Power and Wealth

Chapter 12: [Making things difficult! ]


The day of the interview.

Dong Xuebin was afraid that the expectations of his mother and Aunt Xuan would bring too much pressure to him, and he was also afraid of bringing them any ups and downs of emotions. He never dared to tell them about the interview. He drank a bowl of porridge in the morning to fill up his stomach. With his stomach full, Dong Xuebin secretly put his admission ticket, ID card and other documents into his pocket, went out and took a car, and rushed to the "battlefield" alone.

Baiyun Times Building.

The 22nd floor is filled with a row of small and medium-sized offices. There are signs on each door, from the Earthquake Bureau and the Customs. After asking a passing waiter, Dong Xuebin followed the direction of her finger to the top and found Room 2216 at an inconspicuous corner. There was no sign of the Personnel Bureau or the Political Department on it, just a The words "Hou Kao Shi" were pasted on the A4 paper in the center of the door.

The door was wide open, and the smell of smoke wafted out.

Looking at his watch, it was still more than ten minutes before nine o'clock. Dong Xuebin clenched his fists nervously and knocked on the door frame.

"Come in." It was a man's rough voice.

"Hello, I'm Dong Xuebin, I'm here for an interview today."

"Oh, show me your ID."

Sitting behind the desk were two middle-aged men in casual clothes. One was tall, about forty-five years old, and the other was short, fifty years old. After the two confirmed Dong Xuebin's admission ticket, they waved for him to sit down. There was only one empty chair outside the desk, facing two middle-aged people, who were a little shorter. After Dong Xuebin sat upright, he felt that the tension in his heart was getting worse, and his heart was beating unsatisfactorily. Beating incessantly.

After a while, a middle-aged woman walked in from the outside. The tall and short man nodded and sat behind the desk.

"It's almost time." The tall man took out a stack of documents in his hand, "Shall we start?"

Dong Xuebin said one word bluntly: "... OK."

No wonder he was worried. He originally thought that with his written test scores and application scores, he would be among the top three graduates who applied for the national security examination. However, he learned about it from the person from the Political Department on the phone that day. My score is ranked fourth, which means that I am the fourth person to be interviewed, and if one person accidentally fails to answer the question, it is extremely likely that he will be surpassed by the fifth or sixth person and take his place. .

This time the National Security Bureau only has four places.

One wrong move and everything is lost. Now Dong Xuebin is facing the biggest challenge in his life.

Over there, the three examiners looked at each other, and finally the tall man cleared his throat and said in a serious tone: "What do you think of the stock market this year?"

I'm coming

Dong Xuebin's mind was spinning rapidly. He had speculated in stocks and played with his mother for a while when his family still had money, so he knew more or less. In addition, he could hear market trends from time to time on the TV news. There were many aspects that Dong Xuebin could answer for the news, but just when he was about to open his mouth, he remembered what Grandpa Hu had told him earlier. Don’t underestimate every question, as there is a deep meaning in it.

It was so risky that I almost analyzed the market trend.

What people want to examine should not be whether you can play stocks, but something else.

Dong Xuebin calmed down and spoke thoughtfully, "In the first half of the year, the market trend was good and it showed a steady upward trend. I think this is a good thing and a bad thing. From an economic point of view..." He said from the perspective of the stock market. Out of the analysis of the national economy, these are the knowledge that I have learned in the past half month, and it comes in handy. Well, of course, if I say it is brilliant, it is not very brilliant. After all, I am copying a cat and a tiger from a book. It was copied, but at least it's quite satisfactory and there shouldn't be any mistakes.

It's best to be conservative. As long as he can hold on to fourth place, this civil servant will not be able to escape.

"...Well, I've finished my answer." Two minutes later, Dong Xuebin let out a long breath.

The tall man looked at him, "No more?"

Dong Xuebin was stunned, "... gone." What do you mean? Wrong answer

The tall man didn't say anything more. He wrote something on the table with the short man and the middle-aged woman, which seemed to be comments. Then the tall man turned over the file in his hand and said indifferently: "If you are a civil servant, the grassroots unit I often give you a lot of opinions through the Internet, what should you do?”

Dong Xuebin thought about it for a few seconds, and suddenly the fixed pattern sentence he had recited the day before yesterday flashed in his mind, which was a response pattern similar to "Fake Da Kong". He felt that it would be more appropriate to use it here, so he immediately disassembled and assembled it, and put together a few Duan's sentences were combined in his mind, "Currently, the Internet has become an important channel for gathering public opinion and reflecting public sentiment. Grassroots units can put forward their opinions to higher-level agencies through the Internet and reflect problems in a timely manner. As higher-level agencies, they can respond conveniently and quickly. ..." He threw away a lot of words as if he was reciting a text, and two minutes passed. "...I'm done with my answer."

The tall man shook the file and said, "That's all?"

not enough

Dong Xuebin blinked dullly, and simply continued to take another paragraph from the paragraph he had memorized, "If the opinions raised by the grassroots units are about our work attitude and working methods, I will collect the opinions and hold a department meeting. Meeting, actively correct our work attitude and working methods, and do a good job in service. If grassroots units..." He spoke for another two minutes.

Women and short men wrote with their heads down.

The tall man still said in the same tone: "Is there nothing else?"

The female examiner frowned, glanced at the tall man sideways, and said nothing.

The short man was as steady as a rock. He tapped the table with his pen and rarely raised his head from beginning to end.

"... Well, no more." Dong Xuebin is so depressed, so don't mention it again.

The same goes for the next few questions. Dong Xuebin felt that he answered them appropriately, but the tall man didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong. After he finished answering, he always said, "No? It's over? That's it? Others?" Where is it? No more?" It seems that Dong Xuebin answered poorly. Putting aside the quality of his own answer, the tall man's tone alone could easily mislead and affect the scores of the other two examiners.

Dizzy, who did I provoke? How could anyone be so choking

Are all civil service interviews like this? No, he has never heard anyone say that.

Dong Xuebin's heart sank, knowing that he might be in trouble this time, and he was quite sensitive, and he smelled a hint of deliberate difficulty in the tall man's tone.

to be bad

Something bad is going to happen