Power and Favor

Chapter 41: It's unlucky


If she is involved in Jinghou Mansion this time, she is afraid that she will become the object of scolding by everyone in the family.

She sat down slowly, and Gu Si was standing right across from her, looking at her with arms around her, staring at her in a veritable manner.

She raised her head and asked Gu Si, "Can you tell me what poison is in the Supreme Emperor?"

Gu Si pressed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Yuan Qingling knew that these guards had tighter mouths than steel, and if they didn't want to say it, they couldn't pry them open.

She had no doubt that the Supreme Emperor would be poisoned.

It can be seen from the Fubao incident that the Supreme Emperor poke some people's eyes very much, and some people wished him to die.

However, the Palace of Heaven and Earth is not air-tight, and it is almost impossible to get involved in eating and drinking.

The possibility of poisoning in medicine is not very high, because the medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor is tested by someone. If the poison is to be poisoned in the medicine, then this person must be the father-in-law and the happy mother, the happy mother and the Chang One of the father-in-law and the father-in-law stared at the test drug. After the test drug, he took it directly to the palace and gave it to the Supreme Emperor.

In the Palace of Universe for three days, she knew this process.

If food and drugs cannot be poisoned, it is only incense.

However, the Supreme Emperor was not the only one in the hall, and Father Chang had always been by his side. If the Supreme Emperor was poisoned, Father Chang would definitely be poisoned.

Moreover, there are always waiting eunuchs in and out of the temple, and the queen mother, Emperor Mingyuan, the Prince Rui always visits and poisons in the incense burner.

Father Mu Ru said that the emperor was in a coma, then who told the emperor that she had medication

Father-in-law? But father-in-law Chang didn't see her giving medicine when she went in with Yu Wenhao.

No one knows except Yu Wenhao.

Even if Yu Wenhao wanted to say it, he couldn't say it. He hadn't been in the palace at all these few days.

Has he ever told anyone else? He doesn't seem to be such a ignorant person. He knows that if this matter is held accountable, he will definitely be involved, and it will not do him any good.

If it were not for someone who absolutely trusted, he wouldn't say it.

If he hadn't said it, someone had guessed it.

Who pays so much attention to her move in

There are two people, Ji Wang and Chu Mingcui.

Wang Ji is that anyone who enters will pay attention, especially Yu Wenhao who enters, he will definitely prick his ears to argue.

Could it be Chu Mingcui? Will Yu Wenhao ever tell Chu Mingcui

He should have absolute trust in Chu Mingcui, and they were on the Wenchang Tower together.

Assuming it is Chu Mingcui, she will not tell the queen directly, she will inform the queen.

After a few thoughts, she raised her head and asked Gu Si, "The queen hasn't seen me administer the medicine to the emperor. Why does the emperor believe in the words of the queen?"

She stared at Gu Si.

Gu Si raised his brows slightly, and his eyes seemed a little surprised, but for an instant, he returned to normal and still didn't say a word.

Yuan Qingling didn't need Gu Si's answer, just looking at his expression, she already guessed it.

It was the queen who told the emperor, and the queen was not so careful in her mind, so her inference was correct, it was Chu Mingcui.

Very good, Chu Mingcui!

Yuan Qing Ling's muscles and bones get cold.

This is a place where people cannibalize.

The Palace of the King of Chu.

Yuan Qingling was taken into the palace, Tang Yang had already informed Yu Wenhao immediately.

After Yu Wenhao learned of this, his face was always ugly, as if he had been hit hard.

When Shen Shi passed, before he saw any news from the palace, he ordered Tang Yang to prepare a sedan chair and he wanted to enter the palace.

Tang Yang persuaded: "The prince's injury is too serious to enter the palace."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Master, the situation is not good, let's wait and see again." Tang Yang said.

"Keep watching, will the situation reverse?" Yu Wenhao said coldly.

"No, but at least the right medicine can be prescribed." Tang Yang sighed. "The prince is really not suitable for hitting the limelight now. You are seriously injured now. If you don't enter the palace to explain, the emperor will be considerate, but you drag the severely injured. Entering the palace, the emperor felt that you deliberately used bitterness to show your innocence."

"Xu Yi, prepare the sedan chair." Yu Wenhao directly told Xu Yi.

Xu Yi looked at Tang Yang embarrassedly. The prince was so badly injured that he couldn't even get out of bed. How could he enter the palace

"Master, please think twice!" Tang Yang said in a deep voice.

More than just thinking twice about Yu Wenhao? Thirty thoughts are over.

From the moment Yuan Qingling was taken away by Father Mu Ru, his mind never stopped.

I have thought about many arguments, but no matter what kind of argument, he can't completely extract himself.

And the worst possibility he thought about was that Yuan Qingling would frame him as the mastermind in order to get away.

It is absolutely possible for Yuan Qingling to do this. For more than a year, she has not been doing well in the palace. It is not impossible to betray him in order to survive.

If it was him, he would probably do the same.

After all, there is not even the grace of husband and wife between them.

When Yu Wenhao was about to enter the palace, the concierge hurriedly came to report, "Master, Master Wu from Jingzhao Mansion is here."

Tang Yang quickly raised his head, "Xu has caught the murderer who assassinated the prince."

Xu Yi looked happy, "That would be great."

Yu Wenhao's heart sank.

There was an ominous premonition in his heart.

Master Wu brought the arresters from Jingzhao Mansion, and six arresters stood at the door, and Master Wu entered the house.

Tang Yang asked, "Master Wu, did you find the assassin who assassinated the prince?"

Master Wu nodded, "Yes, I found it."

He stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute, "See the prince for the next official."

"Free gift!" Yu Wenhao looked at him, "Did the murderer confess?"

Master Wu looked directly at Yu Wenhao, "It's recruited, this time the next official came by the emperor's order."

Tang Yang's expression changed, "Come here by the emperor's order?"

"Yes, the assassin confessed, and the assassin first admitted that it was sent by King Qi, but after the torture, the assassin changed his confession, saying that the assassin was sent by the King of Chu you." Master Wu said in a deep voice.

Xu kept saying: "Absurd, the prince sent a killer to kill himself? How can there be such a stupid thing in this world?"

Yu Wenhao asked quietly: "The assassin killed himself?"

"The prince's expectation was not bad. After confessing, the assassin bit and killed himself.

Yu Wenhao smiled faintly.

However, it was illogical to commit suicide after confessing him as the mastermind behind the scenes. However, there was no proof to death.

"The emperor asked the minister to ask the prince, is what the assassin said is true?" Lord Wu said humanely.

Yu Wenhao shook his head slowly, "No, this king has never done it."

Master Wu said: "In this case, the subordinates should go to the palace and return to life first, and the prince had better not leave Beijing these few days."

"This king wants to enter the palace." Yu Wenhao arrived.

"The prince has something to say, the king of Chu can't enter the palace without purpose." Mr. Wu said humanely.

Yu Wenhao's body slowly sank, "Understood, send it to Master Wu."

Tang Yang bowed and said, "Master Wu walks slowly."

Master Wu nodded, arched his hand to Yu Wenhao, "Farewell to the next official!"

He backed up two steps, turned around, and took away the catcher outside the house.

Tang Yang was silent for a while, and said, "Master, the enemy is dark and I am clear, it is really not appropriate to act rashly."