Power and Wealth

Chapter 110: [Framed again! ]


On Monday morning, Zhai Yunxuan went home with Zhai's mother. It would take more than a week to come back. The emotional fulfillment made Dong Xuebin full of energy. He reluctantly watched the couple get into the car. Dong Xuebin pursed his lips and thought about it. Looking at the charming scenery of yesterday evening, I drove to the party school. I have money, I have an official position, and now I have a relationship. Wow, these little days... are so nourishing. But when he thought that today was the first day that old guy Zhou Guoan took office as the branch director, Dong Xuebin's heart was hanging in the air again, wondering how Zhou Guoan would deal with him after he finished studying at the party school.

One day... two days... three days... In the blink of an eye, it was the tenth day of Dong Xuebin's study at the party school. BACK had also accumulated eleven minutes, Tuesday noon.

After the lecture on sociology knowledge, Dong Xuebin packed up his notes and left the class. Seeing other department-level cadres chatting and laughing together in twos and threes, Dong Xuebin gave a bitter smile and went to eat alone. It’s not that he doesn’t want to have a good relationship with his classmates. This kind of personal connection is what Dong Xuebin wants. But this group of department-level leaders are either from the Organization Department or the Supervision Bureau. At worst, they are also deputy department-level cadres of the District Audit Bureau. When everyone introduces each other Hearing that Dong Xuebin only received deputy section-level treatment and was in a relatively cold department like the National Security Bureau, no one had any intention of contacting Dong Xuebin. It was not that they looked down upon him. The treatment of such a young deputy section-level officer was actually very eye-catching, but it was really... The national security department does not have much overlap with other government departments.

After dinner, there is still a lot of time before the afternoon class.

Dong Xuebin found a sunny place to sit in the garden of a community outside the party school, clicked on his phone, and texted Aunt Xuan: "What are you having for lunch?" A minute later, beeps appeared on the screen. Huo Yunxuan's reply came out: "I'm busy, I haven't eaten yet." Dong Xuebin blinked: "Has your mother finished the IV drip? When will she return to Beikou? I miss you." "..." Aunt Xuan replied with a series of ellipses. .

"I'm asking you, when will you come back?" "... tomorrow and the day after tomorrow," "Well, then I'll wait for you, and you can go about your business first." After thinking about it, Dong Xuebin coughed and added two more words, "Love. You." Didi, "..." Another series of silent omissions.

Dong Xuebin smiled, put away his phone with satisfaction, and took out the notebook in his bag to review the morning lecture. In order to be promoted and to be nourished, Dong Xuebin has been listening to the lectures carefully these days. However, he has a poor foundation. He can only listen to what he understands and record what he does not understand. Then he can slowly understand it.

Ring ring ring, ring ring ring, the rapid ringing.

Dong Xuebin took out his cell phone and saw that it was Chang Juan calling, "Sister Chang, what's the matter?" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little anxious, "Director Dong, where are you? I've been calling you all morning. !" "The Party School and I don't let our phones go during class. That's right. We just turned them on during dinner. Is there anything wrong?" Dong Xuebin frowned and quickly closed the notebook in his hand.

"Something happened! You... you..."

"You're telling me, why are you hesitating?"

After a two-second pause, Chang Juan spoke quickly: "Director Dong, I have an old classmate in the Discipline Inspection Department of the National Security Bureau. She suddenly called me this morning. She asked me if Dong Xuebin was mine. Leader, I said yes. Then I asked her why she mentioned you all of a sudden. What do you think she said? She said that the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Municipal Bureau received a report from a village last night. It was a report against Political Commissar Zhou Guoan... No, it was a report. Director Zhou was corrupt and took bribes, and he didn’t include any evidence, he just said why Zhou Guoan was corrupt, etc."

Dong Xuebin was confused when he heard this, "Just report it, what does it have to do with me?"

Zhou Guoan is different from Runliang. His reputation among subordinates is not particularly good. I heard that when his son got married, people from various divisions and offices gave him gifts. Zhou Guoan also refused all comers. Later, it seems that a deputy director did not give him a gift. As a result, the second Zhou Guoan made trouble for him the next week and transferred him to the "no shit" place in the archives room. Of course, these are just rumors heard from Tan Limei's mouth. It is not clear whether they are real Dong Xuebin, but from the analysis of Zhou Guoan's attitude towards himself in the past two weeks, Dong Xuebin does not think that he can be clean, so he was It's natural for people to report it. However, if there is no evidence, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Municipal Bureau will not just investigate the top leader of a branch. They will just throw away the report letter casually. There is no use in reporting it.

"Director Dong, you, you really don't know?"

"What do I know?"

Chang Juan said: "I'll just say it's not you, it seems there is someone..."

Dong Xuebin interrupted: "Wait a minute, please explain clearly first, what is not me?"

Chang Juan took a breath and said shockingly: "My classmate said that the report letter printed with the printer was signed... by you!"

"What!?" Dong Xuebin's mind went blank. "Me? Are you sure you wrote about me!?"

"Yes, and originally the Discipline Inspection Commission should keep it strictly confidential, but after I answered the phone in the morning, I don't know where the news came from. Now everyone in the bureau knows it, and Director Zhou must also... Dong Director, I am not you. Even if it is a report without evidence, I would not write my name in such a stupid hurry, but... But because you had a conflict with Director Zhou a while ago, many people are complaining. Believe it!”

Dong Xuebin cursed loudly: "What the hell is this? The report letter I wrote? Isn't this nonsense!"

Forget it if it's an anonymous letter. If you report it, you don't know who sent it. But a report letter with a real name...or a subordinate reporting a superior. This is a very taboo thing in officialdom. Even if there is solid evidence, it is rare. Subordinates will sign their names to report to their superiors, unless they want to kill them all!

The matter has become too obvious, someone has framed me! !

Who the hell is so wicked? I provoked you! Why are you writing my name?

"Director Dong, don't worry," Chang Juan said in a low voice on the other end: "I discussed it with Xiao Tan and Pan Wei just now, and we all felt that Guo Shunjie was responsible for this matter. He wanted to report it again through a letter of complaint. Intensify the conflict between you and Director Zhou, so that I can use Director Zhou's hand to take you... Well, I am also blindly analyzing, I don't know if I am right, but today Guo Shunjie was very low-key as soon as he went to work. He turned on the computer and started typing files without saying a word. "But, this is too abnormal," Dong Xuebin was startled, and his face turned dark!

Counting on his fingers, he found that he had offended at most two people in the west city branch, one was Guo Shunjie and the other was Zhou Guoan. It was impossible for Zhou Guoan to report him on his own, so why bother with the person who wanted to frame Dong Xuebin? Ninety percent of this was done by Guo Shunjie! The report letter will basically not have any impact on Zhou Guoan's career. On the contrary, it will deepen Zhou Guoan's prejudice against him, allowing him to deal with him harshly. In the end, it is Guo Shunjie who benefits!

This bastard! !

You even framed me and got addicted!

After taking a few breaths, Dong Xuebin gritted his teeth and said: "Sister Chang, what's the reaction from Director Zhou and Director Xu? Do they believe it?" Chang Juan said: "I don't know about this. This morning is a day for the routine party committee. It's still I'm in a meeting. I haven't seen Director Zhou and Director Xu yet. "Sister Chang, thank you for that." "No, director, I will report to you if there is any new situation." After picking up the phone, Dong Xuebin hurriedly dialed Xu Yan's mobile phone number, but the phone on the other end was turned off. It should be that the party committee meeting hasn't finished yet. Dong Xuebin was so angry that he was circling back and forth around the park bench with his cell phone, dialing Xu Yan's number every ten seconds, turning off the phone, turning off the phone. Still shut down!

what to do? The impact of this incident is too bad! If he doesn't explain clearly, then he... Dong Xuebin hates being wronged the most in his life, but he didn't expect to be framed twice in a row in just two weeks. The clay figure is still very angry, and no matter how good-tempered he is, he can't stand this!

After sitting on the bench, Dong Xuebin dialed Xu Yan's number again, beep, the call was connected!

"Hey, Director Xu, I'm Dong Xuebin." Hearing Xu Yan's faint hum, Dong Xuebin hurriedly explained: "I really didn't write that report letter. If I wanted to report Director Zhou, I couldn't be stupid. Write your name on it. It must have been done by Guo Shunjie. He also changed the documents at that meeting. He deliberately put a shit basin on my head and wanted me to "Oh, I also know it's not you, But it's not important anymore." "...What do you mean?" Xu Yan said: "The director of the party committee just proposed a personnel appointment last week. Although Lao Song and I strongly opposed it,..." Dong Xuebin was stunned. "Appointment?" "Guo Shunjie was appointed deputy director of the General Affairs Office, and your position... was removed." "What?" "Dong Xuebin was stunned.

Xu Yan's voice was full of helplessness, "Xiao Dong, you were promoted by me, so I won't beat around the bush when I say something. Director Zhou's reason is that the General Office has a heavy task, and you went to the Party School to study. You must have someone." Come to lead, so I pushed Guo Shunjie to be the leader, and you... On the surface, you said that you would be given other work arrangements when you come back from the Party School, but in fact, they will not be. After you come back, you will continue to work in the General Office, and your salary will still be as a deputy department. Level salary. But he won’t hold a leadership position like an ordinary clerk.” Dong Xuebin listened blankly without saying a word.

The new official took office with three fires, but Xu Yan did not expect that Zhou Guoan's first fire would be on Dong Xuebin. And it's such a tough attitude. In fact, Xu Yan also lost her temper at the party committee meeting just now. Dong Xuebin was recommended and promoted by her. If Dong Xuebin was burned, Xu Yan would be burned. It would be a slap in Xu Yan's face. Of course, Xu Yan's face was not good-looking, but the strength of her words with Song Shoujie, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. After all, it was limited, so I could only watch the appointment being approved, without any solution.


Become a general staff member

From now on, we must obey Guo Shunjie’s leadership!

Dong Xuebin clenched his fists, and anger suddenly hit his forehead! Guo Shunjie! Zhou Guoan! I'm going to fuck you two!

Want to remove me from my position

Not as easy as him**! !