Power and Wealth

Chapter 73: [Fierce confrontation! ]


No one responded to Pang Bin's proposal, and the venue fell into a brief silence.

The first objection came from Deputy Director Zhao Jinxi, who is a die-hard loyalist of Political Commissar Zhou. Those who have the label of Political Commissar on their foreheads are usually those who are targeted by Zhou Guoan. "Director Pang said it depends on seniority. I strongly agree with this." , but Director Pang seems to have made a mistake. Comrade Guo Shunjie also joined the branch at the same time as Guo Panwei. The two of them were no more than half a year apart. In just half a year, it can be said that Guo Panwei has higher qualifications than Guo Shunjie. What is this? logic?"

Pang Bin looked at him and said, "I'm not just referring to these qualifications, my contributions to the branch are also included."

Zhao Jinxi's wrinkled old face smiled slightly and said: "Guo Shunjie is also a good comrade who devotes himself wholeheartedly to his work and has made a lot of contributions to the Chengxi Branch. And I think that the steady and mature Guo Shunjie is definitely more suitable for the comprehensive team than Comrade Guo Panwei." Deputy Director, don’t you think Guo Panwei is a bit...too frivolous? How could such a person be appointed as Deputy Director? That would be irresponsible to everyone in the General Office."

Pang Bin was angered by his words, "Frivolous? Is this derogatory term used to describe our own comrades? I would like to ask Deputy Director Zhao to pay attention to his words and deeds. Guo Panwei is a well-rounded person. This kind of talent is most suitable for comprehensive "He didn't call him Director Zhao but Deputy Director Zhao." It can be seen that Pang Bin was very dissatisfied with Zhao Jinxi's words.

The more Zhao Jinxi and Pang Bin talked, the more they got choked up and their words became fierce.

Seeing this, Yan Liang couldn't help but tap the table with his fingers, "Please note that we are still in a meeting."

Political Commissar Zhou Guoan glanced in Cheng Haimei's direction casually.

Cheng Haimei pondered and didn't say much, but simply stated, "I support Guo Shunjie."

Pang Bin's face was a bit ugly. Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, he didn't want to have any more verbal arguments. He lowered his head and grabbed his cup of boiled water angrily.

"I also support Guo Shunjie." The speaker was deputy political commissar Li Mingyu, who was about fifty years old and was relatively close to Zhou's political commissar faction. Seeing that Director Yan had neither support nor objection this time, he knew something in his mind and said: "I don't mean to disparage Comrade Guo Panwei, but for the position of deputy director of the General Affairs Office, Guo Shunjie is more suitable. The composition of the staff of the General Affairs Office is younger than that of other departments, and there are many new people. The General Affairs Office needs exactly what it needs now. He is a comrade like Guo Shunjie who is mature, can take the overall situation into consideration, and can take control of the situation."

Xu Yan was very uncomfortable hearing this. Is it your turn to take charge of whoever I need in the general office? Forget it, the political commissar, the director of the political department, you say this in front of me like a political commissar, don't you think so little of me? Did you stretch your hand too far

Yan Liang had an indifferent attitude. Seeing that Zhou Guoan had basically settled the matter, he thought about this proposal and hurried to the next topic. Today's time is a bit tight.

But at this time, Xu Yan spoke. She put down her water glass with a bang and made her voice louder on purpose. "The General Office is the department I am in charge of. I think I have a better say in the selection of the deputy director." ?" Xu Yan squinted at Li Mingyu and Zhao Jinxi, "I know Guo Panwei and Guo Shunjie better than everyone else. How can I put it, they are both good in every aspect, but they are always bad. What's the difference? It's not experience, it's not attitude, it's hard work."

Li Mingyu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what she wanted to say.

Xu Yan said in surprise: "The reason why I proposed Dong Xuebin is very simple. The young man is energetic and hardworking."

Zhao Jinxi smiled and said: "Dong Xuebin? How long has he been in the branch? One month or two months? How can he be promoted to deputy director if his qualifications are too junior?"

Xu Yan said expressionlessly: "When it comes to qualifications, I want to make one point. The longer you have been here, the higher the qualifications. What we value more is performance and contribution to the branch. That time there was a fire in Director Li's office. Everyone has heard about Xiao Dong rushing into the fire to grab documents, right? Everyone has heard about Xiao Dong’s joining the party through Director Yan’s approval. During the football match a few days ago, Xiao Dong saved our branch’s face. Have you all heard about this? I want to ask, is this not qualifications? "

Yan Liang also frowned, not expecting Xu Yan to push such a young man up.

Song Shoujie, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, coughed and said, "I agree with Director Xu. Although Xiao Dong has not been assigned to the General Office for a long time, everyone has seen what he has done. Many department leaders and colleagues have also affirmed Xiao Dong." This is a very rare evaluation.”

Li Mingyu kept shaking his head, "Too young, only twenty-three years old, and the one-year internship period has not yet passed."

Zhao Jinxi didn't take it seriously, he laughed and said: "I know about the football match, but it was a friendly match organized by the municipal bureau. What does it have to do with the work of the West City Bureau? You can't use this as an argument. We are choosing comprehensive The deputy director of the office is not selecting athletes."

Xu Yan looked at him, "What I emphasize is not Dong Xuebin's football skills, but his ability to solve problems for the leaders at critical moments... The spirit of daring to fight, daring to fight, daring to advance, and daring to charge forward is very important for the leaders of the comprehensive office. Guo Shunjie’s performance on the court is unacceptable to me. He just hides when there is trouble? How can he be a good leader of the general office with this style of work

Zhao Jinxi said: "Director Xu may have some misunderstandings about Comrade Guo Shunjie? I believe Xiao Guo is not that kind of person."

Yang Yizhong suddenly spoke. He was relatively straightforward and his words were also straightforward, "I don't like Guo Shunjie either, he is too..." After thinking for a long time, Deputy Director Yang, who was not well educated, finally came up with a good word, "... too..." Impetuous." He immediately said: "Dong Xuebin is good, smart and down-to-earth."

Xu Yan and Song Shoujie looked at each other, a little surprised that Yang Yizhong, who had just been transferred to the west city branch not long ago, actually stood in their own camp. In fact, Yang Yizhong is not right about the situation. He and the party committee are free men. He can say whatever he thinks and has no intention of taking this opportunity to take sides.

Zhou Guoan, who had been silent for a long time, felt the solemn atmosphere of the venue and frowned. He didn't expect that almost everyone was not optimistic... Dong Xuebin, who didn't even take a serious look at it, quietly got three votes. support

However, Zhou Guoan didn't have too many emotional fluctuations. Let alone three votes, even if the opponent got four votes, there was no hope.

This personnel appointment had already been decided in Zhou Guoan's conversation with Yan Liang.

No matter how the situation changes, Yan Liang will definitely support Guo Shunjie at the last moment