Power and Wealth

Chapter 94: [BACK's major discovery! ]


The so-called extreme joy leads to sorrow, which refers to Dong Xuebin's current situation.

After holding hands with Qu Yunxuan, whom he had a crush on for a long time, on Saturday, Dong Xuebin could no longer hold anything else in his mind. He didn't go there all day on Sunday. He bought vegetables with Aunt Xuan, cooked with Aunt Xuan, and Aunt Xuan watched TV. Anyway, except for the time when going to the toilet and sleeping, the two of them were almost together. Dong Xuebin enjoyed the ambiguous feeling that rippled out through the friction of hands, but because his mind was not here, until Monday morning As soon as he opened his eyes, Dong Xuebin remembered with annoyance that he had forgotten something, a major event, and then ushered in the most uneasy day in his life.

He actually forgot to use Sunday's BACK

Dong Xuebin did not fully understand the BACK ability generated after the car accident. He only knew that this BACK could go back for one minute and could only be used once a day. When he started the experiment, Dong Xuebin maintained the principle of "must use it every day" , even if nothing happened that day, he would use BACK before going to bed. From before he was admitted to the civil service examination to the day before yesterday, Saturday... this habit has never been broken, without even one exception. It’s not that Dong Xuebin has never thought about what would happen if one day he didn’t use BACK, but he didn’t dare to try or gamble. After tasting the benefits of BACK, he couldn’t live without it no matter what. It must be used every day. If it is not used the next day, it cannot be used again, so where can Dong Xuebin cry

Uneasy, confused, upset

BACK, BACK, you must not lose your buddy and your happy life will depend on you in the future.

"Xiao Bin, you were in a daze early in the morning. What's wrong?"

"Uh, think of something, it's nothing." When Dong Xuebin came to his senses, he found that Aunt Xuan was squatting in front of the sofa to tie his shoelaces like a little wife. Dong Xuebin hurriedly lowered his head to stop, "No, no, oh, Aunt Xuan, I will do it myself. If your cervical spine and waist are not good, stop flashing."

"Auntie is not that squeamish." After Qu Yunxuan tied his shoelaces gently, she stood up with her legs in hand, stretched out her hand to straighten his collar and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm quite energetic today. Let's go to work."

Dong Xuebin said yes, "You should go out early, there will be a traffic jam later."

"Okay, if Auntie doesn't work overtime tonight, I'll prepare a meal and wait for you to come back."

After going out and going downstairs, Dong Xuebin's forced smile in front of Aunt Xuan suddenly became depressed again. He was eager to try to see if BACK was still there, but after thinking about it, he still didn't know what to do when he got to the unit. What will happen? What if I say the wrong thing again? So Dong Xuebin forced himself to hold on to this idea and wanted to wait until after get off work. If something happened in the meantime, it would not be too late to test whether BACK was there.

One hour…

three hours…

five hours…

In the blink of an eye, it was time to get off work, and Dong Xuebin did not make any mistakes in work or speech.

Dong Xuebin walked out of the branch door with his bag under his arm and decided to use BACK immediately. The sky is fine and the earth is fine, please don’t have any accidents, please don’t

"Director Dong, are you off work?" A girl from the logistics department of the General Office greeted Dong Xuebin with a smile.

Dong Xuebin nodded.

"...You walk slowly." Tiantian handed over a smiling face, and the girl walked in the other direction.

After passing by the clerk who seemed to be named Guo, Dong Xuebin took a deep breath and silently said "BACK"

The scene changes

The logistics clerk walked over from the side and said, "Director Dong, are you off work?"


"...You walk slowly."

It was exactly the time point sixty seconds ago that went back

Dong Xuebin was so nervous that he sweated, fearing that the scene he least wanted to see would appear. Seeing that BACK was still there, he couldn't help but feel relieved, and the gloomy emotions that had accumulated for a day disappeared instantly. It was so good that it almost scared me to death. He suddenly became energetic again, straightened his back, and walked towards the bus stop with a smile, and stood under the stop sign to wait for the bus. That's great. Since BACK won't disappear, I don't have to waste it before twelve o'clock in the future. Oh, no, it shouldn’t be called waste. Without those wasteful experiments, Dong Xuebin would not have been able to understand BACK to this extent. For example, the BACK he just used when walking, in the past, he would have had to throw garlic under his feet. Somersault, but now? There is almost nothing strange about just stepping on it. It is all thanks to the dozens of wastes that I have become familiar with.

Zhi... The brakes sounded and the bus pulled into the stop.

A woman responsible for maintaining order waved a small red flag and said: "Swipe your card at the front door to get on the bus."

Dong Xuebin originally stood quite close to the front, but there were so many people waiting for the bus that Hula pushed him to the back.

What do you rely on to squeeze in? Quality, quality

Dong Xuebin is also a leader, so squeezing into a car with others would look too shameless. If a colleague saw it, he wouldn't make people laugh, so he could only wait gracefully until the end, and saw everyone squeeze in one after another. , Dong Xuebin climbed up the steps of the car and entered the packed car.

But I don't know if it was a problem with the vision. Before Dong Xuebin could fully recover, the driver actually closed the door.

Dong Xuebin was frightened, and hurriedly pushed the person in front of him to squeeze in. However, he was not in a hurry to dodge, and his left hand was caught by the car door.

"Ah" Dong Xuebin screamed in pain and reflexively shouted BACK

This was purely out of habit, without any consideration at all. After Dong Xuebin shouted out, he slapped his forehead hard. He had just used BACK when he walked to the door of the unit five minutes ago, and now he was still shouting nonsense. However, the next second, Dong Xuebin blinked slightly and was stunned.

The surroundings were no longer crowded, my hands no longer hurt, and I was actually standing under the stop sign again.

The bus that had just pinched his hand slowly entered the station and stopped in front of him under Dong Xuebin's stunned gaze.

"Swipe your card at the front door to get on the bus." The woman waved a red flag to maintain order, and everyone crowded into the bus.

ah? BACK takes effect? Time went back sixty seconds

I thought it was impossible. How could this be possible? I had clearly used BACK once. How could I use it twice today? Looking at the scene in front of him, Dong Xuebin couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't think about it until the bus left the station and drove far away. He stood there and stared at the road blankly.

what happened

Eh? etc.

twice? Have you used it twice

Dong Xuebin was stunned, and suddenly thought of a possibility

Could it be... Could it be that the BACK on Sunday did not disappear, but accumulated until Monday

I don’t know xBACK... can I save it

If this is the case, then if you accumulate five days and ten days, and later want to go back five minutes, ten minutes or even more... is that possible

[It is expected to be available for VIP on June 1st. Please continue to support me. Also, this is the first update today, please vote for recommendation]