Power and Wealth

Chapter 38: [Save the file! ]


[The third update is here, do you have any recommendation votes?]

Dong Xuebin is afraid of death, and he is very afraid of death.

In the past, even if someone pointed a gun at him, he would not rush in. That would be life-threatening.

But now Dong Xuebin is different. He has the huge trump card of BACK, which means that he has one more life than everyone else in the world. When he encounters danger, he can BACK back without any harm. With it, life is no longer the most important thing in Dong Xuebin's heart. He has already died once, so why not die again? Anyway, he is not really going to die. What he needs now is political achievements, credit, and the trust of the leader, so Dong Xuebin rushed into the sea of fire without hesitation.

The heat wave is steaming all around, and there is fire all around

Dong Xuebin couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the house. Black smoke and firelight filled the air. He coughed a few times, quickly grabbed his wet shirt and covered his mouth. He squinted his sore and tearful eyes and walked quickly in the dark despite the smoke. Go inside.

It's so hot, it feels like my skin is almost burning.

Dong Xuebin couldn't hold on for just a few seconds after entering. He avoided the fire at his feet and gritted his teeth to endure it.

There were constant shouts from behind, all calling Dong Xuebin’s name.

"Xiaodong, don't do this nonsense" was Li Qing's voice, "If the document is gone, it will be gone. Don't get into trouble again."

Zhou Changchun also shouted: "Xiao Dong, come back quickly. This is an order to come back."

"Binzi, you are crazy, come out quickly, the fire is getting worse again," his colleagues were also calling him.

Dong Xuebin also knew that 80% of the documents had been burned to ashes long ago. His purpose was not to find the documents, but to appear brave and fearless, able to share the worries of the leader at critical moments. So Dong Xuebin ignored everyone's shouts and quickly ran to the half-open door of the back room. He kicked open the burning wooden door and was about to go in. However, there was a loud bang behind him, like a bang. Something heavy fell to the ground, and the concrete floor beneath my feet shook a few times. When I looked back, I saw that the bookcase next to the door had fallen down, pressing the door diagonally and sealing the exit.

Dong Xuebin was shocked

"not good"

"Ah Binzi can't come out."

"Save people quickly, save people quickly"

People outside were so anxious that they sprayed fire extinguishers on the burning bookcases and smashed the cabinets with sticks, hoping to open a way out for Dong Xuebin. Otherwise, if this continues, even if Dong Xuebin is not burned to death by the fire, he will be killed by the thick smoke. of

Dong Xuebin gritted his teeth, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and quickly entered the back room.


A table on the left fell apart in vain. The tabletop and a leg hit Dong Xuebin's pants, instantly burning a hole and burning several pieces of his skin. Dong Xuebin screamed and broke out in cold sweat. He endured the pain and quickly put out the fire with his hands on his pants. At this time, the fierceness in his heart also came up. He glared and limped towards the back room. The thick smoke in the corner rushed over - that was the desk Li Qing mentioned


The overhead tube light exploded

The fragments flew down, and two of them pierced the back of Dong Xuebin's neck and hands, and blood immediately poured out of the wound.

Dong Xuebin cursed in his heart, resisted the dizziness caused by inhaling too much smoke, and moved forward with difficulty.

As he got closer, the condition of the desk gradually became clearer. Like other places, the desk was already sparkling with fire. However, what made Dong Xuebin feel incredible was that the row of drawers on the left seemed to have just been half burned and was not completely burned. Devoured by flames. Dong Xuebin's head suddenly became hot, and he hurriedly pulled out the second drawer with his hands. Ah, his fingers were burned, it was spicy and painful. He simply kicked the locked drawer with his foot.

dong dong

one foot two feet

There was a click, and a large hole opened in the burnt area of the drawer, and the two brown paper bags inside could be faintly seen.

The file is still there

Dong Xuebin was so excited that he didn't care about the burns on his hands. He reached into the fire and snatched out the two brown paper bags that were a little burnt at the corners. Then he coughed a few times, covered his mouth to block the smoke, and lowered his body. I turned back to the outer room, but the big bookcase holding the door was just moved away a little by everyone outside, and the exit was not completely opened.

Come on, let me out

My head is getting heavier and heavier, and I am getting dizzy...

Dong Xuebin tried his best to go to the exit, but he inhaled too much smoke, and his brain and body gradually became inoperable.

Dong Xuebin's vision blurred and he fell to the ground with a thump.

The document was burned the moment it touched the ground, and Dong Xuebin was also burned by the combustibles on the ground and screamed.


I'm going to die

Dong Xuebin, who was already extremely weak, used his last strength to shout: "BACK"

Everything is burning.

Two brown paper bags were lying quietly in the cracked drawer. This was the scene when Dong Xuebin just kicked open the drawer.

Time has gone back

Dong Xuebin's mind was shaken, and his whole body regained consciousness. His head was still dizzy and heavy, but he was much more awake than when he was about to die. He knew that the cigarette was poisonous and he didn't have much time left for himself. Even if he could successfully get the documents, he would not be able to walk out of the office alive.

Without daring to delay, Dong Xuebin grabbed the two documents. He no longer chose the path of death. Instead, while he was still conscious, he ran towards the window of the inner room and picked up an unburnt porcelain piece. The tea cup hit the glass hard, cracked, and fell into pieces.

This is the second floor. Although it is dangerous to jump down, it is better than dying from the smoke.

Dong Xuebin could feel that he was about to die. He took a deep breath of the air with low smoke concentration at the window and glanced at the garage awning below where the bicycle was parked. Dong Xuebin felt at ease and swayed around holding the documents. He crawled out of the window, pinched his temples with his fingernails to force himself to wake up, and then his legs suddenly exerted force and he jumped directly from the building.

Four meters…

Three meters…

Two meters…


Dong Xuebin felt pain in his left shoulder, and his body hit the blue translucent plastic shed below. Gurgling, he lost his center of gravity and rolled down from the high point. With a thud, he fell to the concrete floor under the shed, almost Got hit by several bicycles

The air inhaled in his mouth suddenly became fresh.

Dong Xuebin endured the feeling of vomiting and looked at the blue sky, his heart completely dropped to the ground.

not dead

Not dead myself

Three minutes later…

In the distance, sparse footsteps were getting closer and closer.

It turned out that all the people involved in fighting the fire went around to the back of the building, and the leaders and staff of the General Office were the first to bear the brunt.

"Binzi Binzi"

"How are you, Xiaodong? How are you?"

Dong Xuebin's body was covered with burns, scalds and sprains, and he couldn't stand up at all. He just smiled with difficulty.

Tan Limei, Zhuang Zi, Chang Juan and others had already come closer. When they saw Dong Xuebin lying on the ground covered in blood, they all took a breath of air and said, "Call an ambulance!" Zhuang Zi's relationship with Dong Xuebin It's best, after shouting in panic, rush up to help him.

Li Qing was greatly touched, "Xiao Dong, you, alas, you know that all the documents have been burned, what are you..."

Dong Xuebin breathed out, "The documents are not burned."

"What did you say?" Li Qing, Zhou Changchun and others were all stunned.

Dong Xuebin twisted around in pain and took out the two brown paper bags underneath him, "Do you think this is it?"

"Did you find it?" Li Qing and Zhou Changchun couldn't believe their eyes. For a moment, tears almost fell out. They walked up excitedly and pinched the bloody brown paper bag, "Yes, this is it." Li Qing I was so moved that I didn’t know what to say, "You... this... Xiaodong, well done, well done."

Many people were shocked, thinking that Xiao Dong was too fierce, right

Guo Shunjie and Guo Panwei look at me and I look at you, both of them are a little incredible. In that critical moment just now, it would be great if Dong Xuebin escaped alive. Who would have thought that not only did he escape with his life, but he also snatched the documents

Zhou Changchun glanced at Guo Panwei and Guo Shunjie, whose faces were full of astonishment, and already had a comment in his heart. He also said that Xiao Dong was impetuous and immature? Where did you two go at the critical moment? Did you run away when you saw a fire inside? Xiaodong is still reliable at critical moments.

Director Yan, who came up from behind, was also shocked. He looked at Dong Xuebin, took the document from Li Qing's hand, and said with a snort: "There is no need to write a resignation report, but punishment is inevitable. Go back and write it." Submit it to me for review."

Li Qingdao: "Yes, thank you, Director."

Zhou Changchun said: "Thank you, Bureau Yan." The two people who escaped were extremely happy.

"No need to thank me." Director Yan looked at Dong Xuebin on the ground, "If you want to thank him, just thank him. You two have a good subordinate."

Li Qing and Zhou Changchun nodded vigorously, deeply convinced.

Yes, at least there will never be another subordinate in the Chengxi Branch who can work so hard for the leader.

At this moment, everyone's impression of Dong Xuebin suddenly changed - this guy is a life-threatening master.

[The third update is here, do you have any recommendation votes?]