling sees his father!"

"Look up!" Emperor Ming Yuan's voice was not heavy, but it felt like it was coming from all directions.

Yuan Qingling slowly raised her head, but her eyes drooped and she did not dare to look directly at Emperor Ming Yuan.

Emperor Ming Yuan looked at her coldly, "Have you ever treated the Taishang emperor privately?"

It's not like a questioning tone, like a casual question, but it's filled with sullenness.

Yuan Qingling didn't dare to deny it, knowing that he must have evidence, and said: "In return to the father, yes."

"Where did you learn the medical skills?" Emperor Ming Yuan asked again.

When Yuan Qingling entered the palace, he had already thought that Emperor Yuan would ask, so he had already thought about the excuses, "Returning to the father, when the daughter-in-law was young, she had to meet a quagmire girl who lived in Kyoto for a period of time. She really liked her daughter-in-law, so she asked her to learn medical skills from her."

"How long did you study?"

"One year."

"What's your master's name?" Emperor Ming Yuan pressed on every step of the way, asking questions.

Yuan Qing said: "Daughter-in-law doesn't know, Master has never revealed it."

The emperor was very annoyed by words that were not persuasive but dripping.

"Did the fifth instruct you to treat the Supreme Emperor?"

Yuan Qingling shook his head, "The prince does not know this."

"I don't know?" Ming Yuan Emperor pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "The first time you took medicine to the Supreme Emperor, you entered the tent with the old fifth. You said he didn't know?"

Yuan Qingling had no intention of dragging Yu Wenhao into the water, so the emperor said so, she still insisted on her own statement, "The prince does not know that it is only an instant matter to take medicine to the emperor. It is a pill, daughter-in-law. Put it in the mouth of the emperor and let the pill slowly melt in the mouth."

In fact, if Yu Wenhao knew that she could avoid the first crime, the emperor would definitely think that Yu Wenhao instructed her, so her life could be saved.

The Emperor Ming and Yuan would never kill Yu Wenhao.

This is the safest way.

But Yuan Qingling never thought of dragging him in, which was very unfair to him, even though he was a very bad person.

"Is it this bottle of pills?" Emperor Ming Yuan took out a bottle of medicine from the memorial and put it on the case, and asked Yuan Qingling.

Yuan Qingling raised her head and glanced at the pill at the bottom of her tongue.

She nodded silently, "Yes!"

"What is this medicine used for? How is it refined? Who will give it to you?"

"This medicine is a quick-acting heart-relief pill. It is refined with medicinal materials such as bezoar, toad venom, ginseng, antler powder, antelope horn, pig gallbladder, etc., which can restore the heart in a short time. It is an emergency medicine and was given by Master when he came to Beijing the year before. It is said that she has developed a heart-saving medicine in recent years for her daughter-in-law to carry with her."

When Yuan Qingling said this, she felt very guilty. The pill under the tongue was nitroglycerin, and those she said were the ingredients of Jiuxin Pill.

Emperor Ming Yuan took the medicine under his nose and smelled it, and said coldly, "I don't understand pharmacology, and I also know that this medicine does not have the ginseng, bezoar, etc. you mentioned."

Yuan Qing Ling said in a daze, "This... This daughter-in-law doesn't know it, the master did tell her daughter-in-law like this."

"Mu Ru, take one pill and give it to the princess, let her take it in the same way as the Taishang emperor." Ming Yuan emperor said indifferently.

Father Mu Ru took the order, took a pill from the bottom of the tongue and handed it to Yuan Qingling. Yuan Qingling took it and put it under the tongue and pressed it.

Father Mu Ru has been staring at her movements.

"Send the princess to the companion hall and let Gu Si take care of it!" Ming Yuan emperor said lightly, "passing and waiting."

Yuan Qing Ling didn't think of who Jing Hou was for a while. After Father Mu Ru took her to the companion hall, he remembered that Jing Hou was the father of the original master Yuan Qing Ling.

Her selfish and utilitarian father.

When Yuan Qing was invited to the Princess's Mansion to design Yu Wenhao, she received strong support from Jing Waiting.

When Yuan Qingling married into the Royal Palace of Chu as he wished, he found that this daughter was not favored, and even the prince of the Three Dynasties Huimen did not follow him back, and was disappointed.

In the beginning, he also tried to pose as a father-in-law to King Chu, but slowly discovered that King Chu didn't look at him straight at all. He completely gave up and didn't care about Yuan Qingling.