Powerful Minister Buddha-like Sweet Wife

Chapter 27: write a letter


That night, Liu Tangxi slept soundly when suddenly he heard some movement outside. When she opened her eyes, Wei Hanzhou was already dressed.

"What's wrong? What happened outside?" Liu Tangxi rubbed his eyes and asked in a daze.

"Second sister-in-law is about to give birth." Wei Hanzhou answered succinctly.

Liu Tangxi suddenly woke up and quickly put on his clothes and got out of bed.

Perhaps it was because I had given birth to one before, and it didn't take long for this one to be born.

Because he gave birth to a son, he was arranged according to Bo Sheng's name, and his name was Wei Zhongxing.

The birth of a newborn always brings joy and hope. The crops in the fields have been harvested a lot, and the apples have been sold for a lot of money. The third Wei family is very happy.

Wei Hanzhou was already on vacation, and he stayed at home for a few more days.

However, after washing three, Wei Hanzhou also went to study.

The day before Wei Hanzhou left, the third Wei family sat together in the courtyard and talked for a while.

Zhou slept with the child in his arms and didn't come out, everyone else was there.

Seeing the smile on his second son's face, the third Wei said, "Second son, now that your daughter-in-law has given birth to you a son, you have to work hard and support them in the future."

Wei Erhu nodded and said solemnly: "Well, don't worry, my son."

Then, the two said a few more words on the matter.

Mr. Zhang looked at his son who was playing under the grape trellis, and the sadness in his eyes could not be changed.

Before the family spent twenty taels of silver, without any savings, she did not mention her son's study. But now that the grain has been harvested, the apples have been sold for a lot of money, and the embroidery has also made a lot of money. It should be rich.

Can the son's study be mentioned

But the apples are grown together by the family, and the embroidery money is mainly earned by the three younger siblings, who also teach their daughters to embroider and their sons to read.

Next year's third brother's examination will also need money.

She couldn't say anything like that.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Zhang glanced at her husband who was sitting beside him with a smile on his face and said nothing, and sighed slightly.

That's all, let's wait until next year's third brother's exam. If the third brother passed the exam, his son would not have to worry about his studies. After all, now the three younger siblings and the third younger brother can teach sporadically, and the son will not know nothing.

Zhang Shi was thinking about it, only to hear his father-in-law's eyes look towards the couple.

"Boss, now that the family is rich, and I am in good health, we don't have to spend so many years buying medicine, and our family can save money. After a few days, we will sell all the apples on the mountain, and then sell some food at home. , let Bosheng go to Li Xiucai to study."

Hearing this, Mrs Zhang immediately widened his eyes and turned to look at Daniel Wei excitedly.

Unexpectedly, David David refused.

"Father, the third brother is going to have an exam next year, and the second brother has just had a child, so he has to spend money, so let them spend it first. Bo Sheng is only six years old this year, so don't worry."

Zhang Shi's eyes darkened when he heard this. Although she was a little disappointed, she also understood that what her husband said was the truth, and she couldn't say anything against it.

Since the third child of Wei said such words, he did not say it casually, but had already planned it. From his third son, he discovered the benefits of letting future generations read. He heard that rich people let their children start reading at the age of three, and their uncle was already six years old, so it was too late.

If the family had more money, he would want his two granddaughters to study. Didn't you see that his third daughter-in-law had both read and embroidered, which was different from other girls. He also fantasizes that the family will be richer in the future, so that the children and grandchildren can have a good future.

"No, Dad has already figured it out. After deducting the food we eat, apples and grain can be sold for five or six taels. Dad is in good health, you brothers don't have to worry about the work in the fields, you can just go to the town to do odd jobs. Yes. You can earn five taels a year. In addition to the embroidery earned by your daughter-in-law, the second family's, and the third family's embroidery, it is enough for the third child to take the exam. With the remaining money, let Bo Sheng go to study. It's just that everyone's life will be a little harder this year. But the hard time won't be long, save it slowly, and the money will come."

As the head of the family, Mr. Wei had a clear grasp of the situation at home and planned what to do in the future.

Listening to the calculations made by Third Wei, Liu Tangxi calculated silently. There are twelve members in this family, including eight adults. They grow fruit trees, grow food, do odd jobs, and do embroidery. They only earn twenty taels a year. Silver, this is still saved day and night by frugality.

Before she came, embroidery couldn't make much money, and apples couldn't sell much.

Twenty taels of silver must have been saved for I don't know how many years.

She suddenly understood Wei Hanzhou's anger in the book.

These 20 taels of silver are the life-saving money for the third Wei, and it is also the money that the entire Wei family has saved for many years.

"It's too hard for Bo Sheng to study alone. It's the same for him to read early and later. The third brother only read when he was ten years old. Isn't he reading well now?" Wei Daniel said.

Liu Tangxi didn't agree with such a view, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something in front of everyone for the first time.

Unexpectedly, before she had time to speak, Wei Hanzhou picked up the conversation.

"Read later."

Hearing this, Liu Tangxi's eyes widened, and he looked at Wei Hanzhou in disbelief.

After her observation of Wei Hanzhou during this period of time, she really could not see that Wei Hanzhou was such a person, nor did she expect him to say such a thing. Is his nature really like a book

Selfish, think only of yourself.

Liu Tangxi didn't believe it.

At this moment, Wei Hanzhou spoke again: "Dad, brother and sister-in-law, don't worry. Although Li Xiucai is more convenient, it is not a good choice. I went to the town to ask a few houses a few days ago, Xiu is about the same as Li Xiucai, even less than him, and some masters are better than Li Xiucai in the past. The eldest brother and the second brother also go to the town to do odd jobs on weekdays, so they can take Bo Sheng and come back. If I bring him back from time to time, it won't delay anything. However, I haven't found out about the qualities of the few talents in the town. There is one who is in the same class as the gentleman who is teaching me now. I will find out when I go back this time. It's not too late to send Bo Sheng there."

Liu Tangxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Hanzhou has always been a reliable and talented person, and everyone in his family is willing to listen to him.

Hearing what he said, Zhang's heart also blossomed. Going to the town is better than studying in the village.

Before Wei Daniel could open his mouth to refuse, Zhang could not help but say, "Thank you, third brother."

"Sister-in-law is very kind."

Wei Daniu looked at his younger brother and his daughter-in-law, thought about it, and agreed.

As soon as Liu Tangxi heard that Wei Hanzhou went to the town to ask about it, she thought of the two people going to the town together that day. She just thought that Wei Hanzhou was going to sell apples, but she didn't expect that they would also inspect the juniors reading books by the way. The place.

It's really worth it to go to this town.

Moreover, listening to Wei Hanzhou's meaning, this is questioning Li Xiucai's knowledge and... character

Thinking of the girl who stopped in front of them that day and said she wanted to send a reference book, Liu Tangxi stared at Wei Hanzhou's profile.

Otherwise, to avoid suspicion

However, no matter which one it is, Liu Tangxi is very happy.

The way the girl looked at her made her very uncomfortable, so she was relieved to know that Wei Hanzhou didn't like that family either. After all, if Bo Sheng really went there to study, he would have to deal with each other.

This was not only heard by Liu Tangxi, but also by Mrs. Li for some reason.

"Third, are you saying that there is something wrong with Li Xiucai?"

Wei Hanzhou thought for a while and denied: "No, it's just that Bosheng's study is a big deal. Finding a good gentleman can often do more with less."

Wei Erhu didn't speak for a while, and now he couldn't help but say: "Then Li Xiucai wants a lot of repairs, but after so many years, I really haven't heard of any good students he has taught. The third brother is just in After listening to the class for a few days at his family, he boasted everywhere that he taught the third brother, which is very thick-skinned."

After hearing this, Wei Laosan coughed heavily, looked at Wei Erhu displeasedly, and said, "I just praised you for being prudent, but you ended up saying such things. That's Xiucailang, can you talk nonsense? Besides, he really taught your third brother."

Back then, Wei Hanzhou did go to Li Xiucai's house to study, but Li Xiucai disliked Wei Hanzhou's old age, and was very impatient with him, and he received more bundles than others.

After Wei Hanzhou studied with him for a while, he taught himself at home, and later went to town to study for a while.

When Wei Hanzhou passed the exam a few years later, Li Xiucai began to regret what he did back then, and wanted to get close to Wei Hanzhou and marry his granddaughter to him.

After the third son of Wei finished talking about the second son, he looked at the third son and asked worriedly: "The third son, if he talks outside like this, will it affect you?"

Wei Hanzhou shook his head, frowned slightly, and said, "That won't work, Li Xiucai still has some skills."

Third Wei finally felt relieved after hearing this.

In the early morning of the second day, Wei Hanzhou carried a few apples from the family and went to the uncle's house who delivered the vegetables in the next village to take a car.

After a few days, the uncle who delivered the food suddenly sent a letter to their house.

This had never happened before. Wei Hanzhou never wrote letters to his home because no one at home could read.

Now that I have started writing letters, we all know exactly why.

After getting the letter, Third Wei asked Li to give the letter to Liu Tangxi.

After Liu Tangxi got the letter, he read it in front of everyone.

It turned out that Wei Hanzhou had already found a shop in the county seat that received apples, and the price of apples had risen by two cents, six cents a pound. It's just that the other party wants to come and see the apple tree, and wants to go to the tree to pick it in person.

The purpose of Wei Hanzhou's letter was to tell them not to pick them for now, and to pick them in person when they came. At the same time, he also told everyone about the shop's situation, so that everyone would not be fooled.

The third Wei family was overjoyed.

Liu Tangxi thought of the mess of the orchard on the mountain, and quickly reminded Li.

"Mother, they're from the county town, and I'm not sure if they want our apples. Let's tidy up the orchards on the mountain in the past few days, so that they look better."

Hearing what Liu Tangxi said, Mrs. Li felt that it was reasonable, and the third child of Wei also agreed.

That afternoon, a few of them went to the mountain to get the orchard.

First, the apples that were rotten on the ground were cleaned, and the weeds were pulled up.

It's easy to say, and it took them three or four days to do it well.

On the second day after it was finished, people came from the county town.

Looking at the clean orchard, the shopkeeper complimented him a lot: "No wonder your apples are so delicious, they were carefully taken care of."

Wei Laosan and his wife didn't speak much, so they just smiled and said nothing.

The shopkeeper took a few servants around again and asked a few questions, and the third third Wei told the other side very honestly.

Later, the shopkeeper asked how the apples were grown so deliciously, and Wei Laosan and his wife looked at each other and talked about the basic method.

After hearing this, the shopkeeper frowned and asked in confusion, "Since it's an ordinary fruit tree, it wasn't delicious before, why is it suddenly delicious this year?"

Seeing this, Liu Tangxi was a little anxious, and quickly added: "Our family's fruit trees are indeed ordinary, bought in the town. However, this year, some unique care methods have been added, which makes the fruit delicious."

Wei Laosan and his wife showed a surprised look on their faces, as if they didn't understand why Liu Tangxi said that. Isn't this... a lie

However, next, they saw the shopkeeper not only did not continue to ask, but a clear expression, and suddenly stopped talking.

Later, when the shopkeeper asked any more questions, Wei Laosan and his wife habitually glanced at their third daughter-in-law.

Liu Tangxi also lived up to expectations and talked to the shopkeeper.

"Can you guarantee that all apples are delicious?"

"Of course, you can pick an unripe one and taste it, it's guaranteed to be sweet."

Liu Tangxi thought that the tree she touched with her own hands could not be sweet.

The shopkeeper deliberately picked a few green and smaller apples and ate them with a few servants. Nodding while eating, the expression on his face is very satisfied.

"What if there is something that is not sweet?" the shopkeeper asked again.

"Impossible, if you come to me if you are not sweet, it will definitely be sweet." Liu Tangxi assured.

She has these hands and is not afraid at all, no matter how unpalatable an apple is, it will become delicious in her hands.

It seems that Liu Tangxi's expression and tone are more confident, and the shopkeeper's last doubts are gone, and he happily starts picking apples with the servant.

Wei Laosan and his wife wanted to go up to help, but were stopped by Liu Tangxi.

"Father, mother, no, you can rest, watch them, and don't let them destroy our apple tree."

Just let them pick it by themselves. If they fail to pick it, it will be troublesome.

Moreover, she has also been to orchards in her previous life, and many tourists like to pick them by themselves.

Wei Laosan and his wife thought for a while, but did not go forward. However, Mrs. Li asked the question just now: "Old third daughter-in-law, how did you lie to them just now? What if someone finds out?"

Liu Tangxi blinked and said, "No, isn't it what the husband said, the stream may be different."

This year, the apple tree in their house is indeed different from the past, that is, she touched them all. But you can't talk to anyone like that. So, I had to push it to Wei Hanzhou.

Wei Hanzhou was not at home anyway, and he did say something like this, so it would be right to throw the problem on him.

Third Wei thought for a while, glanced at the shopkeeper not far away, and whispered to Mrs. Li: "The third is right, the third wife has just dealt with it very well, but don't tell me about it. ."

"Well, my daughter-in-law remembers."

The shopkeeper first picked about 50 catties of apples that were relatively ripe, and settled the money.

Looking at the more than 300 coins in his hand, Third Wei couldn't close his mouth with excitement.

After returning, the third child Wei thought about it and asked Liu Tangxi to write a letter to Wei Hanzhou explaining the situation.

Liu Tangxi had never written classical Chinese at all, so he picked up the pen and wrote a few words.

Xianggong: Shopkeeper Wang came and took away about 50 catties of apples, a total of 300 yuan.

After writing, Liu Tangxi read the contents of the letter in public.

Third Wei was very satisfied, and became more and more aware of the necessity of women's literacy.

Looking at the two lines of words on the letter, Mrs. Li was quite different and said, "Hey, why is this word different from the third one?"

Liu Tangxi is embarrassed.

She rarely writes with a brush, even if she has the memory of the original owner in her mind, the original owner is not a lover of writing, so she is not very skilled. In addition, she used a hard pen to write a lot in her previous life, and it has been fixed.

Her writing was extremely bad, and it was naturally different from Wei Hanzhou's.

"This... my daughter-in-law hasn't written for a long time, she's rusty."

Listening to Liu Tangxi's words, Mrs. Li didn't ask any more questions, but asked something else: "Old third daughter-in-law, why don't you write more on such a large piece of paper, isn't that a waste?"

"Yeah, I saw that everyone else wrote a page full of paper." Zhang Shi also said.

Liu Tangxi thought, everything has been said, what else to write

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Tangxi asked, "Mother, is there anything else you want to say, I'll write it for you."

Li hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I don't have it, I'm fine, don't let him worry about it."

Mrs. Zhang smiled and said, "Third brother and sister, the third brother will not come back after a month's walk. You can write what you want to say, just like your mother said, it's a waste if you don't write it."

Hearing this, Li immediately echoed with a smile: "Yes, the third wife, write what you want to say, don't write about us."

Liu Tangxi understood what Li and Zhang said, and was immediately embarrassed.

She doesn't have anything to say to Wei Hanzhou. It's better if Wei Hanzhou doesn't come back. She sleeps in a room by herself and is safe and comfortable.

But you can't say that.

Seeing the expectation in Li's eyes, Liu Tangxi bit the bullet and wrote a few more sentences.

"Father is in good health, he only needs to take the medicine once a day, and the smile on mother's face is a little more. Brother and sister-in-law are all fine. The "Three Character Classic" has been taught, and Bosheng, Fuyao and Shulan have already memorized it. Fuyao The fastest memorization, Bo Sheng is slower, but he remembers more solidly than Fu Yao. Bo Sheng recognized a few more characters today. Tomorrow will start teaching "Thousand Characters". Zhong Hang can also eat and sleep. In short, everything is fine at home , Study hard, don't read."

After writing, he was about to read, but Li refused.

"Okay, you don't need to read it, you and the third child know it."

Seeing Li Shi's teasing eyes, Liu Tangxi's face turned red unconsciously.

After the envelope was ready, Wei Laosan and his wife went to the next village with a few eggs and delivered the letter to the uncle who delivered the vegetables.

Early the next morning, Wei Hanzhou received a letter from Liu Tangxi.

Looking at Liu Tangxi's words like a dog crawling, Wei Hanzhou's forehead jumped slightly.

However, although the words were ugly, he understood the content.

After reading it, Wei Hanzhou folded the letter and put it on his chest.

Two days later, Liu Tangxi received a letter from Wei Hanzhou again.

The content on the first page was relatively normal, and it was written that Wei Hanzhou had contacted another shop. After seeing the popularity of shopkeeper Wang's shop, this family decided to increase the price, set it at seven cents per catty, and ordered one hundred catties.

After reading the first page, Liu Tangxi was about to read the second page when he suddenly found something wrong.


The face is dignified and vigorous, the willow body is handsome and unrestrained, and the writing style of my wife is casual, forming a school of its own, which is very unique.

Ha ha.

Liu Tangxi sneered in his heart.

"The third daughter-in-law, why didn't you read it, what did the third one write next?" Mrs Li asked suspiciously.

Not only Li Shi was puzzled, but the others were also surprised and looked up at her.

Liu Tangxi was very embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "I wrote it... I wrote it..."

Thinking of what happened that day, Mrs. Zhang quickly helped Liu Tangxi out of the siege: "Is the third brother writing to you later?"

Liu Tangxi is even more embarrassed.

Looking at her demeanor, everyone gradually understood, and they all smiled kindly and didn't ask her to read again.

"Second daughter-in-law, go back and have a look." Li said with a smile.

Liu Tangxi was embarrassed and went back with the letter.

I scolded Wei Hanzhou countless times in my heart. ,,