Power and Favor

Chapter 72: Chop the man to death


Yuan Qingling was sent back to Fengyi Pavilion. The two mothers and Lu Ya were frightened when they saw her like this, but the happy mother was able to hold on, and quickly asked Lu Ya to prepare sober soup, and then asked Gu Si Happening.

Gu Sidao: "Those who were drunk in the Palace of the Supreme Emperor, gave sober soup, but they all vomited."

"Drunk in the palace of the Supreme Emperor? Oh my god, must you make the Supreme Emperor crazy, right?" The happy mother said in astonishment.

"I don't know if I'm mad or not, but Father Chang's face is completely pale." Gu Sidao.

"Hey!" Madam Xi turned her head to look at Yuan Qingling. She sat on the bed, and Madam wanted her to lie down, but she held up her hands and said, "Don't touch me, I'm dizzy!"

"Master Gu, please come back, thank you." Happy Mother said.

Gu Si looked at Yuan Qingling, her face was terribly red, her eyes were red, her hair was loose, her clothes were ruffled and she was very embarrassed.

"Farewell!" Gu Si turned and went out.

Unexpectedly, watching the quiet Princess Chu on weekdays, it was so terrible to start a drunken madness.

When he first arrived at the Qiankun Temple, he saw her holding a stool about to smash, and the Supreme Emperor was curled up in the corner of the Arhat bed, and Grandpa Chang was thrown up, stomping his feet in annoyance to pity his new clothes.

He has never seen the Palace of Universe...

I have never seen the Supreme Emperor have other expressions besides his majesty, such as a frightened little rabbit.

Perhaps it is time to talk to the prince about this matter.

Yuan Qingling was sitting in front of the bed, only feeling that the sky was spinning, the things in front of her were big and small, and the noise was endless. She seemed to hear sounds from far, far away, which had nothing to do with her, but she just felt that her head was fast. exploded.

She must do something, otherwise, she will die of anger.

"Wang Hao, how much do you drink? Why are you drunk like this?" Xima sighed, trying to help her lie down.

Yuan Qingling grabbed her wrist and slowly raised her head.

Madam Xi saw a murderous look flashing through her eyes.

The happy mother slowly lowered her head, she, as expected, was murderous, just because of the face of the emperor.

"Where is the kitchen?" Yuan Qingling asked softly, "Take me there."

"The kitchen? What are you going to do in the kitchen?"

"Take..." She hiccuped with alcohol, her face turned red, almost crazy, "Just take me there, ask so much what to do?"

"Still lying..."

"Take me there!" Yuan Qingling let out a loud roar, shocking Mother Xi and his mother more.

The happy mother looked at her who hated her in her eyes, thinking that Green Bud was making hangover soup in the kitchen, she simply obeyed her, and took her to drink hangover soup by the way.

"Okay, the old slave will take you over, can you go?" Xima supported her.

"I can walk, I don't need your support..." She raised her hand. These are all ill-intentioned people. She didn't want to touch or touch. After taking a step, she felt that the house was turning upside down. She held Mommy with one hand. Give me a hand... Give me a hand!"

She fought for two times, and the happy mother helped her stabilize. Yuan Qingling's whole body weighed down, and the happy mother almost couldn't stand firmly. The mother came over and supported her, and the two of them supported her and walked out. .

Yuan Qingling's footsteps were vain, and her mouth mumbled, "Hold me up again? What's wrong with me lately? When I came here, I was treated as a prisoner. When you beg me."

"Yes, yes!" The two had to agree, and they didn't dare to say anything, but they wondered what happened to the princess, how could this father-in-law let her drink so much

After going out to blow the wind, Yuan Qingling didn't feel comfortable. Instead, she became dizzy more and more, but the distracting thoughts in her heart continued to rise.

Her heart was filled with anger. This anger made her feel so uncomfortable. Why didn't there be anything that went well? You, Yu Wenhao, want to refuse the marriage. You just say, why use her as a shield? Is she so easy to bully

Now that so many people have been offended, her head is tied to the waistband, just to see when they will pick it up.

The name is like grass mustard, and the name is like grass mustard. She repeated this sentence in her heart. If she wants to die, she must kill the culprit.

With this obsession, she insisted on coming to the kitchen, struggling to drive away the two of them, and plunged into them. They turned around and frightened the green shoots to death, "Wang Hao, what are you looking for? You said, the slave and maid will find it for you. ."

Yuan Qingling saw it, rushed over, drew a big kitchen knife, raised it at the green bud, and grinned: "Whoever wants to harm me, I will kill someone first."

This move scared the mothers and mothers and Lu Ya. She kept brandishing the kitchen knife, not because she was afraid of hurting others by accident, but because she was afraid of hurting herself by accident.

"Wang Hao, I have something to say!" Madam Xi gave Green Ya a wink and told her to go out to find a guard.

Lu Ya knows and wants to catch the gap and run out. Yuan Qingling realizes her intention, kicks the small bench over and flies to the door, "Who dares to go?"

Lu Ya quickly stopped his steps and raised his hands, "I'm not going, I'm not going, Princess, please don't get excited, put down the knife, look back, the prince finds it out."

When Yuan Qingling heard the words Wang Ye, resentment suddenly grew in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I will kill him first."

She ran out with a kitchen knife. This drunkard was full of energy and ran fast. Green Bud was so scared that her calf was weak. After two steps, she mixed her left foot with her right foot. Big, can't run, can only shout hoarsely, "Quickly, stop the princess."

A man with a kitchen knife and drunken madness, no one could stop, Yuan Qingling ran unimpeded all the way to Xiaoyue Pavilion.

Xu Yigang came out of the inside, and Gu Si came, and Yu Wenhao asked him to order someone to order wine and food.

As a result, when he stepped his legs down the stone steps, he saw a person rushing in fiercely, with silver light flashing in his hand and murderous aura.

He kicked out subconsciously, and waited to see that it was Yuan Qingling. He immediately stopped it, but the bursting force was too great. He also forcibly stopped the force and turned it back. He rushed forward and fell down on Yuan Qingling's whole. Underfoot.

Yuan Qingling ran so fast, suddenly someone threw herself in front of her, she couldn't hold her foot, and stepped directly over the back of his head.

When he stepped on the back of his head, it was too slippery, his feet slanted and slid down his ears, Xu Yi felt that his ears had been trampled on and turned into mud.

Suddenly, his waist was tightened, and he heard the crisp sound of Ge Ge, and his feet slipped off his buttocks. He arched subconsciously to avoid being stepped on the ancestral hall. When he stood up grinning, Yuan Qingling Has rushed in.

Running all the way and sweating all the way, Yuan Qingling became a little more sober.

When she rushed into Yu Wenhao's room with a kitchen knife, she was aware of what she was doing, but she was unwilling to think about the consequences.

She opened the bow without turning her head back. She needed to ask for an argument for herself, and she couldn't be bullied like this forever.

The words of her grandmother echoed in her mind, it was her life if she was desperate, and she shouldn't be insulted blindly.

Gu Si jumped up first and saw the black kitchen knife in her hand. He said solemnly: "Princess, put the knife down."

"The unrelated people go out!" Yuan Qing Ling squinted his eyes and blew the scattered hair. It was full of social spirit. The hair was blown and scattered, and there was a little bit of shame in the eyes.