Powerful Minister Buddha-like Sweet Wife

Chapter 42: give money


Because he hadn't slept well the night before, Liu Tangxi took a nap the next afternoon.

After taking a nap, Liu Tangxi sat on the bed and began to be in a daze, looking at Wei Laosan and his wife who were busy outside.

Wei Hanzhou came back, which made her think about a question she had forgotten all along.

In August of this year, Wei Hanzhou will take the township examination. When the general examination is to be held in the spring of next year, he will be the champion. And she will return to the capital with him at that time.

After she left, it would be impossible for the people of Wei's third family to sell delicious candied haws.

If the so-called secret recipe is true, she can still tell Li Shi.

But this secret recipe is nothing but nothing, and she can't say it at all.

She only thought that when Wei Hanzhou won the champion next year, everything would be fine, and the third Wei family would not be short of money. But she never thought that Wei Laosan and his wife would be so happy to be able to make money with her own hands.

The money is not much, but they seem extremely happy because they earned it with their own hands.

Her fortune was saved by the Li family, and if she could take this as a reward, it would also make her feel more at ease after leaving.

Thinking of it this way, Liu Tangxi put on her clothes, straightened her hair, and went out.

Seeing that Mr. Li was picking hawthorn, Liu Tangxi also squatted aside. After picking it up for a while, he spoke.

"Mother, we need a lot of hawthorn now, and it will cost more to buy it. Why don't we buy some hawthorn trees and plant them in our back mountain or in the ground, so that we can save some money."

Li's hands didn't stop, she glanced at Wei's third child, smiled and said to her daughter-in-law, "Actually, I thought about it with your father. Buying hawthorn costs one penny a pound, sometimes three cents or two. In a few days, when the hawthorn is almost gone, it will be more expensive. It is indeed not as cheap as planting it yourself. However, it will cost a lot of money to buy a tree, and it will not bear fruit this year. Our family does not have that much money now, and we will wait for the third test. After the autumn season, we will talk about it next year."

Hearing these words, Liu Tangxi frowned.

She thought that the third wife and his wife hadn't thought about this, but listening to Li's words, they really thought about it. But because Wei Hanzhou has an exam, he doesn't want to make any big moves.

In fact, Liu Tangxi overlooked one point. Third Wei said on New Year's Eve that there would be no major action at home this year. Otherwise, the apple trees on the mountain will also increase.

But if the third and third Wei don't buy trees this year, if they wait until next year, I don't know if it will be too late.

Thinking of this, Liu Tangxi persuaded a few more words: "How about we transplant a hawthorn tree that has already begun to bear fruit? Although it costs money to buy a tree, we use a lot of hawthorn every day, and it is estimated that we will soon be able to make a return. "

Wei Laosan picked up the conversation while holding the bamboo stick and said, "I don't know if the tree will survive if it is transplanted. , it's better to take care of the third one first."

In the final analysis, Wei Laosan and his wife are still afraid that the money will be wasted and the son's scientific examination will be delayed.

Regarding the survival rate, Liu Tangxi doesn't know whether her magical golden finger can be used well. To be honest, she still has not figured out what her golden finger can do. It seems to have other functions besides making food delicious.

Liu Tangxi sighed, thinking in his heart what method he should use to continue persuading him.

While thinking about it, Wei Hanzhou came over at an unknown time.

"I heard that the hawthorn field in the second uncle's house doesn't want to be planted anymore."

Li raised his head to look at his son and asked, "How do you know about this?"

Wei Hanzhou said, "I heard my second uncle talk about it during the Chinese New Year."

Li smiled and said, "Isn't it true, your second aunt seems to have said it during the New Year's Eve. The hawthorn in his family is too sour, and it can't be sold at a high price. It is said that there are too many hawthorns around here. , I can't make a lot of money. Before our family ran out of hawthorn, I bought it from your second uncle's house, which helped him solve a lot of problems, otherwise he would lose money this year. Your cousin went to the north to buy goods. , earning a lot of money, the family is going to buy a house in the town, rent a small shop to do a small business, and the hawthorn will not be planted. He is trying to sell the land and the hawthorn tree to others. As a result, several people came. , Everyone just wants to buy land, not those unpalatable hawthorns. Your second uncle is worried. "

When Liu Tangxi heard this, he immediately regained his spirits. Hawthorn is unpalatable. She can do it.

"Aren't we going to sell candied haws, or let's buy them." Liu Tangxi's voice was a little excited.

The second uncle of the Li family lives in Lijia Village next door. The land of Lijia Village is also nearby. It is next to Weijia Village, so it must not be too far.

What a good thing this is.

Hearing this, Wei Hanzhou raised his eyes and looked over.

Liu Tangxi looked at him calmly, thinking to herself, she is thinking of his family wholeheartedly, why is he staring at her

The smile on Li's face deepened.

Otherwise, why does she like Liu Tangxi, the daughter-in-law, listening to this, it is very pleasing.

Buy your brother's tree and help your brother, how nice.

However, even though she wanted to help her brother, but now that she is married to the Wei family, everything is still subject to their family's affairs. The son's scientific examination is a major event, and money cannot be wasted.

So, Mrs. Li glanced at the third son of Wei and said to Liu Tangxi, "If you buy both land and trees, it will cost more money. We have to save money for the third son."

Liu Tangxi was a little anxious.

Such a good thing is impossible to come by. Even if the hawthorn tree can be bought in the future, the survival rate cannot be guaranteed, and there are not many people who even sell the ground and hawthorn together. Even if there is, it may not be so close.

"Father, mother, there is still half a year before the son's scientific examination, and it won't take too much for the son to take the test. Our uncle's land is not far from our house, which is convenient. Why don't you buy the uncle's land. Although it costs money now, after buying it, it is estimated that you can earn it back in a year.”

Wei Hanzhou is now a scholar, and the reputation of this scholar is not only useful outside, but also at home. Since he passed the exam as a scholar, his family has paid more attention to his opinion.

Therefore, after hearing what Wei Hanzhou said, the third third Wei stopped what he was doing and frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

At this time, Mrs. Li said again: "Your second uncle's house is convenient, but the hawthorn in his house is not delicious. If we really do business for a long time, it is better to buy delicious ones."

Third Wei seemed to agree with this idea and nodded silently.

Liu Tangxi said quickly, "Since my daughter-in-law has the secret recipe for candied hawthorn, she naturally knows how to improve the hawthorn variety."

Third Wei and Mrs Li looked at Liu Tangxi in unison.

"You can even do this?" Li asked in surprise.

Just as Liu Tangxi was about to admit it, she thought of Wei Hanzhou who had just stared at her, and quickly closed her mouth and looked up at Wei Hanzhou. Seeing that Wei Hanzhou didn't look at her, he felt relieved and said, "Well, I know a little bit."

After speaking, he added: "However, this is not simple, the process is more complicated, and the time is relatively long. It is estimated that it will take at least half a year."

Now the hawthorn has no fruit and has to wait until autumn, so even if she can make the hawthorn delicious right away, she can't show it to everyone.

If it is too simple, everyone will doubt it.

But if it is said for a longer time, the credibility seems to be higher.

After listening to it for half a year, the third son of Wei and Mrs. Li didn't ask any more questions.

They grow apples at home, and naturally they know some ways to grow fruit trees, and they also know that some people have improved varieties through fertilization, grafting, pruning and other methods.

Wei Hanzhou wanted to add a few words, but seeing the expressions on his parents' faces, he seemed to believe them, so he didn't say more about the matter.

"If it can improve the taste, then it's worth buying it..." Third Wei said softly.

Hearing this, Mrs. Li had a smile on her face, but she didn't say anything and continued to choose the hawthorn.

This matter has something to do with her parents' family, so she won't say more.

Say nothing in favor or disapproval.

In order not to say too much at this time, if something happens in the future, it will be troublesome.

"However, the money is still spent more. After buying the land, our family can only have a few taels of silver left."

Wei Hanzhou said: "Father, you are earning five or six hundred dollars a month now, and I heard that the sales are very good. Do you plan to add more? That month, it was about eight hundred dollars, and about ten taels of silver a year."

Hearing the number of ten taels of silver, Wei Laosan and his wife's eyes widened.

However, Third Wei was still calm and said, "Hawthorn is not available all year round, and, after a while, there will be no more on the market, so there is no doubt that the price will increase."

Wei Hanzhou said: "The price of hawthorn has gone up, so naturally the price of candied haws will also go up. For example, if the price of pork goes up, the price of meat buns will also go up. We don't have hawthorn on the market here, but there will be some elsewhere. Our small place rarely sells out-of-season fruit, but some in Fucheng and Beijing do, but the price will be high, as long as you want to buy it, you can buy it. Again, the price of hawthorn is high, and the price of candied gourd is high. It will also follow, and we may not necessarily make less money.”

Wei Laosan and his wife were also selling candied haws for the first time, so many things were not thought through.

At this moment, after being reminded by my son, I suddenly realized.

Yes, the things that make candied haws are expensive, so naturally the price will increase. I heard that another seller of candied haws seems to be wearing one less recently.

"Dad, just buy from the second uncle's house. You can't just prepare for your son's scientific examination this year. Bosheng will also study in the future, as well as Zhonghang. This is a long-lasting thing."

Hearing these words, Liu Tangxi held his chin and looked at Wei Hanzhou in front of him.

Wei Hanzhou is really smart, and he knows how to persuade others.

This kind of person must be a friend, if he is an enemy, he must play to death.

Aware of Liu Tangxi's gaze, Wei Hanzhou looked over.

When he looked over, he saw Liu Tangxi showing him a sweet smile.

Although Wei Hanzhou didn't know why she smiled at him, he had to say that this smile was very beautiful.

Wei Hanzhou pursed his lips, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and he looked away.

In the second half, Wei Hanzhou didn't know what to say to Wei Laosan and his wife. In short, two days later, Wei Laosan and his wife decided to buy the land.

On the day of buying the land, Wei Hanzhou went with Mr. Wei and his wife. That afternoon, the title deed was in the hands of Wei Laosan.

I heard that the second uncle of the Li family gave them a little cheaper, but he was rejected by the third Wei.

Although he hesitated to buy it, but since he decided to buy it, he never thought of taking advantage of relatives.

Early the next morning, Wei Hanzhou was about to leave.

The night before he left, he went to talk to Third Wei again.

As a result, Third Wei wanted to give him more money.

Although Wei Hanzhou was not short of money, in order to reassure the third Wei, he still accepted it.

Seeing that his son was accepted, the third Wei looked very happy.

He earned the money himself, and when he gave it to his son, he felt a lot more at ease. Unlike before, every time I give, I have to consider the other two sons. After all, the family's money is earned by the sons together.

After Wei Hanzhou left, the third Wei added another ten bunches of candied haws every day. That is to say, before going to the market, about seventy bunches were sold every day, and on the day of the fair, it almost doubled.

He still wanted to add it, but he found that there were only so many people buying candied haws in the town, and if there were more than ten strings, there would often be leftovers.

Even if you stay in town for an extra half an hour, sometimes you won't be able to sell out.

In this case, it is also delayed to come back to make bamboo sticks and to work in the fields.

Therefore, after trying for a few days, the number is still set at seven or eighty strings per day.

Liu Tangxi was originally afraid that Third Wei felt that he would shrink his clothes and diet after spending money on buying land. He didn't expect to do so this time, and the quality of the food at home was still the same as before.

Liu Tangxi thought about it carefully, and felt that Wei Hanzhou should have said something to the third third Wei, and the third third Wei thought about it.

Or, because the third child of Wei has made money by himself and sees hope, he no longer thinks about saving.

In this regard, Liu Tangxi is very happy. Eat and drink every day, embroider and embroider, and then go to the hawthorn field with a bag or a hoe every other day. Stay inside for a while and then come out.

From spring to summer, three months have passed in the blink of an eye, and the time for Wei Hanzhou's exam is getting closer and closer.

In the past three months, Wei Hanzhou has not returned once.

However, the letter was sent a lot.

The price of hawthorn has risen, and it is no longer available locally. Wei Hanzhou was studying in the county town every day, and he didn't know where he got it from. He contacted a merchant and came to his house to deliver hawthorn every ten days.

Of course, the price of hawthorn is not cheap, three cents a pound, and five cents when it is expensive.

The price of hawthorn has risen, and the price of candied haws has naturally risen.

But even so, there are still many people who come to buy candied haws every day. After all, they are the only ones in town selling candied haws.

As soon as summer arrives, all kinds of delicious fruits are on the market, and Liu Tangxi can eat more things. Moreover, the vegetable garden behind the house is also full of green vegetables.

On this day, Liu Tangxi taught Fuyao and Shulan to finish reading, and then led them to the back of the house to pick vegetables.

Looking at the beautiful cucumber, Liu Tangxi picked it off, washed it, and crunched it.

After picking vegetables, the three of them went back.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he met Wei Hanzhou who was returning.

Liu Tangxi greeted him while nibbling on the cucumber: "Are you back?"

Wei Hanzhou looked at her wearing coarse clothes and her face was flushed from the sun, and replied lightly, "Yeah."

After saying hello to Wei Hanzhou, Liu Tangxi took another bite of the cucumber in his hand, and the bite was crunchy.

Wei Hanzhou originally felt that her appearance was a bit inconsistent. However, after hearing the sound of her nibbling on the cucumber for a long time, he suddenly felt that the cucumber in her hand was very delicious, and he wanted to eat it for no reason.

Liu Tangxi took a few more bites, seeing that Wei Hanzhou seemed to be staring at the cucumber in her hand, and asked, "Want to eat?"

Wei Hanzhou did not answer yes, nor did he say no.

Liu Tangxi understood, looked down at the unwashed cucumbers in the basket, and said, "Hey, wash it yourself if you want to eat it."

Wei Hanzhou didn't move.

Liu Tangxi took a few more bites. Seeing that Wei Hanzhou was still staring at her, there was a helpless expression on his face. With a "crunch", he broke the cucumber in half and handed the half that he had not bitten to. Wei Hanzhou.

"You're lazy, forget it."

Wei Hanzhou raised his hand to pick up the cucumber.

At this time, Shu Lan stood between the two of them, looked up at Wei Hanzhou, and said solemnly, "Third Uncle, you can't eat without washing your hands. Your stomach will hurt after eating!"

Hearing this, Liu Tangxi smiled, raised her eyebrows and looked at Wei Hanzhou with a proud look.

Seeing Liu Tangxi's expression, Wei Hanzhou didn't speak.

Fuyao leaned his head from behind, took the cucumber from Liu Tangxi's hand, and said, "I washed my hands, give it to me."

The food in the hands of the third aunt is the best, and the third uncle does not eat her.

Wei Hanzhou glanced at Fuyao lightly, and Fuyao shrank back and hid behind Liu Tangxi.

The third uncle didn't dare to talk about the third aunt, so it was right to hide with the third aunt.

"Why are you scaring the children, want to eat and wash yourself." After speaking, Liu Tangxi shoved the basket directly into Wei Hanzhou's arms, and led Fuyao and Shulan into the house.

Wei Hanzhou glanced at the basket in his hand with a helpless look on his face.

After returning home, Wei Hanzhou first put the vegetable basket on the stove, and then went back to his room.

Liu Tangxi played with Fuyao and Shulan in the yard for a while. Seeing that Wei Hanzhou hadn't come out of the house for a long time, he took a look inside.

After pushing the door in, he found that Wei Hanzhou had already changed into a suit, and the dirty clothes he had taken off were lying on the bed at the moment.

Liu Tangxi looked at the pile of dirty clothes, frowned, her face suddenly not very good-looking, and immediately wanted to open her mouth to say something.

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, she hadn't said the words of reproach, but suddenly there was something in front of her.

Look at this, is it a purse

Liu Tangxi's eyes widened slightly and looked at Wei Hanzhou in confusion.

"Cough, this is the money I made from copying books. I gave half of it to my mother. You can take the rest first." After speaking, Wei Hanzhou put the money bag on the table, turned around and left. Looking at that pace, it seems to be a little faster than before.

Liu Tangxi looked at the money on the table in surprise and was stunned for a long time.

Wei Hanzhou is taking the wrong medicine

How do you remember to give her money.

Didn't he still worry about her escaping before, so he wasn't afraid that she would take the money and run back to the capital

Although I thought so in my heart, for some reason, a strange feeling suddenly rose in my heart, and the corners of Liu Tangxi's mouth cracked a little unconsciously. Staring at the purse with burning eyes, as if to stare it out a hole.

Standing there and watching for a long time, seeing that Wei Hanzhou had long since disappeared, Liu Tangxi hurriedly took the money bag on the table and counted it.

She thought there was not much money, but she actually found some broken silver in a pile of copper plates.

After careful calculation, it turned out that there was more than one or two silver!

so many.

Although the money is not as much as her private house, Wei Hanzhou's main task is to study. He studies so hard, yet he can still make so much money by copying books.

He is really capable.

However, thinking that the money was given to her by Wei Hanzhou, a strange idea suddenly popped into Liu Tangxi's mind.

Does this mean giving the money to the wife

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt a little hot on her face.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-12 21:00:00~2020-04-13 21:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 good baby;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Dream Purple Fan, Tang Hulu ate 1 sugar man;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of meow; 6 bottles of meat floss; 5 bottles of Alice Xiaonuo and YYQQ; 3 bottles of k; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ,,