Powerful Minister Buddha-like Sweet Wife

Chapter 38: nickname


Bo Sheng has always liked Liu Tangxi, and when he heard her say that, he was instantly elated.

However, he was still an honest and good boy after all, and he had a blind admiration for Wei Hanzhou. So, after laughing, he hurriedly said, "Uncle San is only studying late. Speaking of which, Uncle San writes well. I can't compare to Uncle San."

Liu Tangxi would not blindly close his eyes and praise. Hearing what he said, he touched his hair and said, "It doesn't matter, even if your writing is not as good as your third uncle now, one day you will surpass your third uncle. Third aunt. I have confidence in you!"

Hearing this, Bo Sheng laughed again. His eyes narrowed slightly, his white teeth exposed, and he looked innocent and cute.

Wei Hanzhou sneered a few more times.

With the double encouragement of Wei Hanzhou and Liu Tangxi, Bo Sheng happily took the paste to paste the couplet.

After feeding the pigs, Liu Tangxi was going to work on the stove.

Today everyone is making dumplings, and she took the initiative to adjust the stuffing.

My golden finger is so easy to use, it's a pity not to use it. For the sake of her stomach, she also had to touch the ingredients.

When passing by Wei Hanzhou, she found that Wei Hanzhou did not know what was going on and his face became cold.

Who are you showing such an ugly face in this big New Year's Eve

However, Wei Hanzhou was often cold-faced, and Liu Tangxi was used to it for a long time, so he didn't give him another look and walked past him calmly.

However, when she was about to pass by Wei Hanzhou, Wei Hanzhou suddenly spoke up.

"Since the lady thinks it's not good to write for her husband, why don't the rest of the lady write it?"

Hearing this, Liu Tangxi stopped and looked at Wei Hanzhou.

After staring at him for a long time, Liu Tangxi said, "Master, are you jealous?"

Liu Tangxi's words were naturally a joke, because she knew very well that Wei Hanzhou didn't like her at all. She just wanted to be angry with him on purpose, anyway, with his character, she would definitely not say such childish words that she disliked her in public.

Since he wanted to see her embarrassing, she made him uncomfortable.

Sure enough, after she said these words, Wei Hanzhou's eyes changed immediately, and the expression on his face was a little stunned.

"That's your fault, why do you even eat the vinegar of children? I'm going to make dumplings, Mr. Xiang, you can write slowly~" Liu Tangxi said proudly.

Although Wei Hanzhou didn't like her, she was a little shocked, but it was really interesting to see Wei Hanzhou's face change.

After saying these words, Liu Tangxi went to the kitchen humming an out-of-tune tune.

But he didn't realize that, Wei Hanzhou stared at her busy figure for a long time.

After a while, Liu Tangxi adjusted the stuffing, and Mrs. Li, Mrs. Zhang, and Mrs. Zhou sat with her in the main room and wrapped dumplings.

Thinking of being old at night, Liu Tangxi went to sleep in the second half.

In the evening, the family sat together around the stove in the main room.

Wei Laosan took out the ledger and talked about the year's expenses and income.

In general, although the third child Wei has been ill for several months, his income this year is much higher than last year.

Although I haven't saved enough for the 20 taels of silver I had before, if I keep it next year, I'll be fine.

"I saved 12 taels of silver this year, but among them, the third daughter-in-law is the one who earns the most, thanks to her."

When Liu Tangxi heard Wei Laosan called her name, she quickly stood up and said, "Dad is too polite, but it cost my mother twenty taels of silver to save me, which is nothing compared to my mother's kindness and virtue. "

"What nonsense, we are all a family." Li said with a smile.

The most satisfying thing for her this year is probably marrying a good daughter-in-law for her son.

The 22 taels of silver that I spent out soon made nearly half of it back. My wife's illness was also inexplicably cured, and the fruit trees on the mountain also made a lot of money.

As an old lady who hadn't read any books and was a little superstitious, Mrs. Li had always blindly believed that all these were brought by Liu Tangxi.

However, she guessed it right by mistake.

"However, embroidery like Guo's family doesn't happen every year, and it is estimated that there will be no such good thing next year. Next year, we have to save a little more money, and when the third child takes the exam, we will spend the two pigs in the family. It’s sold.” Third third Wei continued to ramble on, “The third child exam is a big deal. If you can pass the exam, you will be hired, and no one will have any opinion. When Bo Sheng and Zhong Xing grow up, they will study, and the whole family will have to study. Also serve them together."

Before Wei Daniel and Wei Erhu spoke, Wei Hanzhou spoke first.

"Father, no need, it won't cost you so much money to go to Fucheng for the exam. I have two taels of silver, which is enough for my son to eat and live."

Third Wei immediately said: "This is not good. There is an old saying that if a poor family is rich, you should bring more money when you go out. If you are not familiar with the place outside, no one can guarantee that something will happen to you. ."

"Father is right, the third child, let's save some more. If you pass, you will have to go to the capital for the exam in the spring of the next year, and I don't know if the money will be enough. I heard that the capital is far away from us. It will take several days to arrive." David said.

Wei Erhu also said: "Big brother is right, it's better to bring more money. I see some people from other places on the pier. When they got off the boat, they couldn't eat and live, and they fell ill. It took a lot of money. A lot of money."

As soon as the words fell, Wei Erhu was reprimanded by Li: "What are you talking about in the new year, hurry up, the third is in good health."

Wei Erhu touched his head and quickly said with a smile: "Hey, I said something wrong, didn't I want to say it just in case."

Wei Hanzhou always wanted to speak again, but never found a chance.

Wei Lao San hurriedly spoke before he could speak: "Young San, you don't have to have any burdens. At most, the family will provide you until the spring of the next year. If you fail this exam, it will be three years later. When Bo Sheng is old, we still have to support him to study. Zhong Hang also needs to be enlightened, and he also needs to spend money. The family can’t afford three. Now you have a family, and you are an adult, and you will make your own money in the future. Let's do it."

"Father, is this inappropriate? Third brother's book is so good that even if he fails one time, he might be successful next time." Wei Daniu raised his objection.

Wei Laosan raised his hand and stopped Wei Daniu from behind, saying: "Young San, don't think that Dad has done too much. Dad has seen too many scholars who have not improved in their entire lives, so let's just say Nearly. One is your fourth uncle, and the other is Li Xiucai from the next village. Your fourth uncle has been studying for 20 to 30 years, and up to now he has not even passed the examination. If we were rich, my father would also be willing to let you continue reading. But our family has no money, and my father is not only your son. Your two brothers have been saving money for you to read for ten years. You are talented, and you have the ability to make money. If you really want to continue the test, there is a way. You will never work hard like your father and your two brothers. Similarly, you must also remember the kindness of your two brothers, and don’t forget to support you two. nephew."

The third child of Wei started to study for his younger brother since he could make money. When he became a family and gave birth to a child, he also provided education for the son and grandson of the elder Wei. He was really afraid.

In the first few years, he was willing to provide for his younger brother, but later, his younger brother never passed the exam, never worked, and was very arrogant towards him. Unhappy emotions.

Up to now, his parents have passed away, but because of those things, his relationship with his eldest brother and fourth brother is very bad, and his own brothers are even worse than strangers.

Since he has suffered such hardships, as a parent, he naturally does not like his sons to follow his old path.

Wei Hanzhou swallowed all the words, stood up, and bowed solemnly to the third Wei and his two older brothers.

"Dad, don't worry, no matter whether your son can pass the test in the future, he will never forget the kindness of his parents and brothers and sisters."

Liu Tangxi had been nibbling on melon seeds and listened attentively to the side. Seeing that Third Wei was so sensible, he really admired it.

Wei Hanzhou is a top-notch scholar, but the third Wei said that he was only allowed to take the exam once, and if he failed the exam, he would find a way to go.

Although Old San Wei clearly said this, Liu Tangxi knew that Wei Hanzhou was not a hard reader either, and he copied books for others while he was reading. Although she didn't know how much money he made, she guessed it must be a lot. Even if the third child of Wei really does not allow him to study, he can still read for himself.

However, why is the gap between this person and the previous person so big

Wei Hanzhou was still copying books while he was reading, and he was able to get the top spot in the test.

I don't know how long this brain is.

In fact, although the third son of Wei is very fair on the surface, he is unwilling to give up his son who can read, and wants his son to continue reading.

But at the same time, he is more aware of the harm of hurting his brother's harmony.

Not only can my son make money by copying books, but my daughter-in-law can also make money by embroidering. At that time, my son can also read.

After talking about this serious topic, Third Wei changed the topic again and started talking about his plans for next year.

"Although Apple has made a lot of money, but next year the third child is going to take the exam, we won't buy a tree first, and we will have to spend money to buy a tree, and it will not be able to bear fruit that year. The second is to go to the town to work. I and your mother will take care of the work in the fields. You will come back to work when you are busy. The third child should study hard. The elders, the second family, and the third family will embroider at home. make some money."

"Yes, Dad." Everyone responded.

There is always a time when things are finished, and when the official business is over, everyone starts chatting.

On weekdays, Liu Tangxi went to bed before Hai, but this afternoon, he slept, and it wasn't too sleepy.

However, when she was about to have a baby, she still started to feel sleepy.

This custom of keeping the year old is really tormenting.

After about two quarters of an hour, Liu Tangxi was so sleepy that he kowtowed and took a nap.

Shulan and Fuyao had fallen asleep one after another, and Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Zhou carried them back.

Zhou Shi also went to bed first because he wanted to hug the child.

Although Bo Sheng was also very sleepy, he knew that he was an older brother. Now that he has grown up, and has begun to study sensibly, he tried his best to restrain himself.

Finally, the child is here.

A new year begins.

Third Wei said some more words, and after about a quarter of an hour, the fire went out and everyone dispersed.

However, there were two people in the room who didn't move, still sitting there, one was Wei Hanzhou and the other was Liu Tangxi.

"Hanzhou, why haven't you left yet?" Mrs. Li asked.

Before Wei Hanzhou could speak, Mrs. Li noticed something abnormal and asked, "Huh? When did your daughter-in-law fall asleep?"

Wei Hanzhou glanced at the head resting on his shoulders, and quickly said, "Guo Zizheng, just fell asleep."

"Oh, then wake her up, the fire in the room is out, don't sleep cold." Li said.

"Well, okay, mother." Wei Hanzhou responded.

After saying this, Mrs. Li went back to the house.

Soon, only Wei Hanzhou and Liu Tangxi were left in the room.

Although Liu Tangxi was not heavy, Wei Hanzhou felt that the head on his shoulders weighed thousands of pounds.

"Cough." Wei Hanzhou coughed lightly.

However, Liu Tangxi did not react at all.

Then, Wei Hanzhou coughed again: "Cough."

Liu Tangxi still didn't respond.

Maybe half a cup of tea, or maybe a quarter of an hour, Liu Tangxi had no intention of waking up.

Sensing that the main room was getting colder, Wei Hanzhou glanced sideways.


Liu Tangxi was woken up by Wei Hanzhou.

When he opened his eyes in a daze, he heard Wei Hanzhou say: "It's getting late, mother has already made breakfast, it's time to get up." After that, Wei Hanzhou opened the door and went out.

It took a long time for Liu Tangxi to digest Wei Hanzhou's words before he understood.

The moment he sat up from the bed, Liu Tangxi was still at a loss.

She only remembered that she seemed to be guarding the old age last night, until Zizheng, and she fell asleep unknowingly. and then? When did she come back from the main room and how did she come back

For these, she had no impression at all.

Touching his slightly sore head, Liu Tangxi frowned.

However, after hearing the conversation between Mrs. Zhang and Daniu Wei outside the house, Liu Tangxi didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly grabbed the clothes and prepared to get up.

The moment he touched the clothes, Liu Tangxi suddenly woke up, and the whole person was stunned there.

So, who took her clothes off

Is it herself? Probably not, she has no impression at all.

Looking down at the clothes on his body, Liu Tangxi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the clothes were neatly worn on his body.

Then, quickly put on clothes and get out of bed to make the bed.

By the time she finished washing up, Mrs. Li had already cooked the dumplings.

After dinner, Mrs. Li and others went out to pay New Year's greetings, leaving only Mrs. Zhou and Liu Tangxi at home.

After about two quarters of an hour, people came back one after another.

Mrs. Li looked at Wei Hanzhou who was standing in the yard and said, "The third one, your second grandfather said he wanted to see you and asked you to take your daughter-in-law to his place."

Wei Hanzhou glanced at Liu Tangxi and said, "Okay."

Liu Tangxi didn't know who this second grandfather was, but both Li Shi and Wei Hanzhou agreed, and she followed Wei Hanzhou out.

After leaving the door, only the two of them were left on the road.

Some questions, Liu Tangxi has been entangled all morning, and now that there is no one else around, he wants to ask them.

It's just that those questions were a little hard to say, and she didn't know how to ask them.

Before she could speak, Wei Hanzhou spoke first.

"Second grandpa is my grandfather's cousin. He is now in his seventies and is the eldest person in the village. Moreover, his eldest son is now the patriarch of the Wei family."

Liu Tangxi didn't care much about these things, and after hearing what Wei Hanzhou said, he answered vaguely.

Being interrupted by Wei Hanzhou like this, Liu Tangxi held back the question he wanted to ask.

Soon, the two arrived at the place.

The New Year's greetings here in Weijia Village are early, and the wave just now passed, and the people who came to pay their respects have also gone home. Therefore, when Wei Hanzhou and Liu Tangxi came over, there were no New Year's greetings here.

"Second grandpa." Wei Hanzhou said hello.

Liu Tangxi also quickly followed Wei Hanzhou and called out, "Second grandpa."

Wei Erjiang glanced at Wei Hanzhou and said with a smile, "The dog egg is here."

Liu Tangxi was originally irritated by what happened last night. Hearing this title, he immediately woke up, his eyes widened, and he looked at Wei Hanzhou in disbelief.

Although he only saw the side face, Liu Tangxi also noticed Wei Hanzhou's embarrassment and embarrassment at the moment.

Wei Erjiang's son, who is the current patriarch of the Wei family, looked at Liu Tangxi's actions and Wei Hanzhou's expression, and hurriedly added: "Father, now Hanzhou is a scholar, what are you doing? Call him by his nickname."

After being reminded by his son, Wei Erjiang also reacted and smiled: "Oh, yes, I am so confused. Your name is still the cheap name your grandfather gave you. You were thin when you were born. You are young, so your grandfather gave you this name, saying that it is a cheap name to support you. After so many years, you have grown tall and strong, and you can read books so well."

Wei Erjiang didn't say anything, but he likes to talk about the past when he is a New Year's Eve, and made Wei Hanzhou's nickname clear.

Next, Liu Tangxi didn't care much about what everyone talked about. She sat beside Wei Hanzhou and glanced at him from time to time.

Every time I look at it, I think of his nickname. Thinking of that nickname, Wei Hanzhou's cold image in her heart collapsed once.

When the two came out, Wei Hanzhou no longer had an image in her heart.

Little dimple, dog egg.

These are completely inconsistent with Wei Hanzhou's current image.

On the way back, Liu Tangxi finally couldn't help laughing.


Once he laughed out loud, even though Wei Hanzhou stared at her with a dark face, Liu Tangxi still couldn't control himself and couldn't help himself laughing.

Smiling, he bent down, squatted on the ground with his stomach in his arms and laughed.

Wei Hanzhou has endured for a long time.

He has endured it since Wei Erjiang called out his name just now. At this moment, seeing Liu Tangxi smiling so happily, he even clenched his fist beside him.

He wanted to reprimand her, but somehow, those reprimands were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything.

After all, she is not Bosheng, and since today is the first day of the new year, it is not easy to get angry.

Gradually, Wei Hanzhou suppressed the fire in his heart.

"When the lady lay on her husband's shoulder to sleep last night, her saliva wetted the newly made clothes for her husband."

Suddenly, Liu Tangxi's laughter stopped abruptly, and the whole person looked at Wei Hanzhou like a petrification.

Seeing Liu Tangxi's transformation, Wei Hanzhou's anger suddenly disappeared, and his face returned to his usual calmness. He glanced at Liu Tangxi, who was shocked and embarrassed. Calmly walked towards home.

Before leaving, she said one more sentence: "My husband is happy, lady, don't forget to wash my husband."

Liu Tangxi stared at Wei Hanzhou's back in a daze, and after a while, he finally regained his senses, and his face instantly turned red. Then, he waved his fist at Wei Hanzhou's back, and scolded fiercely: "It really is a dog man! Wei Sangou, Wei Goudan!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-05 21:00:00~2020-04-09 21:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Candied gourd ate 4 little candy people; 3 meows; 1 jade pillow closet, dreamy purple fan, and 1 candy candy;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Daidai 60 bottles; buy a pack of spicy strips. 50 bottles; 40 bottles of Hundred Days Dream; 30 bottles of Buffalo; 26 bottles of balls; 20 bottles of My Big Eyes, The Singer of the Madhouse; 15 bottles of Su Hei Tan; 8 bottles of Hua Shao; 6 bottles of Shenshan Jiusui; Lu~, Chi Shadow, Midnight Pig, 5 bottles of Fu Yuanzi; 3 bottles of Xixi Ya, bertha1989; Da Ai Wen Run, Black Male Lead, Flowers in Cotton, Jade Pillow Dressing Cabinet 2 bottles; Mu Yu Hanshuang, nono, 41876280, 29157462 , 1 bottle of Youlin Night;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ,,