Power and Wealth

Chapter 30: [Making money! ]


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Dong Xuebin was completely shocked by its stock price and was stunned for more than a second.


Eyes dazzled

"Let's get back to work." Chang Juan closed the cosmetics bag she had just used to touch up her makeup.

"It's one o'clock, I'm going to print something." Tan Limei walked away from behind Dong Xuebin and ran to the copy machine.

It’s time to go back to the time when the afternoon session just opened.

Dong Xuebin took a deep breath and did not dare to delay for a moment. He quickly opened the trading quotation and looked at the stock price of Changhong CWB1. On the screen, the price of Changhong CWB1 is still at 0.002 yuan, and there are more sell orders than buy orders. There are millions of shares on it, and there is no sign of rising.

caught up

caught up

Dong Xuebin was so surprised that he quickly opened the trading software and logged in. A few days ago, he would have been unable to remember his account number and login password. After all, he had not touched stocks for several years, but because he had to pick stocks for Zhou Changchun, he remembered the account number again these days, tah tah tah. , the trading system was quickly connected, and when I looked at the fund balance, the available funds showed two yuan and thirty-five cents, almost zero.

Dong Xuebin used this ICBC card when he and his mother opened a "three-way" bank card. All his savings and salary are also in it. The total is two thousand yuan. He clicked to transfer, and two seconds later , the balance of two thousand yuan was transferred from the bank card to the stock capital account.

Can buy stocks

Dong Xuebin didn't even think about it, and directly input the largest share of stocks that 2,000 yuan could buy as quickly as possible. After finishing, he pressed the confirmation button with trembling fingers and excitement. Looking at the screen again, an order of 0.002 yuan was immediately sold. Judging from the amount, it was 100% his own large order of 2,000 yuan. Yes, even though 2,000 is not much, Changhong’s stock price is too low, so the number of stocks that can be bought with 2,000 is almost an astronomical figure. It is a very, very big order.

Deal done

caught up

He breathed a long sigh of relief and felt that his heartbeat had never been so frantic as it was today.

Brother, let’s go up. Let’s go up.

Suddenly, as if hearing Dong Xuebin's call, the board of Changhong CWB1 suddenly shook, and a huge order of more than 5 million yuan fell heavily. It was a buy order, swallowing up all the sell orders of 0.003 yuan, followed by Afterwards, large buying orders worth millions and tens of millions were completed one after another, and the stock price had already changed from 0.002 yuan to 0.004, and the upward trend showed no signs of slowing down.

Dong Xuebin clenched his fists and stared at the screen without blinking, breathing rapidly.




Changhong CWB1 is soaring like a rocket

Dong Xuebin was extremely excited, but he quickly came to his senses. Knowing that it was not the time to be happy yet, he hurriedly opened the trading system again, opened the sell order procedure and entered the selling price. He didn't know how high Changhong CWB1 would rise, but the Changhong warrants a minute ago were clearly priced at 0.020 yuan. Be on the safe side and mark them with 0.020 yuan to ensure they can be sold. Don't be too greedy.




Dong Xuebin slapped his leg suddenly: "Sold"



The stock price of Changhong CWB1 paused for a moment at 0.022 yuan, and then several large selling orders came down overwhelmingly. The trading volume was unprecedentedly large, and the falling speed was even faster than the rising speed just now.







The stock price fell again

Dong Xuebin wiped the sweat from his forehead in shock, not knowing what he was feeling at the moment. Changhong CWB1 is the last warrant in the two cities, and today is the last day of trading. I thought that I couldn’t use the BACK band to operate, but unexpectedly, Dong Xuebin seized this last opportunity and made a huge profit.

"Xiao Dong, what's wrong?" Lao Yan went to the water dispenser to get water. Seeing Dong Xuebin sweating profusely, he couldn't help but ask.

Tan Limei and Chang Juan also looked at Dong Xuebin reflexively.

Dong Xuebin groaned and immediately minimized the stock software, "It's okay, it's just a little hot." Zhou Changchun can blatantly trade stocks with the office, and no one will chew his tongue, but Dong Xuebin can't, he has to pay attention to his own behavior in all aspects. Be careful with your words and deeds to avoid getting into trouble.

At this time, Zhou Changchun suddenly returned to the general office from outside, entered the room and said: "Xiao Dong, come here."

Dong Xuebin didn't care to look at the stocks anymore and followed the leader into the small office.

Sure enough, Zhou Changchun called him here and asked Dong Xuebin to help choose a stock. "The opening of Daqin Railway today is not ideal, but fortunately I didn't buy too much. Well, let's see which stock is better?"

Dong Xuebin kept an eye on it. If he keeps watching what goes up, it will inevitably make Zhou Changchun suspicious, and it won't be a problem in the long run. It can be done once or twice. His daily BACK may have other uses. Zhou Changchun couldn't let Zhou Changchun waste it all in the stock market, so he said: "Director Zhou, the market situation is unclear recently, and I am not optimistic about the ultra-short term. How about we wait a few days?"

Zhou Changchun looked at him and said, "Didn't the analysis of the first two transactions be very good?"

Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly and said: "But in the end, I didn't let you make money. The market as a whole is still not strong. Have you looked at the market today? There are basically no rising stocks, so there is no way to operate."

Zhou Changchun thought the same thing. Both Hainan Rubber and Daqin Railway allowed him to make a small amount of money in a dangerous way. But if he hadn't sold it quickly, he might have been trapped. "Well, I think the market will adjust." It’s time to hit 3,000 points in two months. Well, I’ll buy it then.”

Return to your desk.

Dong Xuebin quietly opened the minimized trading software and couldn't wait to check the balance.

Throw away the stamp duty and other expenses, and the remaining funds reached 20,000 yuan.

Two thousand yuan increased tenfold in an instant. This is more than six or seven daily limit increases.

Twenty thousand twenty thousand twenty thousand

Dong Xuebin was filled with a huge sense of happiness. This may not be a big deal to other people's families, but to Dong Xuebin's family, 20,000 yuan is a huge sum of money.

From now on, I will no longer be reluctant to make long-distance calls to my mother because I have no money, and I will no longer be reluctant to eat beef and mutton just because I have no money. I will never again...

Thinking about it, Dong Xuebin's eyes were a little moist. For four years, he and his mother have been poor for too long.

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