Power and Wealth

Chapter 5: [Prepare for the exam! Prepare for exams! Prepare for exams! ]


There are only a few days left for the exam. Since you have boasted so much, you must take action.

After dinner, Dong Xuebin returned home and locked himself in the hut. He rummaged through the boxes and cabinets and started looking for things. Finally, he rummaged through a small camphor wood box under the bed to find a stack of machine-readable cards and computer cards he used in high school. Put the blank paper on the desk, prepare erasers and 2B pencils, and start memory training. ABCD, 1234, mind full of options.

This was the only way he could think of to pass the civil service examination. Although the chance was only 10 to 20%, he still had to give it a try.

the next morning.

Dong Xuebin got up from the sofa in the living room filled with computer-readable cards and started practicing again, "AABDDCCABDC..." He closed his eyes and muttered in his mouth.

My mother was a little confused and asked: "Xuebin, what are you doing?"

Dong Xuebin coughed and said, "Prepare for the exam, prepare for the exam."

Mom blinked: "Didn't I buy the review materials for this year's exam? What's the use of that piece of paper?"

"Oh, please don't worry about it. I'm sensible." As long as BACK can still be used on the day of the exam, his efforts will not be in vain.

Practice… practice… practice…

One hour... two hours... three hours...

Ring ring, the phone rang. Dong Xuebin picked it up and saw it was an unknown number, "Hello? How are you?"

"Hello, is this Xiao Dong?" An old voice came from over there.

"Sorry, may I ask?"

"My surname is Hu."

Dong Xuebin said, "Are you Grandpa Hu? How is your health?"

"Thanks to you, everything is fine. Haha, are you free today? If you are not busy, come to the hospital to sit with me in the hospital."

"Uh, sorry, I have the civil service exam in a few days, and I haven't reviewed it yet."

The voice on the other side was a little surprised, "You want to take the civil service exam? This time you signed up in the first half of the year in Beijing?" There was a pause, and Grandpa Hu said thoughtfully: "Well, if you are not sure about the written exam, you can come to the Comprehensive Oncology Department of the Cancer Hospital. Come to me, don’t look at me like this, I can still teach you some answering skills for the Civil Service Examination, especially the essay questions. Are you interested?”

Dong Xuebin was stunned, "Ah? Really?"

"Isn't that right? Haha, can the old man still lie to my savior?"

Dong Xuebin already had a way to deal with the practical test, but he was completely unsure about the application. "Okay, I'll be there right now. Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin and his mother informed each other, then picked up the information book and walked out the door.

Beijing Cancer Hospital.

Dong Xuebin has never worked part-time, so he doesn't have much money recently. On the way here, he bought some current melons and fruits from the fruit stall, the cheaper ones. He went to the inpatient ward and asked people to look for them, and then he went to the third level. On the west side of the building, next to the comprehensive medical oncology area of the Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, I walked to the door marked ward 3016 and knocked on the door.

"Please come in." In the patient's room by the window, Grandpa Hu is wearing reading glasses and looking at a photo.

Dong Xuebin walked over and put the fruit on the table with a smile, "Grandpa Hu, I wish you a speedy recovery."

"Come here, what else do you want to buy?" Grandpa Hu smiled cheerfully, pulled him to sit down, touched the family photo with his hand, and turned over to show Dong Xuebin with emotion, "This is me Eldest son, this is my daughter, here are my younger son and daughter-in-law.” The woman in the photo had a big belly, as if she was pregnant, “… Oh, I almost missed it, I almost missed it. A little grandson was born, Xiao Dong. Thank you for pulling me back from the door of hell that day. Old man, I thank you, thank you."

"You are serious."

Grandpa Hu's eyes were a little moist, "Sometimes I think about it, there is no cure for my lung cancer. If I die early, I will be at ease, but when I am about to die, I can't let go of anything. I still have to live."

Dong Xuebin was also very touched when he thought that he had completely changed the fate of Grandpa Hu and Qu Yunxuan.

After a few words of greeting, Grandpa Hu suddenly said: "Have you brought all the reference and review materials for the application? Come on, what is something you don't know? Let me tell you."

Dong Xuebin quickly asked some questions that he couldn't understand.

Grandpa Hu thought about it and replied: "If you answer the question you just mentioned in a way that is too subjective, it will not be very good. After all, it is not a tempered argument. There will always be some small mistakes and some small problems. This is important in judging The points will be slightly reduced if you roll it into someone’s hand.”

Dong Xuebin was puzzled: "Then how should I answer? Are you lying? Are you talking high-key?"

Grandpa Hu laughed and said: "Xiao Dong, don't underestimate the words 'fake and empty'. Sometimes it's not easy to use them well. It can also add points and color to your argument. When you need to be fake, be fake." , Be big when you should be big, and be free when you should be free. This is not only the civil service examination, but also in the officialdom. Come on, the old man will tell you... "

Dong Xuebin listened attentively all afternoon.

Not to mention, Grandpa Hu is really knowledgeable and can speak clearly and eloquently on everything.

Later, Dong Xuebin gradually became familiar with him, and he didn't have so many scruples when speaking, "Well, you said the person who set the exam questions is the same. Why do they make the questions so difficult? Isn't this deliberately making things difficult for us? "Dong Xuebin has been burying this resentment in his heart for a long time, "I have done all the thesis topics for each province from the past few years to this year. Each one is more difficult than the last one, and each one is more boring than the last one. Alas, the questions they set are too light. It’s all talk, but what about us? Who are we offending?”

Grandpa Hu frowned and was speechless.

Dong Xuebin snorted. Did he say the wrong thing

Not long after, Grandpa Hu said: "You can't say that. If everyone can answer all the simple questions correctly, then why do you need to take the civil service exam? Don't you think so? Even if everyone gets full marks, there will only be one or two positions at the end. , we still have to compete, it’s all the same.” He opened a reference book for various provinces in previous years, pointed to a page and said: “My son and I are both academics. He is more capable than me and has a doctorate long ago. Well, he came up with more than half of the application questions for the Shanghai Civil Service Examination last year.”

Only then did Dong Xuebin realize that his previous complaint had brought Grandpa Hu’s son into it.

Bah, look at your bad mouth, this is...

By the way, today’s BACK is not used yet.


The first time the time went back, Dong Xuebin felt his lips moving, probably in the middle of speaking. Grandpa Hu on the opposite side frowned and listened to him. When Dong Xuebin saw the old man's expression, he knew that it was a little late to BACK, "Well, Grandpa Hu, where did I say it?"

Grandpa Hu smiled bitterly and said: "You said that the person who made the question deliberately made things difficult for you."

"Yes." Dong Xuebin's mind turned and he followed this tone and said: "It's too difficult."

Grandpa Hu’s eyebrows tightened even more.

"But..." Dong Xuebin changed his voice and picked up the book of application essay questions, "But the application questions in Beihe Province last year and Shanghai last year were very interesting. You can see that the questions they asked are of a good standard. They are very difficult. It’s difficult, but it’s interesting. If I get this kind of question in the Beijing Civil Service Examination this year, I won’t complain even if I can’t answer it.”

Grandpa Hu was stunned and laughed loudly, "Xiao Dong, let me tell you, most of the questions in the Shanghai application paper last year were written by my son."

Dong Xuebin pretended to be surprised, "Huh?"

"My son has always been more capable than me." Grandpa Hu stroked his beard with great relief and said with a cheerful smile: "Haha, come on, Xiao Dong, I will give you a good explanation, and I guarantee you will get high marks this time."


"Of course, if you fail the exam, you'll have to settle the score with me."