Power and Wealth

Chapter 103: [Political life is over! ? ] (Fourth update)


Friday morning.

The furious Dong Xuebin saw Guo Shunjie walking in front as soon as he entered the branch compound.

"Brother Guo, congratulations." The young man from the 16th Department showed a fawning smile.

Guo Shunjie smiled and said: "Congratulations, I just go to the party school to study."

Several people from the Political Department and Finance Department also greeted Guo Shunjie, "Shunjie, not everyone can go to the Party School. Haha, are you going to be promoted? When will you invite me to dinner?" The bureau leadership team is about to change. Seeing that Zhou Guoan thought so highly of Guo Shunjie and gave him the precious training spot in the party school against all objections, anyone with a discerning eye knew that Zhou Guoan wanted to help Guo Shunjie become the director of the General Office, so everyone changed their attitude towards him. Guo Shunjie became enthusiastic.

Guo Shunjie enjoyed the compliments from everyone, and he also put on the leadership airs and greeted them with a smile.

On the other hand, Dong Xuebin, who has lost power, can be regarded as experiencing the warmth and coldness of Zhou Changchun when he retired from illness. Because he offended Zhou Guoan, everyone avoided him when they saw him. Several people he knew on the court who used to call Dong Xuebin brothers I stopped talking to him too much. I nodded and greeted Dong Xuebin and left in a hurry without even calling Director Dong. At this time, no one wants to have anything to do with him.

Guo Shunjie looked back at Dong Xuebin, who was ignored, and showed a happy smile. He deserved it.

Dong Xuebin became so angry that he called him into his office after returning to the General Office.

"What's the matter?" In the past, Guo Shunjie would call him "Director Dong" even if he didn't want to see him, but today he didn't call him that way. Not only was his back straight, but his tone also sounded condescending, as if he was the leader. similar

"What's your tone? Do you know who you are talking to?" Dong Xuebin frowned, "Guo Shunjie, don't think that I don't know what tricks you are playing. You can just use small tricks. You are too bold." ? Replacing the political commissar’s meeting documents? Framing the leader?”

Guo Shunjie looked at him coldly, "Don't spit on others."

"You know what's going on."

"Everything must be based on evidence. Where is the evidence? Show it?"

Of course Dong Xuebin looked for evidence, and he looked for it when he got off work yesterday, but the printer did not have a recording function, and he didn’t know whether those pictures were printed at work or brought from home. There were no clues at all, so even if he knew that it was Guo Shunjie who did it , Dong Xuebin has no way to bring him down, and I’m afraid no leader will believe him if he says it.

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence." Guo Shunjie looked at him mockingly, "You are slandering." Guo Shunjie endured it for a long time, and finally waited for this day. He felt very happy, thinking to himself, Dong Xuebin, Dong Xuebin, you also have this day. , wait for me to come back from the party school training and take the position of director... See how I deal with your kid. If I make you turn over, my surname is not Guo.

"Don't be too proud too early." Dong Xuebin gritted his molars and said, "You will pay the price, let's see."

Guo Shunjie smiled disapprovingly and said, "Yeah, we'll see. If I have nothing else to do, I'll go. By the way, you can arrange for someone else to do the paperwork in the morning. If Political Commissar Zhou comes to see me for something, I don't have time." After that, , Guo Shunjie went out with a smile. Pay the price? Hehe, I don’t know who has to pay the price.

The paralyzed Dong Xuebin slapped the table on the ground

Not only was he wrongly accused and framed, but he was also benefited by the culprit. There is nothing more infuriating than this. Guo Shunjie must not be allowed to go to the party school. As long as he does not have the qualifications for the party school training class, then he is forced to jump from section member to member in one step. The position of director is very difficult, and it has to go through the transition of the deputy director. Therefore, there is only one way for Dong Xuebin to survive at this moment - Guo Shunjie cannot be allowed to get a place in the party school.

I made a phone call and found out that I was actually going to register for the training class at the district party school tomorrow. It is definitely impossible for Zhou Guoan to remove Guo Shunjie's quota. The only chance is with Director Yan, but today is the last day of Yan Liang's term, which means... There is only one day left for him in any aspect. Dong Xuebin must Get rid of Guo Shunjie’s party school quota within today, otherwise there will never be a chance to turn around.

Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin, who had no choice, walked directly to Director Yan's office.

This morning, a leader from the Ministry of National Security came to inspect. The branch was very busy, and many staff were engaged in sanitation.

Dong Xuebin took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Yan Liang's office.

"Come in."

Yan Liang has been promoted, and he should be in a good mood these days, but the relationship between him and his wife has not been very good. This time, when he heard that he was going to a southern province and that the whole family would move there together, Yan Liang's lover started quarreling with him again. She got up and Fei yelled that she would stay in the capital with her children and not go anywhere, so this made Yan Liang very annoyed these days.

"Director Yan, I want to report something to you." Dong Xuebin got straight to the point.

Yan Liang raised his head and looked at him, "... Just tell me."

Dong Xuebin said respectfully: "It was because political commissar Zhou took the wrong information during the meeting that day. I..."

Hearing this, Yan Liang interrupted: "Go and report this to Political Commissar Zhou."

"Director Yan, things have changed." Dong Xuebin didn't care about anything else and said straightforwardly: "The problem with the information is not the printing and sorting, but someone deliberately framed it. It's Guo Shunjie. You know he has always been difficult to deal with me. , so he sneaked into my office at noon that day and changed the political commissar’s documents.”

Yan Liang frowned, "Is there any evidence?"

Dong Xuebin said: "Some people have proved that Guo Shunjie was alone in the office for a long time during the lunch break, but other evidence... I am still looking for it. Those pastry pictures are still with me. If I can check fingerprints or... "

Yan Liang shook his head, "Tell me again when you have solid evidence."

Dong Xuebin said unwillingly: "The place in the party school was given to Guo Shunjie. How can a person with such a bad character be allowed to go to the party school? Director Yan, I think he should be disqualified until the matter is thoroughly investigated."

This is Yan Liang's last day at the Chengxi Branch. He doesn't want to deal with such nonsense anymore. "As I said, evidence. Without evidence, it's useless to say anything. You can talk to Political Commissar Zhou about this matter." Ring, ring, ring, the phone on the desk rang. Yan Liang answered it and immediately picked up his spirits. After hanging up the phone, he called again, "... Minister Lu is here. Get ready."

Helpless, Dong Xuebin had to withdraw from Director Yan's office.


It's all over

Is your political life completely over

[Today’s fourth update broke out again. Please vote for recommendations]