Power and Wealth

Chapter 148: [Explode the mine! ]


It's not even five p.m.

Dong Xuebin, who was holding a check of 700,000 yuan, immediately went to the bank and deposited the check into his account. There was nothing wrong with the check and the password was correct. After walking out of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Dong Xuebin, who was unfamiliar with the place, casually found a restaurant on the roadside. After filling his stomach, he burped happily, touched his mobile phone, and dialed Qu Yunxuan's number, beep, beep, Du, just hearing a feed from the other end, Dong Xuebin chuckled and said: "Aunt Xuan, let me tell you good news. I made another 700,000 yuan. I earned it by betting on chicken blood stones. Well, I have enough money to open an auction company now." Already?"


"Aunt Xuan?"


"Xuanxuan, are you talking?"

"What did you ask Auntie to say? Auntie doesn't want to say anything now."

"Haha, I'm still waiting for you to praise me." Dong Xuebin's results this time are quite generous. He only used BACK twice to make enough money. Now he still has ten minutes of BACK time. "The money is now in place. Let me transfer it to your bank card tomorrow. As for where to open the auction company, how to register it, and how to hire people, you can figure this out. I am only responsible for providing funds, how about it?"

"...Xiao Bin, tell me honestly, from whom did you learn your eye for antiques?"

"Ahem, didn't I work part-time in an antique city before? I'm just more perceptive."

"But my expert is not more perceptive than you? Isn't his vision better than yours? Why have I never heard of any cultural relics expert who can make as much money as you? How can you make money? Are you robbing a bank? I'm afraid you can't do it." It's so risky to bet on stones, but here you can easily get 700,000 yuan? It's only been a few hours? How come you feel like you are more expert than those cultural relic experts? , your change is so sudden, I... I don’t even know what to say."

Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "It's not good to have money, are you happy?"

"You made a lot of money, of course Auntie will be happy."

"Aunt Xuan, please give me a compliment and call me something nice, that's what you call me." He was referring to husband, brother and the like.

"Go to hell if you keep talking nonsense. Do you believe I will beat you up?"

"Well, I have contributed so much to our family, you have to praise me, right?"

"You bastard, who is with us? Haha." Qu Yunxuan must be in a good mood. Her gentle laughter came from the phone, "You brat, since you are so capable, why should we open a company? You Wouldn’t it be enough to gamble every day and pick up leaks every day? If you keep going at the rate you have been doing these past two days, won’t the money just flow into your bankbook like running water?”

Dong Xuebin sweated and thought, I can't use all my BACK on this, "Well, the company still needs to be opened, money will make money, and money will make money. Besides, I can't always miss something. I'm lucky these days. "This is true. If you are less lucky, today's Dahongpao Soapstone will not be yours. "When our auction company is established, I can put the things in our auction house to sell when I pick them up again. How wonderful. ”

"Hmm." A faint hum allowed Dong Xuebin to hear the yearning in Aunt Xuan's heart, "... Now that I have enough money, the aunt started to prepare for registering the company, inspecting the location, and hiring experts. It is estimated that she will need to prepare two Months, maybe longer. The two million and seven hundred thousand yuan in the bankbook will not be of use for the time being. You might as well use it to do something else, whether it's picking up leaks or not. It's too much to keep it in the bank and earn interest. Not worth it.”

Dong Xuebin blinked and thought about it, "Okay, then let me think about other ways to make money." After chatting for a few words, Dong Xuebin said: "Aunt Xuan, I hung up. The bureau leader will still call me tonight. I have to arrange communication tasks for tomorrow.”

"...How many days will you stay in Lin'an?"

"Three days, what happened?"

"... That aunt will fly to see you tomorrow."

"Uh, you missed me?"

"Believe it or not, my aunt will tear you apart? It's too late to beat you. Who will miss you?"

"Don't you want me? Then why do you have to come to Lin'an to find me if you don't want to plan the auction house?" Dong Xuebin knew that Aunt Xuan was thin-skinned, so he was too embarrassed to talk about it. He smiled warmly and said: "Haha, if you don't want me, just don't. , Anyway, I miss you, so I’ll call you when the time comes, and I’ll be waiting for you.”

"… Um."

Putting away his mobile phone, Dong Xuebin took a taxi and rushed to the hotel, thinking about what to do with the 2.7 million along the way. Just buy any stock for the long term? No, what if it falls? The stock market has plummeted recently, and Aunt Xuan's savings for several years have been put into it. Then use it to buy bank financial products? The short-term interest rate of a few months is much higher than bank interest, but is it not worth the interest? Forget it, let's save that trouble. Just put it in the bank. It's good. The current interest rate is the current interest rate.

When we got back to the hotel, Xiao Gao had already come back. He bought a lot of things in big and small bags, and he seemed to be having a lot of fun.

"Director Dong, how was your game?"

"It's okay. Where have you been wandering around?"

"Hey, I just went to Tianmu Mountain for a walk and didn't have much fun." Xiao Gao remembered something, "By the way, Director Dong, we just received a notice from above that we are going to the National Security Department in Lin'an at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to exchange experiences. The leader asked us to get there early. Get up, tell me you’re not allowed to be late, and you’re not allowed to ask for leave, and you’ll be free to move around after you’ve been there.”

"okay, I get it."

Ring ring ring, the phone rang, it was Xu Yan calling.

"Hey, Xiaodong, come to my room."

After agreeing, Dong Xuebin hurried out. Most of the rooms Guoan booked this time were on the same floor. Dong Xuebin walked to the end, turned a corner, and then gently knocked on the door on the left. Squeak, Xu Yan opened the door. After Dong Xuebin entered, she did not close the door, but opened it wide. Dong Xuebin knew that Director Xu was afraid that someone would see him coming to her room alone to gossip, so he kept the door open to avoid suspicion. When you are in an agency, you have to pay attention to all aspects, even if Dong Xuebin and Xu Yan are more than 20 years apart.

"Director Xu, are you looking for me?"

"Sit down, sit down and talk."

Dong Xuebin was not polite and sat on the chair generously.

Xu Yan sat down on the bed and said with a smile: "Nothing else. My son heard that I was coming to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and insisted that I bring him some gifts. He didn't say what he wanted. Haha, I don't You know what to buy for him. Xiaodong, my son is not much younger than you. Can you help me give advice? "Xu Yan is divorced. I heard that my son is staying with his father and only comes to Xu Yan's house every month. A day or two.

Dong Xuebin groaned, "Your son is still in school? I can't say that. What does he usually like?"

Xu Yan thought for a while, then smiled helplessly and said, "He just loves to play computers, games, and chat online. Alas, today's children are like that."

Dong Xuebin suggested: "Why don't you buy him a laptop? Isn't Apple's 11-inch ultra-thin and light notebook very popular now? It's very light and thin. Even though the configuration is average, it can be used for ordinary games. That’s enough. If your son pursues fashion and likes gaming, the Apple MacBook-Air will definitely be suitable for him. The 64G hard drive probably costs less than 10,000 yuan, right?”

Xu Yan nodded lightly, "He doesn't have a laptop. Okay, I'll buy this one, but the model...what MA or what? 64G?" Xu Yan didn't know English, so she said: "Xiao Dong, wait until tomorrow. After exchanging experiences, you might as well go shopping with me, you know more about computers than I do.”

Dong Xuebin is of course more respectful than obedient.

The next morning.

Xu Yan led the team to the Lin'an National Security Bureau for a visit and exchange. Everyone knew that it was just a formality, just a formality, so it ended in more than an hour. After going out, Xu Yan once again announced that everyone could move freely, and then went to a nearby shopping mall with Dong Xuebin to buy Apple's ultra-thin and light notebook. Not to mention, the 64G version was really available. After debugging the machine, Xu Yan I settled the bill happily.

Look at the watch, it's just half past ten in the morning.

Xu Yan said: "Xiao Dong, where do you plan to go today? Daming Mountain? Tianmu Mountain?"

"I haven't thought about it either."

Xu Yan chuckled, "How about taking a car with me to Changhua? The mines over there are also beautiful scenery. I've been here once before, but I was short of time and didn't bother to go up the mountain. I don't want to miss it this time. ”

Dong Xuebin didn't want to go at first. Aunt Xuan's flight was supposed to arrive in the afternoon. He went to Changhua for fear that he wouldn't be able to make it back. But Dong Xuebin didn't want to refuse Xu Yan's words. After all, he had helped him many times. After a little hesitation, Dong Xuebin said: "Okay, then I will be your bodyguard. Haha, I also want to see how chicken blood stone is mined."

Changhua County.

Guoshi Village at the foot of Yuyan Mountain is rich in chicken blood stone. Almost every household in the village has a four-story building and is very wealthy.

On the streets and in the alleys, there are many chicken-blood stone shops, and there are also many vendors setting up stalls.

Xu Yan, who had just arrived here, took Dong Xuebin to several chicken-blood stone shops with great interest. Look at this one, look at that one. Not to mention, there are so many good stones here, like a big red stone with extremely high blood volume. For the robe seal, the shop owner asked for 1.5 million, and there was also a two-meter-wide soapstone ornament with a price of 10 million written on the bottom. It was probably his treasure. After walking around and looking around, both Xu Yan and Dong Xuebin had their eyes opened.

"Xiao Dong, let's go up the mountain."

"Okay, please be careful where you step."

After walking along the hillside for a short distance to Yuyan Mountain, the two of us were stopped by two villagers, "Outsiders are not allowed to enter here casually."

Xu Yan smiled and said: "Fellow, let's go up the mountain and take a look at the mine."

The fellow shook his head and pointed at a sign, "...This is a dangerous area."

As soon as Dong Xuebin saw it, he took out his work permit and showed his police badge, "The government won't cause you any trouble, just take a look." They should be afraid that outsiders will steal the raw chicken blood stone or the rough Tianhuang stone.

The fellow looked at it and looked at the other person, "Okay then, I'll show you the way." Everyone still trusts government officials.

Dong Xuebin and Xu Yan followed up on the bumpy mountain road, walking and walking.

Climbing over the steps made of stones, the mine is right in front of you. But the sight that caught my eye was really shocking. On the right side, the entire mountain peak had been dug out, and more than half of the other peaks had also been peeled off. It was obviously caused by mining explosions. According to two villagers, the gravel field in front of the mine was originally a mountain peak. Because many mine holes were dug, it became like a hornet's nest. It could be dangerous at any time, so it was blown up with explosives.

There are several barbed wire fences blocking the perimeter of the mine, with a blue sign hanging on them - Danger Zone, No Entry.

But the fellow still took Dong Xuebin in, "Our mine is right in front."

Xu Yan asked curiously: "Your mine?"

"Yes, many of the mines on the mountain were contracted by people from several villages nearby us. We all jointly invest in them, and every household contributes some money. Well, now outsiders will not grant mining rights. They can only be granted by our local people. Just transfer people." No wonder the people in the village are so rich.

Suddenly, several loud bangs were heard

Dong Xuebin blinked, "Is this a mine explosion?"

"No, that's not the sound of mine explosion." The fellow looked in the direction of the sound and said, "It's a few children in the village setting off firecrackers." He turned to the villager next to him and said, "Go and get the children away. "Set off firecrackers from a distance, why did you come up to the mine? It's too dangerous." After all, it's still Chinese New Year, and there are no restrictions on the time limit for setting off fireworks and firecrackers in Beijing, so you can set them off as much as you want.

After a while, the fellow villager took Dong Xuebin to their mine. This is a small cave that is one person high. It is dark inside, and there are clanking and creaking sounds from time to time. It seems that someone is mining in the depths. There is a smell of engine oil in the mine, and the underground is full of litter. Tool of.

The fellow said: "It's dangerous inside, and there will be explosives to blast the eyes later. If you want to see what it's like inside the mine, look at that one." He pointed to a pit not far from the mine, about ten meters away. , "Let's go, I'll take you in." The entrance to the mine is similar to this one, but the only difference is that the mine seems to have been dug less than ten meters, and you can almost see the end from the outside.

Xu Yan asked: "Is this mine abandoned?"

The fellow explained: "It's almost the same. It was contracted by Mr. Ye Zi from our village at the end of last year. However, after digging for several months, we didn't even see the color of chicken blood. It's a big loss. This mine should be far away from the owners of chicken blood." The vein is very far away, and if we dig deeper, we probably won’t find soapstone, so Lao Yezi and the others simply stopped working.”

Dong Xuebin said in surprise: "Is there still a time when the chicken blood stone cannot be dug out?"

The fellow said: "There are not chicken-blood stones everywhere. It depends on luck. There are a lot of abandoned mines like this here. Well, it can't be said to be abandoned mines. There is still a possibility of chicken-blood stones in it, but the chance is not high. Contractor The people in these mines have been looking for buyers, and if there is a suitable one, they will transfer it.”

Entering the abandoned mine pit with a flashlight, Dong Xuebin looked around. Suddenly, he was startled by the pile of things piled inside. "Why are there still explosives?" There were piles of stuff on the edge of the innermost wall. With less explosives, these are enough to flatten a small hill. The quantity is huge. Dong Xuebin hurriedly protected Xu Yan and retreated.

The fellow said with relief: "Don't be afraid, the explosives have been processed and cannot be ignited by an open flame. They must be detonated with a detonator. Several mines near us are far away from the places where explosives are managed, so every morning we simply put the day's explosives in There are no detonators or detonators in this mine, so it doesn’t matter if you throw a cigarette butt in, so it’s very safe.”

"Oh, that's it." Dong Xuebin was relieved.

Xu Yan obviously knew it and was not worried at all.

The stone walls in the abandoned mine are "clean", and not even a trace of chicken blood can be seen. Dong Xuebin reached out and touched it, thinking that the old man who contracted the mine was really unlucky. One pack would probably last a year, so the contract price must be several million, right? Is this a waste of time? The risk of mining and mining seems to be much greater than gambling on bloodstone.

After watching for a while, the fellow villager took Xu Yan and Dong Xuebin out of the abandoned mine.

"Haha, I learned a lot today." Xu Yan said to the fellow villager, "Thank you for taking us on a tour despite being so busy."

The fellow smiled honestly, "It doesn't matter."

Xu Yan, whose curiosity was satisfied, said: "Xiao Dong, come down the mountain."


Xu Yan and Dong Xuebin walked down the mountain, while the fellow went back to his own mine.

But at this moment, Dong Xuebin suddenly saw a few small children squatting near the mining area and lighting firecrackers. There was a sound of two kicks, but they were leaning sideways. Yes, after the second kick, he did not fly straight up and down into the sky, but rushed towards the mine where the explosives were placed.

next moment


Mountains shake and earth trembles

Dong Xuebin's eardrum almost burst, and he was dumbfounded, "What's wrong?"

Everyone in the mine should not be alarmed. "When dynamite explodes, it is dynamite."

"What happened? Who set off the detonator?"

"Is anyone hurt?"

There was chaos on the mountain. Everyone put the tools in their hands and ran in the direction of the sound. The fellow who had just led Dong Xuebin was also among them.

Dong Xuebin looked at Xu Yan in astonishment and said with lingering fear: "Doesn't it mean that the fire can't ignite the explosives?"

Xu Yan's face also changed a bit. It's no wonder that a few minutes ago, Xu Yan and others were still in the abandoned mine and were almost killed. "... It's difficult to light an open flame, but as far as I know, firecrackers seem to be able to Similar to detonators, although it is difficult, firecrackers should also be able to detonate explosives.”

Dong Xuebin almost yelled, he was really dangerous for these kids to be messing around.

"Let's go and have a look." Xu Yan took Dong Xuebin and walked towards the abandoned mine.

Many people gathered in front of the abandoned mine, but no one dared to go in for fear that the explosives would explode again.

"It's those kids"

"Firecrackers can also light up explosives? If I had known about it, I would have blown them down. How could I let them set off the firecrackers?"

"Yeah, it's too dangerous. Fortunately no one was hurt."

The children were so frightened that they sat on the ground speechless, and some even started to cry.

At this time, Dong Xuebin and Xu Yan walked to the back of the crowd. They saw the fellow at the front who had just led Dong Xuebin the way. He took a searchlight and shined into the mine. "... There should be no one inside. I just talked to two government officials." The comrades came out of it, and it seemed that no one was going in anymore. Phew, really... ah... this is..." The fellow's voice was suddenly startled, and he stared blankly at the mine, feeling a little stupid.

"What's wrong?" Someone next to him also looked inside, and then he was also confused.

Dong Xuebin was suspicious for a moment, then blinked and looked in, I x I x I x

blood blood blood

It's full of blood

Of course it's not human blood but bloodstone blood.

Because there were too many explosives, the innermost part of the mine, which was not very deep, had been blown up, and almost half of the roof of the mine was gone. The gravel was scattered on the ground, and the foam was scattered around. It stands to reason that this The picture was normal, nothing surprising, but what shocked everyone was that a large part of the exploded stones contained chicken blood, which was the raw stone of chicken blood stone.

The fellow shouted: "What kind of waste mine is this? This mine is several times better than mine."

"Hey, Old Ye Zi has suffered a big loss this time."

"It's over, such a good bloodstone has been ruined."

Dong Xuebin just had a general understanding of chicken blood stone mining. It is not possible to blast out the soapstone by blasting a pile of explosives. You must first use a drill to drill holes around the soapstone or ore, then fill it with explosives and detonate. This can ensure that the stone is completely blown down. Otherwise, the soapstone is better than jade. Tianhuang has soft stones. If you put explosives on them without opening your eyes like now, the stones will break and become worthless. A ten-pound chicken blood stone may be worth a hundred thousand yuan, but a pile of ten-pound stone will be worthless. The scraps and foam of chicken blood stone are obviously not worth a thousand yuan.

Everyone is very sorry. If there had been no explosion and mining had been carried out normally... how many good stones would have been produced

Now... nothing

Seeing this, Dong Xuebin's mind was filled with excitement. The opportunity to make money came again.


The screen suddenly changed and it instantly went back to three minutes ago.

"Haha, I learned a lot today. Thank you for taking us on a tour despite being so busy."

"It doesn't matter."

"Xiao Dong, come down the mountain."

The first time he came back to his senses, Dong Xuebin suddenly rushed not far away. Xu Yan and the fellow villagers behind him were stunned for a moment, not understanding what he was going to do. Five steps... ten steps... fifteen steps. Dong Xuebin arrived and saw a little boy holding sandalwood to light the second kicker that was held down by stones on the ground. Dong Xuebin took a lunge and kicked the second kicker away. A lot of, "What are you doing? Do you know where this place is? What if I light explosives? Huh?"

Several children were frightened.

Dong Xuebin said with a straight face: "Go home quickly and don't set off firecrackers here."

A fellow villager also came from behind, "Didn't I tell you to go down the mountain? Go home quickly." He didn't think that firecrackers could detonate explosives.

Seeing a few children walking down the mountain, Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Dong, let's go too." Xu Yan said with a smile.

Dong Xuebin looked back at the mine that everyone thought was an abandoned mine, and then followed Xu Yan down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, when Xu Yan wanted to go back by car, Dong Xuebin said that a friend would be coming over soon, and Xu Yan He smiled and nodded, saying that you can do whatever you want, and got into the car by himself, seemingly heading in the direction of Daming Mountain.

As soon as Xu Yan left, Dong Xuebin immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Qu Yunxuan's number, "Aunt Xuan, where are you?"

"I just got off the plane and was about to call you. Where can I find you?"

"Come to Changhua Guoshi Village, hurry up."

"What's the rush?"

"Of course I'm anxious. It's urgent. Hurry up. I'll wait for you at the foot of the mountain."

It's noon.

Qu Yunxuan, who was dressed in a woolen coat, rushed to the foot of Yuyan Mountain in a dusty way. After not seeing each other for a few days, Aunt Xuan seemed to be much more beautiful. As soon as she saw Dong Xuebin, she hit him on the head angrily, "Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!" Your phone call isn't enough for you to call Aunt San, so you can't fly that fast?"

Dong Xuebin took her hand and said, "I'm in a hurry. Come on, let's go up the mountain. We'll have a chance to make a lot of money."

Qu Yunxuan was slightly startled, "...tell me in detail."

"I have my eye on a mine. If you step forward and secure it, I guarantee that the mine will definitely make money."

"How did you know?"

"Oh, I know how to read it. Just believe me."

"But we still have to open a company? If you contract the mine, what will happen to the auction house?"

Dong Xuebin thought for a while, "Let's talk to the mine owner and see if we can cover it for a month or two. Just in time, you can prepare for the auction house. When the mine makes money, let's open a bigger auction house." The company has enough. "Although the places where the explosives exploded were full of chicken blood, Dong Xuebin didn't know if there was any chicken blood further inside. It might be there where it was exploded, but it was gone at the back, so It is safer to pay for two months.

Xishan mining area.

Dong Xuebin took Aunt Xuan to the entrance of the abandoned mine and took her in for a walk.

Qu Yunxuan looked here speechlessly, "Is this the mine you're talking about? Hasn't mining been stopped?"

"Hey, who are you?" A middle-aged man's voice suddenly came from behind, and then the light of the flashlight hit the faces of Dong Xuebin and Qu Yunxuan, "What are you doing in my mine? There are explosives here. They are all dangerous items, get out quickly." The middle-aged man is about forty years old and has a dark face. He is probably the person called "Old Ye Zi" by fellow villagers.

"Your mine?" Dong Xuebin looked at him, "Are you in charge of this mine?"

Old Ye Zi frowned, "What are you doing?"

"Let's go out and talk first, it's too dark inside."

As soon as he reached the entrance of the mine, Dong Xuebin met the fellow who brought him here. The fellow said in surprise: "Why are you back again?"

Dong Xuebin said, "Ask me about this mine. I have a friend who wants to take over it."

The fellow was stunned, thinking to himself, didn’t I tell you that this mine was a waste mine and that basically no soapstone could be produced, so why would you want to harm your friend? But Lao Yezi was here, and he didn't persuade Dong Xuebin. He nodded and walked back step by step. When the villagers nearby heard that the two outsiders wanted to contract the mine, they had the same reaction as the fellow villagers. They shook their heads inwardly but said nothing. Who doesn’t know about that broken mine? It’s been a few months and not even a scrap of chicken blood has been seen. It’s obviously deviated from the main vein of the mine and there is no hope of any more chicken blood.

Old Ye Zi was undoubtedly the happiest one. After half a month of searching for a package contractor, he finally found one who was willing.

"Young man, young lady, come on, let's sit down and talk, sit down and talk." He moved a few horses over, "Do you want to contract the mine?"

Dong Xuebin said: "Yes, but it depends on the price. Well, how long will it last for you? One year? Two years?"

Lao Yezi replied: "I applied for one year, and there are still five months left to expire. If you want to apply for two years, that's no problem. I will go for approval in a few months."

Qu Yunxuan said nothing, mainly because she hadn't figured out the situation yet. She didn't understand why Xiaobin suddenly remembered Bao Mine. What was so good about that mine? Didn't see any chicken blood

Dong Xuebin said: "Actually, we only want to cover it for two months. What do you think of the price?"

Old Ye Zi frowned, "Two months? Too short, right?" People's contract for mining is one year, the worst is half a year, and rarely one month or two, "What if you contract for five months?" If so, the price can be lower for you, maybe four million, what do you think?"

Dong Xuebin shook his head and said: "To tell you the truth, we are not that rich in funds on hand, so, in two months, 1.5 million."

"No, it's too little."

"We have known about your mine before. It has been half a year and I haven't seen any chicken blood at all. I think the price is too high."

"Even if chicken blood doesn't come out for the time being, it doesn't mean it won't come out in the future? Besides, the pyrophyllite you prescribed can also be sold for money."

Dong Xuebin was determined, "It only takes two months and the achievement is done."

This mine is too wasteful. Old Ye Zi knows that if he only relies on that little pyrophyllite, he will not be able to recover the cost at all. There is also the money of workers, the cost of transporting stones, the cost of explosives, the wear and tear of machines, etc. It was compensation, so after thinking about it, he slapped his thigh suddenly, "Two months is two months, but the price cannot be 1.5 million, it is too low." After finally catching the villain, Old Yezi just He took a step back and said, "Two million in two months is the lowest price."

Dong Xuebin frowned and said: "The price of a better mine is fine, but you..."

Old Ye Zi said: "I can lower the cost of workers, machines and transportation for you. You are from out of town and it is not convenient to hire people here. It happens that I still use my original workers. You only need to send someone to supervise the work." Okay, young man, I, Old Ye Zi, still have some credibility in this mountain, don’t worry about that.”

Dong Xuebin looked at Qu Yunxuan.

Qu Yunxuan smiled bitterly, "You decide, I don't understand."

"Okay..." Dong Xuebin agreed, "Two million in two months, when will the contract be signed?"

"I have to discuss it with the villagers first, but it should be no problem. Well, I can sign it tonight."

In the end, it was not even evening yet. In the afternoon, Lao Yezi and a villager came anxiously to urge Dong Xuebin to sign the agreement. It seemed that the other party was really eager to take action. After the contract was completed and matters such as machine leasing and workers' salaries were discussed, Dong Xuebin and Aunt Xuan left the mine.

At the foot of the mountain.

Dong Xuebin said: "Aunt Xuan, hire a few people to keep an eye on the mine. We still have 700,000 left. The workers' money, the money for explosives, and the money for transportation should be enough for two months. After two months, we will Haha, just wait until you open a bigger auction house, that’s absolutely fine.”

Qu Yunxuan was doubtful, "This is all my property, do you really want to bet on it? I think the mine seems a bit..."

"Don't look at the surface. You will understand when the first batch of bloodstones are opened in two days." Dong Xuebin saw those bloody stones with his own eyes.

It will definitely be posted now

[I started writing this chapter yesterday. I don’t even know how I finished it. I had three heart attacks during the process. The last time I went directly to Fuwai Hospital and came back at night. The doctor said that you should not be too stressed and should relax. , you must rest and ensure sleep, otherwise you will commit suicide. I haven't regained my composure yet. I try to rest as much as possible these days, but I really can't hold on anymore. I have 8,000 words today, so I don't ask for a monthly pass.]
