Power and Wealth

Chapter 8: [Copy other people’s test papers! ]


Administrative Vocational Aptitude Test, referred to as the executive test.

A standardized test designed to measure a range of psychological abilities associated with success in administrative careers. It is different from general intelligence tests, and is also different from tests of basic public knowledge or specific professional knowledge and skills. It mainly tests a series of psychological potentials to predict the possibility of candidates' success in various positions in the administrative career field. This kind of examination tests a person's ability accumulated through years of life, study and practice. Its nature is an examination of basic potential abilities.

Closed book format, approximately 135 multiple choice questions.

Morning, 9:00-11:00, exam time is two hours.

In the 026 examination room, after the invigilator read out the examination room rules and precautions, the examination began. In the almost frozen air, test papers, answer sheets and scratch paper were handed out to every candidate. Dong Xuebin touched the white paper, his heart was in his throat. Make it simple, it must be simpler. .

He picked up the pen, lowered his head, and began to answer the questions.

The first question, hey, there was a similar question in a civil service examination book he bought from Xidan Bookstore. It was simple.

The second question, uh, the second civil service examination in Jiangnan Province three years ago seemed to be similar to this, and it was easy.

After thinking about the third question for ten seconds, he happily chose C. It was also not difficult.

For the fourth question, he tapped the pen tip on the draft paper and finally chose B. Although he was not quite sure about it, he was still close to it.

The four consecutive questions went so smoothly, which made Dong Xuebin feel very comfortable. He felt that the test questions this time were not really difficult. Write and write, answer and answer, but before he could be happy for a while, the sixth question started, and the difficulty of selection skyrocketed. From the sixth to the tenth question, Dong Xuebin didn't know any of them, so he could only rely on blind guessing. From the third question to the forty-seventh question, he was half-guessing, half-confused, and not at all sure.

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous signal.

The more he wrote, the heavier Dong Xuebin's heart became, and he felt a little thump.

It's really too difficult. It seems to be a little more complicated than last year's national civil service exam.

Quantity-related questions are easier to say. Dong Xuebin has just graduated from university and has not left behind a lot of knowledge. He has answered almost all of the calculations and calculations, and the accuracy rate should be very high. His verbal comprehension and expression questions are also not much different. Think about it. After thinking about it, he estimated that he could get most of the answers correct, but the judgment and reasoning questions and common sense questions were too difficult this time. There were dozens of questions, and he felt that he could get just a few of them right. The most noteworthy one was data analysis. He didn't think he could answer any of the questions correctly.

It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over

Dong Xuebin's head is as big as two, and he really wants to scold the person who asked the question.

Twenty minutes passed.

Forty minutes passed.

There was still a quarter of an hour before the end of the exam. Many people in Dong Xuebin's examination room had already put down their pens. Some were staring at the ceiling in confusion, some were gripping their hair and gritting their teeth in frustration, and some were covering their faces in frustration and remained silent. Most of them were in pain and irritated, and few seemed satisfied with their answers.

Dong Xuebin felt that he could not wait any longer, otherwise, he would fail like most people in this test.

He regained his composure, took out a 2B pencil and began to scribble on the answer sheet. He marked a few obvious marks on the questions that he was unsure about and could not do. After calculation, there were about four or five. Among the ten questions, as for the other more than 80 multiple-choice questions, he was more than 70% sure to answer them correctly.

"Huh? What are you drawing?" A bald middle-aged invigilator walked towards Dong Xuebin.

Dong Xuebin looked at his watch, took a deep breath, exhale, let’s start.

Seeing his messy answer sheet, the invigilator frowned and said, "Don't draw boxes on the answer sheet. If you write like this, how will the machine recognize it? Erase it quickly."

Dong Xuebin didn't reply, but stood up from the chair with a roar. Under the stunned eyes of all the candidates and the invigilator, he grabbed the answer sheet with his left hand, rushed forward, pushed past the bald invigilator and rushed to the classroom. Outside

"Why should I x him?"

"Only the devil knows this person is crazy, right?"

"Stop, stop, it's not time to hand in the papers yet."

Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't understand why this person suddenly ran out of the examination room. Did he give up the exam because he knew he would fail

An invigilator from 026 stayed behind and quickly maintained order in the examination room. Another person hurriedly chased him out, shouting to people in the corridor, "Don't run away, Lao Li, Lao Zhang, hurry up and catch that kid. He's still holding the answer sheet." Don't let him influence other candidates to do the questions faster."

The two invigilators walking in the corridor had never encountered such a situation before, and they were both a little confused.

While he was talking, Dong Xuebin rushed into the third adjacent classroom and opened the door with a kick. Seeing everyone's eyes wide open and their mouths wide open in shock, without saying a word, he kicked away a table from the nearest distance. When he ran to Xiaodong, Dong Xuebin snatched his answer sheet in a swipe at Xiaodong's dumbfounded gaze.

Xiaodong said stupidly: "What do you mean?" He didn't expect that Dong Xuebin would "cheat" so blatantly.

Dong Xuebin said: "I told you before the exam, be careful with your papers."

The invigilators in this room were all women, and they were not very young. When they saw Dong Xuebin kicking in the door and grabbing the papers, they did not dare to step forward to stop them. They just shouted in shock: " Which test center are you from? What are you doing? Put down the paper."

Only then did Xiaodong realize what he was doing. He went up angrily and started to fight with him, "Give it to me!"

Although Dong Xuebin's physical fitness is not too high, he is still a little stronger than Xiaodong. He ducked sideways and ran out of the classroom. Three staff members chased him across the corridor. Dong Xuebin's footsteps stagnated and he kicked his legs. He jumped from the open glass window in the corridor on the first floor into the flowers, and while running towards the playground where no one was around, he lowered his head and compared his answer sheet with Xiaodong's, remembering the questions he had marked in his mind.


Running out of the classroom and grabbing the test paper took nearly half a minute, and now there are still thirty seconds left.

There's enough time


"Stop for me"

Several staff members and security guards attacked from both sides.

Dong Xuebin ignored them and continued to repeat the answers in order, ACCABBDDDCAD...

"catch him"

Suddenly, there was a heavy weight on his back, and Dong Xuebin was thrown to the ground.

An invigilator said angrily from behind: "Who is disqualifying him from taking the exam?"

Another person gasped and said: "The nature is too bad, please call the police."

"Are my scores valid?" Xiaodong, who was chasing after him, said anxiously: "He was the one who stole my answer sheet."

Dong Xuebin, who was lying on the ground, endured the pain and read the last line of selection, and immediately shouted: "BACK"

There was silence all around.

026 In the examination room, everyone lowered their heads and answered the questions, and no one spoke.

The signature pen and 2B pencil made a rustling sound when they fell on the exam paper, and the tense atmosphere filled the air.

Dong Xuebin's head swayed dizzy, and the next moment he saw the bald invigilator standing in front of him frowning and staring at his answer sheet, "Don't draw boxes on the answer sheet. If you write like this, how will the machine recognize it? Hurry up. wipe it up"

Time goes back

Dong Xuebin wiped his sweat with lingering fear, "Yes."

The invigilator looked at him, turned around and went back.

Immediately, Dong Xuebin quickly scrawled the answer with a pencil without any delay. Must not forget, must not forget


The memory training in the previous week was not an exaggeration. Dong Xuebin was specially prepared for cheating in this exam. He wrote quickly. The first twenty choices are basically not difficult. Most people can remember more than twenty letters with a short memory stay, but the latter ones are a little more difficult. Dong Xuebin spent a lot of effort and finally improved his memory. He copied the thirty or so letters that were the limit, but when he was memorizing the next dozen, he knew that he couldn't remember them clearly, so he made some choices.

For example, AACBA is recorded as AAAAA.

For example, ABAD is recorded as ABCD.

Two minutes later, Dong Xuebin reproduced all the dozens of options copied from Xiaodong.

If Xiaodong got almost full marks in last year's national exam, then this year's test shouldn't be much worse. There must be at least a 90% accuracy rate, right? That's enough. With the addition of these questions that Dong Xuebin is confident about, he will definitely get a very high score in the test.

