Power and Wealth

Chapter 100: [the fat is in the fire! ]


on Monday.

Qu's mother had to go to the hospital every year for an intravenous drip to clear her blood vessels due to cerebral thrombosis. Qu Yunxuan was worried, so she went home with Qu's mother. It seemed that she would have to go back to the north entrance of Heping Street next week. BACK used it all while gambling on stones on Sunday. Today is the first day of accumulation, and there is no way to gamble on stones again. Therefore, Dong Xuebin had no choice but to put his thoughts away and prepare to concentrate on his work. He tried his best not to make some stupid mistakes so that he could save his daily BACK and use it when he needed it most.

In the General Office, Tan Limei, Chang Juan and others were chatting.

"Have you heard? The bureau leadership is going to make adjustments." Tan Limei whispered.

Chang Juan nodded and said, "It seems that Director Yan is going to be promoted to a national security department in another province, right?"

Guo Panwei interjected: "He was promoted to deputy director of the Department of National Security of a southern province."

"Oh, really?" Chang Juan put the eyebrow pencil away in the drawer, "I thought it was the Northern Provincial Department."

Dong Xuebin, who had just stepped into the office door, happened to hear their conversation. Is Director Yan going to be transferred? There were rumors about this matter last week, but Dong Xuebin thought it was a rumor and didn't take it seriously. Now that so many people are talking about it, Xu Hua really is inseparable from it. If true, who will be the new director? Was it a parachute drop or political commissar Zhou Guoan successfully succeeded him

"Hey, Director Dong." Chang Juan saw Dong Xuebin first, and a smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Director Dong, good morning."

"Director Dong."

Dong Xuebin was very satisfied with the harmonious atmosphere in the office now. He smiled and nodded to everyone. He glanced at Guo Shunjie at the computer desk from the corner of his eye, looked away, and turned around to enter his office. Whether it was Guo Shunjie's suppression when he first entered the branch or the time he reported to Li Qing that he had reported work to Xu Yan beyond his supervisor, Dong Xuebin kept the accounts for him. It seems that this Guo Shunjie can't be honest. Now that he has become the deputy director, he is always ready to plot against himself. If BACK hadn't been there that day, Director Li Qing might have really had a problem with him.

After making tea, Dong Xuebin lowered his head and took a sip, thinking about how to deal with Guo.

Dong Dong Dong, Tan Limei and Zhuang Zi knocked on the door of their office.

Dong Xuebin retracted the hand holding his eyebrows, "Oh, Tan Zizhuang, eh? What's wrong with you?"

Zhuangzi's face was a little red, "Binzi, that's it. Li Mei and I... um... um... "

"You're so stupid!" Tan Limei glared at him angrily, and then said to Dong Xuebin with a smile: "For me, for me, Director Binzi, you also know that our national security has many rules, such as negotiating a partner, you have to I reported to my superiors that Zhuangzi and I met Director Li Qing at work this morning. As soon as we met, he asked us if we were dating. When I saw that I couldn’t keep it secret anymore, I told Director Li, and he asked us to do it. Let me report to you again, it is estimated that our positions will be adjusted in a few days." After talking about the partners, it is not suitable for the two of them to work in the same office.

Dong Xuebin was very happy for his friend, "Haha, congratulations then. When will we have your wedding banquet?"

Zhuangzi coughed in embarrassment and said: "We met each other's parents a few days ago, and the wedding... should be soon."

"Who said I want to marry you?" Tan Limei pinched him, but there was a little happiness on her face, "Humph, I still have to think about it."

Dong Xuebin said happily: "Our Zhuangzi are honest people, Tanzi, don't always use your hands and feet. There is too much meat to withstand your pinching."

"Hehe, yes, I dare not listen to the leader's words." After joking for a while, Tan Limei suddenly remembered something, "That's right, I just heard something from the Political Department. This year's young people from the Chengxi District Party School The cadre training class is about to start. This time it will be divided into two classes, one at the department level and one at the division level, lasting for half a month. "

Dong Xuebin blinked, "...Party school training?"

Tan Limei knew that Dong Xuebin, who had only been in the branch for three months, might not understand the truth, but she couldn't explain it as an experienced person. Wouldn't that prevent the leader from coming to Taiwan? So Tan Limei paid great attention to her language and said with a pinched tone: "You know, other agencies are okay, they can still allocate a few quotas for party schools in districts and cities every year, but our unit has a special environment and this kind of opportunity to go to the party school Every year, I wish I didn’t even have a quota. This year, if something happened at the district industrial and commercial branch and a quota was available, our branch wouldn’t be able to get one. Even the branches in the east and north of the city didn’t have one, so it’s very precious. Yes, I think many leaders are thinking about it.”

Dong Xuebin has also heard about party schools. For example, before a cadre is promoted, he is often arranged to go to the district or city party school for training and study, to hone his qualifications, and then make an appointment after returning. Therefore, if any cadre suddenly goes to the party school, it is likely to be a precursor to promotion.

Zhuangzi followed: "Binzi, you should fight for it."

Dong Xuebin said in his heart, I think so. If I can get the quota and get a first level of qualifications after entering the party school, there will be no resistance to me if I want to apply for a minor subject. However, I have just been promoted, and I only get the treatment of a deputy subject, and my level is not an associate subject, so No matter which angle you look at, this quota cannot go to yourself.

Tan Limei seemed to have seen Dong Xuebin's thoughts, and said with a smile: "There are no exceptions for deputy section officers to be admitted to section-level cadre training courses. Even some ordinary section officers who have been confirmed to be promoted have precedents of going to training courses. Well, Director Binzi, I also think you should fight for it. If you can really enter the party school, you might be promoted to director directly after you come back."

Dong Xuebin smiled wryly and waved his hand, "It's so fast." In fact, he was a little excited.

Sub-subject, sub-subject, he has been thinking about it for a long time.

Ring ring ring…

The phone on Dong Xuebin's desk rang. It was Li Qing. After hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin said to Tan Limei: "Let's get down to business. We have a meeting in Conference Room 2 this afternoon. We need to use the documents." I'll list it out for you later, Tanzi, you and Chang Juan should be responsible for this matter. Women are careful and have fewer mistakes when handling documents. Well, as for setting up the venue... let Guo Shunjie do it. The General Office has always been responsible for meetings and documentation.


After Tan Limei went out, she told everyone about the mission.

Upon hearing that he had to arrange the venue by himself, Guo Shunjie stood up with a sullen face and walked out of the General Office. Arranging the venue was not much more tiring than preparing documents, but it just didn't look good on the face, so Guo Shunjie felt very unbalanced. He scolded Dong Xuebin in his heart while angrily complaining to Political Commissar Zhou.

Zhou Guoan was in a good mood these past two days and did not interrupt him. He listened absently while signing the document.

Finally, Guo Shunjie said: "Uncle Zhou, if Dong Xuebin targets me like this, he obviously doesn't take you seriously. He is so arrogant. He..."

"Okay." The more Zhou Guoan listened, the more uncomfortable he became. He frowned. He was annoyed by him. He tapped the table with his fingers and said, "I told you not to be in a hurry. I promised your dad that I will take care of things for you." Can you be a little patient?"

Guo Shunjie was so angry that he was itching his teeth. When you collected the money, you collected it happily. Now you tell me to take it easy? If this continues, I will let the messenger named Dong kill me. Can he not be anxious? After leaving the political commissar's office, Guo Shunjie clenched his fists with a dark face, his eyes getting darker and darker.

Before noon, Tan Limei and Chang Juan sorted out all the information. There were 12 people in total, and they prepared 13 copies, with an extra copy for backup. Dong Xuebin casually opened one of them and looked at it. There was nothing wrong with it, so he nodded and put it on the table and went to the cafeteria to eat.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Dong Xuebin walked into the No. 2 conference room with thirteen study materials and neatly arranged the folders facing the names. In fact, Dong Xuebin could have asked Guo Panwei or others to do it without coming in person, but at the party committee that time, he squeezed out Zhou Guoan's nomination and became the deputy director. It would inevitably leave some ill feelings for the political commissar, plus Yan The director was about to be transferred, and there was no guarantee that the political commissar would take over, so Dong Xuebin had to show off a little, and it would be best if he could remove the thorn in Zhou Guoan's heart.

At this time, the door opened from behind, and several leaders walked into the conference room one by one. Zhou Guoan was the last one to arrive.

"Political Commissar Zhou, everything has been arranged." Dong Xuebin said.

Zhou Guoan nodded lightly, walked over and sat down at the head table.

Dong Xuebin paid attention to the political commissar's face, blinked, and exited the conference room.

This was a painless meeting, mainly to learn the spirit of the instructions issued by the central government, etc. When the time was up, Zhou Guoan cleared his throat, opened the folder and began to speak in a neither yin nor yang voice.

five minutes…

ten minutes…

twenty minutes…

When he got to the seventh page of the document, Zhou Guoan's voice suddenly stopped.

Everyone didn't understand what was going on and looked up suspiciously.

I saw Zhou Guoan quickly flipping through the information in his hand, then his face suddenly fell, and he slammed the document on the conference table.

Well? what happened

The few people below didn't know why the political commissar suddenly became so angry. They lowered their heads and looked at the information...

Everyone is shocked

The information was actually wrong. The middle pictures didn't even contain text. Four or five of them were actually black and white introduction pictures of cream cakes and other desserts. People with more seniority in the branch knew that Zhou Guoan had diabetes and couldn't touch it at all. Sweet tooth, you look at me and I look at you, each one is more surprised than the other. Did you accidentally put it in the wrong place? Or... provocation? Provoke the political commissar

Uh, who is so bold

[** is coming, urgently seeking recommendation votes]