Power and Wealth

Chapter 102: [Framed! ]


Return to the general office.

Dong Xuebin opened the door and entered his small office without saying anything. He angrily threw the documents in his hands on the desk, sat down, slapped his forehead and cursed under his breath. It may seem unbelievable to others to shoulder all the responsibilities. They may say that Dong Xuebin is politically immature, but Dong Xuebin has his own ideas. He is the leader in charge and has not fulfilled the responsibility of verifying documents. This responsibility There was no way he could push it away, and judging from Zhou Guoan's attitude, he clearly placed the blame on himself. Even if he said that the document was prepared by Chang Juan and Tan Limei, it would be meaningless. On the contrary, it would implicate two more people. Then what? Why bother

Dong Dong Dong, someone knocked on the door.

Dong Xuebin said: "Please come in."

It was Chang Juan and Tan Limei who walked into the room. After closing the door, Tan Limei's tears fell down and she stood there sobbing. Chang Juan's eyes were also full of mist, and she said gratefully: "Director Dong, Xiao Tan and I caused so much trouble for you, but you still shouldered the responsibility for us, which makes us... I... "

Dong Xuebin forced a smile and said: "Sister Chang, it's okay. You two didn't do it on purpose. Everyone is careless sometimes. Xiao Tan, don't cry. Don't cry."

Chang Juan wiped the wet corners of her eyes, "But I...but I..."

Tan Limei sniffed, "Oh, oh, I'm sorry..."

Dong Xuebin now speaks like a leader, "Don't be mentally burdened, it's such a big deal, go back to work."

Tan Limei cried for a while before going out with Chang Juan.

Outside, Lao Yan sighed with emotion, "You two have met a good leader. This is our Director Xiao Dong. If it were another leader..." He said no more.

Zhuangzi hurriedly went to coax Tan Limei.

Chang Juan sighed heavily, "I feel so sorry. Director Dong obviously did nothing wrong, but for us..."

Lao Yan said: "Our director Xiao Dong is nicknamed a firefighter. If the leader's fire can be put out, he can certainly put out his own fire."

Chang Juan said yes and sincerely hoped that Director Xiao Dong could turn the crisis into good.

Guo Shunjie lowered his head and typed on the keyboard without having anything else to do. He raised his head and glanced at everyone, sneering in his heart.

Three days later.


Dong Xuebin has been waiting for the punishment from political commissar Zhou these past few days, but he waited and waited and nothing came, which made him wonder if Zhou Guoan had forgotten about this matter. Did he realize that those pictures were just pictures? Coincidence, rather than deliberately provoking him? Well, it won't be so smooth, right? It was almost time to get off work, and Dong Xuebin packed his things and prepared to go home, but before he could leave the office, several bombshells dropped on him.

The news has been confirmed that Zhou Guoan will take over.

The candidate for the new political commissar was not the most popular candidates Xu Yan and Pang Bin. It was shocking that it was Cheng Haimei who was close to Zhou Guoan. I don’t know what path she took.

The situation was changing, and Dong Xuebin felt that his position was even more embarrassing.

However, what surprised him even more was that the training quota at the district party school that many department-level cadres were thinking about was actually given to a role that no one expected - Guo Shunjie.

When he heard the news, Dong Xuebin couldn't believe it. How could it be given to him

Sitting in the office and thinking for a while, Dong Xuebin suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Yes, this is Zhou Guoan who is looking for responsibility. He asked Guo Shunjie to go to the party school for training and study, get this qualification, and then give it to Guo Shunjie. It is natural to promote him to the deputy section level. In addition, Zhou Guoan is about to take over as the branch director, and the party committee is basically under his control. In that case, it is not feasible to adjust the work of Director Li Qing and let Guo Shunjie replace him. Easy? At that time, Guo Shunjie, who had become the chief director, would definitely take back the rights of the General Office, and would suppress himself in every possible way, so that he would never be able to turn around.


Something bad happened

The huge sense of crisis was suppressed in vain, making Dong Xuebin a little overwhelmed.

Is Guo Shunjie going to be the director? Do you want to be your own supervisor

Some people tend to think very quickly in difficult situations. Dong Xuebin seems to be this kind of person. As he was thinking about it, something suddenly flashed in his mind. His expression was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately picked up the phone and went to the office outside. "Little Tan calls Chang Juan and you two come to my place."

Ten seconds later, Chang Juan and Tan Limei came in, "Director Dong." They also heard about the team changes and Guo Shunjie going to the party school. They all looked worried, knowing that Director Dong's political life was likely to end here. It's over. When Zhou Guoan becomes the leader, and when Guo Shunjie becomes the director of the General Office, it will be strange that Dong Xuebin, who offended the branch leader and the leader in charge, will recover.

"Xiao Tan, Sister Chang, I want you two to tell the truth." Dong Xuebin was extremely serious.

Chang Juan expressed her position: "You have kept both of our jobs. If you have anything, just ask. How dare we hide it from you?"

Dong Xuebin exhaled, "Who made the mistake in the meeting materials given to the political commissar three days ago?"

Chang Juan and Tan Limei looked at each other, and finally Tan Limei gritted her teeth and said: "I may be shirking responsibility when I say this, but Director Dong, I swear to God, Sister Chang and I checked the documents from beginning to end before handing them over to you. I have gone through it once and checked each piece of paper. There will definitely be no mistakes and there will definitely be no pictures of the cake."

Chang Juan also said: "Yeah, we really don't know how those pictures came out."

Dong Xuebin paused for a moment, "After a dozen documents were placed in my office, we all went out to eat. I came back late. Which of you two went back to the general office first?"

After thinking for a while, Chang Juan said: "I came back earlier than Xiao Tan."

Dong Xuebin looked at her, "Who was in the office at that time?"

"Ah? Are you saying someone is up to something?" Chang Juan was stunned, "I remember... I remember that Guo Shunjie, Guo Panwei and Lao Yan were all there."

"Okay, call Lao Yan in."

Chang Juan went to call someone.

After Lao Yan entered the room, Dong Xuebin asked, "Old Yan, please recall carefully. Did anyone enter my office at noon on the day when the meeting document was wrong?"

Lao Yan frowned, "Monday? No, anyway, when I came back from the cafeteria, Guo Shunjie was working on the computer in the room."

Dong Xuebin said: "Is he the only one?"


"Okay, I understand, let's go back."

Tan Limei said angrily: "You mean... Guo Shunjie changed the documents?"

Chang Juan and Lao Yan were also a little stunned. If it was true, then Guo Shunjie would be too courageous.

Dong Xuebin does suspect Guo Shunjie. No, it cannot be said to be suspicion. He is almost certainly framed by Guo Shunjie.

In this matter, only Guo Shunjie benefited

This bastard is so fucking insidious

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