Power and Favor

Chapter 96: Escape


"Afraid?" Hui Ding Hou Xieren smiled, "Benhou admires you. In order to help Yu Wenhao defeat Benhou, you really didn't even care about your life."

Because of the rage, Yuan Qingling calmed down.

She looked at Hui Dinghou and walked slowly over, "Master Hou was wrong. I didn't do it for him."

"Really? Who are you for? Is it for Benhou to enjoy your graceful body?" Hui Dinghou sneered, but his eyes lingered evilly on Yuan Qingling's body, and finally, staring at her chest , There was a swallowing motion, bloodthirsty and maddening under his eyes.

Yuan Qingling smiled, hid her hands in her sleeves, and held the tube of anesthetic.

"Women all like mighty generals." Yuan Qing stared at him obsessively, and went further, her eyes filled with sorrow, "It's a pity that I saw Yu Wenhao by mistake. He doesn't like me, he's still a bonehead."

"Really?" Hui Dinghou discarded the candle, put an arm around her waist, pressed her head in front of him, and said with a grinning smile: "I regret it now, but I still have time. Yu Wenhao is a boneless head. what?"

Yuan Qingling's hand climbed on his back, still staring intently, "Yeah, I really hate him..."

Her nails were imprinted into his skin and flesh, causing his eyes to deepen, and the whole trembling, enjoying the slight pain.

Yuan Qingling put her head on his chest. The more at this time, the calmer she became. The needle was in the position where the nail had just passed, and the injection was injected, and then another finger grabbed the skin muscle next to him.

The iron hand squeezed her neck swiftly. He stretched out his back, pinched Yuan Qingling's hand and snatched the needle. His eyes were bloodshot and full of anger. He slapped Yuan Qingling's face with a slap, "I want to use a hidden weapon ?"

Yuan Qingling felt that her head was gone, and she felt hot and painful after being numb for a while, her eyes turned black, her dizziness hit her, and her mouth had a sweet smell.

She forced herself to support herself, glanced at the syringe, and her heart settled all at once, and all the anesthetics had been injected.

She grinned, blood flowing from the corners of her mouth, "I hate him for being soft-hearted for not killing you in the first place."

She didn't know that her smile was almost hideous, this hideous irritation stimulated Hui Dinghou, his eyes were murderous, he pulled her with one hand, and his shirt was stripped, revealing half of his shoulder.

He leaned over to Yuan Qingling's shoulder and bit it.

"... Three, two, one!" Yuan Qingling couldn't avoid it and could only count silently.

Hui Dinghou crashed to the ground.

The intramuscular anesthesia took effect.

Yuan Qingling originally wanted to leave with his legs, but since he was anaesthetized and was in her hands, she couldn't make him feel better.

Yuan Qingling did what she thought was the most daring thing in her previous life.

He raised a chair, and slammed Hui Dinghou's crotch with the chair leg.

Chicken fly egg fight!

This is a very risky approach, because the dose of anesthesia is not large, and his martial arts is strong, and he may wake up from severe pain, but if he stops like this, he will harm other women in the future.

She thought about killing him, but she never killed anyone and couldn't kill him.

Fortunately, Hui Dinghou did not wake up.

She saw a pair of blood-stained scissors on the ground, picked it up and hid it in a sleeve pocket, and quickly retreated to the door. There was someone outside. She sighed and said loudly, "Sorry, Lord Hou, I really eat today. I have a bad stomach. I'll be back when I go to the hut. Soon, you will wait for me."

She turned around, opened the door and closed it quickly, standing outside with the two maids who had just waited on her.

They also heard Yuan Qingling's words, and said: "The girl is going to the cottage? The slave and maid will take you there."

Yuan Qingling covered her stomach and said, "Okay, thanks a lot!"

As she said, she looked around, except for these two people, no one else was watching.

It seems that Hui Dinghou doesn't like too many people to listen to his "performance."

Follow the maid out. Just after leaving the yard, I heard the voice of another maid behind him, "She hurt the prince, take her quickly."

Yuan Qingling knew that the matter had been revealed as soon as she heard her shout, and before the maid made a move, quickly took out the scissors and pierced the maid's ear.

A capable person can stab her at the rest of the time and she can fight back in a short time, but directly piercing her ears and piercing her eardrums will cause severe pain, which will make her subconsciously cover it, and she will not be able to fight back.

The maid screamed, and Yuan Qingling ran away.

The call of the maid drew the guards, and the sound of footsteps sounded quickly, and she panicked into the nearby yard.

When I just went in and took a closer look, my calf was weak in fright.

At least 20 vicious dogs barking together fiercely. These dogs are very hungry and their eyes are red, and they know that they are feeding raw meat.

Dogs that feed raw meat are fierce and highly obedient. If the owner issues an order, it will directly bite the enemy.

Yuan Qing Ling supported the wall and retreated softly. The chasing soldiers rushed forward.

"Hurt Master Hou and want to leave?" A man in his thirties stood gloomily in front of Yuan Qingling.

Yuan Qingling recognized him, he was the guard who accompanied Hui Dinghou to Qingcheng Xiaozhu to listen to the music.

Before and after the interception, she was desperate, and she didn't expect that the plan to escape would fail so quickly.

She hurt Hui Dinghou's descendant roots, why did Hui Dinghou cut her a thousand times

Thinking of the instruments of torture in that room, she would rather be bitten to death by a vicious dog, only hoping to bite her throat so that she could die faster.

I wonder if Yu Wenhao knew she was dead, would he be happy

When she was dying, she was thinking of this scumbag.

The guard came step by step, holding a whip in his hand, his face was stern, bloodthirsty, and more terrifying than the eyes of those evil dogs.

Yuan Qing Ling resolutely turned around and looked at these more than twenty big dogs, wondering if they could understand what he said, "Come on, bite hard at my throat, I will never die in their hands."

As soon as she finished speaking, all the vicious dogs moved forward still, standing still, the redness in the eyes seemed to fade a little.

Even with a trace of dazedness.

Yuan Qing Ling was startled, and there was a touch of ecstasy in her heart. Could it be that like Fubao, you can communicate with her

If you die anyway, you might as well try. She stepped forward and pointed at the guards and said to the evil dog: "Brother, we are from the same country, we are of the same kind, kill them."

More than twenty vicious dogs suddenly boiled, barked at her, and rushed towards her directly.

Yuan Qingling's face was pale, she understood it, that was the slogan for the dog to launch an attack.

My life is over.

However, the situation quickly reversed, and the vicious dog did not attack her, but ran past her and rushed to the guard.

The guard didn't seem to expect that the bad dog would run into them. He was furious and drank a few times. In the past, he would listen to the bad dog, but today he is crazy. He bites when he sees people. The guard is in a mess, just trying to escape. , But the vicious dog didn't really bite them, just bit on the trousers, or the kind that only saw blood but no bones.

But even so, the scene is too messy.

Yuan Qingling was so frightened by the changes in front of her that she heard the biggest black dog with a short tail and erect ears barking at her a few times, which meant that she should run away quickly, idiot or something.

She was so confused that her heart was broken, and she was not sure whether there was any stupid meaning, anyway, she ran like crazy, there was an iron cage under the wall, and if she had enough run-ups, she could step on the iron cage and then climb over the wall. .