Power and Wealth

Chapter 116: [It’s time to take up the minor subject! ]


A few days later.

Dong Xuebin graduated from the party school and took this rich qualification into his hands.

On the way home, Dong Xuebin's cell phone rang. There was a number in Beihe Province. It should have been called by his mother Luan Xiaoping from a public phone, "Hello, Mom?"

"Xuebin, mom is a little busy at work. The class she teaches is about to take exams. She may not be able to go back during the Spring Festival."

"Oh, then please take care of yourself."

"How's your work going? Did you make any mistakes? What's your impression of the leaders of the General Office?"

Dong Xuebin originally planned to give his mother a surprise when she came back from the Spring Festival, telling her that he had been promoted to deputy director, but now that he had been dismissed, Dong Xuebin could not tell her anything, nor did he tell her what was bothering him. Dong Xuebin is a person who is accustomed to swallowing any hardships in his stomach, "It's okay, everything is fine at work, and the boss likes me very much, haha."

"That's good, that's good."

After his mother hung up the phone happily, Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly, shook his head and sighed and went to the bank to remit money to his mother. According to his thinking, since he has earned so much money now, he still has to give his mother tens of thousands to spend as much as she can. But thinking about it, it still doesn't feel right. What if his mother thinks that he has been embezzled and bribed? My mother is very concerned, so I can't let her worry too much. So Dong Xuebin transferred several thousand yuan from the bank, which was enough for his mother to spend.

Before five o'clock that afternoon.

Qu Yunxuan has not returned to the north entrance of Heping Street these days, and Dong Xuebin is too lazy to cook with his family. He was about to go to the donkey meat barbecue restaurant in front of his house to eat alone, when he suddenly received a call from Xu Yan on the way. Looking at Xu Yan's number, Dong Xuebin became energetic. After taking two deep breaths, he nervously pressed the answer button, "Hello, Director Xu." Except for Zhou Guoan, Guo Shunjie and others who were taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission, , Dong Xuebin has not yet received the news he has been waiting for day and night. The last few days of studying with the Party School were so confusing that he almost went crazy waiting.

Is it finally here

Is there any news at last

"Haha..." Xu Yan must be in a very good mood, with a rare brisk laughter, "Xiao Dong, on behalf of the branch party committee, I formally inform you that due to Zhou Guoan's bribery, the original appointment of deputy director has been canceled. It was discussed and approved by the bureau party committee. , you have been reinstated."

Haha, that's true

Dong Xuebin was really surprised and happy, and the haze in his heart was swept away, "Thank you, Director Xu"

"You don't need to thank me. You did a good job on Zhou Guoan's matter. You did it beautifully." Xu Yan said with a smile: "Good boy, you didn't let me down." She thought about it for five or six days, but she still didn't understand what the evidence provided by Dong Xuebin was. How did it come about? At noon that day, the Discipline Inspection Commission went to Zhou Guoan's house to search Xu Yan and got the news. Under the mattress, there was a passbook, the person who opened the passbook, a deposit of 1.75 million, the account book, the things recorded in the account book, and Dong What Xue Bin said was absolutely correct. Even the Discipline Inspection Commission personnel who went to investigate were a little speechless at that time. After so many years of handling and investigating the case, this was the first time that it went so smoothly. It felt like... Zhou Guoan reported himself, too Weird

Dong Xuebin said a few words in a hurry, and at the end, he asked: "By the way, where are Zhou Guoan and Guo Shunjie..."

"The case involves too much and the amount of bribes is huge. The authorities are still conducting a thorough investigation. However, the personnel involved have been suspended, and it is impossible for Zhou Guoan and Guo Shunjie to return to the agency again."

Dong Xuebin was very satisfied with the result. He deserved it.

Xu Yan continued: "The branch is still discussing this matter from top to bottom. Considering some negative impacts, you will not come to the unit for the next few days. I will grant you a few days off to rest at home and recuperate. "Xu Yan also had the purpose of protecting Dong Xuebin. After all, there are rumors in the bureau that Dong Xuebin single-handedly brought down Zhou Guoan. This impact is very bad for Dong Xuebin and is taboo for all leaders. , Fortunately, most of the staff below are spreading the news like this, such as Director of the Political Department Pang Bin, Political Commissar Cheng Haimei, and those higher-level figures do not think that Dong Xuebin obtained the evidence, and think that he cannot have that energy. Everyone knows clearly about the report letter. Everyone knows whether Dong Xuebin sent it, so... the impact is not too big. Xu Yan wants to wait for the new director to be appointed and the incident to calm down a little before letting Dong Xuebin come back. , "...well, there's one more thing."

Dong Xuebin said: "You say."

"Haha, you have graduated from the party school's department-level cadre training class. It is unreasonable not to mention the deputy department. When you come back, perform well and I will try my best to help you win." Originally, Dong Xuebin had just been in the branch for more than three months. Speaking of which, being mentioned as deputy director is already very unusual, and it is almost impossible to be mentioned as a deputy director. However, Xu Yan did hint that she had promised Xiao Dong at that time. However, Xiao Dong really found the evidence and helped her bring down Zhou Guoan. The faction reversed the situation, so Xu Yan naturally wanted to fulfill her promise and try her best to help him win the deputy department.

ah? About to get promoted? Hahaha, are you really going to be promoted

Dong Xuebin was so excited, "Thank you, Director Xu, for your cultivation."

First he joined the party, then he was promoted to deputy director, then he entered the party school, and now he has to be promoted to deputy subject... Dong Xuebin's official career has been so smooth since he entered the agency.

After hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin stretched his body with joy. Guo Shunjie is gone. The person who suppressed him is going to jail. He has been reinstated and is about to be promoted. Now all the problems have been solved. He also wanted to take a good rest. These days of overt and covert fighting had made Dong Xuebin exhausted, and his spirit would collapse if he didn't rest.

Phew, I have a short vacation, what should I do

The first thing Dong Xuebin thought of was Qu Yunxuan. During this rare break, he certainly wanted to have a warm time with Aunt Xuan.

Dong Xuebin, who had a great appetite, ate four roasted donkey meats in one go. After wiping his mouth with a napkin, he picked up his mobile phone and called Qu Yunxuan after leaving the store. Beep, beep, beep, the call was connected. There was a gentle "Hello" from Aunt Xuan, and Dong Xuebin said: "Why haven't you returned to Beikou yet? The last time I called, I said I would be back the day after tomorrow. How many tomorrows and days after tomorrow has it been?" He has been busy talking to Zhou Guoan and Guo Shunjie. There was a lot of fighting there, but he hadn't contacted Aunt Xuan much in the past few days, and he hadn't told her about his loss of office. Now that he was free, he missed her too much.

"I've been a little busy at work these days."

"Don't delay going home if you are busy." Dong Xuebin blinked and said boldly: "Xuanxuan, I miss you."

I heard a soft cry from the other end, "What is that that you are yelling about? Is your aunt trying to tear your mouth apart?"

Dong Xuebin seemed to see Aunt Xuan's red face, "Ahem, when will you come back? I have about four or five days off, and I want to watch a movie with you."

"Three days later? I don't know, I have to go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces for business tomorrow."

"Eh? Aren't you from the advertising department? Why are you on a business trip to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces? Do you have business there?"

"Well, that's right. I'll wait until my aunt comes back from her business trip and then go to Beikou... to find you."

After chatting with her for a few more words, Dong Xuebin had to hang up the line when he saw that Aunt Xuan's newspaper office was really busy and it was inconvenient to talk.

After returning home, Dong Xuebin lay down lazily on the sofa and began to think about how to spend the past few days of vacation. Oh, Dong Xuebin suddenly remembered something. He sat up from the sofa and went to the bedroom to turn on the computer. I checked my total assets with my online bank - 440,000. I'm still close to reaching my goal of one million. So why not make good use of this holiday to earn one million

He wanted to make money not only for Aunt Xuan's dream of opening a company, but also for Qu's mother to accept him.

Dong Xuebin also wants to have his own company and be the boss behind the scenes. How great would it be

Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin immediately called the bank to make an appointment.

Zhou Guoan's incident also reminded him. After all, he is a national civil servant. He really needs to be more careful and careful about money. However, if someone really wants to report him or the Discipline Inspection Commission comes to check the accounts directly, Dong Xuebin is not afraid. The money He can almost explain clearly the origins of antiques. Is it not illegal to buy antiques? Isn't it illegal to pick up leaks? Is it illegal to gamble on stones? That's it, no matter what happens, I won't fall into the position of being double-crossed.

Well, how will you make money this time

Go to Panjiayuan to gamble on stones? Going to the antique market to pick up missing pieces? Stock trading

Sitting in front of the computer, Dong Xuebin browsed the news aimlessly, unable to make a decision.

Suddenly, a piece of news on the home page of an antique collection website attracted Dong Xuebin's attention.

It is mentioned above that Christie's recently auctioned a natural freshwater pearl necklace, which consists of thirty pearls with a diameter of 1.4CM-1.7CM. The final transaction price was as much as 920,000. It is reported that a northern businessman purchased these pearls at a high price from a pearl breeding base in Zhuji City, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. Among them, the largest 1.7CM white pearl was "gambled" by him to open a clam, and it only cost a few dollars. Thousand dollars.

Open a clam? pearl? Can I bet on pearls

Dong Xuebin suddenly became interested and quickly searched for relevant information on the Internet.

It turns out that opening pearl clams is like gambling on stones. You have to use a knife to open the closed clam shell to know how many pearls are inside and how big the pearls are. Therefore, in today's age of gambling on stones and collections, many businesses have seen business opportunities. A new method of gambling on pearls has emerged

Finally, Dong Xuebin laughed out loud with his new discovery. What a pearl. If he could also receive a pearl necklace with an average size of 1.5cm, then the goal of one million would be a piece of cake. It would be enough in one go. Achieved the purpose

So Dong Xuebin slapped the table and immediately decided to book a train ticket to gamble on pearls in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

Qu Yunxuan is also on a business trip in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. After making money, she might be able to go hand in hand with Aunt Xuan to see the beautiful scenery of the West Lake.

Kill two birds with one stone

[The first update is here, please vote for me]